toblum / McLighting

The ESP8266 based multi-client lighting gadget

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Stair lightning with McLightning over iobroker

Nussert opened this issue · comments

Dear Members,

i want to realize stair lighting.
When you go up or down the stairs, the led stripe should light up step by step.
After a short time, the stairs go out one by one.
This function should be started by a PIR.
Can this solved by a script in the iobroker?
Does anyone have any experience for this idea?

Thanks a lot.

That's not any kind of issue and should not be posted here on GitHub. Please refer to forums for ioBroker for example.

I think its not a problem of iobroker. The question is how to make custom effects. Maybee Led 1-10 get lighter slowly then led 11-20 an, 21-30 ....

Maybe you should read the wiki for Websocket_API, which is the same as MQTT_API

Payload: R[r_start][r_end][hexrgb] [...]
Light multiple LED ranges in the given colors.

Where <r_start> is the first index of the range (start index is 00). Where <r_end> is the last index of the range. Where is the color as a hex value, e.g. 04d2ff.

This command can be daisy chained!

Example: R0009ffffffR1019ff0000 lights the first 10 LEDs white and the next 10 red Result: OK