tock / libtock-rs

Rust userland library for Tock

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Usage of gpio

J0hn-Lawrence opened this issue · comments

Hi everyone,

I am wondering how I can use GPIO.

A comment starting on line 9 of the file "libtock-rs/apis/gpio/src/" states the following:

Include by
 using: "use libtock::Gpios;"
Turn on a pin by: "let pin = Gpios::get_pin(0)?;"

When I create a new example "" in the examples directory and try to build it with "$ make EXAMPLE=gpio" I get the following error:

   |    use libtock::Gpios;
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `Gpios` in the root

I have tried to build for nrf52, microbit_v2 and raspberry pi pico (which I think is not supported yet?), but all failed with the same message so I suppose this is not a target specific problem.
i have also tried not capitalizing any letter in the use statement and also tried the singular of gpio -> "use libtock::gpio;". That did not work out as well.
I have attached the few lines of code I wrote in the file gpio.txt.

My questions:
Is this behavior expected or am I doing something completely wrong here?
Is there any documentation regarding the GPIO usage other than the comments in the aforementioned file?

If this is the wrong place to discuss this, please feel free to tell me and the issue can be closed.

Thank you!

I wrote an example for GPIO here: #498. That should be a good starting point using the GPIO library.