tmuxinator / tmuxinator

Manage complex tmux sessions easily

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gem env home changed by tmuxinator

hjw opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Tmuxinator is changing my gem location.

If I start up a tmux session using tmux instead of tmuxinator I get:


This matches what I get from outside of a tmux session.

Within a tmux session started by tmuxinator my gem env home gets set to:

(ruby3.0.2)Portal/dhamma-forms-experiment(models✘) ↑ % gem env home

To Reproduce
from a plain old command line (outside of a tmuxinator session)
run gem env home
start a session using tmuxinator
run gem env home

Expected behavior
the path returned by gem env home within a tmuxinator started tmux session should match the path returned from outside of a tmuxinator started session.

tmuxinator 3.0.1
tmux 3.2a
ruby 3.0.2p107 (2021-07-07 revision 0db68f0233) [x86_64-darwin18]
MacOS 10.14.6

I hit this same issue after setting up a new machine last week and was able to get around it by uninstalling the Homebrew tmuxinator package and installing tmuxinator with Rubygems instead:

  • Uninstall the Homebrew package: brew remove tmuxinator
  • Exit out of tmux: tmux kill-server
  • Start up tmux
  • Install tmuxinator with Ruby: gem install tmuxinator

Everything now works for me. I'm not sure why the Homebrew package is not working correctly, but I wonder if the instructions should be removed from the readme or a warning added until this is fixed?

I'm not sure why the Homebrew package is not working correctly, but I wonder if the instructions should be removed from the readme or a warning added until this is fixed?

Please feel free to submit a PR.

Thanks, @ethagnawl. I opened #843.

I also wanted to provide some additional context:

  • OS: macOS Monterey (12.0.1)
  • Device: 2021 M1 Macbook Pro
  • Architecture: I installed Homebrew in the normal way (non-Rosetta) and am not running my terminal with Rosetta
  • Ruby: Ruby is installed with rbenv, not using system Ruby

Issue faced:

After installing tmuxinator with HomeBrew, tmuxinator itself worked fine, but gems I installed with gem install <gem_name> were not available on my path. When I ran gem env, my RubyGems "Installation Directory" was inside of /opt/homebrew/tmuxinator/.... (I can't remember the exact path and no longer have this error to check), instead of the expected path of ~/.rbenv/versions/2.7.5/....

After uninstalling tmuxinator from HomeBrew and reinstalling with RubyGems, the installation directory is correctly reported to be inside of ~/.rbenv/version/... and installing gems with gem install now works.

I faced same issue as @stevehanson - but with asdf installed Ruby.
Same fix worked 👍

The problem with Homebrew is that it doesn't link gems into /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems. Instead, all gems stay in their own /usr/local/Cellar directory and the executables in /usr/local/bin set GEM_HOME to /usr/local/Cellar/<package>/<version>/libexec so that the gems can be located. Since Homebrew packagers apparently don't care much about shared Ruby dependencies, this makes it easier to untangle dependency conflicts.

As a workaround, one can simply add unset GEM_HOME in .zshrc to avoid gem install to /usr/local/Cellar/tmuxinator (if it's an interactive shell of cos).

PS: I also use asdf and I always run GEM_HOME="$(gem env gempath | tr ':' $'\n' | rg '\.asdf')" gem/bundle install in project directories just to make sure nothing gets into user or /usr/local gem directories either. Dependency management is fun 🙄

It seems like there's some discussion around this issue in Homebrew/homebrew-core#59484.

It'd be great to see some kind of fix implemented in tmuxinator. I'm not sure what needs to be done, but it is convenient to use Homebrew to install tmuxinator because I don't need to worry about the gem disappearing when changing Ruby versions.

My current workaround is to unset the GEM_HOME env variable in my interactive shell configuration. It's a bit of a blunt solution, but my current setup works well without that variable set.

If someone wanted a different value, I suppose you could just set it in a similar way.



# Workaround for Homebrew tmuxinator issue
unset -v GEM_HOME


if status is-interactive
  # Workaround for Homebrew tmuxinator issue
  set -e GEM_HOME