toblum / McLighting

The ESP8266 based multi-client lighting gadget

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which Websocket library

ramsbod opened this issue · comments

You say the websocket library to use is version 2.1.4 by links2004. The newest version of this library is 0.4.15. The only wesbsocket library I can find with a version 2.1.4 is by Markus Sattler, just called Websockets, not arduinoWebsockets. Which is the correct one to use. The reason I am asking is sometime when I change the mode of the LEDs the ESP looses wifi connection.

Hi @ramsbod,

have a look here: 2.1.4 is the latest version:

I'm not sure if your issues are related to the websockets lib version, but give it a try. Often these things happen due to voltage problems.

Best regards

I am using a 2 Amp 5V supply to power the level shifter and a 1Amp 5V to 3.3V buck converter to power an esp8266 and a 6Amp 12V supply to power 72 pixels. The Ground connections are all commoned together. Not sure why power would be a problem.