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Doesn't play well with Mouse when other traits are used

bbrtj opened this issue · comments

I use a couple of traits in my Mouse code. When I try to import Sub::HandlesVia normally, I get a strange error:

Due to a method name conflict in roles 'My::Moose::Trait::AutoSetters', 'My::Moose::Trait::FakeRequired', and 'My::Moose::Trait::Serializable', the method 'has' must be implemented or excluded by 'Mouse::Meta::Class::__ANON__::1' 
at /usr/home/devenv/project/local/lib/perl5/amd64-freebsd/Mouse/Meta/Role/ line 136

I figured out the problem may be using Role::Tiny to apply traits, so I tried to apply the trait manually by extending the import list of Mouse. No luck:

You can only consume roles, Sub::HandlesVia::Toolkit::Mouse::PackageTrait is not a Mouse role 
at /usr/home/devenv/project/local/lib/perl5/amd64-freebsd/Mouse/ line 336.

Role::Tiny is not compatible with Mouse roles, so the entire thing falls apart with a Mouse system complex enough. To fix this, I reimplemented Sub::HandlesVia::Toolkit::Mouse::PackageTrait locally. The only change I did was to replace use Role::Tiny with use Mouse::Role - and now it works flawlessly, when using -traits => ['My::Sub::HandlesVia::Toolkit::Mouse::PackageTrait']

Not sure how to fix this on Sub::HandlesVia level, without depending on Mouse itself.

Using Mouse::Role instead of Role::Tiny within lib/Sub/HandlesVia/Toolkit/ should be safe as that file is only loaded when Mouse has already been detected.

Are you able to provide an example script which currently fails though?

It's hard to reproduce the exact same error message I got in my private project, but it's quite easy to produce any error when using traits:

use v5.36;
use lib '.';

package Parent {
	use v5.36;
	use Mouse -traits => [qw(
	# use Mouse;
	use Sub::HandlesVia;


package ThisFails {
	use v5.36;
	use Mouse;
	use Sub::HandlesVia;

	extends 'Parent';

	has test => (
		is => 'ro',
		default => sub { [] },
		handles_via => 'Array',
		handles => {
			'add_test' => 'push...'

my $t = ThisFails->new;

use Data::Dumper; die Dumper($t->test);


package My::Trait::AutoSetters;

use v5.36;
use Mouse::Role;

around add_attribute => sub {
	my ($orig, $self, $name, @args) = @_;
	my %params = @args == 1 ? $args[0]->%* : @args;

	if (exists $params{writer} && !$params{writer}) {
		delete $params{writer};
		return $self->$orig($name, %params);

	# exit early if it's not something we want or can alter
	return $self->$orig($name, @args)
		if $name =~ /^_/
		|| $name =~ /^\+/;

	$params{writer} //= "set_$name";

	my $attribute = $self->$orig($name, %params);

	return $attribute;


running perl produces this error:

Mouse::Meta::Class cannot have Mouse::Meta::Class::__ANON__::1__WITH__Sub::HandlesVia::Toolkit::Mouse::PackageTrait as a super class because of their metaclass incompatibility at /home/devenv/.carmel/5.36.0-amd64-freebsd/builds/Mouse-v2.5.10/blib/lib/Mouse/Meta/ line 154.

If you replace use Mouse -traits with just a regular one, it compiles ok, but quickly dies due to unknown set_test method.

Note: seems like My::Trait::AutoSetters has to be in its own file to work properly with Mouse.

This example can be fixed with repeating the exact same trait list in ThisFails class - no more, no less, so that it ends up being the same ANON class of Mouse, with the same Role::Tiny roles.

If you do s/Mouse/Moose/g in my example above, it will fail as well with a similar error message:

The metaclass of ThisFails (Moose::Meta::Class__WITH__Sub::HandlesVia::Toolkit::Moose::PackageTrait) is not compatible with the metaclass of its superclass, Parent (Moose::Meta::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::1__WITH__Sub::HandlesVia::Toolkit::Moose::PackageTrait) at /home/devenv/.carmel/5.36.0-amd64-freebsd/builds/Moose-2.2201/blib/lib/Moose/ line 418

Looks like I already played around with this idea a while ago, but couldn't get it working:


Anyway, it should work now. I'll release 0.039 to CPAN today.