tobiasschuerg / InfluxDB-Client-for-Arduino

Simple library for sending measurements to an InfluxDB with a single network request. Supports ESP8266 and ESP32.

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WritePoint data loss on index 0 when send in buffer mode.

parinyaonline opened this issue · comments

  1. Setting the batchSize for 512 line/point and bufferSize 1024 line/point
  2. Use writeRecord or writePoint to 512 line/point
  3. The device send package to server. code 204
  4. Then I try to export .csv file from server, The data received is line 1-512 total is 511 lines.

Screenshot 2023-02-01 121157

Please help me to check about this and expend why we need to cancel the Point/Line zero?


  • Library Version: 3.13.0
  • InfluxDB Version: 2.6
  • Board/ESP chip: ESP32 WROVER
  • Device Arduino SDK version: ESP IDF 2.0.4

I try to print debug mode and the data is that prepare before post to server is completely.
It can prepare text for 512 lines before post to server.


Maybe the bug is not from the InfluxDB library.
I will update later.

Thank you.

I found the issue is coming from the timestamp is the same between index 0 and index 1 and make the server confuse.

Thank you.