tobiassjosten / FacebookServiceProvider

Silex service provider that injects the Facebook SDK as a service

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Support BaseFacebook

igorw opened this issue · comments


The facebook PHP sdk comes with two classes. "Facebook" and "BaseFacebook".

"Facebook" extends "BaseFacebook" and adds a session_start call. This means you cannot use it in a CLI envoronment, because it will try to send headers. It would be neat to have some kind of facebook.use_session option that would use the BaseFacebook class instead.


Oh wait, BaseFacebook is an abstract class. WHY OH WHY!

Yeah, it doesn't play very well with others. And good luck sending a PR to them. My experience is that it's close to impossible to get any significant improvements accepted. :/

But maybe this service provider could supply its own Facebook class? It's very lightweight, so cloning and stripping it would at least solve this problem.