tmotagam / sqlite-electron

module for electron to use sqlite3 databases

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

sqlite-win32-x64.exe stays open

LPwithPaul opened this issue · comments

Short summary

Sometimes after closing the electron app, the sqlite-win32-x64.exe stays in Taskmanager and hogs performance.

Steps to reproduce

Create an electron app with a connection to an sqlite DB
Start the app using electron .
Quit it using control + C in the terminal.
See sqlite-win32-x64.exe in taskmanager

Additional Context

Lib version: 2.2.5
OS: Windows 10
Electron version: 22.0.0
Node version: v18.12.1

Yes, I am working on removing the bug hopefully I will resolve in next update.

Any updates on this?