tneuer / GAN-pytorch

Implementation of several GAN algorithms in pytorch

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

VeGANs (might be merged with the current pip package vegan in the near future)

A library to easily train various existing GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) in PyTorch.

This library targets mainly GAN users, who want to use existing GAN training techniques with their own generators/discriminators. However researchers may also find the GAN base class useful for quicker implementation of new GAN training techniques.

The focus is on simplicity and providing reasonable defaults.

How to install

You need python 3.5 or above. Then: pip install vegans (Not yet)

How to use

The basic idea is that the user provides discriminator and generator networks, and the library takes care of training them in a selected GAN setting:

from vegans.GAN import WassersteinGAN
from vegans.utils import plot_losses, plot_images

generator = ### Your generator (torch.nn.Module)
adversariat = ### Your discriminator/critic (torch.nn.Module)
X_train = ### Your dataloader ( or pd.DataFrame

z_dim = 64
x_dim = X_train.shape[1:] # [nr_channels, height, width]

# Build a WassersteinGAN
gan = WassersteinGAN(generator, discriminator, z_dim, x_dim)
gan.summary() # optional

# Fit the WassersteinGAN

# Vizualise results
images, losses = gan.get_training_results()
images = images.reshape(-1, *samples.shape[2:]) # remove nr_channels

You can currently use the following GANs:

All current GAN implementations come with a conditional variant to allow for the usage of training labels to produce specific outputs:

  • ConditionalVanillaGAN
  • ConditionalWassersteinGAN
  • ...
  • ConditionalPix2Pix

This can either be used to pass a one hot encoded vector to predict a specific label (generate a certain number in case of mnist: or 03_mnist-conditional.ipynb) or it can also be a full image (when for example trying to rotate an image: or 04_mnist-image-to-image.ipynb).

Models can either be passed as torch.nn.Sequential objects or by defining custom architectures, see

Also look at the jupyter notebooks for better visualized examples and how to use the library.

Slightly More Details:

All of the GAN objects inherit from a AbstractGenerativeModel base class. When building any such GAN, you must pass generator as well as discriminator networks (some torch.nn.Module), as well as a the dimensions of the latent space z_dim and input dimension of the images x_dim. In addition, you can specify some parameters supported by all GAN implementations:

  • optim: The optimizer to use for all networks during training. If None a default optimizer (probably either torch.optim.Adam or torch.optim.RMSprop) is chosen by the specific model. A dict type with appropriate keys can be passed to specify different optimizers for different networks.
  • optim_kwargs: The optimizer default arguments. A dict type with appropriate keys can be passed to specify different optimizer keyword arguments for different networks.
  • fixed_noise_size: The number of samples to save (from fixed noise vectors). These are saved within Tensorboard (if enable_tensorboard=True during fitting) and in the Model/images subfolder.
  • device: "cuda" (GPU) or "cpu" depending on the available resources.
  • folder: Folder which will contain all results of the network (architecture, model.torch, images, loss plots, etc.). An existing folder will never be deleted or overwritten. If the folder already exists a new folder will be created with the given name + current time stamp.
  • ngpu: Number of gpus used during training

The fit function takes the following optional arguments:

  • epochs: Number of epochs to train the algorithm. Default: 5
  • batch_size: Size of one batch. Should not be too large: Default: 32
  • steps: How often one network should be trained against another. Must be dict type with appropriate names.
  • print_every: Determines after how many batches a message should be printed to the console informing about the current state of training. String indicating fraction or multiples of epoch can be given. I.e. "0.25e" = four times per epoch, "2e" after two epochs. Default: 100
  • save_model_every: Determines after how many batches the model should be saved. String indicating fraction or multiples of epoch can be given. I.e. "0.25e" = four times per epoch, "2e" after two epochs. Models will be saved in subdirectory save.folder+"/models". Default: None
  • save_images_every: Determines after how many batches sample images and loss curves should be saved. String indicating fraction or multiples of epoch can be given. I.e. "0.25e" = four times per epoch, "2e" after two epochs. Images will be saved in subdirectory save.folder+"/images". Default: None
  • save_losses_every: Determines after how many batches the losses should be calculated and saved. Figure is shown after save_images_every . String indicating fraction or multiples of epoch can be given. I.e. "0.25e" = four times per epoch, "2e" after two epochs. Default: "1e"
  • enable_tensorboard: Determines after how many batches a message should be printed to the console informing about the current state of training. Tensorboard information will be saved in subdirectory save.folder+"/tensorboard". Default: True

If you are researching new GAN training algorithms, you may find it useful to inherit from the AbstractGenerativeModel or AbstractConditionalGenerativeModel base class.

Learn more:

Currently the best way to learn more about how to use VeGANs is to have a look at the example notebooks. You can start with this simple example showing how to sample from a univariate Gaussian using a GAN. Alternatively, can run example scripts.


PRs and suggestions are welcome. Look here for more details on the setup.


Some of the code has been inspired by some existing GAN implementations:


  • GAN Implementations (sorted by priority)

    • BicycleGAN
    • InfoGAN
    • BEGAN
    • EBGAN
    • VAEGAN
    • CycleGAN
    • WassersteinGAN SpectralNorm
    • DiscoGAN
    • CycleGAN
    • Adversarial Autoencoder
  • Layers

    • Inception
    • Residual Block
    • Minibatch discrimination
  • Other

    • Write tests

    • Feature loss

    • enable Wasserstein loss for all architectures (when it makes sense)

    • Do not save Discriminator

  • Done

    • Test dependencies
    • LR-GAN
    • Least Squares GAN
    • Include sources in jupyter
    • Make all examples work nicely
    • Implement Pix2Pix architecture:
    • Include images in jupyter
    • Pix2Pix
    • Check output dim (generator, encoder)
    • Improve Doc for networks
    • Rename AbstractGAN1v1 -> AbstractAbstractGAN1v1
    • Rename AbstractConditionalGAN1v1 -> AbstractAbstractConditionalGAN1v1
    • Rename AbstractGenerativeModel -> AbstractAbstractGenerativeModel
    • Rename AbstractConditionalGenerativeModel -> AbstractAbstractConditionalGenerativeModel
    • return numpy array instead o tensor for generate.
    • Automatically use evaluation mode


Implementation of several GAN algorithms in pytorch

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 93.8%Language:Python 6.2%