TMmichi / IROS2022-PaperList

IROS2022 PaperList by Categories

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This repository includes all the papers (total of 1908) accepted in IROS2022. The keywords are sorted in descending order with respect to the number of papers included. The papers are listed in the same order as how they appear in the official IROS 2022 Keyword Index. There are some papers overlapped across the categories as many of them have multiple tags attached.

Table of contents

Motion and Path Planning

Total of 153 papers

  • FAR Planner: Fast, Attemptable Route Planner Using Dynamic Visibility Update
  • To Ask for Help or Not to Ask: A Predictive Approach to Human-In-The-Loop Motion Planning for Robot Manipulation Tasks
  • Incremental Path Planning Algorithm Via Topological Mapping with Metric Gluing
  • Design of a Reconfigurable Robot with Size-Adaptive Path Planner
  • Constraint-Based Task Specification and Trajectory Optimization for Sequential Manipulation
  • Quasistatic Contact-Rich Manipulation Via Linear Complementarity Quadratic Programming
  • Towards Safety-Aware Pedestrian Detection in Autonomous Systems
  • Beyond the Limit Automated Driving with Performance Constrained Reachability Analysis
  • Combining Navigation and Manipulation Costs for Time-Efficient Robot Placement in Mobile Manipulation Tasks
  • View Planning for Object Pose Estimation Using Point Clouds: An Active Robot Perception Approach
  • Navigation among Movable Obstacles with Object Localization Using Photorealistic Simulation
  • Resilient Detection and Recovery of Autonomous Systems Operating under On-Board Controller Cyber Attacks
  • Comprehensive Reactive Safety: No Need for a Trajectory If You Have a Strategy
  • Terrain-Aware Learned Controllers for Sampling-Based Kinodynamic Planning Over Physically Simulated Terrains
  • Risk-Aware Off-Road Navigation Via a Learned Speed Distribution Map
  • Dynamic Replanning with Posterior Sampling
  • Energy-Aware Planning-Scheduling for Autonomous Aerial Robots
  • Learning to Herd Amongst Obstacles from an Optimized Surrogate
  • Learning an Interpretable Model for Driver Behavior Prediction with Inductive Biases
  • An Approach to Science and Risk-Aware Planetary Rover Exploration
  • Active Traversability Learning Via Risk-Aware Information Gathering for Planetary Exploration Rovers
  • Robowflex: Robot Motion Planning with MoveIt Made Easy
  • Reactive Motion Planning for Rope Manipulation and Collision Avoidance Using Aerial Robots
  • Homology-Class Guided Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree for Belief Space Planning
  • Improving the Efficiency of Sampling-Based Motion Planners Via Runtime Predictions for Motion-Planning Problems with Dynamics
  • BITKOMO: Combining Sampling and Optimization for Fast Convergence in Optimal Motion Planning
  • Making Robotics Swarm Flow More Smoothly: A Regular Virtual Tube Model
  • Image-Goal Navigation in Complex Environments Via Modular Learning
  • Reachability Based Trajectory Generation Combining Global Graph Search in Task Space and Local Optimization in Configuration Space
  • Multi-Objective Safe-Interval Path Planning with Dynamic Obstacles
  • Optimal Partitioning of Non-Convex Environments for Minimum Turn Coverage Planning
  • Optimal Time Trajectory Generation and Tracking Control for Over-Actuated Multirotors with Large-Angle Maneuvering Capability
  • Risk-Aware Motion Planning for Collision-Tolerant Aerial Robots Subject to Localization Uncertainty
  • Voxfield: Non-Projective Signed Distance Fields for Online Planning and 3D Reconstruction
  • Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Black-Box Reachability Analysis
  • Temporal Logic Guided Meta Q-Learning of Multiple Tasks
  • Model-Free Neural Lyapunov Control for Safe Robot Navigation
  • Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Cost Function Scheduling for a Wheeled Mobile Robot
  • Linear MPC-Based Motion Planning for Autonomous Surgery
  • Disk-Graph Probabilistic Roadmap: Biased Distance Sampling for Path Planning in a Partially Unknown Environment
  • Elevation State-Space: Surfel-Based Navigation in Uneven Environments for Mobile Robots
  • Locomotion Policy Guided Traversability Learning Using Volumetric Representations of Complex Environments
  • Jerk-Continuous Online Trajectory Generation for Robot Manipulator with Arbitrary Initial State and Kinematic Constraints
  • Imitation Learning and Model Integrated Excavator Trajectory Planning
  • Online Complete Coverage Path Planning of a Reconfigurable Robot Using Glasius Bio-Inspired Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
  • Quantity Over Quality: Training an AV Motion Planner with Large Scale Commodity Vision Data
  • TIGRIS: An Informed Sampling-Based Algorithm for Informative Path Planning
  • A Unified MPC Design Approach for AGV Path Following
  • GPU-Parallelized Iterative LQR with Input Constraints for Fast Collision Avoidance of Autonomous Vehicles
  • P2EG: Prediction and Planning Integrated Robust Decision-Making for Automated Vehicle Negotiating in Narrow Lane with Explorative Game
  • Motion Planning for HyTAQs: A Topology-Guided Unified NMPC Approach
  • Path-Tree Optimization in Discrete Partially Observable Environments Using Rapidly-Exploring Belief-Space Graphs
  • Monte-Carlo Robot Path Planning
  • Task and Motion Informed Trees (TMIT*): Almost-Surely Asymptotically Optimal Integrated Task and Motion Planning
  • Safe and Ergonomic Human-Drone Interaction in Warehouses
  • Development and Field Testing of an Optimal Path Following ASV Controller for Marine Surveys
  • Efficient Sampling-Based Planning for Subterranean Exploration
  • Speeding up POMDP Planning Via Simplification
  • Speeding up Optimization-Based Motion Planning through Deep Learning
  • Improved A-Search Guided Tree for Autonomous Trailer Planning
  • TerraPN: Unstructured Terrain Navigation Using Online Self-Supervised Learning
  • Robust Counterexample-Guided Optimization for Planning from Differentiable Temporal Logic
  • CGLR: Dense Multi-Agent Navigation Using Voronoi Cells and Congestion Metric-Based Replanning
  • Adaptive Experience Sampling for Motion Planning Using the Generator-Critic Framework
  • This Is the Way: Differential Bayesian Filtering for Agile Trajectory Synthesis
  • Optimal Motion Planning in Unknown Workspaces Using Integral Reinforcement Learning
  • Online Mapping and Motion Planning under Uncertainty for Safe Navigation in Unknown Environments (I)
  • A Robust and Fast Occlusion-Based Frontier Method for Autonomous Navigation in Unknown Cluttered Environments
  • Bubble Planner: Planning High-Speed Smooth Quadrotor Trajectories Using Receding Corridors
  • AIB-MDP: Continuous Probabilistic Motion Planning for Automated Vehicles by Leveraging Action Independent Belief Spaces
  • Autonomous Mobile 3D Printing of Large-Scale Trajectories
  • Loading an Autonomous Large-Scale Dump Truck: Path Planning Based on Motion Data from Human-Operated Construction Vehicles
  • Back-Transition Control with Large Deceleration for a Dual Propulsion VTOL UAV Based on Its Maneuverability
  • Confined Water Body Coverage under Resource Constraints
  • FIG-OP: Exploring Large-Scale Unknown Environments on a Fixed Time Budget
  • Adaptive Sampling of Latent Phenomena Using Heterogeneous Robot Teams (ASLaP-HR)
  • Online Planning for Interactive-POMDPs Using Nested Monte Carlo Tree Search
  • Lazy Lifelong Planning for Efficient Replanning in Graphs with Expensive Edge Evaluation
  • LTR*: Rapid Replanning in Executing Consecutive Tasks with Lazy Experience Graph
  • RRT*-Based Path Planning for Continuum Arms
  • FlowBot: Flow-Based Modeling for Robot Navigation
  • The RATTLE Motion Planning Algorithm for Robust Online Parametric Model Improvement with On-Orbit Validation
  • A Hybrid Primitive-Based Navigation Planner for the Wheeled-Legged Robot CENTAURO
  • Active SLAM in 3D Deformable Environments
  • Differentiable Collision Avoidance Using Collision Primitives
  • Informed Sampling-Based Collision Avoidance with Least Deviation from the Nominal Path
  • Reactive Neural Path Planning with Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance in a Condensed Configuration Space
  • HIRO: Heuristics Informed Robot Online Path Planning Using Pre-Computed Deterministic Roadmaps
  • A Generalized Continuous Collision Detection Framework of Polynomial Trajectory for Mobile Robots in Cluttered Environments
  • Hybrid Discrete-Continuous Path Planning for Lattice Traversal
  • Active Tactile Exploration Using Shape Dependent Reinforcement Learning
  • Mobile Coverage Planning for Large-Scale Robotic Pen Drawing
  • Active Lane Keeping System for Four-Wheel Independent Driving Electric Vehicles
  • Combinational Objective Function for RRT*-Based Path Replanning in Dynamic Corridor Environments
  • A Learning-Enhanced Parameter Tuner Improves Motion Planner Deployment Scalability in Autonomous Driving
  • Error Compensation of a Facade Cleaning Manipulator on a Gondola
  • A Preliminary Research on an Angled Spoked Based Robot Running on a Granular Media
  • Overcoming Method for a Wheel Legged Robot Using a Rope against Various Terrain in 3D Space
  • HM-DDP: A Hybrid Multiple-Shooting Differential Dynamic Programming Method for Constrained Trajectory Optimization
  • 1 Billion Redundant Manipulator Solutions for Systematic Goal Selection During Path Planning Tasks in Confined Spaces
  • Flash: Fast and Light Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving with Bayesian Inverse Planning and Learned Motion Profiles
  • Real-Time Semantic 3D Reconstruction for High-Touch Surface Recognition for Robotic Disinfection
  • Multi-Agent Path Planning Using Medial-Axis-Based Pebble-Graph Embedding
  • Fast-Replanning Motion Control for Non-Holonomic Vehicles with Aborting A*
  • Collision and Rollover-Free mathcal{G}^2 Path Planning for Mobile Manipulation
  • Fast 3D Sparse Topological Skeleton Graph Generation for Mobile Robot Global Planning
  • Learning Enabled Fast Planning and Control in Dynamic Environments with Intermittent Information
  • NMPC-LBF: Nonlinear MPC with Learned Barrier Function for Decentralized Safe Navigation of Multiple Robots in Unknown Environments
  • FISS: A Trajectory Planning Framework Using Fast Iterative Search and Sampling Strategy for Autonomous Driving
  • Reshaping Local Path Planner
  • T-PRM: Temporal Probabilistic Roadmap for Path Planning in Dynamic Environments
  • Hierarchical Planning with Annotated Skeleton Guidance
  • Motion Planning for Agile Legged Locomotion Using Failure Margin Constraints
  • Fast and Safe Exploration Via Adaptive Semantic Perception in Outdoor Environments
  • GPU-Accelerated Incremental Euclidean Distance Transform for Online Motion Planning of Mobile Robots
  • Arena-Bench: A Benchmarking Suite for Obstacle Avoidance Approaches in Highly Dynamic Environments
  • Real-Time Trajectory Planning for Aerial Perching
  • Dynamic Free-Space Roadmap for Safe Quadrotor Motion Planning
  • Autoexplorer: Autonomous Exploration of Unknown Environments Using Fast Frontier-Region Detection and Parallel Path Planning
  • Temporal Logic Path Planning under Localization Uncertainty
  • Fast and Compute-Efficient Sampling-Based Local Exploration Planning Via Distribution Learning
  • Planning under Periodic Observations: Bounds and Bounding-Based Solutions
  • Generating Safe Corridors Roadmap for Urban Air Mobility
  • Sampling-Based View Planning for MAVs in Active Visual-Inertial State Estimation
  • Maximizing the Probability of Task Completion for Redundant Robots Experiencing Locked Joint Failures (I)
  • Dynamic Compressed Sensing of Unsteady Flows with a Mobile Robot
  • Adaptive Coverage Path Planning for Efficient Exploration of Unknown Environments
  • Path Planning and Energy Management of Hybrid Air Vehicles for Urban Air-Mobility
  • Informative Path Planning for Active Learning in Aerial Semantic Mapping
  • Extending Extrapolation Capabilities of Probabilistic Motion Models Learned from Human Demonstrations Using Shape-Preserving Virtual Demonstrations
  • Data-Driven Abstractions for Robots with Stochastic Dynamics (I)
  • Linear and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Strategies for Trajectory Tracking Micro Aerial Vehicles: A Comparative Study
  • Geometrically Constrained Trajectory Optimization for Multicopters (I)
  • State Dropout-Based Curriculum Reinforcement Learning for Self-Driving at Unsignalized Intersections
  • Factorization of Dynamic Games Over Spatio-Temporal Resources
  • Stochastic Games with Stopping States and Their Application to Adversarial Motion Planning Problems
  • An Equivalent Time-Optimal Problem to Find Energy-Optimal Paths for Skid-Steer Rovers
  • Visibility-Aware Navigation with Batch Projection Augmented Cross-Entropy Method Over a Learned Occlusion Cost
  • Fast Cost-Aware Lazy-Theta* Over Euclidean Distance Functions for 3D Planning of Aerial Robots in Building-Like Environments
  • Conflict-Based Search for Multi-Robot Motion Planning with Kinodynamic Constraints
  • Motion Planning by Search in Derivative Space and Convex Optimization with Enlarged Solution Space
  • From Low to High Order Motion Planners: Safe Robot Navigation Using Motion Prediction and Reference Governor
  • Learning Minimum Time Flight in Cluttered Environments
  • NFOMP: Neural Field for Optimal Motion Planner of Differential Drive Robots with Nonholonomic Constraints
  • Db-A*: Discontinuity-Bounded Search for Kinodynamic Mobile Robot Motion Planning
  • An Online Interactive Approach for Crowd Navigation of Quadrupedal Robots
  • Time-Optimal Online Replanning for Agile Quadrotor Flight
  • Collision Detection for Unions of Convex Bodies with Smooth Boundaries Using Closed-Form Contact Space Parameterization
  • Obstacle Aware Sampling for Path Planning
  • Neural-Guided Runtime Prediction of Planners for Improved Motion and Task Planning with Graph Neural Networks
  • FloorGenT: Generative Vector Graphic Model of Floor Plans for Robotics
  • Robot Motion Planning As Video Prediction: A Spatio-Temporal Neural Network-Based Motion Planner
  • MT*: Multi-Robot Path Planning with Temporal Logic Specification

Reinforcement Learning

Total of 145 papers

  • Adversarial Motion Priors Make Good Substitutes for Complex Reward Functions
  • Interactive Reinforcement Learning with Bayesian Fusion of Multimodal Advice
  • Task Decoupling in Preference-Based Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Human-Robot Interaction
  • Keeping Humans in the Loop: Teaching Via Feedback in Continuous Action Space Environments
  • Evaluating Human-Like Explanations for Robot Actions in Reinforcement Learning Scenarios
  • DreamingV2: Reinforcement Learning with Discrete World Models without Reconstruction
  • Efficiently Learning Manipulations by Selecting Structured Skill Representations
  • Hierarchical Learning and Control for In-Hand Micromanipulation Using Multiple Laser-Driven Micro-Tools
  • Learning Goal-Oriented Non-Prehensile Pushing in Cluttered Scenes
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning Based on Local GNN for Goal-Conditioned Deformable Object Rearranging
  • Adapting Rapid Motor Adaptation for Bipedal Robots
  • PI-ARS: Accelerating Evolution-Learned Visual-Locomotion with Predictive Information Representations
  • Learning Visual Feedback Control for Dynamic Cloth Folding
  • Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Precise Soccer Shooting Skills Using a Quadrupedal Robot
  • Tactile Gym 2.0: Sim-To-Real Deep Reinforcement Learning for Comparing Low-Cost High-Resolution Robot Touch
  • Safety-Based Dynamic Task Offloading for Human-Robot Collaboration Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • RILI: Robustly Influencing Latent Intent
  • Safe Reinforcement Learning for Legged Locomotion
  • Safety Guided Policy Optimization
  • How to Spend Your Robot Time: Bridging Kickstarting and Offline Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Robotic Manipulation
  • A Contact-Safe Reinforcement Learning Framework for Contact-Rich Robot Manipulation
  • Learning Skills to Navigate without a Master: A Sequential Multi-Policy Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
  • Ordinal Inverse Reinforcement Learning Applied to Robot Learning with Small Data
  • Advanced Skills by Learning Locomotion and Local Navigation End-To-End
  • NavDreams: Towards Camera-Only RL Navigation among Humans
  • Impact Makes a Sound and Sound Makes an Impact: Sound Guides Representations and Explorations
  • AssembleRL: Learning to Assemble Furniture from Their Point Clouds
  • Benchmarking Augmentation Methods for Learning Robust Navigation Agents: The Winning Entry of the 2021 iGibson Challenge
  • Learning to Herd Amongst Obstacles from an Optimized Surrogate
  • Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Fixed-Wing Flight Control
  • Towards Safe Autonomous Driving: Decision Making with Observation-Robust Reinforcement Learning
  • Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation with IRL and DQN in Narrow Corridor Environments
  • Intrinsic Guidance Learning and Reinforcement Learning for Manipulator
  • Robotic Control in Adversarial and Sparse Reward Environments: A Robust Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning Approach
  • Visual-Tactile Multimodality for Following Deformable Linear Objects Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Automated Flexible Needle Trajectory Planning for Keyhole Neurosurgery Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning Time-Optimized Path Tracking in Joint Space with or without Sensory Feedback
  • L2C2: Locally Lipschitz Continuous Constraint towards Stable and Smooth Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning Visual Robotic Control Efficiently with Contrastive Pre-Training and Data Augmentation
  • Analyzing and Overcoming Degradation in Warm-Start Reinforcement Learning
  • Online Model Learning for Shape Control of Deformable Linear Objects
  • PM-FSM: Policies Modulating Finite State Machine for Robust Quadrupedal Locomotion
  • SafeTAC: Safe Tsallis Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Safer Exploration
  • Planning to Practice: Efficient Online Fine-Tuning by Composing Goals in Latent Space
  • Learning to Grasp on the Moon from 3D Octree Observations with Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning on the Job: Long-Term Behavioural Adaptation in Human-Robot Interactions
  • Memory-Augmented Reinforcement Learning for Image-Goal Navigation
  • Autonomous Emergency Landing for Multicopters Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Robust Sim2Real Transfer with the Da Vinci Research Kit: A Study on Camera, Lighting, and Physics Domain Randomization
  • Simulation-Based Reinforcement Learning for Real-World Autonomous US Probe Navigation
  • Sim-To-Real Transfer of Image-Based Autonomous Guidewire Navigation Trained by Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient with Behavior Cloning for Fast Learning
  •  Toward Scalable Autonomy
  • Dependability Analysis of Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Robotics and Autonomous Systems through Probabilistic Model Checking
  • Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Black-Box Reachability Analysis
  • Hierarchical Primitive Composition: Simultaneous Activation of Skills with Inconsistent Action Dimensions in Multiple Hierarchies
  • Vision-Guided Quadrupedal Locomotion in the Wild with Multi-Modal Delay Randomization
  • Temporal Logic Guided Meta Q-Learning of Multiple Tasks
  • Model-Free Neural Lyapunov Control for Safe Robot Navigation
  • Efficient Off-Policy Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Trust Region Conditional Value at Risk
  • Variable Impedance Skill Learning for Contact-Rich Manipulation
  • Source Term Estimation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Gaussian Mixture Model Feature Extraction for Mobile Sensors
  • Autonomous Learning of Page Flipping Movements Via Tactile Feedback (I)
  • Graph-Structured Policy Learning for Multi-Goal Manipulation Tasks
  • Accelerated Reinforcement Learning for Temporal Logic Control Objectives
  • Robot Learning of Mobile Manipulation with Reachability Behavior Priors
  • Learning Dynamic Bipedal Walking across Stepping Stones
  • Training Dynamic Motion Primitives Using Deep Reinforcement Learning to Control a Robotic Tadpole
  • Autonomous Control of Redundant Hydraulic Manipulator Using Reinforcement Learning with Action Feedback
  • DRL-ISP: Multi-Objective Camera ISP with Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Renaissance Robot: Optimal Transport Policy Fusion for Learning Diverse Skills
  • SKILL-IL: Disentangling Skill and Knowledge in Multitask Imitation Learning
  • Learning Perceptual Locomotion on Uneven Terrains Using Sparse Visual Observations
  • Towards Adaptive Continuous Control of Soft Robotic Manipulator Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Infusing Model Predictive Control into Meta-Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environments
  • A New Robotic Knee Impedance Control Parameter Optimization Method Facilitated by Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • UNICON: Uncertainty-Conditioned Policy for Robust Behavior in Unfamiliar Scenarios
  • Improved A-Search Guided Tree for Autonomous Trailer Planning
  • Optimal Motion Planning in Unknown Workspaces Using Integral Reinforcement Learning
  • Unified Automatic Control of Vehicular Systems with Reinforcement Learning (I)
  • Soil-Adaptive Excavation Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Robot Policy Learning from Demonstration Using Advantage Weighting and Early Termination
  • Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Hybrid-Weight Trust-Region Optimization and Curriculum Learning for Autonomous Maneuvering
  • TANDEM: Learning Joint Exploration and Decision Making with Tactile Sensors
  • Effects of Design and Hydrodynamic Parameters on Optimized Swimming for Simulated, Fish-Inspired Robots
  • Divide & Conquer Imitation Learning
  • Transferring Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Policies for Autonomous Driving Using Sim-To-Real
  • Online 3D Bin Packing Reinforcement Learning Solution with Buffer
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robot Collision Avoidance with Self-State-Attention and Sensor Fusion
  • Competency Assessment for Autonomous Agents Using Deep Generative Models
  • Improved Robustness and Safety for Pre-Adaptation of Meta Reinforcement Learning with Prior Regularization
  • Active Tactile Exploration Using Shape Dependent Reinforcement Learning
  • DARL1N: Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with One-Hop Neighbors
  • Adaptive Environment Modeling Based Reinforcement Learning for Collision Avoidance in Complex Scenes
  • Scalable Model-Based Policy Optimization for Decentralized Networked Systems
  • Safety Correction from Baseline: Towards the Risk-Aware Policy in Robotics Via Dual-Agent Reinforcement Learning
  • Multi-Objective Policy Gradients with Topological Constraints
  • Backward Imitation and Forward Reinforcement Learning Via Bi-Directional Model Rollouts
  • BIMRL: Brain Inspired Meta Reinforcement Learning
  • Data Augmentation in Prioritized Subset to Improve the Performance of Offline Reinforcement Learning
  • Ensemble Inverse Model Network Based Disturbance Observer for Reinforcement Learning
  • Safe Reinforcement Learning for Robot Control Using Control Lyapunov Barrier Functions
  • Sampling, Communication, and Prediction Co-Design for Synchronizing the Real-Robot and Digital-Robot in Metaverse
  • Gathering Physical Particles with a Global Magnetic Field Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Efficient Multi-Task Learning Via Iterated Single-Task Transfer
  • MPR-RL: Multi-Prior Regularized Reinforcement Learning for Knowledge Transfer
  • Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning for Transferable Manipulation Skill Discovery
  • Using Simulation Optimization to Improve Zero-Shot Policy Transfer of Quadrotors
  • Graph-Based Reinforcement Learning Meets Mixed Integer Programs: An Application to 3D Robot Assembly Discovery
  • Learning Coordinated Terrain-Adaptive Locomotion by Imitating a Centroidal Dynamics Planner
  • Consensus-Based Normalizing-Flow Control: A Case Study in Learning Dual-Arm Coordination
  • Noisy Agents: Self-Supervised Exploration by Predicting Auditory Events
  • Reactive Stepping for Humanoid Robots Using Reinforcement Learning: Application to Standing Push Recovery on the Exoskeleton Atalante
  • Simulation-Based Learning of the Peg-In-Hole Process Using Robot-Skills
  • Hybrid LMC: Hybrid Learning and Model-Based Control for Wheeled Humanoid Robot Via Ensemble Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Active Exploration for Robotic Manipulation
  • Cloud-Edge Training Architecture for Sim-To-Real Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Depth-CUPRL: Depth-Imaged Contrastive Unsupervised Prioritized Representations in Reinforcement Learning for Mapless Navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • Planning for Negotiations in Autonomous Driving Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning on the Job: Long-Term Behavioural Adaptation in Human-Robot Interactions
  • Feedback-Efficient Active Preference Learning for Socially Aware Robot Navigation
  • PD-FAC: Probability Density Factorized Multi-Agent Distributional Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Robot Reliable Search
  • Learning Coordination Policies Over Heterogeneous Graphs for Human-Robot Teams Via Recurrent Neural Schedule Propagation
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments Using Occupancy Values of Motion Primitives
  • Transferring Dexterous Manipulation from GPU Simulation to a Remote Real-World TriFinger
  • Zero-Shot Retargeting of Learned Quadruped Locomotion Policies Using Hybrid Kinodynamic Model Predictive Control
  • Learning Deformable Object Manipulation from Expert Demonstrations
  • Non-Blocking Asynchronous Training for Reinforcement Learning in Real-World Environments
  • Learning Physics-Informed Simulation Models for Soft Robotic Manipulation: A Case Study with Dielectric Elastomer Actuators
  • Reinforcement Learning of Impedance Policies for Peg-In-Hole Tasks: Role of Asymmetric Matrices
  • Safe-Control-Gym: A Unified Benchmark Suite for Safe Learning-Based Control and Reinforcement Learning in Robotics
  • State Dropout-Based Curriculum Reinforcement Learning for Self-Driving at Unsignalized Intersections
  • Imposing Healthy Hip Movement Pattern and Range by Exoskeleton Control for Individualized Assistance
  • Retro-RL: Reinforcing Nominal Controller with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Tilting-Rotor Drones
  • Cola-HRL: Continuous-Lattice Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving
  • Embedding Koopman Optimal Control in Robot Policy Learning
  • Hierarchical Planning through Goal-Conditioned Offline Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning Minimum Time Flight in Cluttered Environments
  • Bio-Inspired Rhythmic Locomotion for Quadruped Robots
  • Safe Adaptation in Multiagent Competition
  • Learning Pneumatic Non-Prehensile Manipulation with a Mobile Blower
  • Deep Residual Reinforcement Learning Based Autonomous Blimp Control
  • Scalable Safety-Critical Policy Evaluation with Accelerated Rare Event Sampling
  • Attention-Based Population-Invariant Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collision-Free Flocking with a Scalable Fixed-Wing UAV Swarm
  • Multi-UAV Cooperative Short-Range Combat Via Attention-Based Reinforcement Learning Using Individual Reward Shaping
  • AB-Mapper: Attention and BicNet Based Multi-Agent Path Planning for Dynamic Environment


Total of 123 papers

  • Learning-Based Localizability Estimation for Robust LiDAR Localization
  • Multi-Agent Relative Pose Estimation with UWB and Constrained Communications
  • Ranging-Aided Ground Robot Navigation Using UWB Nodes at Unknown Locations
  • Efficient and Probabilistic Adaptive Voxel Mapping for Accurate Online LiDAR Odometry
  • Efficient 2D LIDAR Based Map Updating for Long Term Operations in Dynamic Environments
  • Monocular UAV Localisation with Deep Learning and Uncertainty Propagation
  • LiDAR-Aided Visual-Inertial Localization with Semantic Maps
  • Robust Onboard Localization in Changing Environments Exploiting Text Spotting
  • Fast Scan Context Matching for Omnidirectional 3D Scan
  • Probabilistic Object Maps for Long-Term Robot Localization
  • Level Set-Based Camera Pose Estimation from Multiple 2D/3D Ellipse-Ellipsoid Correspondences
  • Optimal Localizability Criterion for Positioning with Distance-Deteriorated Relative Measurements
  • Improving Worst Case Visual Localization Coverage Via Place-Specific Sub-Selection in Multi-Camera Systems
  • Hybrid Interval-Probabilistic Localization in Building Maps
  • Online Target Localization Using Adaptive Belief Propagation in the HMM Framework
  • Learning Sequential Descriptors for Sequence-Based Visual Place Recognition
  • DCPCR: Deep Compressed Point Cloud Registration in Large-Scale Outdoor Environments
  • ULSM: Underground Localization and Semantic Mapping with Salient Region Loop Closure under Perceptually-Degraded Environment
  • DRG-SLAM: A Semantic RGB-D SLAM Using Geometric Features for Indoor Dynamic Scene
  • Scale-Aware Direct Monocular Odometry
  • IMU Preintegration for 2D SLAM Problems Using Lie Groups
  • Scale Estimation with Dual Quadrics for Monocular Object SLAM
  • Spatial Computing and Intuitive Interaction: Bringing Mixed Reality and Robotics Together (I)
  • Scalable and Modular Ultra-Wideband Aided Inertial Navigation
  • Map-Free Lidar Odometry (MFLO) Using a Range Flow Constraint and Point Patch Covariances
  • DH-LC: Hierarchical Matching and Hybrid Bundle Adjustment towards Accurate and Robust Loop Closure
  • One RING to Rule Them All: Radon Sinogram for Place Recognition, Orientation and Translation Estimation
  • Thermal Inertial SLAM for the Environments with Challenging Illumination
  • ROLL: Long-Term Robust LiDAR-Based Localization with Temporary Mapping in Changing Environments
  • Indirect Point Cloud Registration: Aligning Distance Fields Using a Pseudo Third Point Set
  • Semantic Topological Descriptor for Loop Closure Detection within 3D Point Clouds in Outdoor Environment
  • P3-VINS: Tightly Coupled PPP/INS/Visual SLAM Based on Optimization Approach
  • Gaussian Variational Inference with Covariance Constraints Applied to Range-Only Localization
  • Point Cloud Registration Leveraging Structural Regularity in Manhattan World
  • Pose Refinement with Joint Optimization of Visual Points and Lines
  • Closed-Form Error Propagation on SEn(3) Group for Invariant EKF with Applications to VINS
  • Localization for Mobile Robots with a Multi-ToF Camera System
  • Pointclouds Integration from Aerial and Ground View Exploiting Normal Vector and Pose Graph Optimization
  • Compressive Self-Localization Using Relative Attribute Embedding
  • Robust Visual Localization for Low-Textured Indoor Environments
  • Robust Sonar-Based Place Recognition in Underwater Environments
  • Multi-Modal Lidar Dataset for Benchmarking General-Purpose Localization and Mapping Algorithms
  • Feasibility Study on Disentangling Muscle Movements in TMR Patients through a Myokinetic Control Interface for the Control of Artificial Hands
  • Estimating Odometry Scale and UWB Anchor Location Based on Semidefinite Programming Optimization
  • Adaptive Gradient-Descent Extended Kalman Filter for Pose Estimation of Mobile Robots with Sparse Reference Signals
  • On the Coupling of Depth and Egomotion Networks for Self-Supervised Structure from Motion
  • Spatio-Temporal Graph Localization Networks for Image-Based Navigation
  • DIDO: Deep Inertial Quadrotor Dynamical Odometry
  • CFP-SLAM: A Real-Time Visual SLAM Based on Coarse-To-Fine Probability in Dynamic Environments
  • Object-Plane Co-Represented and Graph Propagation-Based Semantic Descriptor for Relocalization
  • Certifiably Optimal Mutual Localization with Anonymous Bearing Measurements
  • SO-PFH: Semantic Object-Based Point Feature Histogram for Global Localization in Parking Lot
  • Tether-Based Localization for Cooperative Ground and Aerial Vehicles
  • Tightly-Coupled Visual-Inertial-Pressure Fusion Using Forward and Backward IMU Preintegration
  • A 2D Georeferenced Map Aided Visual-Inertial System for Precise UAV Localization
  • Global Data Association for SLAM with 3D Grassmannian Manifold Objects
  • Confidence-Rich Localization and Mapping Based on Particle Filter for Robotic Exploration
  • Tracking Monocular Camera Pose and Deformation for SLAM Inside the Human Body
  • Scalable Fiducial Tag Localization on a 3D Prior Map Via Graph-Theoretic Global Tag-Map Registration
  • MapLite 2.0: Online HD Map Inference Using a Prior SD Map
  • Towards High-Definition Maps: A Framework Leveraging Semantic Segmentation to Improve NDT Map Compression and Descriptivity
  • Acoustic Localization and Communication Using a MEMS Microphone for Low-Cost and Low-Power Bio-Inspired Underwater Robots
  • Using Magnetic Fields to Navigate and Simultaneously Localize Catheters in Endoluminal Environments
  • Robust Slip-Aware Fusion for Mobile Robots State Estimation
  • Highly-Efficient Binary Neural Networks for Visual Place Recognition
  • GNSS Odometry: Precise Trajectory Estimation Based on Carrier Phase Cycle Slip Estimation
  • Square-Root Robocentric Visual-Inertial Odometry with Online Spatiotemporal Calibration
  • Are We Ready for Radar to Replace Lidar in All-Weather Mapping and Localization?
  • Continuous-Time Factor Graph Optimization for Trajectory Smoothness of GNSS/INS Navigation in Temporarily GNSS-Denied Environments
  • Maintaining Robot Localizability with Bayesian Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds
  • Visual Mapping and Localization System Based on Compact Instance-Level Road Markings with Spatial Uncertainty
  • When Geometry Is Not Enough: Using Reflector Markers in Lidar SLAM
  • Object-Aware SLAM Based on Efficient Quadric Initialization and Joint Data Association
  • Leveraging Local Planar Motion Property for Robust Visual Matching and Localization
  • Physical Adversarial Attack on a Robotic Arm
  • Unsupervised Simultaneous Learning for Camera Re-Localization and Depth Estimation from Video
  • FSM: Correspondenceless Scan-Matching of Panoramic 2D Range Scans
  • VMVG-Loc: Visual Localization for Autonomous Driving Using Vector Map and Voxel Grid Map
  • Learnable Spatio-Temporal Map Embeddings for Deep Inertial Localization
  • CGiS-Net: Aggregating Colour, Geometry and Implicit Semantic Features for Indoor Place Recognition
  • A New Dense Hybrid Stereo Visual Odometry Approach
  • BoxGraph: Semantic Place Recognition and Pose Estimation from 3D LiDAR
  • Towards Holistic Autonomous Obstacle Detection in Railways by Complementing of On-Board Vision with UAV-Based Object Localization
  • Visual-Inertial SLAM with Tightly-Coupled Dropout-Tolerant GPS Fusion
  • Continuous Self-Localization on Aerial Images Using Visual and Lidar Sensors
  • InCOpt: Incremental Constrained Optimization Using the Bayes Tree
  • Fast Structural Representation and Structure-Aware Loop Closing for Visual SLAM
  • Spectral Measurement Sparsification for Pose-Graph SLAM
  • BOEM-SLAM: A Block Online EM Algorithm for the Visual-Inertial SLAM Backend
  • RO-LOAM: 3D Reference Object-Based Trajectory and Map Optimization in LiDAR Odometry and Mapping
  • STUN: Self-Teaching Uncertainty Estimation for Place Recognition
  • UWRange: An Open ROS Framework for Simulating Acoustic Ranging and Localization for Underwater Robots under Realistic Conditions
  • AUV-Assisted Diver Navigation
  • Centralized-Equivalent Pairwise Estimation with Asynchronous Communication Constraints for Two Robots
  • Cooperative Localization Using Learning-Based Constrained Optimization
  • InCloud: Incremental Learning for Point Cloud Place Recognition
  • LNC Assisted Localization and Mapping in Pipe Environment
  • Unsupervised Appearance Map Abstraction for Indoor Visual Place Recognition with Mobile Robots
  • Predicting to Improve: Integrity Measures for Assessing Visual Localization Performance
  • What Goes Around: Leveraging a Constant-Curvature Motion Constraint in Radar Odometry
  • Learning-Enhanced Adaptive Robust GNSS Navigation in Challenging Environments
  • Optimization Strategies for Bayesian Source Localization Algorithms (I)
  • SwitchHit: A Probabilistic, Complementarity-Based Switching System for Improved Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments
  • Binary Neural Networks for Memory-Efficient and Effective Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments (I)
  • Keeping Less Is More: Point Sparsification for Visual SLAM
  • Event-Based Line SLAM in Real-Time
  • LCDNet: Deep Loop Closure Detection and Point Cloud Registration for LiDAR SLAM (I)
  • SectionKey: 3-D Semantic Point Cloud Descriptor for Place Recognition
  • Outdoor Evaluation of Sound Source Localization for Drone Groups Using Microphone Arrays
  • Simultaneous Localization and Mapping through the Lens of Nonlinear Optimization
  • Decentralized Multi-Robot Velocity Estimation for UAVs Enhancing Onboard Camera-Based Velocity Measurements
  • Detecting Invalid Map Merges in Lifelong SLAM
  • Situational Graphs for Robot Navigation in Structured Indoor Environments
  • Nested Sampling for Non-Gaussian Inference in SLAM Factor Graphs
  • City-Wide Street-To-Satellite Image Geolocalization of a Mobile Ground Agent
  • Tightly-Coupled EKF-Based Radar-Inertial Odometry
  • Danish Airs and Grounds: A Dataset for Aerial-To-Street-Level Place Recognition and Localization
  • A LiDAR-Inertial Odometry with Principled Uncertainty Modeling
  • DeepCIR: Insights into CIR-Based Data-Driven UWB Error Mitigation
  • Newton-PnP: Real-Time Visual Navigation for Autonomous Toy-Drones
  • Vision-Assisted Localization and Terrain Reconstruction with Quadruped Robots
  • Don’t Share My Face: Privacy Preserving Inpainting for Visual Localization
  • Geometric Calibration of Single-Pixel Distance Sensors

Deep Learning for Visual Perception

Total of 115 papers

  • A Camera-Based Deep-Learning Solution for Visual Attention Zone Recognition in Maritime Navigational Operations
  • Spatiotemporally Enhanced Photometric Loss for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
  • J-RR: Joint Monocular Depth Estimation and Semantic Edge Detection Exploiting Reciprocal Relations
  • Towards Two-View 6D Object Pose Estimation: A Comparative Study on Fusion Strategy
  • Maximizing Self-Supervision from Thermal Image for Effective Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion
  • NARF22: Neural Articulated Radiance Fields for Configuration-Aware Rendering
  • COMPASS: Contrastive Multimodal Pretraining for Autonomous Systems
  • Neural Scene Representation for Locomotion on Structured Terrain
  • MO-Transformer: A Transformer-Based Multi-Object Point Cloud Reconstruction Network
  • Self-Supervised Feature Learning from Partial Point Clouds Via Pose Disentanglement
  • Striving for Less: Minimally-Supervised Pseudo-Label Generation for Monocular Road Segmentation
  • Learning Sequential Descriptors for Sequence-Based Visual Place Recognition
  • Instance-Aware Multi-Object Self-Supervision for Monocular Depth Prediction
  • Towards Safety-Aware Pedestrian Detection in Autonomous Systems
  • Self-Supervised Moving Vehicle Detection from Audio-Visual Cues
  • Multi-Source Domain Alignment for Robust Segmentation in Unknown Targets
  • Depth360: Self-Supervised Learning for Monocular Depth Estimation Using Learnable Camera Distortion Model
  • RPG: Learning Recursive Point Cloud Generation
  • Fully Convolutional Transformer with Local–Global Attention
  • A Multi-Granularity Scene Segmentation Network for Human-Robot Collaboration Environment Perception
  • Egocentric Human Trajectory Forecasting with a Wearable Camera and Multi-Modal Fusion
  • AFT-VO: Asynchronous Fusion Transformers for Multi-View Visual Odometry Estimation
  • A Portable Multiscopic Camera for Novel View and Time Synthesis in Dynamic Scenes
  • Image Translation Based Synthetic Data Generation for Industrial Object Detection and Pose Estimation
  • FASTDLO: Fast Deformable Linear Objects Instance Segmentation
  • RARA: Zero-Shot Sim2Real Visual Navigation with Following Foreground Cues
  • Teaching Agents How to Map: Spatial Reasoning for Multi-Object Navigation
  • Conditional Patch-Based Domain Randomization: Improving Texture Domain Randomization Using Natural Image Patches
  • CloudAttention: Efficient Multi-Scale Attention Scheme for 3D Point Cloud Learning
  • Improving Single-View Mesh Reconstruction for Unseen Categories Via Primitive-Based Representation and Mesh Augmentation
  • Sparse PointPillars: Maintaining and Exploiting Input Sparsity to Improve Runtime on Embedded Systems
  • SLAM-Supported Self-Training for 6D Object Pose Estimation
  • Pose Refinement with Joint Optimization of Visual Points and Lines
  • Micro-Scale Defect Detection with Deep Learning on Embedded Visual Inspection Systems
  • Detail-Guided Image Enhancement for Underwater Robot Vision
  • Switching Funnel UNITER: Multimodal Instruction Comprehension for Object Manipulation Tasks
  • Collision Prediction and Visual Explanation Generation Using Structural Knowledge in Object Placement Tasks
  • Learning Moving-Object Tracking with FMCW LiDAR
  • EFGHNet: A Versatile Image-To-Point Cloud Registration Network for Extreme Outdoor Environment
  • Randomized-To-Canonical Model Predictive Control for Real-World Visual Robotic Manipulation
  • MasKGrasp: Mask-Based Grasping for Scenes with Multiple General Real-World Objects
  • Sim2Real Instance-Level Style Transfer for 6D Pose Estimation
  • All You Need Is LUV: Unsupervised Collection of Labeled Images Using UV-Fluorescent Markings
  • On the Coupling of Depth and Egomotion Networks for Self-Supervised Structure from Motion
  • VI-IKD: High-Speed Accurate Off-Road Navigation Using Learned Visual-Inertial Inverse Kinodynamics
  • Memory-Augmented Reinforcement Learning for Image-Goal Navigation
  • 3D Multi-Object Tracking Using Graph Neural Networks with Cross-Edge Modality Attention
  • See Eye to Eye: A Lidar-Agnostic 3D Detection Framework for Unsupervised Multi-Target Domain Adaptation
  • MV6D: Multi-View 6D Pose Estimation on RGB-D Frames Using a Deep Point-Wise Voting Network
  • Visual Servoing with Geometrically Interpretable Neural Perception
  • Online Adaptation for Implicit Object Tracking and Shape Reconstruction in the Wild
  • Struct-MDC: Mesh-Refined Unsupervised Depth Completion Leveraging Structural Regularities from Visual SLAM
  • MotionSC: Data Set and Network for Real-Time Semantic Mapping in Dynamic Environments
  • 6D Robotic Assembly Based on RGB-Only Object Pose Estimation
  • Scene Editing As Teleoperation: A Case Study in 6DoF Kit Assembly
  • RGB-X Classification for Electronics Sorting
  • Contrastive 3D Shape Completion and Reconstruction for Agricultural Robots Using RGB-D Frames
  • Explicitly Incorporating Spatial Information to Recurrent Networks for Agriculture
  • LiSnowNet: Real-Time Snow Removal for LiDAR Point Clouds
  • CGiS-Net: Aggregating Colour, Geometry and Implicit Semantic Features for Indoor Place Recognition
  • DRL-ISP: Multi-Objective Camera ISP with Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • LSDNet: A Lightweight Self-Attentional Distillation Network for Visual Place Recognition
  • Self-Supervised Reinforcement Learning for Active Object Detection
  • Multi-Scaled and Densely Connected Locally Convolutional Layers for Depth Completion
  • Semantic Scene Completion through Multi-Level Feature Fusion
  • SDFEst: Categorical Pose and Shape Estimation of Objects from RGB-D Using Signed Distance Fields
  • WayFAST: Navigation with Predictive Traversability in the Field
  • Learning Pseudo Front Depth for 2D Forward-Looking Sonar-Based Multi-View Stereo
  • GoferBot: A Visual Guided Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly System
  • Accurate Instance-Level CAD Model Retrieval in a Large-Scale Database
  • Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Via Graph Matching
  • Subspace-Based Feature Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
  • Contrastive 3D Shape Completion and Reconstruction for Agricultural Robots Using RGB-D Frames
  • Visual Haptic Reasoning: Estimating Contact Forces by Observing Deformable Object Interactions
  • Siamese Object Tracking for Vision-Based UAM Approaching with Pairwise Scale-Channel Attention
  • Towards Specialized Hardware for Learning-Based Visual Odometry on the Edge
  • MPT-Net: Mask Point Transformer Network for Large Scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
  • Timestamp-Supervised Action Segmentation with Graph Convolutional Networks
  • CA-SpaceNet: Counterfactual Analysis for 6D Pose Estimation in Space
  • 3D Object Aided Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
  • DeepMLE: A Robust Deep Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Two-View Structure from Motion
  • Attention-Guided RGB-D Fusion Network for Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation
  • Robust Sim2Real 3D Object Classification Using Graph Representations and a Deep Center Voting Scheme
  • Weak6D: Weakly Supervised 6D Pose Estimation with Iterative Annotation Resolver
  • Robust Human Motion Forecasting Using Transformer-Based Model
  • Efficient Spatial-Temporal Information Fusion for LiDAR-Based 3D Moving Object Segmentation
  • Perceiving the Invisible: Proposal-Free Amodal Panoptic Segmentation
  • Meta-RangeSeg: LiDAR Sequence Semantic Segmentation Using Multiple Feature Aggregation
  • FedDrive: Generalizing Federated Learning to Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
  • Bayesian Active Learning for Sim-To-Real Robotic Perception
  • DiffCloud: Real-To-Sim from Point Clouds with Differentiable Simulation and Rendering of Deformable Objects
  • Dynamics-Aware Spatiotemporal Occupancy Prediction in Urban Environments
  • What's in the Black Box? the False Negative Mechanisms Inside Object Detectors
  • RVMOS: Range-View Moving Object Segmentation Leveraged by Semantic and Motion Features
  • Pseudo-Label Guided Cross-Video Pixel Contrast for Robotic SurgicalScene Segmentation with Limited Annotations
  • An Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Approach for Multimodal 2D Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions
  • BIMS-PU: Bi-Directional and Multi-Scale Point Cloud Upsampling
  • End-To-End Learning to Grasp Via Sampling from Object Point Clouds
  • City-Wide Street-To-Satellite Image Geolocalization of a Mobile Ground Agent
  • Local Perception-Aware Transformer for Aerial Tracking
  • End-To-End Feature Decontaminated Network for UAV Tracking
  • HighlightNet: Highlighting Low-Light Potential Features for Real-Time UAV Tracking
  • Lifelong Topological Visual Navigation
  • D-LC-Nets: Robust Denoising and Loop Closing Networks for LiDAR SLAM in Complicated Circumstances with Noisy Point Clouds
  • Detecting Adversarial Perturbations in Multi-Task Perception
  • Danish Airs and Grounds: A Dataset for Aerial-To-Street-Level Place Recognition and Localization
  • Object Pose Estimation Using Mid-Level Visual Representations
  • Grasp Pre-Shape Selection by Synthetic Training: Eye-In-Hand Shared Control on the Hannes Prosthesis
  • IndoLayout: Leveraging Attention for Extended Indoor Layout Estimation from an RGB Image
  • Medical Ultrasound Image Quality Assessment for Autonomous Robotic Screening
  • Self-Supervised Traversability Prediction by Learning to Reconstruct Safe Terrain
  • OpenDR: An Open Toolkit for Enabling High Performance, Low Footprint Deep Learning for Robotics
  • Adversarial Attacks on Monocular Pose Estimation
  • 3D Part Assembly Generation with Instance Encoded Transformer
  • High Precision and Robust Camera Calibration under Learning-Based Distortion Correction and Feature Detection


Total of 105 papers

  • Efficient and Probabilistic Adaptive Voxel Mapping for Accurate Online LiDAR Odometry
  • 360ST-Mapping: An Online Semantics-Guided Topological Mapping Module for Omnidirectional Visual SLAM
  • An Algorithm for the SE(3)-Transformation on Neural Implicit Maps for Remapping Functions
  • PlaneSDF-Based Change Detection for Long-Term Dense Mapping
  • Efficient 2D LIDAR Based Map Updating for Long Term Operations in Dynamic Environments
  • Level Set-Based Camera Pose Estimation from Multiple 2D/3D Ellipse-Ellipsoid Correspondences
  • DCPCR: Deep Compressed Point Cloud Registration in Large-Scale Outdoor Environments
  • Real-Time Hybrid Mapping of Populated Indoor Scenes Using a Low-Cost Monocular UAV
  • Making Parameterization and Constrains of Object Landmark Globally Consistent Via SPD(3) Manifold and Improved Cost Functions
  • ULSM: Underground Localization and Semantic Mapping with Salient Region Loop Closure under Perceptually-Degraded Environment
  • NDD: A 3D Point Cloud Descriptor Based on Normal Distribution for Loop Closure Detection
  • FEJ-VIRO: A Consistent First-Estimate Jacobian Visual-Inertial-Ranging Odometry
  • RGB-D SLAM in Indoor Planar Environments with Multiple Large Dynamic Objects
  • DRG-SLAM: A Semantic RGB-D SLAM Using Geometric Features for Indoor Dynamic Scene
  • Scale-Aware Direct Monocular Odometry
  • IMU Preintegration for 2D SLAM Problems Using Lie Groups
  • Scale Estimation with Dual Quadrics for Monocular Object SLAM
  • GeoROS: Georeferenced Real-Time Orthophoto Stitching with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • Learning to Complete Object Shapes for Object-Level Mapping in Dynamic Scenes
  • Roadside HD Map Object Reconstruction Using Monocular Camera
  • Multical: Spatiotemporal Calibration for Multiple IMUs, Cameras and LiDARs
  • OCTOANTS: A Heterogeneous Lightweight Intelligent Multi-Robot Collaboration System with Resource-Constrained IoT Devices
  • DH-LC: Hierarchical Matching and Hybrid Bundle Adjustment towards Accurate and Robust Loop Closure
  • One RING to Rule Them All: Radon Sinogram for Place Recognition, Orientation and Translation Estimation
  • Keyframe Selection with Information Occupancy Grid Model for Long-Term Data Association
  • PLC-LiSLAM: LiDAR SLAM with Planes, Lines and Cylinders
  • Thermal Inertial SLAM for the Environments with Challenging Illumination
  • Are We Ready for Robust and Resilient SLAM? a Framework for Quantitative Characterization of SLAM Datasets
  • Robust Change Detection Based on Neural Descriptor Fields
  • LayoutSLAM: Object Layout Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Reducing Object Map Distortion
  • SLAM-Supported Self-Training for 6D Object Pose Estimation
  • ROLL: Long-Term Robust LiDAR-Based Localization with Temporary Mapping in Changing Environments
  • Indirect Point Cloud Registration: Aligning Distance Fields Using a Pseudo Third Point Set
  • Semantic Topological Descriptor for Loop Closure Detection within 3D Point Clouds in Outdoor Environment
  • P3-VINS: Tightly Coupled PPP/INS/Visual SLAM Based on Optimization Approach
  • Closed-Form Error Propagation on SEn(3) Group for Invariant EKF with Applications to VINS
  • 6D Instantaneous Velocity for Legged Robot Using Rolling Motion
  • Parsing Indoor Manhattan Scenes Using Four-Point LiDAR on a Micro UAV
  • Robust Sonar-Based Place Recognition in Underwater Environments
  • BEV-SLAM: Building a Globally-Consistent World Map Using Monocular Vision
  • STheReO: Stereo Thermal Dataset for Research in Odometry and Mapping
  • Robust Real-Time LiDAR-Inertial Initialization
  • Estimating Odometry Scale and UWB Anchor Location Based on Semidefinite Programming Optimization
  • FAST-LIVO: Fast and Tightly-Coupled Sparse-Direct LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Odometry
  • Probabilistic Data Association for Semantic SLAM at Scale
  • OverlapTransformer: An Efficient and Yaw-Angle-Invariant Transformer Network for LiDAR-Based Place Recognition
  • CFP-SLAM: A Real-Time Visual SLAM Based on Coarse-To-Fine Probability in Dynamic Environments
  • Object-Plane Co-Represented and Graph Propagation-Based Semantic Descriptor for Relocalization
  • LF-VIO: A Visual-Inertial-Odometry Framework for Large Field-Of-View Cameras with Negative Plane
  • 3D Lidar Reconstruction with Probabilistic Depth Completion for Robotic Navigation
  • Struct-MDC: Mesh-Refined Unsupervised Depth Completion Leveraging Structural Regularities from Visual SLAM
  • GNSS Odometry: Precise Trajectory Estimation Based on Carrier Phase Cycle Slip Estimation
  • Learning to Act with Affordance-Aware Multimodal Neural SLAM
  • Group-K Consistent Measurement Set Maximization for Robust Outlier Detection
  • Floorplan-Aware Camera Poses Refinement
  • MOTSLAM: MOT-Assisted Monocular Dynamic SLAM Using Single-View Depth Estimation
  • Gravity-Constrained Point Cloud Registration
  • When Geometry Is Not Enough: Using Reflector Markers in Lidar SLAM
  • LOCUS 2.0: Robust and Computationally Efficient LiDAR Odometry for Real-Time 3D Mapping
  • The Hilti SLAM Challenge Dataset
  • Photometric Single-View Dense 3D Reconstruction in Endoscopy
  • Continuous-Time Stereo-Inertial Odometry
  • Object-Aware SLAM Based on Efficient Quadric Initialization and Joint Data Association
  • Visual Odometry in HDR Environments by Using Spatially Varying Exposure Camera
  • Trifocal Tensor and Relative Pose Estimation from 8 Lines and Known Vertical Direction
  • MIMOSA: A Multi-Modal SLAM Framework for Resilient Autonomy against Sensor Degradation
  • Extrinsic Calibration of a 2D Laser Rangefinder and a Depth-Camera Using an Orthogonal Trihedron
  • InCOpt: Incremental Constrained Optimization Using the Bayes Tree
  • S3LAM: Structured Scene SLAM
  • Fast Structural Representation and Structure-Aware Loop Closing for Visual SLAM
  • Efficient 2D Graph SLAM for Sparse Sensing
  • Spectral Measurement Sparsification for Pose-Graph SLAM
  • BOEM-SLAM: A Block Online EM Algorithm for the Visual-Inertial SLAM Backend
  • RO-LOAM: 3D Reference Object-Based Trajectory and Map Optimization in LiDAR Odometry and Mapping
  • TwistSLAM: Constrained SLAM in Dynamic Environment
  • Fast Sparse LiDAR Odometry Using Self-Supervised Feature Selection on Intensity Images
  • Improving Marine Radar Odometry by Modeling Radar Resolution and Exploiting Additional Temporal Information
  • Online Localisation and Colored Mesh Reconstruction Architecture for 3D Visual Feedback in Robotic Exploration Missions
  • Simultaneous Localization of Rail Vehicles and Mapping of Environment with Multiple LiDARs
  • SwitchHit: A Probabilistic, Complementarity-Based Switching System for Improved Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments
  • Keeping Less Is More: Point Sparsification for Visual SLAM
  • Online Extrinsic Correction of Multi-Camera Systems by Low-Dimensional Parameterization of Physical Deformation
  • Active SLAM in 3D Deformable Environments
  • Event-Based Line SLAM in Real-Time
  • LCDNet: Deep Loop Closure Detection and Point Cloud Registration for LiDAR SLAM (I)
  • Anchor Selection for SLAM Based on Graph Topology and Sub-Modular Optimization (I)
  • Volumetric Change Assessment Using Multi Session SLAM Toward Construction Monitoring Automation
  • Ultra-Wide-Angle Stereo Vision System for Snake Robot: Sidewinder for Forward and Panoramic Vision Tasks
  • Multiple LIDAR-Based SLAM System for an Air-Purifying Robot in Dynamic Environments
  • Comparison and Analysis of SLAM Algorithms for Low-Cost LiDAR-Based Small Robot Systems
  • FAST-LIO2: Fast Direct LiDAR-Inertial Odometry (I)
  • Rail Vehicle Localization and Mapping with LiDAR-Vision-Inertial-GNSS Fusion
  • DeepMLE: A Robust Deep Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Two-View Structure from Motion
  • Robust Visual Teach and Repeat for UGVs Using 3D Semantic Maps
  • Detecting Invalid Map Merges in Lifelong SLAM
  • MD-SLAM: Multi-Cue Direct SLAM
  • Visual-Inertial Multi-Instance Dynamic SLAM with Object-Level Relocalisation
  • ACEFusion - Accelerated and Energy-Efficient Semantic 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes
  • A Spanning Tree-Based Multi-Resolution Approach for Pose-Graph Optimization
  • Situational Graphs for Robot Navigation in Structured Indoor Environments
  • PFilter: Building Persistent Maps through Feature Filtering for Fast and Accurate LiDAR-Based SLAM
  • Low-Drift LiDAR-Only Odometry and Mapping for UGVs in Environments with Non-Level Roads
  • Mind the Gap: Norm-Aware Adaptive Robust Loss for Multivariate Least-Squares Problems
  • A LiDAR-Inertial Odometry with Principled Uncertainty Modeling
  •  Robust Localization and Mapping Toward Long-Term Navigation

Optimization and Optimal Control

Total of 95 papers

  • Fair Planning for Mobility-On-Demand with Temporal Logic Requests
  • A Hierarchical Framework for Long Horizon Planning of Object-Contact Trajectories
  • A Solution to Slosh-Free Robot Trajectory Optimization
  • Efficient Concurrent Design of the Morphology of Unmanned Aerial Systems and Their Collective-Search Behavior
  • Optimal Shape Servoing with Task-Focused Convergence Constraints
  • Learning-Based Approach for a Soft Assistive Robotic Arm to Achieve Simultaneous Position and Force Control
  • Co-Optimization of Acrobot Design and Controller for Increased Certifiable Stability
  • Learning Solution Manifolds for Control Problems Via Energy Minimization
  • Accurate Transportation Control System for Flexible Cable Suspended Load Carried by a Multi-Copter
  • Development of Actuator with Adjustable Compliance for the Polishing Process
  • Robot Dance Generation with Music Based Trajectory Optimization
  • Improving 3D Markerless Pose Estimation of Animals in the Wild Using Low-Cost Cameras
  • Trajectory Optimization and Following for a Three Degrees of Freedom Overactuated Floating Platform
  • Design Optimization of an Ultrafast-Striking Mantis Shrimp Microrobot
  • Optimal Nonprehensile Interception Strategy for Objects in Flight
  • Distributed Riemannian Optimization with Lazy Communication for Collaborative Geometric Estimation
  • Reachability Based Trajectory Generation Combining Global Graph Search in Task Space and Local Optimization in Configuration Space
  • Optimal Partitioning of Non-Convex Environments for Minimum Turn Coverage Planning
  • Continuous Safety Control of a Mobile Robot in Cluttered Environments
  • Construction of a Simulator to Reproduce the Changes of Running by Motion Strategy with Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum Model
  • Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Cost Function Scheduling for a Wheeled Mobile Robot
  • Electro-Hydraulic Rolling Soft Wheel: Design, Hybrid Dynamic Modeling, and Model Predictive Control (I)
  • Linear MPC-Based Motion Planning for Autonomous Surgery
  • Motion Planning for HyTAQs: A Topology-Guided Unified NMPC Approach
  • Workspace-Based Model Predictive Control for Cable-Driven Robots (I)
  • Smooth Model Predictive Path Integral Control without Smoothing
  • Humanoid Balance Control Using Centroidal Angular Momentum Based on Hierarchical Quadratic Programming
  • Robust Counterexample-Guided Optimization for Planning from Differentiable Temporal Logic
  • Optimal Motion Planning in Unknown Workspaces Using Integral Reinforcement Learning
  • Locally Optimal Estimation and Control of Cable Driven Parallel Robots Using Time Varying Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control
  • Efficient Extrinsic Calibration of Multi-Sensor 3D LiDAR Systems for Autonomous Vehicles Using Static Objects Information
  • Information-Aware Guidance for Magnetic Anomaly Based Navigation
  • BOEM-SLAM: A Block Online EM Algorithm for the Visual-Inertial SLAM Backend
  • Optimization of Surgical Robotic Instrument Mounting in a Macro-Micro Manipulator Setup for Improving Task Execution (I)
  • Learning Object Manipulation Skills from Video Via Approximate Differentiable Physics
  • Imitation of Manipulation Skills Using Multiple Geometries
  • Ergodic Exploration Using Tensor Train: Applications in Insertion Tasks (I)
  • Contact-Implicit Trajectory Optimization with Hydroelastic Contact and ILQR
  • Balancing Control and Pose Optimization for Wheel-Legged Robots Navigating High Obstacles
  • Large-Scale ADMM-Based Co-Design of Legged Robots
  • An Error-State Model Predictive Control on Connected Matrix Lie Groups for Legged Robot Control
  • Whole-Body Model Predictive Control with Rigid Contacts Via Online Switching Time Optimization
  • Generating Families of Optimally Actuated Gaits from a Legged System’s Energetically Conservative Dynamics
  • Optimal Gait Families Using Lagrange Multiplier Method
  • Lifted Contact Dynamics for Efficient Optimal Control of Rigid Body Systems with Contacts
  • Optimal Joint TDPA Formulation for Kinematically Redundant Robot Manipulators
  • HM-DDP: A Hybrid Multiple-Shooting Differential Dynamic Programming Method for Constrained Trajectory Optimization
  • Robust Design of a Rope Ascender for High Repeatability
  • Decentralized Learning with Limited Communications for Multi-Robot Coverage of Unknown Spatial Fields
  • A Versatile Co-Design Approach for Dynamic Legged Robots
  • A Unified and Modular Model Predictive Control Framework for Soft Continuum Manipulators under Internal and External Constraints
  • Data-Driven Variable Impedance Control of a Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthesis for Sit, Stand, and Walk with Minimal Tuning
  • Tasho: A Python Toolbox for Rapid Prototyping and Deployment of Optimal Control Problem-Based Complex Robot Motion Skills
  • Contextual Tuning of Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Racing
  • Sociable and Ergonomic Human-Robot Collaboration through Action Recognition and Augmented Hierarchical Quadratic Programming
  • Recursive Hierarchical Projection for Whole-Body Control with Task Priority Transition
  • Momentum-Aware Trajectory Optimization and Control for Agile Quadrupedal Locomotion
  • An Optimal Motion Planning Framework for Quadruped Jumping
  • Simulation Aided Co-Design for Robust Robot Optimization
  • Reference Acceleration Model Predictive Control (RA-MPC) for Cable-Driven Robots
  • Planning under Periodic Observations: Bounds and Bounding-Based Solutions
  • Real-Time Predictive Kinematics Control of Redundancy: A Benchmark of Optimal Control Approaches
  • Automatic Generation of Optimization Model Using Process Mining and Petri Nets for Optimal Motion Planning of 6-DOF Manipulators
  • Physically Consistent Lie Group Mesh Models for Robot Design and Motion Co-Optimization
  • Analytical Second-Order Partial Derivatives of Rigid-Body Inverse Dynamics
  • High-Speed Accurate Robot Control Using Learned Forward Kinodynamics and Non-Linear Least Squares Optimization
  • Dynamic Compressed Sensing of Unsteady Flows with a Mobile Robot
  • Animal Motions on Legged Robots Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
  • Zero-Shot Retargeting of Learned Quadruped Locomotion Policies Using Hybrid Kinodynamic Model Predictive Control
  • Contact-Implicit Differential Dynamic Programming for Model Predictive Control with Relaxed Complementarity Constraints
  • Improved Control Scheme for the Solo Quadruped and Experimental Comparison of Model Predictive Controllers
  • Optimal Constrained Task Planning As Mixed Integer Programming
  • A Spanning Tree-Based Multi-Resolution Approach for Pose-Graph Optimization
  • Geometric MPC Techniques for Reduced Attitude Control on Quadrotors with Bidirectional Thrust
  • Minor Change, Major Gains II: Are Maximal Coordinates the Fastest Choice for Trajectory Optimization?
  • Factorization of Dynamic Games Over Spatio-Temporal Resources
  • A Legendre-Gauss Pseudospectral Collocation Method for Trajectory Optimization in Second Order Systems
  • An Equivalent Time-Optimal Problem to Find Energy-Optimal Paths for Skid-Steer Rovers
  • Visibility-Aware Navigation with Batch Projection Augmented Cross-Entropy Method Over a Learned Occlusion Cost
  • Refining Control Barrier Functions through Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability
  • Newton-PnP: Real-Time Visual Navigation for Autonomous Toy-Drones
  • Constrained Differential Dynamic Programming: A Primal-Dual Augmented Lagrangian Approach
  • Introducing Force Feedback in Model Predictive Control
  • Toward Global Sensing Quality Maximization: A Configuration Optimization Scheme for Camera Networks
  • Embedding Koopman Optimal Control in Robot Policy Learning
  • Safe Active Dynamics Learning and Control: A Sequential Exploration-Exploitation Framework (I)
  • Db-A*: Discontinuity-Bounded Search for Kinodynamic Mobile Robot Motion Planning
  • Simultaneous Contact-Rich Grasping and Locomotion Via Distributed Optimization Enabling Free-Climbing for Multi-Limbed Robots
  • Time-Optimal Online Replanning for Agile Quadrotor Flight
  • Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning with Interaction with the Environment
  • Multi-Modal Multi-Agent Optimization for LIMMS, a Modular Robotics Approach to Delivery Automation
  • Safe Control Synthesis with Uncertain Dynamics and Constraints
  • Constrained Imitation Learning for a Flapping Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • Multi-Robot Dynamic Swarm Disablement
  • Collision-Free Minimum-Time Trajectory Planning for Multiple Vehicles Based on ADMM

Autonomous Vehicle Navigation

Total of 94 papers

  • Improving Worst Case Visual Localization Coverage Via Place-Specific Sub-Selection in Multi-Camera Systems
  • LaneSNNs: Spiking Neural Networks for Lane Detection on the Loihi Neuromorphic Processor
  • Pedestrian-Robot Interactions on Autonomous Crowd Navigation: Reactive Control Methods and Evaluation Metrics
  • 3D Single-Object Tracking with Spatial-Temporal Data Association
  • Attention-Based Deep Driving Model for Autonomous Vehicles with Surround-View Cameras
  • DeepFusion: A Robust and Modular 3D Object Detector for Lidars, Cameras and Radars
  • Elevation Mapping for Locomotion and Navigation Using GPU
  • Generalized Laplace Particle Filter on Lie Groups Applied to Ambiguous Doppler Navigation
  • Navigation among Movable Obstacles with Object Localization Using Photorealistic Simulation
  • Navigating Underground Environments Using Simple Topological Representations
  • NAUTS: Negotiation for Adaptation to Unstructured Terrain Surfaces
  • Resilient Detection and Recovery of Autonomous Systems Operating under On-Board Controller Cyber Attacks
  • New Objects on the Road? No Problem, We’ll Learn Them Too
  • Comprehensive Reactive Safety: No Need for a Trajectory If You Have a Strategy
  • Towards Safe Autonomous Driving: Decision Making with Observation-Robust Reinforcement Learning
  • Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation with IRL and DQN in Narrow Corridor Environments
  • Extended Adaptive Inverse Perspective Mapping for Ground Representation of Autonomous Mobile Robot
  • Localization for Mobile Robots with a Multi-ToF Camera System
  • A New General Approach for Model-Based Control of Underactuated AUV Based on Kinematic Coupling
  • Self-Supervised Learning for Multiple Object Tracking in 3D Point Clouds
  • FusionPortable: A Multi-Sensor Campus-Scene Dataset for Evaluation of Localization and Mapping Accuracy on Diverse Platforms
  • Physics Embedded Neural Network Vehicle Model and Applications in Risk-Aware Autonomous Driving Using Latent Features
  • TOAST: Trajectory Optimization and Simultaneous Tracking Using Shared Neural Network Dynamics
  • H-VLO: Hybrid LiDAR-Camera Fusion for Self-Supervised Odometry
  • B-GAP: Behavior-Rich Simulation and Navigation for Autonomous Driving
  • Automatic Parameter Adaptation for Quadrotor Trajectory Planning
  • Efficient Sampling-Based Multirotors Kinodynamic Planning with Fast Regional Optimization and Post Refining
  • GNGraph: Self-Organizing Maps for Autonomous Aerial Vehicle Planning
  • TRAVEL: Traversable Ground and Above-Ground Object Segmentation Using Graph Representation of 3D LiDAR Scans
  • SO-PFH: Semantic Object-Based Point Feature Histogram for Global Localization in Parking Lot
  • Global Data Association for SLAM with 3D Grassmannian Manifold Objects
  • An Analytical Study of Motion of Autonomous Vehicles under Imperfect Sensing
  • MapLite 2.0: Online HD Map Inference Using a Prior SD Map
  • Highly-Efficient Binary Neural Networks for Visual Place Recognition
  • Quantity Over Quality: Training an AV Motion Planner with Large Scale Commodity Vision Data
  • Real-Time Distributed Multi-Robot Target Tracking Via Virtual Pheromones
  • A Unified MPC Design Approach for AGV Path Following
  • GPU-Parallelized Iterative LQR with Input Constraints for Fast Collision Avoidance of Autonomous Vehicles
  • RIANet: Road Graph and Image Attention Network for Urban Autonomous Driving
  • P2EG: Prediction and Planning Integrated Robust Decision-Making for Automated Vehicle Negotiating in Narrow Lane with Explorative Game
  • Visual Mapping and Localization System Based on Compact Instance-Level Road Markings with Spatial Uncertainty
  • Motion Planning for HyTAQs: A Topology-Guided Unified NMPC Approach
  • Application of Ghost-DeblurGAN to Fiducial Marker Detection
  • Flexible Collision-Free Platooning Method for Unmanned Surface Vehicle with Experimental Validations
  • Motion Attribute-Based Clustering and Collision Avoidance of Multiple In-Water Obstacles by Autonomous Surface Vehicle
  • VMVG-Loc: Visual Localization for Autonomous Driving Using Vector Map and Voxel Grid Map
  • PUTN: A Plane-Fitting Based Uneven Terrain Navigation Framework
  • Online Mapping and Motion Planning under Uncertainty for Safe Navigation in Unknown Environments (I)
  • Drift Reduced Navigation with Deep Explainable Features
  • A Robust and Fast Occlusion-Based Frontier Method for Autonomous Navigation in Unknown Cluttered Environments
  • Bubble Planner: Planning High-Speed Smooth Quadrotor Trajectories Using Receding Corridors
  • Temporal Context for Robust Maritime Obstacle Detection
  • Information-Aware Guidance for Magnetic Anomaly Based Navigation
  • SphereMap: Dynamic Multi-Layer Graph Structure for Rapid Safety-Aware UAV Planning
  • AIB-MDP: Continuous Probabilistic Motion Planning for Automated Vehicles by Leveraging Action Independent Belief Spaces
  • Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Hybrid-Weight Trust-Region Optimization and Curriculum Learning for Autonomous Maneuvering
  • Hierarchical Model-Based Imitation Learning for Planning in Autonomous Driving
  • Forest Traversability Mapping (FTM): Traversability Estimation Using 3D Voxel-Based Normal Distributed Transform to Enable Forest Navigation
  • Transferring Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Policies for Autonomous Driving Using Sim-To-Real
  • Risk-Sensitive MPCs with Deep Distributional Inverse RL for Autonomous Driving
  • SwitchHit: A Probabilistic, Complementarity-Based Switching System for Improved Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments
  • A Robust Sidewalk Navigation Method for Mobile Robots Based on Sparse Semantic Point Cloud
  • RCA: Ride Comfort-Aware Visual Navigation Via Self-Supervised Learning
  • Avoiding Dense and Dynamic Obstacles in Enclosed Spaces: Application to Moving in Crowds (I)
  • CNS Flight Stack for Reproducible, Customizable, and Fully Autonomous Applications
  • Informed Sampling-Based Collision Avoidance with Least Deviation from the Nominal Path
  • Simultaneous Use of Autonomy Guidance Haptic Feedback and Obstacle Avoiding Force Feedback for Mobile Robot Teleoperation
  • Fast-Replanning Motion Control for Non-Holonomic Vehicles with Aborting A*
  • Fast 3D Sparse Topological Skeleton Graph Generation for Mobile Robot Global Planning
  • Learning Enabled Fast Planning and Control in Dynamic Environments with Intermittent Information
  • FISS: A Trajectory Planning Framework Using Fast Iterative Search and Sampling Strategy for Autonomous Driving
  • FAST-LIO2: Fast Direct LiDAR-Inertial Odometry (I)
  • OHM: GPU Based Occupancy Map Generation
  • Dynamic Free-Space Roadmap for Safe Quadrotor Motion Planning
  • Autoexplorer: Autonomous Exploration of Unknown Environments Using Fast Frontier-Region Detection and Parallel Path Planning
  • MPNP: Multi-Policy Neural Planner for Urban Driving
  • Contextual Tuning of Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Racing
  • Temporal Logic Path Planning under Localization Uncertainty
  • Depth-CUPRL: Depth-Imaged Contrastive Unsupervised Prioritized Representations in Reinforcement Learning for Mapless Navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • Planning for Negotiations in Autonomous Driving Using Reinforcement Learning
  • IMU Dead-Reckoning Localization with RNN-IEKF Algorithm
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments Using Occupancy Values of Motion Primitives
  • High-Speed Accurate Robot Control Using Learned Forward Kinodynamics and Non-Linear Least Squares Optimization
  • LiCaS3: A Simple LiDAR–Camera Self-Supervised Synchronization Method (I)
  • Geometrically Constrained Trajectory Optimization for Multicopters (I)
  • Robust Trajectory Planning for Spatial-Temporal Multi-Drone Coordination in Large Scenes
  • Heterogeneous-Agent Trajectory Forecasting Incorporating Class Uncertainty
  • D-LC-Nets: Robust Denoising and Loop Closing Networks for LiDAR SLAM in Complicated Circumstances with Noisy Point Clouds
  • State Dropout-Based Curriculum Reinforcement Learning for Self-Driving at Unsignalized Intersections
  • Vehicle Type Specific Waypoint Generation
  • Autonomous Navigation of AGVs in Unknown Cluttered Environments: Log-MPPI Control Strategy
  • Cross-Modal Fusion-Based Prior Correction for Road Detection in Off-Road Environments
  • Linewise Non-Rigid Point Cloud Registration
  • Self-Supervised Traversability Prediction by Learning to Reconstruct Safe Terrain

Legged Robots

Total of 83 papers

  • Adversarial Motion Priors Make Good Substitutes for Complex Reward Functions
  • Neural Scene Representation for Locomotion on Structured Terrain
  • Modeling and Control of a Lizard Inspired Single Actuated Robot
  • Bio-Inspired 2D Vertical Climbing with a Novel Tripedal Robot
  • PI-ARS: Accelerating Evolution-Learned Visual-Locomotion with Predictive Information Representations
  • Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Precise Soccer Shooting Skills Using a Quadrupedal Robot
  • Elevation Mapping for Locomotion and Navigation Using GPU
  • Advanced Skills by Learning Locomotion and Local Navigation End-To-End
  • A Passive, Asymmetrically-Compliant Knee Joint Improves Obstacle Traversal in an Insect-Scale Legged Robot
  • Passive Compliant Foot Design for Improved Micororobotic Mobility on Rough Terrains
  • Enhanced Quadruped Locomotion of a Rat Robot Based on the Lateral Flexion of a Soft Actuated Spine
  • Multi-Modal Legged Locomotion Framework with Automated Residual Reinforcement Learning
  • A Novel Design and Evaluation of a Dactylus-Equipped Quadruped Robot for Mobile Manipulation
  • Analysis on the Wheel-Leg Mechanism’s Locomotion on a 3D Shaped Surface
  • 6D Instantaneous Velocity for Legged Robot Using Rolling Motion
  • Design of a Wheel-Leg Mechanism for a Façade Operation
  • PM-FSM: Policies Modulating Finite State Machine for Robust Quadrupedal Locomotion
  • Diaphragm Ankle Actuation for Efficient Series Elastic Legged Robot Hopping
  • RoBiGAN: A Bidirectional Wasserstein GAN Approach for Online Robot Fault Diagnosis Via Internal Anomaly Detection
  • On Safety Testing, Validation, and Characterization with Scenario-Sampling: A Case Study of Legged Robots
  • Gastrocnemius and Power Amplifier Soleus Spring-Tendons Achieve Fast Human-Like Walking in a Bipedal Robot
  • From Human Walking to Bipedal Robot Locomotion: Reflex Inspired Compensation on Planned and Unplanned Downsteps
  • Vision-Guided Quadrupedal Locomotion in the Wild with Multi-Modal Delay Randomization
  • OmniWheg: An Omnidirectional Wheel-Leg Transformable Robot
  • SCALER: A Tough Versatile Quadruped Free-Climber Robot
  • Locomotion Policy Guided Traversability Learning Using Volumetric Representations of Complex Environments
  • Joint-Space CPG for Safe Foothold Planning and Body Pose Control During Locomotion and Climbing
  • Influence of Variable Leg Elasticity on the Stability of Quadrupedal Gaits
  • RAMIEL: A Parallel-Wire Driven Monopedal Robot for High and Continuous Jumping
  • Terrain-Adaptive, ALIP-Based Bipedal Locomotion Controller Via Model Predictive Control and Virtual Constraints
  • Robust Contact State Estimation in Humanoid Walking Gaits
  • Uniform Global Exponential Stabilizing Passivity-Based Tracking Controller Applied to Planar Biped Robots
  • Learning Dynamic Bipedal Walking across Stepping Stones
  • Resolved Motion Control for 3D Underactuated Bipedal Walking Using Linear Inverted Pendulum Dynamics and Neural Adaptation
  • Comparison of EKF-Based Floating Base Estimators for Humanoid Robots with Flat Feet
  • Haptic Teleoperation of High-Dimensional Robotic Systems Using a Feedback MPC Framework
  • Experimental Demonstration of a General Balancing Controller on an Untethered Planar Inverted Double Pendulum
  • Improved Zero Step Push Recovery with a Unified Reduced Order Model of Standing Balance
  • Walking Control Framework on Uneven Terrain Using Variable Stiffness Sole
  • Tello Leg: The Study of Design Principles and Metrics for Dynamic Humanoid Robots
  • Polytopic Planar Region Characterization of Rough Terrains for Legged Locomotion
  • The Uncertainty Aware Salted Kalman Filter: State Estimation for Hybrid Systems with Uncertain Guards
  • Balancing Control and Pose Optimization for Wheel-Legged Robots Navigating High Obstacles
  • Large-Scale ADMM-Based Co-Design of Legged Robots
  • An Error-State Model Predictive Control on Connected Matrix Lie Groups for Legged Robot Control
  • Whole-Body Model Predictive Control with Rigid Contacts Via Online Switching Time Optimization
  • Generating Families of Optimally Actuated Gaits from a Legged System’s Energetically Conservative Dynamics
  • Lifted Contact Dynamics for Efficient Optimal Control of Rigid Body Systems with Contacts
  • A Hybrid Primitive-Based Navigation Planner for the Wheeled-Legged Robot CENTAURO
  • Learning Coordinated Terrain-Adaptive Locomotion by Imitating a Centroidal Dynamics Planner
  • A Versatile Co-Design Approach for Dynamic Legged Robots
  • Motion Planning for Agile Legged Locomotion Using Failure Margin Constraints
  • Energy-Based Legged Robots Terrain Traversability Modeling Via Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • Robust High-Speed Running for Quadruped Robots Via Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Toward a Data-Driven Template Model for Quadrupedal Locomotion
  • Planning of Obstacle-Aided Navigation for Multi-Legged Robots Using a Sampling-Based Method Over Directed Graphs
  • Real-Time Digital Double Framework to Predict Collapsible Terrains for Legged Robots
  • A Whole-Body Controller Based on a Simplified Template for Rendering Impedances in Quadruped Manipulators
  • Momentum-Aware Trajectory Optimization and Control for Agile Quadrupedal Locomotion
  • An Optimal Motion Planning Framework for Quadruped Jumping
  • Vastus and Gastrocnemius Improve Hopping Efficiency and Joints Synchronicity at Different Frequencies: A Robotic Study
  • Animal Motions on Legged Robots Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
  • Improved Performance of CPG Parameter Inference for Path-Following Control of Legged Robots
  • Zero-Shot Retargeting of Learned Quadruped Locomotion Policies Using Hybrid Kinodynamic Model Predictive Control
  • Contact-Implicit Differential Dynamic Programming for Model Predictive Control with Relaxed Complementarity Constraints
  • Robust Predictive Control for Quadrupedal Locomotion: Learning to Close the Gap between Reduced and Full-Order Models
  • Contact-Timing and Trajectory Optimization for 3D Jumping on Quadruped Robots
  • Improved Control Scheme for the Solo Quadruped and Experimental Comparison of Model Predictive Controllers
  • Learning to Guide Online Multi-Contact Receding Horizon Planning
  • Real-Time Footstep Planning and Control of the Solo Quadruped Robot in 3D Environments
  • Modeling, Analysis and Activation of Planar Viscoelastically-Combined Rimless Wheels
  • Minor Change, Major Gains II: Are Maximal Coordinates the Fastest Choice for Trajectory Optimization?
  • Handling Non-Convex Constraints in MPC-Based Humanoid Gait Generation
  • Auto-Tuning of Controller and Online Trajectory Planner for Legged Robots
  • An Online Interactive Approach for Crowd Navigation of Quadrupedal Robots
  • Simultaneous Contact-Rich Grasping and Locomotion Via Distributed Optimization Enabling Free-Climbing for Multi-Limbed Robots
  • Vision-Assisted Localization and Terrain Reconstruction with Quadruped Robots
  • Improved Task Space Locomotion Controller for a Quadruped Robot with Parallel Mechanisms
  • Feasible Wrench Set Computation for Legged Robots
  • Online Kinematic Calibration for Legged Robots
  • Collision Detection and Identification for a Legged Manipulator
  • Bio-Inspired Rhythmic Locomotion for Quadruped Robots
  • Collaborative Navigation and Manipulation of a Cable-Towed Load by Multiple Quadrupedal Robots

Deep Learning Methods

Total of 82 papers

  • Spatiotemporally Enhanced Photometric Loss for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
  • Deep Learning-Based 3D Magnetic Microrobot Tracking Using 2D MR Images
  • DCPCR: Deep Compressed Point Cloud Registration in Large-Scale Outdoor Environments
  • Deep Koopman Operator with Control for Nonlinear Systems
  • Autonomous State-Based Flipper Control for Articulated Tracked Robots in Urban Environments
  • DeepShapeKit: Accurate 4D Shape Reconstruction of Swimming Fish
  • CVFNet: Real-Time 3D Object Detection by Learning Cross View Features
  • Multi-Purpose Tactile Perception Based on Deep Learning in a New Tendon-Driven Optical Tactile Sensor
  • Prediction of Whole-Body Velocity and Direction from Local Leg Joint Movements in Insect Walking Via LSTM Neural Networks
  • Learning Skills to Navigate without a Master: A Sequential Multi-Policy Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
  • NavDreams: Towards Camera-Only RL Navigation among Humans
  • PIMNet: Physics-Infused Neural Network for Human Motion Prediction
  • Teaching Agents How to Map: Spatial Reasoning for Multi-Object Navigation
  • Instance Segmentation with Cross-Modal Consistency
  • Sparse PointPillars: Maintaining and Exploiting Input Sparsity to Improve Runtime on Embedded Systems
  • Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation with IRL and DQN in Narrow Corridor Environments
  • Noise-Aware Stochastic Gradient Optimization with AdaTerm
  • Switching Funnel UNITER: Multimodal Instruction Comprehension for Object Manipulation Tasks
  • Collision Prediction and Visual Explanation Generation Using Structural Knowledge in Object Placement Tasks
  • EFGHNet: A Versatile Image-To-Point Cloud Registration Network for Extreme Outdoor Environment
  • L2C2: Locally Lipschitz Continuous Constraint towards Stable and Smooth Reinforcement Learning
  • PM-FSM: Policies Modulating Finite State Machine for Robust Quadrupedal Locomotion
  • Planning to Practice: Efficient Online Fine-Tuning by Composing Goals in Latent Space
  • RoBiGAN: A Bidirectional Wasserstein GAN Approach for Online Robot Fault Diagnosis Via Internal Anomaly Detection
  • OverlapTransformer: An Efficient and Yaw-Angle-Invariant Transformer Network for LiDAR-Based Place Recognition
  • Enpheeph: A Fault Injection Framework for Spiking and Compressed Deep Neural Networks
  • Locomotion Policy Guided Traversability Learning Using Volumetric Representations of Complex Environments
  • Quantity Over Quality: Training an AV Motion Planner with Large Scale Commodity Vision Data
  • Perceive, Represent, Generate: Translating Multimodal Information to Robotic Motion Trajectories
  • MOTSLAM: MOT-Assisted Monocular Dynamic SLAM Using Single-View Depth Estimation
  • SESR: Self-Ensembling Sim-To-Real Instance Segmentation for Auto-Store Bin Picking
  • Regularized Deep Signed Distance Fields for Reactive Motion Generation
  • LiSnowNet: Real-Time Snow Removal for LiDAR Point Clouds
  • HyperPocket: Generative Point Cloud Completion
  • A New Dense Hybrid Stereo Visual Odometry Approach
  • Continuous Self-Localization on Aerial Images Using Visual and Lidar Sensors
  • Renaissance Robot: Optimal Transport Policy Fusion for Learning Diverse Skills
  • Speeding up Optimization-Based Motion Planning through Deep Learning
  • DXQ-Net: Differentiable LiDAR-Camera Extrinsic Calibration Using Quality-Aware Flow
  • When Transformer Meets Robotic Grasping: Exploits Context for Efficient Grasp Detection
  • Learning Feature Decomposition for Domain Adaptive Monocular Depth Estimation
  • Learning Implicit Priors for Motion Optimization
  • LCDNet: Deep Loop Closure Detection and Point Cloud Registration for LiDAR SLAM (I)
  • Recognition and Prediction of Surgical Gestures and Trajectories Using Transformer Models in Robot-Assisted Surgery
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robot Collision Avoidance with Self-State-Attention and Sensor Fusion
  • Fidelity Evaluation of Virtual Traffic Based on Anomalous Trajectory Detection
  • Multi-Objective Policy Gradients with Topological Constraints
  • BIMRL: Brain Inspired Meta Reinforcement Learning
  • Modeling the Fabric-Type Actuator by Deep Learning on Point Clouds
  • A Learning-Enhanced Parameter Tuner Improves Motion Planner Deployment Scalability in Autonomous Driving
  • Pixel-Wise and Uncertainty Based Prediction for Visual Odometry
  • Disentangled Sequence Clustering for Human Intention Inference
  • MAPFASTER: A Faster and Simpler Take on Multi-Agent Path Finding Algorithm Selection
  • Self-Supervised Noisy Label Learning for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
  • Learning Coordinated Terrain-Adaptive Locomotion by Imitating a Centroidal Dynamics Planner
  • Direction-Aware Adaptive Online Neural Speech Enhancement with an Augmented Reality Headset in Real Noisy Conversational Environments
  • Variable Stiffness Object Recognition with Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network on a Soft Gripper
  • IKFlow: Generating Diverse Inverse Kinematics Solutions
  • Weak6D: Weakly Supervised 6D Pose Estimation with Iterative Annotation Resolver
  • Trajectory Prediction with Graph-Based Dual-Scale Context Fusion
  • Efficient Spatial-Temporal Information Fusion for LiDAR-Based 3D Moving Object Segmentation
  • Receding Moving Object Segmentation in 3D LiDAR Data Using Sparse 4D Convolutions
  • Unsupervised Class-Agnostic Instance Segmentation of 3D LiDAR Data for Autonomous Vehicles
  • LiCaS3: A Simple LiDAR–Camera Self-Supervised Synchronization Method (I)
  • Dynamic-GAN: Learning Spatial-Temporal Attention for Dynamic Object Removal in Feature Dense Environments
  • Contextual Driving Scene Perception from Anonymous Vehicle Bus Data for Automotive Applications
  • Domain Knowledge Driven Pseudo Labels for Interpretable Goal-Conditioned Interactive Trajectory Prediction
  • Recognition Beyond Perception: Environmental Model Completion by Reasoning for Occluded Vehicles
  • ATF-3D: Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection withAdaptive Thresholds Filtering Based on Confidenceand Distance
  • DeepCIR: Insights into CIR-Based Data-Driven UWB Error Mitigation
  • Safe Adaptation in Multiagent Competition
  • PUA-MOS: End-To-End Point-Wise Uncertainty Weighted Aggregation for Moving Object Segmentation
  • Grounding Commands for Autonomous Vehicles Via Layer Fusion with Region-Specific Dynamic Layer Attention
  • Neural-Guided Runtime Prediction of Planners for Improved Motion and Task Planning with Graph Neural Networks
  • OpenDR: An Open Toolkit for Enabling High Performance, Low Footprint Deep Learning for Robotics
  • FloorGenT: Generative Vector Graphic Model of Floor Plans for Robotics
  • Robot Motion Planning As Video Prediction: A Spatio-Temporal Neural Network-Based Motion Planner
  • Adversarial Attacks on Monocular Pose Estimation
  • Don’t Share My Face: Privacy Preserving Inpainting for Visual Localization
  • Torque Control of Hydraulic Pressure Servo Valve Driven Actuator with Deep Neural Network
  • A Novel Method for Detecting Misclassifications of the Locomotion Mode in Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Robot Control
  • Deep-Learning to Map a Benchmark Dataset of Non-Amputee Ambulation for Controlling an Open Source Bionic Leg

Multi-Robot Systems

Total of 80 papers

  • Multi-Agent Relative Pose Estimation with UWB and Constrained Communications
  • Optimal Localizability Criterion for Positioning with Distance-Deteriorated Relative Measurements
  • Independent Control Strategy of Multiple Magnetic Flexible Millirobots for Position Control and Path Following (I)
  • Event-Based Signal Temporal Logic Tasks: Execution and Feedback in Complex Environments
  • PCBot: A Minimalist Robot Designed for Swarm Applications
  • Optimal Multi-Robot Formations for Relative Pose Estimation Using Range Measurements
  • OCTOANTS: A Heterogeneous Lightweight Intelligent Multi-Robot Collaboration System with Resource-Constrained IoT Devices
  • Adaptive Autonomous Navigation of Multiple Optoelectronic Microrobots in Dynamic Environments
  • Task-Oriented Contact Optimization for Pushing Manipulation with Mobile Robots
  • Modeling and Control of Multi-UAV System for Tributary Mapping Based on Hybrid Automata
  • Robotic Detection of a Human-Comprehensible Gestural Language for Underwater Multi-Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Distributed Riemannian Optimization with Lazy Communication for Collaborative Geometric Estimation
  • Certifiably Optimal Mutual Localization with Anonymous Bearing Measurements
  • Tether-Based Localization for Cooperative Ground and Aerial Vehicles
  • Safe Drone Flight with Time-Varying Backup Controllers
  • Maintaining Robot Localizability with Bayesian Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds
  • Conservative Filtering for Heterogeneous Decentralized Data Fusion in Dynamic Robotic Systems
  • Capability-Aware Task Allocation and Team Formation Analysis for Cooperative Exploration of Complex Environments
  • Collective Decision-Making with Bayesian Robots in Dynamic Environments
  • Chemistry-Inspired Pattern Formation with Robotic Swarms
  • Enhanced Decentralized Autonomous Aerial Robot Teams with Group Planning
  • Analysis of User Behavior and Workload During Simultaneous Tele-Operation of Multiple Mobile Manipulators
  • Stronger Together: Air-Ground Robotic Collaboration Using Semantics
  • LAMP 2.0: A Robust Multi-Robot SLAM System for Operation in Challenging Large-Scale Underground Environments
  • Loop Closure Prioritization for Efficient and Scalable Multi-Robot SLAM
  • MR-TopoMap: Multi-Robot Exploration Based on Topological Map in Communication Restricted Environment
  • RECCraft System: Towards Reliable and Efficient Collective Robotic Construction
  • DARL1N: Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with One-Hop Neighbors
  • Optimized Grasping and Transport Positions for Multi-Robot Systems Using Genetic Algorithm
  • Multi-Task Scheduling with the A* Algorithm for Antarctic Development and Exploration
  • Adaptive Multi-Robot Coordination from Task Specifications
  • Smooth Spline-Based Trajectory Planning for Semi-Rigid Multi-Robot Formations
  • Robotic Bricklayer: A Multi-Robot System for Building Activity
  • Salp-Inspired, Modular, Soft-Bodied Design for Underwater Robotics
  • Multi-Robot Unknown Area Exploration Using Frontier Trees
  • Min-Max Vertex Cycle Covers with Connectivity Constraints for Multi-Robot Patrolling
  • Efficient Range-Constrained Manifold Optimization with Application to Cooperative Navigation
  • On Coverage Control for Limited Range Multi-Robot Systems
  • Multi-Goal Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery
  • Asynchronous Real-Time Decentralized Multi-Robot Trajectory Planning
  • Decentralized Learning with Limited Communications for Multi-Robot Coverage of Unknown Spatial Fields
  • Multi-Agent Path Planning Using Medial-Axis-Based Pebble-Graph Embedding
  • Multi-Modal User Interface for Multi-Robot Control in Underground Environments
  • Polynomial Time Near-Time-Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning in Three Dimensions with Applications to Large-Scale UAV Coordination
  • MAPFASTER: A Faster and Simpler Take on Multi-Agent Path Finding Algorithm Selection
  • Scalable Online Coverage Path Planning for Multi-Robot Systems
  • DiMOpt: A Distributed Multi-Robot Trajectory Optimization Algorithm
  • Non-Submodular Maximization Via the Greedy Algorithm and the Effects of Limited Information in Multi-Agent Execution
  • NMPC-LBF: Nonlinear MPC with Learned Barrier Function for Decentralized Safe Navigation of Multiple Robots in Unknown Environments
  • Consensus-Based Normalizing-Flow Control: A Case Study in Learning Dual-Arm Coordination
  • Cooperative Object Manipulation under Signal Temporal Logic Tasks and Uncertain Dynamics
  • Collecting a Flock with Multiple Sub-Groups by Using Multi-Robot System
  • A Hybrid PSO Algorithm for Multi-Robot Target Search and Decision Awareness
  • Interactive Multi-Robot Aerial Cinematography through Hemispherical Manifold Coverage
  • Passive Multiuser Teleoperation of a Multirobot System with Connectivity-Preserving Containment (I)
  • PD-FAC: Probability Density Factorized Multi-Agent Distributional Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Robot Reliable Search
  • Cooperative Towing by Multi-Robot System That Maintains Welding Cable in Optimized Shape
  • Impressionist Algorithms for Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems: Flocking As a Case Study
  • Decentralized Multi-Robot Velocity Estimation for UAVs Enhancing Onboard Camera-Based Velocity Measurements
  • Autonomous Service Robots for Urban Waste Management - Multiagent Route Planning and Cooperative Operation
  • DC-MRTA: Decentralized Multi-Robot Task Allocation and Navigation in Complex Environments
  • Multi-Objective Task Allocation for Multi-Agent Systems Using Hierarchical Cost Function
  • A Framework for Optimized Topology Design and Leader Selection in Affine Formation Control
  • ACHORD: Communication-Aware Multi-Robot Coordination with Intermittent Connectivity
  • Stochastic Games with Stopping States and Their Application to Adversarial Motion Planning Problems
  • Conflict-Based Search for Multi-Robot Motion Planning with Kinodynamic Constraints
  • Using R-Functions to Control the Shape of Soft Robots
  • Multi-AGV's Temporal Memory-Based RRT Exploration in Unknown Environment
  • A Barrier-Based Scenario Approach to Verifying Safety-Critical Systems
  • Distributed Ranging SLAM for Multiple Robots with Ultra-WideBand and Odometry Measurements
  • MT*: Multi-Robot Path Planning with Temporal Logic Specification
  • Meeting-Merging-Mission: A Multi-Robot Coordinate Framework for Large-Scale Communication-Limited Exploration
  • Communication-Preserving Bids in Market-Based Task Allocation
  • Toolbox Release: A WiFi-Based Relative Bearing Framework for Robotics
  • Multi-Robot Dynamic Swarm Disablement
  • Attention-Based Population-Invariant Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collision-Free Flocking with a Scalable Fixed-Wing UAV Swarm
  • Multi-UAV Cooperative Short-Range Combat Via Attention-Based Reinforcement Learning Using Individual Reward Shaping
  • Vision-Based Distributed Multi-UAV Collision Avoidance Via Deep Reinforcement Learning for Navigation
  • Inspection of Ship Hulls with Multiple UAVs: Exploiting Prior Information for Online Path Planning
  • Collaborative Navigation and Manipulation of a Cable-Towed Load by Multiple Quadrupedal Robots


Total of 78 papers

  • Efficient and Probabilistic Adaptive Voxel Mapping for Accurate Online LiDAR Odometry
  • 360ST-Mapping: An Online Semantics-Guided Topological Mapping Module for Omnidirectional Visual SLAM
  • Online Distance Field Priors for Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces
  • An Algorithm for the SE(3)-Transformation on Neural Implicit Maps for Remapping Functions
  • PlaneSDF-Based Change Detection for Long-Term Dense Mapping
  • Efficient 2D LIDAR Based Map Updating for Long Term Operations in Dynamic Environments
  • Probabilistic Object Maps for Long-Term Robot Localization
  • Making Parameterization and Constrains of Object Landmark Globally Consistent Via SPD(3) Manifold and Improved Cost Functions
  • ULSM: Underground Localization and Semantic Mapping with Salient Region Loop Closure under Perceptually-Degraded Environment
  • Scale-Aware Direct Monocular Odometry
  • Scale Estimation with Dual Quadrics for Monocular Object SLAM
  • Autonomous Tactile Localization and Mapping of Objects Buried in Granular Materials
  • Multi-Camera-LiDAR Auto-Calibration by Joint Structure-From-Motion
  • GeoROS: Georeferenced Real-Time Orthophoto Stitching with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • Learning to Complete Object Shapes for Object-Level Mapping in Dynamic Scenes
  • Robot-Aided Microbial Density Estimation and Mapping
  • Elevation Mapping for Locomotion and Navigation Using GPU
  • LODM: Large-Scale Online Dense Mapping for UAV
  • Roadside HD Map Object Reconstruction Using Monocular Camera
  • Adaptive-Resolution Field Mapping Using Gaussian Process Fusion with Integral Kernels
  • Make It Dense: Self-Supervised Geometric Scan Completion of Sparse 3D LiDAR Scans in Large Outdoor Environments
  • PLC-LiSLAM: LiDAR SLAM with Planes, Lines and Cylinders
  • LayoutSLAM: Object Layout Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Reducing Object Map Distortion
  • Indirect Point Cloud Registration: Aligning Distance Fields Using a Pseudo Third Point Set
  • Semantic Topological Descriptor for Loop Closure Detection within 3D Point Clouds in Outdoor Environment
  • Pose Refinement with Joint Optimization of Visual Points and Lines
  • Extended Adaptive Inverse Perspective Mapping for Ground Representation of Autonomous Mobile Robot
  • Parsing Indoor Manhattan Scenes Using Four-Point LiDAR on a Micro UAV
  • Hierarchical Road Topology Learning for Urban Mapless Driving
  • S-MKI: Incremental Dense Semantic Occupancy Reconstruction through Multi-Entropy Kernel Inference
  • BEV-SLAM: Building a Globally-Consistent World Map Using Monocular Vision
  • FAST-LIVO: Fast and Tightly-Coupled Sparse-Direct LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Odometry
  • Voxfield: Non-Projective Signed Distance Fields for Online Planning and 3D Reconstruction
  • 3D Lidar Reconstruction with Probabilistic Depth Completion for Robotic Navigation
  • Scalable Fiducial Tag Localization on a 3D Prior Map Via Graph-Theoretic Global Tag-Map Registration
  • These Maps Are Made for Walking: Real-Time Terrain Property Estimation for Mobile Robots
  • MapLite 2.0: Online HD Map Inference Using a Prior SD Map
  • Towards High-Definition Maps: A Framework Leveraging Semantic Segmentation to Improve NDT Map Compression and Descriptivity
  • Robust Structure Identification and Room Segmentation of Cluttered Indoor Environments from Occupancy Grid Maps
  • Struct-MDC: Mesh-Refined Unsupervised Depth Completion Leveraging Structural Regularities from Visual SLAM
  • MotionSC: Data Set and Network for Real-Time Semantic Mapping in Dynamic Environments
  • Visual Mapping and Localization System Based on Compact Instance-Level Road Markings with Spatial Uncertainty
  • Floorplan-Aware Camera Poses Refinement
  • When Geometry Is Not Enough: Using Reflector Markers in Lidar SLAM
  • Object-Aware SLAM Based on Efficient Quadric Initialization and Joint Data Association
  • Unsupervised Simultaneous Learning for Camera Re-Localization and Depth Estimation from Video
  • A Standards-Based Pipeline Route Drawing System Using a Towed Sensing Unit
  • SphereMap: Dynamic Multi-Layer Graph Structure for Rapid Safety-Aware UAV Planning
  • InCOpt: Incremental Constrained Optimization Using the Bayes Tree
  • Spectral Measurement Sparsification for Pose-Graph SLAM
  • RO-LOAM: 3D Reference Object-Based Trajectory and Map Optimization in LiDAR Odometry and Mapping
  • LNC Assisted Localization and Mapping in Pipe Environment
  • Unsupervised Appearance Map Abstraction for Indoor Visual Place Recognition with Mobile Robots
  • Online Localisation and Colored Mesh Reconstruction Architecture for 3D Visual Feedback in Robotic Exploration Missions
  • Event-Based Line SLAM in Real-Time
  • MR-TopoMap: Multi-Robot Exploration Based on Topological Map in Communication Restricted Environment
  • Anchor Selection for SLAM Based on Graph Topology and Sub-Modular Optimization (I)
  • Comparison and Analysis of SLAM Algorithms for Low-Cost LiDAR-Based Small Robot Systems
  • Multi-Robot Unknown Area Exploration Using Frontier Trees
  • Fast 3D Sparse Topological Skeleton Graph Generation for Mobile Robot Global Planning
  • Simultaneous Localization and Mapping through the Lens of Nonlinear Optimization
  • FAST-LIO2: Fast Direct LiDAR-Inertial Odometry (I)
  • GPU-Accelerated Incremental Euclidean Distance Transform for Online Motion Planning of Mobile Robots
  • Invariant-Based World Models for Robust Robotic Systems Demonstrated on an Autonomous Football Table
  • Detecting Invalid Map Merges in Lifelong SLAM
  • MD-SLAM: Multi-Cue Direct SLAM
  • Visual-Inertial Multi-Instance Dynamic SLAM with Object-Level Relocalisation
  • ACEFusion - Accelerated and Energy-Efficient Semantic 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes
  • A Spanning Tree-Based Multi-Resolution Approach for Pose-Graph Optimization
  • Situational Graphs for Robot Navigation in Structured Indoor Environments
  • PFilter: Building Persistent Maps through Feature Filtering for Fast and Accurate LiDAR-Based SLAM
  • Nested Sampling for Non-Gaussian Inference in SLAM Factor Graphs
  • Sweep-Your-Map: Efficient Coverage Planning for Aerial Teams in Large-Scale Environments
  • Low-Drift LiDAR-Only Odometry and Mapping for UGVs in Environments with Non-Level Roads
  • Learned Depth Estimation of 3D Imaging Radar for Indoor Mapping
  • Patchwork++: Fast and Robust Ground Segmentation Solving Partial Under-Segmentation Using 3D Point Cloud
  • Linewise Non-Rigid Point Cloud Registration
  • Vision-Assisted Localization and Terrain Reconstruction with Quadruped Robots

Machine Learning for Robot Control

Total of 77 papers

  • Investigation of Factorized Optical Flows As Mid-Level Representations
  • DreamingV2: Reinforcement Learning with Discrete World Models without Reconstruction
  • Learning Goal-Oriented Non-Prehensile Pushing in Cluttered Scenes
  • CALVIN: A Benchmark for Language-Conditioned Policy Learning for Long-Horizon Robot Manipulation Tasks
  • Deep Koopman Operator with Control for Nonlinear Systems
  • Autonomous State-Based Flipper Control for Articulated Tracked Robots in Urban Environments
  • Learning Visual Feedback Control for Dynamic Cloth Folding
  • Advanced Skills by Learning Locomotion and Local Navigation End-To-End
  • What Matters in Language Conditioned Robotic Imitation Learning Over Unstructured Data
  • Learning Solution Manifolds for Control Problems Via Energy Minimization
  • First Do Not Fall: Learning to Exploit a Wall with a Damaged Humanoid Robot
  • Learning Suction Cup Dynamics from Motion Capture: Accurate Prediction of an Object's Vertical Motion During Release
  • Terrain-Aware Learned Controllers for Sampling-Based Kinodynamic Planning Over Physically Simulated Terrains
  • Risk-Aware Off-Road Navigation Via a Learned Speed Distribution Map
  • Robotic Control in Adversarial and Sparse Reward Environments: A Robust Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning Approach
  • L2C2: Locally Lipschitz Continuous Constraint towards Stable and Smooth Reinforcement Learning
  • Online Model Learning for Shape Control of Deformable Linear Objects
  • Randomized-To-Canonical Model Predictive Control for Real-World Visual Robotic Manipulation
  • Nonlinear Model Learning for Compensation and Feed-Forward Control of Real-World Hydraulic Actuators Using Gaussian Processes
  • Augmented Neural Network for Full Robot Kinematic Modelling in SE(3)
  • Physics-Inspired Temporal Learning of Quadrotor Dynamics for Accurate Model Predictive Trajectory Tracking
  • Learning Non-Parametric Models in Real Time Via Online Generalized Product of Experts
  • Mobile Manipulation Leveraging Multiple Views
  • Model-Free Neural Lyapunov Control for Safe Robot Navigation
  • Variable Impedance Skill Learning for Contact-Rich Manipulation
  • Tactile-Sensitive NewtonianVAE for High-Accuracy Industrial Connector Insertion
  • Regularized Deep Signed Distance Fields for Reactive Motion Generation
  • Learning Perceptual Locomotion on Uneven Terrains Using Sparse Visual Observations
  • UNICON: Uncertainty-Conditioned Policy for Robust Behavior in Unfamiliar Scenarios
  • STEADY: Simultaneous State Estimation and Dynamics Learning from Indirect Observations
  • Learning-Enhanced Adaptive Robust GNSS Navigation in Challenging Environments
  • Demonstrate Once, Imitate Immediately (DOME): Learning Visual Servoing for One-Shot Imitation Learning
  • Learning Implicit Priors for Motion Optimization
  • Learning to Singulate Layers of Cloth Based on Tactile Feedback
  • Safety Correction from Baseline: Towards the Risk-Aware Policy in Robotics Via Dual-Agent Reinforcement Learning
  • Data Augmentation in Prioritized Subset to Improve the Performance of Offline Reinforcement Learning
  • Ensemble Inverse Model Network Based Disturbance Observer for Reinforcement Learning
  • Safe Reinforcement Learning for Robot Control Using Control Lyapunov Barrier Functions
  • Efficient Multi-Task Learning Via Iterated Single-Task Transfer
  • MPR-RL: Multi-Prior Regularized Reinforcement Learning for Knowledge Transfer
  • Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning for Transferable Manipulation Skill Discovery
  • Using Simulation Optimization to Improve Zero-Shot Policy Transfer of Quadrotors
  • NMPC-LBF: Nonlinear MPC with Learned Barrier Function for Decentralized Safe Navigation of Multiple Robots in Unknown Environments
  • Robust High-Speed Running for Quadruped Robots Via Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Reactive Stepping for Humanoid Robots Using Reinforcement Learning: Application to Standing Push Recovery on the Exoskeleton Atalante
  • Hybrid Approach for Stabilizing Large Time Delays in Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control with Reduced Performance Penalties
  • Leveraging Multi-Level Modelling to Automatically Design Behavioral Arbitrators in Robotic Controllers
  • Federated Learning from Demonstration for Active Assistance to Smart Wheelchair Users
  • PourNet: Robust Robotic Pouring through Curriculum and Curiosity-Based Reinforcement Learning
  • Simulation-Based Learning of the Peg-In-Hole Process Using Robot-Skills
  • Hybrid LMC: Hybrid Learning and Model-Based Control for Wheeled Humanoid Robot Via Ensemble Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Active Exploration for Robotic Manipulation
  • Learning Variable Impedance Control for Aerial Sliding on Uneven Heterogeneous Surfaces through Proprioceptive and Tactile Sensing
  • Improved Performance of CPG Parameter Inference for Path-Following Control of Legged Robots
  • Learning High Speed Precision Table Tennis on a Physical Robot
  • Can We Reach Human Expert Programming Performance? a Tactile Manipulation Case Study in Learning Time and Task Performance
  • Multiscale Sensor Fusion and Continuous Control with Neural CDEs
  • SMS-MPC: Adversarial Learning-Based Simultaneous Prediction Control with Single Model for Mobile Robots
  • Dynamic Inference on Graphs Using Structured Transition Models
  • Non-Blocking Asynchronous Training for Reinforcement Learning in Real-World Environments
  • Robot Skill Learning with Identification of Preconditions and Postconditions Via Level Set Estimation
  • Sex Parity in Cognitive Fatigue Model Development for Effective Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Online Adaptive Compensation for Model Uncertainty Using Extreme Learning Machine-Based Control Barrier Functions
  • Learning Physics-Informed Simulation Models for Soft Robotic Manipulation: A Case Study with Dielectric Elastomer Actuators
  • Reinforcement Learning of Impedance Policies for Peg-In-Hole Tasks: Role of Asymmetric Matrices
  • Safe-Control-Gym: A Unified Benchmark Suite for Safe Learning-Based Control and Reinforcement Learning in Robotics
  • Imposing Healthy Hip Movement Pattern and Range by Exoskeleton Control for Individualized Assistance
  • Retro-RL: Reinforcing Nominal Controller with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Tilting-Rotor Drones
  • Automatic Tuning and Selection of Whole-Body Controllers
  • Learning Agile Hybrid Whole-Body Motor Skills for Thruster-Aided Humanoid Robots
  • Embedding Koopman Optimal Control in Robot Policy Learning
  • Safe Active Dynamics Learning and Control: A Sequential Exploration-Exploitation Framework (I)
  • SafeAPT: Safe Simulation-To-Real Robot Learning Using Diverse Policies Learned in Simulation
  • Continuous Locomotion Mode Recognition and Gait Phase Estimation Based on a Shank-Mounted IMU with Artificial Neural Networks
  • Real-Time Locomotion Recognition Algorithm for an Active Pelvis Orthosis to Assist Lower-Limb Amputees
  • Quantifying Safety of Learning-Based Self-Driving Control Using Almost-Barrier Functions
  •  Safe Learning in Robotics

Sensor Fusion

Total of 74 papers

  • FocusTR: Focusing on Valuable Feature by Multiple Transformers for Fusing Feature Pyramid on Object Detection
  • FEJ-VIRO: A Consistent First-Estimate Jacobian Visual-Inertial-Ranging Odometry
  • RGB-D SLAM in Indoor Planar Environments with Multiple Large Dynamic Objects
  • Generalized Laplace Particle Filter on Lie Groups Applied to Ambiguous Doppler Navigation
  • Towards Autonomous Control of Surgical Instruments Using Adaptive-Fusion Tracking and Robot Self-Calibration
  • AFT-VO: Asynchronous Fusion Transformers for Multi-View Visual Odometry Estimation
  • A Portable Multiscopic Camera for Novel View and Time Synthesis in Dynamic Scenes
  • HD-CCSOM: Hierarchical and Dense Collaborative Continuous Semantic Occupancy Mapping through Label Diffusion
  • Scalable and Modular Ultra-Wideband Aided Inertial Navigation
  • Optimal Multi-Robot Formations for Relative Pose Estimation Using Range Measurements
  • Monocular Event Visual Inertial Odometry Based on Event-Corner Using Sliding Windows Graph-Based Optimization
  • Multical: Spatiotemporal Calibration for Multiple IMUs, Cameras and LiDARs
  • Impact Makes a Sound and Sound Makes an Impact: Sound Guides Representations and Explorations
  • Precise Position Control of a Multi-Rotor UAV with a Cable-Suspended Mechanism During Water Sampling
  • P3-VINS: Tightly Coupled PPP/INS/Visual SLAM Based on Optimization Approach
  • Scene-Level Tracking and Reconstruction without Object Priors
  • Hierarchical Road Topology Learning for Urban Mapless Driving
  • S-MKI: Incremental Dense Semantic Occupancy Reconstruction through Multi-Entropy Kernel Inference
  • Multi-Modal Lidar Dataset for Benchmarking General-Purpose Localization and Mapping Algorithms
  • FusionPortable: A Multi-Sensor Campus-Scene Dataset for Evaluation of Localization and Mapping Accuracy on Diverse Platforms
  • Robust Real-Time LiDAR-Inertial Initialization
  • VAST: Visual and Spectral Terrain Classification in Unstructured Multi-Class Environments
  • EFGHNet: A Versatile Image-To-Point Cloud Registration Network for Extreme Outdoor Environment
  • Shape Estimation of Concentric Tube Robots Using Single Point Position Measurement
  • Estimating Odometry Scale and UWB Anchor Location Based on Semidefinite Programming Optimization
  • Visual-Tactile Multimodality for Following Deformable Linear Objects Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Exploring mmWave Radar and Camera Fusion for High-Resolution and Long-Range Depth Imaging
  • FAST-LIVO: Fast and Tightly-Coupled Sparse-Direct LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Odometry
  • Adaptive Gradient-Descent Extended Kalman Filter for Pose Estimation of Mobile Robots with Sparse Reference Signals
  • H-VLO: Hybrid LiDAR-Camera Fusion for Self-Supervised Odometry
  • Robust Cartesian Kinematics Estimation for Task-Space Control Systems
  • See Eye to Eye: A Lidar-Agnostic 3D Detection Framework for Unsupervised Multi-Target Domain Adaptation
  • Observability Analysis and Keyframe-Based Filtering for Visual Inertial Odometry with Full Self-Calibration (I)
  • Tightly-Coupled Visual-Inertial-Pressure Fusion Using Forward and Backward IMU Preintegration
  • Koopman Pose Predictions for Temporally Consistent Human Walking Estimations
  • Robust Slip-Aware Fusion for Mobile Robots State Estimation
  • Continuous-Time Factor Graph Optimization for Trajectory Smoothness of GNSS/INS Navigation in Temporarily GNSS-Denied Environments
  • Conservative Filtering for Heterogeneous Decentralized Data Fusion in Dynamic Robotic Systems
  • RIANet: Road Graph and Image Attention Network for Urban Autonomous Driving
  • Gravity-Constrained Point Cloud Registration
  • LOCUS 2.0: Robust and Computationally Efficient LiDAR Odometry for Real-Time 3D Mapping
  • The Hilti SLAM Challenge Dataset
  • Continuous-Time Stereo-Inertial Odometry
  • A Deep Learning Technique As a Sensor Fusion for Enhancing the Position in a Virtual Reality Micro-Environment
  • A Wearable Multi-Joint Wrist Contour Measuring Device for Hand Shape Recognition
  • Kinematics-Inertial Fusion for Localization of a 4-Cable Underactuated Suspended Robot Considering Cable Sag
  • Multi-Modal Non-Isotropic Light Source Modelling for Reflectance Estimation in Hyperspectral Imaging
  • Learnable Spatio-Temporal Map Embeddings for Deep Inertial Localization
  • Visual-Inertial SLAM with Tightly-Coupled Dropout-Tolerant GPS Fusion
  • Autonomous Pipeline Tracking Using Bernoulli Filter for Unmanned Underwater Surveys
  • MIMOSA: A Multi-Modal SLAM Framework for Resilient Autonomy against Sensor Degradation
  • A Standards-Based Pipeline Route Drawing System Using a Towed Sensing Unit
  • Extrinsic Calibration of a 2D Laser Rangefinder and a Depth-Camera Using an Orthogonal Trihedron
  • Continuous Calibration and Narrow Compensation Algorithm to Estimate a Joint Axis under the Various Conditions with Unit Sensor
  • Efficient Extrinsic Calibration of Multi-Sensor 3D LiDAR Systems for Autonomous Vehicles Using Static Objects Information
  • Towards Autonomous Atlas-Based Ultrasound Acquisitions in Presence of Articulated Motion
  • Multi-Scaled and Densely Connected Locally Convolutional Layers for Depth Completion
  • Multi-View Guided Multi-View Stereo
  • Centralized-Equivalent Pairwise Estimation with Asynchronous Communication Constraints for Two Robots
  • MMFN: Multi-Modal-Fusion-Net for End-To-End Driving
  • Multiple LIDAR-Based SLAM System for an Air-Purifying Robot in Dynamic Environments
  • FBG-Based Variable-Length Estimation for Shape Sensing of Extensible Soft Robotic Manipulators
  • Flexible and Precision Snap-Fit Peg-In-Hole Assembly Based on Multiple Sensations and Damping Identification
  • A Proprioceptive Method for Soft Robots Using Inertial Measurement Units
  • Photometric Visual-Inertial Navigation with Uncertainty-Aware Ensembles (I)
  • An Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Approach for Multimodal 2D Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions
  • Multiscale Sensor Fusion and Continuous Control with Neural CDEs
  • A Comparative Study of Force Observers for Accurate Force Control of Multisensor-Based Force Controlled Motion Systems
  • Tightly-Coupled EKF-Based Radar-Inertial Odometry
  • Combined Dual-Prediction Based Data Fusion and Enhanced Leak Detection and Isolation Method for WSN Pipeline Monitoring System (I)
  • Upper Limb Movement Estimation and Function Evaluation of the Shoulder Girdle by Multi-Sensing Flexible Sensor Wear
  • Toward Global Sensing Quality Maximization: A Configuration Optimization Scheme for Camera Networks
  • Visual-Tactile Sensing for Real-Time Liquid Volume Estimation in Grasping
  • CROON: Automatic Multi-LiDAR Calibration and Refinement Method in Road Scene

Object Detection, Segmentation and Categorization

Total of 71 papers

  • Domain Invariant Siamese Attention Mask for Small Object Change Detection Via Everyday Indoor Robot Navigation
  • Self-Supervised Feature Learning from Partial Point Clouds Via Pose Disentanglement
  • Ensemble Based Anomaly Detection for Legged Robots to Explore Unknown Environments
  • FocusTR: Focusing on Valuable Feature by Multiple Transformers for Fusing Feature Pyramid on Object Detection
  • DeepShapeKit: Accurate 4D Shape Reconstruction of Swimming Fish
  • E2Pose: Fully Convolutional Networks for End-To-End Multi-Person Pose Estimation
  • Fast Detection of Moving Traffic Participants in LiDAR Point Clouds by Using Particles Augmented with Free Space Information
  • RPG: Learning Recursive Point Cloud Generation
  • Fully Convolutional Transformer with Local–Global Attention
  • DeepFusion: A Robust and Modular 3D Object Detector for Lidars, Cameras and Radars
  • CVFNet: Real-Time 3D Object Detection by Learning Cross View Features
  • Embodied Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation Via Informative Path Planning
  • ICK-Track: A Category-Level 6-DoF Pose Tracker Using Inter-Frame Consistent Keypoints for Aerial Manipulation
  • Robotic Interestingness Via Human-Informed Few-Shot Object Detection
  • Real-Time IMU-Based Learning: A Classification of Contact Materials
  • New Objects on the Road? No Problem, We’ll Learn Them Too
  • Conditional Patch-Based Domain Randomization: Improving Texture Domain Randomization Using Natural Image Patches
  • CloudAttention: Efficient Multi-Scale Attention Scheme for 3D Point Cloud Learning
  • Fast Hierarchical Learning for Few-Shot Object Detection
  • Improving Single-View Mesh Reconstruction for Unseen Categories Via Primitive-Based Representation and Mesh Augmentation
  • Instance Segmentation with Cross-Modal Consistency
  • Early Recall, Late Precision: Multi-Robot Semantic Object Mapping under Operational Constraints in Perceptually-Degraded Environments
  • Sparse PointPillars: Maintaining and Exploiting Input Sparsity to Improve Runtime on Embedded Systems
  • Image & Video Anonymization Framework for Ethical Autonomous Trains
  • Learning Moving-Object Tracking with FMCW LiDAR
  • DirectTracker: 3D Multi-Object Tracking Using Direct Image Alignment and Photometric Bundle Adjustment
  • All You Need Is LUV: Unsupervised Collection of Labeled Images Using UV-Fluorescent Markings
  • Stubborn: A Strong Baseline for Indoor Object Navigation
  • Hand-Crafted Features for Floating Plastic Detection
  • Time-To-Label: Temporal Consistency for Self-Supervised Monocular 3D Object Detection
  • 3D Multi-Object Tracking Using Graph Neural Networks with Cross-Edge Modality Attention
  • See Eye to Eye: A Lidar-Agnostic 3D Detection Framework for Unsupervised Multi-Target Domain Adaptation
  • MV6D: Multi-View 6D Pose Estimation on RGB-D Frames Using a Deep Point-Wise Voting Network
  • Deep Tri-Training for Semi-Supervised Image Segmentation
  • TRAVEL: Traversable Ground and Above-Ground Object Segmentation Using Graph Representation of 3D LiDAR Scans
  • Closing the Loop: Graph Networks to Unify Semantic Objects and Visual Features for Multi-Object Scenes
  • Enpheeph: A Fault Injection Framework for Spiking and Compressed Deep Neural Networks
  • Sem-Aug: Improving Camera-LiDAR Feature Fusion with Semantic Augmentation for 3D Vehicle Detection
  • SESR: Self-Ensembling Sim-To-Real Instance Segmentation for Auto-Store Bin Picking
  • Instance Segmentation for Autonomous Log Grasping in Forestry Operations
  • ParaPose: Parameter and Domain Randomization Optimization for Pose Estimation Using Synthetic Data
  • Intensity Image-Based LiDAR Fiducial Marker System
  • Application of Ghost-DeblurGAN to Fiducial Marker Detection
  • An Underwater Target Perception Framework for Underwater Operation Scene
  • Polytopic Planar Region Characterization of Rough Terrains for Legged Locomotion
  • A Deep-Learning-Based System for Indoor Active Cleaning
  • Learning to Simulate Realistic LiDARs
  • Monitoring Object Detectors with Depth and Flow Estimates Via a Fuzzy Inference System
  • Active Suction Cup with Detecting Softness
  • Intra-Operative Anatomical 3D SLAM
  • Low-Latency LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
  • Implicit-Part Based Context Aggregation for Point Cloud Instance Segmentation
  • Subspace-Based Feature Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
  • Optical Flow-Based Branch Segmentation for Complex Orchard Environments
  • Beyond mAP: Towards Practical Object Detection for Weed Spraying in Precision Agriculture
  • DUQIM-Net: Probabilistic Object Hierarchy Representation for Multi-View Manipulation
  • Object Surface Recognition Using Microphone Array by Acoustic Standing Wave
  • WiSARD: A Labeled Visual and Thermal Image Dataset for Wilderness Search and Rescue
  • MPT-Net: Mask Point Transformer Network for Large Scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
  • 3D Object Aided Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
  • Perceiving the Invisible: Proposal-Free Amodal Panoptic Segmentation
  • Meta-RangeSeg: LiDAR Sequence Semantic Segmentation Using Multiple Feature Aggregation
  • Bayesian Active Learning for Sim-To-Real Robotic Perception
  • What's in the Black Box? the False Negative Mechanisms Inside Object Detectors
  • RVMOS: Range-View Moving Object Segmentation Leveraged by Semantic and Motion Features
  • InterFusion: Interaction-Based 4D Radar and Lidar Fusion for 3D Object Detection
  • 6-DoF Pose Estimation of Household Objects for Robotic Manipulation: An Accessible Dataset and Benchmark
  • ATF-3D: Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection withAdaptive Thresholds Filtering Based on Confidenceand Distance
  • Patchwork++: Fast and Robust Ground Segmentation Solving Partial Under-Segmentation Using 3D Point Cloud
  • PUA-MOS: End-To-End Point-Wise Uncertainty Weighted Aggregation for Moving Object Segmentation
  • 3D Part Assembly Generation with Instance Encoded Transformer

Medical Robots and Systems

Total of 68 papers

  • Design and Modeling of a Spring-Like Continuum Joint with Variable Pitch for Endoluminal Surgery
  • EMG-Based Hybrid Impedance-Force Control for Human-Robot Collaboration on Ultrasound Imaging
  • Automatic Laser Steering for Middle Ear Surgery
  • Virtual Reality Simulator for Fetoscopic Spina Bifida Repair Surgery
  • A Pneumatic MR-Conditional Guidewire Delivery Mechanism with Decoupled Rotary Linear Actuation for Endovascular Intervention
  • Design and Evaluation of the Infant Cardiac Robotic Surgical System (iCROSS)
  • A Robotic System for Solo Surgery in Flexible Ureterorenoscopy
  • Light in the Larynx: A Miniaturized Robotic Optical Fiber for In-Office Laser Surgery of the Vocal Folds
  • A 5-DOFs Robot for Posterior Segment Eye Microsurgery
  • Wirelessly Magnetically Actuated Robotic Implant for Tissue Regeneration
  • Multiple Curvatures in a Tendon-Driven Continuum Robot Using a Novel Magnetic Locking Mechanism
  • Force-Guided Alignment and File Feedrate Control for Robot-Assisted Endodontic Treatment
  • Visual Servo Control of COVID-19 Nasopharyngeal Swab Sampling Robot
  • Development of a Cable-Driven Growing Sling to Assist Patient Transfer
  • Development of an Inherently Safe Nasopharyngeal Swab Sampling Robot Using a Force Restriction Mechanism
  • On the Design of Integrated Tele-Monitoring/Operation System for Therapeutic Devices in Isolation Intensive Care Unit
  • Tactile Robotic Telemedicine for Safe Remote Diagnostics in Times ofCorona: System Design, Feasibility and Usability Study
  • Novel Supernumerary Robotic Limb Based on Variable Stiffness Actuators for Hemiplegic Patients Assistance
  • Design and Evaluation of a Miniaturized Force Sensor Based on Wave Backscattering
  • Biocompatible Ferrofluid Robot with Photothermal Property for Targeted Tumor Therapy
  • Lumen Shape Reconstruction Using a Soft Robotic Balloon Catheter and Electrical Impedance Tomography
  • Ultrasound Tracking and Closed-Loop Control of a Magnetically-Actuated Biomimetic Soft Robot
  • Simulation-Based Reinforcement Learning for Real-World Autonomous US Probe Navigation
  • PH Sensor-Embedded Magnetically Driven Capsule for H. Pylori Infection Diagnosis
  • Development of a Robotic Capsule for in Vivo Sampling of Gut Microbiota
  • Local One-Dimensional Motion Estimation Using FBG-Based Shape Sensing for Cardiac Applications
  •  Robot-Assisted Remote Minimally Invasive Surgery: The Fusion of 5G and AI
  • Markerless Suture Needle 6D Pose Tracking with Robust Uncertainty Estimation for Autonomous Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery
  • Linear MPC-Based Motion Planning for Autonomous Surgery
  • Impedance Control on Arbitrary Surfaces for Ultrasound Scanning Using Discrete Differential Geometry
  • Soft Tissue Characterisation Using a Novel Robotic Medical Percussion Device with Acoustic Analysis and Neural Networks
  • A Torque Controlled Approach for Virtual Remote Centre of Motion Implementation
  • Dexterity Analysis and Motion Optimization of In-Situ Torsionally-Steerable Flexible Surgical Robots
  • Robotic Actuation and Control of a Catheter for Structural Intervention Cardiology
  • A Kinematic Modeling and Control Scheme for Different Robotic Endoscopes: A Rudimentary Research Prototype
  • Real-Time Intraoperative Surgical Guidance System in the Da Vinci Surgical Robot Based on Transrectal Ultrasound/photoacoustic Imaging with Photoacoustic Markers: An Ex Vivo Demonstration
  • Design, Teleoperation Control and Experimental Validation of a Dexterous Robotic Flexible Endoscope for Laparoscopic Surgery
  • A Miniature Continuum Robot with Integrated Piezoelectric Beacon Transducers and Its Ultrasonic Shape Detection in Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgeries
  • A Domain-Adapted Machine Learning Approach for Visual Evaluation and Interpretation of Robot-Assisted Surgery Skills
  • Embeddable Coiled Soft Sensor-Based Joint Angle Sensing for Flexible Surgical Manipulator
  • Development of a 6 DOF Soft Robotic Manipulator with Integrated Sensing Skin
  • Autonomous Intraluminal Navigation of a Soft Robot Using Deep-Learning-Based Visual Servoing
  • Design and Evaluation of a Robotic Forceps with Flexible Wrist Joint Made of PEEK Plastic
  • External and Internal Sensor Fusion Based Localization Strategy for 6-DOF Pose Estimation of a Magnetic Capsule Robot
  • Robotic Auscultation Over Clothes for Eliminating Gender Bias
  • ANN-Based Optimization of Human Gait Data Obtained from a Robot-Mounted 3D Camera: A Multiple Sclerosis Case Study
  • Magnetic Microrobot Control Using an Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Method
  • An Easy-To-Deploy Combined Nasal/Throat Swab Robot with Sampling Dexterity and Resistance to External Interference
  • Towards Autonomous Atlas-Based Ultrasound Acquisitions in Presence of Articulated Motion
  • Enhanced Accuracy in Magnetic Actuation: Closed-Loop Control of a Magnetic Agent with Low-Error Numerical Magnetic Model Estimation
  • Autonomous Laparoscope Control for Minimally Invasive Surgery with Intuition and RCM Constraints
  • Learning Laparoscope Actions Via Video Features for Proactive Robotic Field-Of-View Control
  • Automatic Keyframe Detection for Critical Actions from the Experience of Expert Surgeons
  • Accurate Pose Estimation for Comanipulation Robotic Surgery
  • Distilled Visual and Robot Kinematics Embeddings for Metric Depth Estimation in Monocular Scene Reconstruction
  • A Metric for Finding Robust Start Positions for Medical Steerable Needle Automation
  • GESRsim: Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgical Robot Simulator
  • Intrinsic Force Sensing for Motion Estimation in a Parallel, Fluidic Soft Robot for Endoluminal Interventions
  • Contact Localization of Continuum and Flexible Robot Using Data-Driven Approach
  • Deep-Learning-Based Compliant Motion Control of a Pneumatically-Driven Robotic Catheter
  • Colonoscopy Navigation Using End-To-End Deep Visuomotor Control: A User Study
  • Shape Memory Polymer Variable Stiffness Magnetic Catheters with Hybrid Stiffness Control
  • An Observer-Based Responsive Variable Impedance Control for Dual–User Haptic Training System
  • BEAR-H: An Intelligent Bilateral Exoskeletal Assistive Robot for Smart Rehabilitation (I)
  • Soft Actuators for Facial Reanimation
  • Integrating Impedance Control and Nonlinear Disturbance Observer for Robot-Assisted Arthroscope Control in Elbow Arthroscopic Surgery
  • Wave-Shaped Notched Compliant Joint with High Rigidity
  • Simultaneous Gesture Classification and Speed Control for Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand Using Joint-Loss Neural Network

Vision-Based Navigation

Total of 67 papers

  • Egocentric Human Trajectory Forecasting with a Wearable Camera and Multi-Modal Fusion
  • Monocular Event Visual Inertial Odometry Based on Event-Corner Using Sliding Windows Graph-Based Optimization
  • RARA: Zero-Shot Sim2Real Visual Navigation with Following Foreground Cues
  • Navigation among Movable Obstacles with Object Localization Using Photorealistic Simulation
  • Teaching Agents How to Map: Spatial Reasoning for Multi-Object Navigation
  • NAUTS: Negotiation for Adaptation to Unstructured Terrain Surfaces
  • Benchmarking Augmentation Methods for Learning Robust Navigation Agents: The Winning Entry of the 2021 iGibson Challenge
  • Robotic Interestingness Via Human-Informed Few-Shot Object Detection
  • New Objects on the Road? No Problem, We’ll Learn Them Too
  • Keyframe Selection with Information Occupancy Grid Model for Long-Term Data Association
  • Posture Estimation from Crop Lines for Night Planting Robot Using a Single Camera with Night Vision Mode
  • Mobile Robot Guidance from Known to Unknown Environment
  • Robust Visual Localization for Low-Textured Indoor Environments
  • BEV-SLAM: Building a Globally-Consistent World Map Using Monocular Vision
  • STheReO: Stereo Thermal Dataset for Research in Odometry and Mapping
  • Visual Confined-Space Navigation Using an Efficient Learned Bilinear Optic Flow Approximation for Insect-Scale Robots
  • On the Coupling of Depth and Egomotion Networks for Self-Supervised Structure from Motion
  • Spatio-Temporal Graph Localization Networks for Image-Based Navigation
  • Stubborn: A Strong Baseline for Indoor Object Navigation
  • VI-IKD: High-Speed Accurate Off-Road Navigation Using Learned Visual-Inertial Inverse Kinodynamics
  • H-VLO: Hybrid LiDAR-Camera Fusion for Self-Supervised Odometry
  • Memory-Augmented Reinforcement Learning for Image-Goal Navigation
  • Exploring Event Camera-Based Odometry for Planetary Robots
  • GA-Nav: Efficient Terrain Segmentation for Robot Navigation in Unstructured Outdoor Environments
  • Ultrasound Tracking and Closed-Loop Control of a Magnetically-Actuated Biomimetic Soft Robot
  • Observability Analysis and Keyframe-Based Filtering for Visual Inertial Odometry with Full Self-Calibration (I)
  • A 2D Georeferenced Map Aided Visual-Inertial System for Precise UAV Localization
  • Image-Goal Navigation in Complex Environments Via Modular Learning
  • Mobile Manipulation Leveraging Multiple Views
  • Scalable Fiducial Tag Localization on a 3D Prior Map Via Graph-Theoretic Global Tag-Map Registration
  • Square-Root Robocentric Visual-Inertial Odometry with Online Spatiotemporal Calibration
  • Visual Odometry in HDR Environments by Using Spatially Varying Exposure Camera
  • Trifocal Tensor and Relative Pose Estimation from 8 Lines and Known Vertical Direction
  • A New Dense Hybrid Stereo Visual Odometry Approach
  • Continuous Self-Localization on Aerial Images Using Visual and Lidar Sensors
  • TerraPN: Unstructured Terrain Navigation Using Online Self-Supervised Learning
  • Visual-Inertial-Aided Online MAV System Identification
  • Fast Sparse LiDAR Odometry Using Self-Supervised Feature Selection on Intensity Images
  • Towards Autonomous Visual Navigation in Arable Fields
  • WayFAST: Navigation with Predictive Traversability in the Field
  • RCA: Ride Comfort-Aware Visual Navigation Via Self-Supervised Learning
  • Binary Neural Networks for Memory-Efficient and Effective Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments (I)
  • Intra-Operative Anatomical 3D SLAM
  • Optimization-Based Trajectory Prediction Using a Monocular Camera
  • Pixel-Wise and Uncertainty Based Prediction for Visual Odometry
  • Visual-Inertial Odometry Priors for Bundle-Adjusting Neural Radiance Fields
  • Towards Robotic Ultrasound Catheter Tracking Based on Intermediate Ultrasound Representations for Endovascular Procedures
  • A Novel Perceptive Robotic Cane with Haptic Navigation for Enabling Vision-Independent Participation in the Social Dynamics of Seat Choice
  • Audio-Visual Depth and Material Estimation for Robot Navigation
  • A Tightly-Coupled Event-Inertial Odometry Using Exponential Decay and Linear Preintegrated Measurements
  • Photometric Visual-Inertial Navigation with Uncertainty-Aware Ensembles (I)
  • Colonoscopy Navigation Using End-To-End Deep Visuomotor Control: A User Study
  • Real-Time Visual Inertial Odometry with a Resource-Efficient Harris Corner Detection Accelerator on FPGA Platform
  • Navigating to Objects in Unseen Environments by Distance Prediction
  • DSOL: A Fast Direct Sparse Odometry Scheme
  • Hybrid Belief Pruning with Guarantees for Viewpoint-Dependent Semantic SLAM
  • Robust Visual Teach and Repeat for UGVs Using 3D Semantic Maps
  • Sampling-Based View Planning for MAVs in Active Visual-Inertial State Estimation
  • Behaviour Learning with Adaptive Motif Discovery and Interacting Multiple Model
  • City-Wide Street-To-Satellite Image Geolocalization of a Mobile Ground Agent
  • Dynamic-GAN: Learning Spatial-Temporal Attention for Dynamic Object Removal in Feature Dense Environments
  • Lifelong Topological Visual Navigation
  • Visual Environment Perception for Obstacle Detection and Crossing of Lower-Limb Exoskeletons
  • IndoLayout: Leveraging Attention for Extended Indoor Layout Estimation from an RGB Image
  • Newton-PnP: Real-Time Visual Navigation for Autonomous Toy-Drones
  • Adversarial Attacks on Monocular Pose Estimation
  • Vision-Based Distributed Multi-UAV Collision Avoidance Via Deep Reinforcement Learning for Navigation

Mechanism Design

Total of 66 papers

  • Design and Experiments of Snake Robots with Docking Function
  • Modeling and Control of a Lizard Inspired Single Actuated Robot
  • On-Board Physical Battery Replacement System and Procedure for Drones During Flight
  • Design and Evaluation of the Infant Cardiac Robotic Surgical System (iCROSS)
  • DRPD, Compact Dual Reduction Ratio Planetary Drive for Actuators of Articulated Robots
  • Single-Rod Brachiation Robot
  • A Compact, Lightweight and Singularity-Free Wrist Joint Mechanism for Humanoid Robots
  • Wirelessly Magnetically Actuated Robotic Implant for Tissue Regeneration
  • Multiple Curvatures in a Tendon-Driven Continuum Robot Using a Novel Magnetic Locking Mechanism
  • Toroidal Origami Monotrack: Mechanism to Realize Smooth Driving and Bending for Closed-Skin-Drive Robots
  • A Modified Rocker-Bogie Mechanism with Fewer Actuators and High Mobility
  • Planar Multi-Closed-Loop Hyper-Redundant Manipulator Using Extendable Tape Springs: Design, Modeling, and Experiments
  • A New Gripper That Acts As an Active and Passive Joint to Facilitate Prehensile Grasping and Locomotion
  • PCBot: A Minimalist Robot Designed for Swarm Applications
  • Design and Testing of a Bioinspired Lightweight Perching Mechanism for Flapping-Wing MAVs Using Soft Grippers
  • Development of an Inherently Safe Nasopharyngeal Swab Sampling Robot Using a Force Restriction Mechanism
  • On the Design of Integrated Tele-Monitoring/Operation System for Therapeutic Devices in Isolation Intensive Care Unit
  • Plate Harmonic Reducer with a Profiled Groove Wave Generator
  • Experimental Study of the Mechanical Properties of a Spherical Parallel Link Mechanism with Arc Prismatic Pairs
  • Manipulator Equipped with Differential Wrist Mechanism to Combine the Torque of Two Motors to Increase Fingertip Force and Wrist Torque
  • Design of a Modular Continuum Robot with Alterable Compliance Using Tubular-Actuation
  • 3D-Printable Low-Reduction Cycloidal Gearing for Robotics
  • A 4-DoF Parallel Robot with a Built-In Gripper for Waste Sorting
  • Adjustable Lever Mechanism with Double Parallel Link Platforms for Robotic Limbs
  • Design and Characterization of 3D Printed, Open-Source Actuators for Legged Locomotion
  • An Inverted V-Belt and Pulley for Compact, Continuously or Infinitely Variable Robotic Transmissions
  • Dual Pulley Drive: Single Actuator System with Adjustable Profile Overlapping Range in 2-DOF Assistance for Exosuits
  • Mobile Robot Mechanism with Wheel Switching Primitives
  • CoaxHaptics-3RRR: A Novel Coaxial Spherical Parallel Haptic Device
  • Robotic Rope Ascender Design and Analysis for 3D Shape Surface Operation
  • Stabilization Mechanism for Shoulder Mounted Supernumerary Robotic Limb
  • A Study on Robotic Tail Mechanisms for Stair-Climbing Application
  • Energy Saving of Actuator Via Integration of Variable Gravity Compensation Module
  • Screw Robot with Switching Primitives
  • Design of a Wheel-Leg Mechanism for a Façade Operation
  • 1-Degree-Of-Freedom Robotic Gripper with Infinite Self-Twist Function
  • Aerial Grasping and the Velocity Sufficiency Region
  • Automated Design of Task Specific Additively Manufacturable Coupled Serial Chain Mechanisms for Tracing Predefined Planar Trajectories
  • Design Optimization of an Ultrafast-Striking Mantis Shrimp Microrobot
  • Multi-Axis Reorientation of a Free-Falling Omnidirectional Wheeled Robot
  •  Inventing Robotic Mechanisms
  • Self-Propelled Soft Everting Toroidal Robot for Navigation and Climbing in Confined Spaces
  • Soft Tissue Characterisation Using a Novel Robotic Medical Percussion Device with Acoustic Analysis and Neural Networks
  • Single-Fingered Reconfigurable Robotic Gripper with a Folding Mechanism for Narrow Working Spaces
  • Miniature, Lightweight, High-Force, Capstan Winch for Mobile Robots
  • RAMIEL: A Parallel-Wire Driven Monopedal Robot for High and Continuous Jumping
  • Multi-Objective Geometric Optimization of a Multi-Link Manipulator Using Parameterized Design Method
  • An All-In-One Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with Flexible Workspace and Its Auto-Calibration Method
  • On a Balanced Delta Robot for Precise Aerial Manipulation: Implementation, Testing, and Lessons for Future Designs
  • Optimization of Surgical Robotic Instrument Mounting in a Macro-Micro Manipulator Setup for Improving Task Execution (I)
  • Design and Motion Planning for a Reconfigurable Robotic Base
  • Large-Scale ADMM-Based Co-Design of Legged Robots
  • Design and Control of a Modular Robotic Wheel for Shape Transformation
  • A Portable Upper-Limb Home Fitness Device Based on Twisted String Actuation and Elastic Bands for Effective Exercise
  • RANK - Robotic Ankle: Design and Testing on Irregular Terrains
  • A Versatile Co-Design Approach for Dynamic Legged Robots
  • Adaptive Feet for Quadrupedal Walkers (I)
  • Electro-Adhesive Tubular Clutch for Variable-Stiffness Robots
  • Development of a Novel Low-Profile Robotic Exoskeleton Glove for Patients with Brachial Plexus Injuries
  • Design and Trajectory Tracking Control of a New Bi-Copter UAV
  • Drone with Pneumatic-Tethered Suction-Based Perching Mechanism for High Payload Application
  • Modeling, Analysis and Activation of Planar Viscoelastically-Combined Rimless Wheels
  • Jumping on Air: Design and Modeling of Latch-Mediated, Spring-Actuated Air-Jumpers
  • Anisotropic-Stiffness Belt in Mono Wheeled Flexible Track for Rough Terrain Locomotion
  • Wave-Shaped Notched Compliant Joint with High Rigidity
  • Vertical Bend and T-Branch Travels of an Articulated Wheeled In-Pipe Inspection Robot by Combining Its Joint Angle and Torque Controls

Aerial Systems: Applications

Total of 65 papers

  • Monocular UAV Localisation with Deep Learning and Uncertainty Propagation
  • Examining Distance in UAV Gesture Perception
  • Real-Time Hybrid Mapping of Populated Indoor Scenes Using a Low-Cost Monocular UAV
  • GaSLAM: An Algorithm for Simultaneous Gas Source Localization and Gas Distribution Mapping in 3D
  • An Aerial Parallel Manipulator with Shared Compliance
  • RAPTOR: Rapid Aerial Pickup and Transport of Objects by Robots
  • Side-Pull Maneuver: A Novel Control Strategy for Dragging a Cable-Tethered Load of Unknown Weight Using a UAV
  • On-Board Physical Battery Replacement System and Procedure for Drones During Flight
  • Vision-Based Relative Detection and Tracking for Teams of Micro Aerial Vehicles
  • Compliant Thorax Design for Robustness and Elastic Energy Exchange in Flapping-Wing Robots
  • Design and Testing of a Bioinspired Lightweight Perching Mechanism for Flapping-Wing MAVs Using Soft Grippers
  • Rotor Array Synergies for Aerial Modular Reconfigurable Robots
  • Precise Position Control of a Multi-Rotor UAV with a Cable-Suspended Mechanism During Water Sampling
  • Multirotor Long-Reach Aerial Pruning with Wire-Suspended Saber Saw
  • Unmanned Aircraft System-Based Radiological Mapping of Buildings
  • Towards Edible Drones for Rescue Missions: Design and Flight of Nutritional Wings
  • Data-Efficient Collaborative Decentralized Thermal-Inertial Odometry
  • Enforcing Vision-Based Localization Using Perception Constrained N-MPC for Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles
  • PencilNet: Zero-Shot Sim-To-Real Transfer Learning for Robust Gate Perception in Autonomous Drone Racing
  • Decoupling Adaptive Control of Multi-Task Aerial Manipulator Using NSB Approach
  • Virtual Reality from Pose Estimation and Active Learning for Bilateral Teleoperation of Aerial Manipulators
  • Dynamic Minimum Energy Trajectory Generation through Predictive Wind Forecasting
  • Valve Turning Work Utilizing a Multirotor Aerial Robot with Add-On Thrust Vectoring Device
  • Parsing Indoor Manhattan Scenes Using Four-Point LiDAR on a Micro UAV
  • Aerial Grasping and the Velocity Sufficiency Region
  • Automated Aerial Screwing with a Fully Actuated Aerial Manipulator
  • Automatic Parameter Adaptation for Quadrotor Trajectory Planning
  • Efficient Sampling-Based Multirotors Kinodynamic Planning with Fast Regional Optimization and Post Refining
  • Folding Knots Using a Team of Aerial Robots
  • Hand-Crafted Features for Floating Plastic Detection
  • Reactive Motion Planning for Rope Manipulation and Collision Avoidance Using Aerial Robots
  • GNGraph: Self-Organizing Maps for Autonomous Aerial Vehicle Planning
  • Tether-Based Localization for Cooperative Ground and Aerial Vehicles
  • Optimal Time Trajectory Generation and Tracking Control for Over-Actuated Multirotors with Large-Angle Maneuvering Capability
  • A Planning-And-Control Framework for Aerial Manipulation of Articulated Objects
  • Meta-Learning-Based Proactive Online Planning for UAVs under Degraded Conditions
  • Safe and Ergonomic Human-Drone Interaction in Warehouses
  • On a Balanced Delta Robot for Precise Aerial Manipulation: Implementation, Testing, and Lessons for Future Designs
  • Visual-Inertial-Aided Online MAV System Identification
  • Bubble Planner: Planning High-Speed Smooth Quadrotor Trajectories Using Receding Corridors
  • High-Performance Morphing Wing for Large-Scale Bio-Inspired Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • Hoverability Analysis and Development of a Quadrotor Only with Clockwise Rotors
  • Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Human-Robot Handover with Application to the Aerial Case
  • Design, Modeling and Control of a Two Flight Mode Capable Single Wing Rotorcraft with Mid-Air Transition Ability
  • Experimental Performance Comparison of Bidirectional Actuator Configurations for Suspended Aerial Platforms
  • A Method for Automated Drone Viewpoints to Support Remote Robot Manipulation
  • Outdoor Evaluation of Sound Source Localization for Drone Groups Using Microphone Arrays
  • Learning Variable Impedance Control for Aerial Sliding on Uneven Heterogeneous Surfaces through Proprioceptive and Tactile Sensing
  • Siamese Object Tracking for Vision-Based UAM Approaching with Pairwise Scale-Channel Attention
  • Design and Analysis of Truss Aerial Transportation System (TATS): The Lightweight Bar Spherical Joint Mechanism
  • Real-Time Trajectory Planning for Aerial Perching
  • Dynamic Free-Space Roadmap for Safe Quadrotor Motion Planning
  • Obstacle Avoidance of Resilient UAV Swarm Formation with Active Sensing System in the Dense Environment
  • Interactive Multi-Robot Aerial Cinematography through Hemispherical Manifold Coverage
  • Path Planning and Energy Management of Hybrid Air Vehicles for Urban Air-Mobility
  • Linear and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Strategies for Trajectory Tracking Micro Aerial Vehicles: A Comparative Study
  • Local Perception-Aware Transformer for Aerial Tracking
  • End-To-End Feature Decontaminated Network for UAV Tracking
  • HighlightNet: Highlighting Low-Light Potential Features for Real-Time UAV Tracking
  • Drone with Pneumatic-Tethered Suction-Based Perching Mechanism for High Payload Application
  • Geometrically Constrained Trajectory Optimization for Multicopters (I)
  • Robust Trajectory Planning for Spatial-Temporal Multi-Drone Coordination in Large Scenes
  • Autonomous Quadrotor Landing on Inclined Surfaces in High Particle Environments Using Radar Sensor Perception
  • Learning Agile Hybrid Whole-Body Motor Skills for Thruster-Aided Humanoid Robots
  • Visibility-Aware Navigation with Batch Projection Augmented Cross-Entropy Method Over a Learned Occlusion Cost

Soft Robot Applications

Total of 61 papers

  • In-Hand Manipulation Exploiting Bending and Compression Deformations of Caterpillar-Locomotion-Inspired Fingers
  • RAPTOR: Rapid Aerial Pickup and Transport of Objects by Robots
  • The DressGripper: A Collaborative Gripper with Electromagnetic Fingertips for Dressing Assistance
  • Design of a Modular Continuum Robot with Alterable Compliance Using Tubular-Actuation
  • Grasping Curved Objects with an Electroadhesion Soft Gripper
  • Augmented Reality-Assisted Reconfiguration and Workspace Visualisation of Malleable Robots (I)
  • Design and Control of a Multi-Modal Soft Gripper Inspired by Elephant Fingers
  • Tactile Perception for Growing Robots Via Discrete Curvature Measurements
  • Bioinspired Antagonist–agonist Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Eyeball Motions
  • Biocompatible Ferrofluid Robot with Photothermal Property for Targeted Tumor Therapy
  • Lumen Shape Reconstruction Using a Soft Robotic Balloon Catheter and Electrical Impedance Tomography
  • Ultrasound Tracking and Closed-Loop Control of a Magnetically-Actuated Biomimetic Soft Robot
  • Deformation-Driven Closed-Chain Soft Mobile Robot Aimed for Rolling and Climbing Locomotion
  • Soft, Multi-Layer, Disposable, Kirigami Based Robotic Grippers: On Handling of Delicate, Contaminated, and Everyday Objects
  • Topology Optimized Multi-Material Self-Healing Actuator with Reduced Out of Plane Deformation
  • Instantaneous Force Generation Mechanism Based on the Striking Motion of Mantis shrimp—Design and Control Method of Cavitation by Simulation and Experiment
  • Upside-Down Brachiation Robot Using Elastic Energy Stored through Soft Body Deformation
  • Locomotion Via Active Suction in a Sea Star-Inspired Soft Robot
  • SEED: Series Elastic End Effectors in 6D for Visuotactile Tool Use
  • Towards Adaptive Continuous Control of Soft Robotic Manipulator Using Reinforcement Learning
  • An Easy-To-Deploy Combined Nasal/Throat Swab Robot with Sampling Dexterity and Resistance to External Interference
  • High-Performance Morphing Wing for Large-Scale Bio-Inspired Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • Design of a Soft Wearable Passive Fitness Device for Upper Limb Resistance Exercise
  • Multi-DoF Soft Robotic Actuators Based on Spring Reinforce and Particle Jamming
  • Automated Fruit Quality Testing Using an Electrical Impedance Tomography-Enabled Soft Robotic Gripper
  • Grasping State Analysis of Soft Manipulator Based on Flexible Tactile Sensor Array
  • RoboHeart: A Bi-Directional Zipping Actuator
  • Physics-Informed Recurrent Neural Networks for Soft Pneumatic Actuators
  • Design and Experimental Characterization of a Push-Pull Flexible Rod-Driven Soft-Bodied Robot
  • Localization of Interaction Using Fibre-Optic Shape Sensing in Soft-Robotic Surgery Tools
  • Machine Learning Techniques for the Identification of a Soft Robotic Neck
  • Active Suction Cup with Detecting Softness
  • Fractional Order Control of a Kresling Pattern Origami Soft Link
  • Design of the Inflatable Robotic Arm Deployed by Rolling
  • Structure-Based Solution for Securing Inner Channels of Soft Growing Robots
  • Design of Dielectric Elastomer Robot Powered by Triboelectric Nanogenerator
  • Design of a Wearable Mechanism with Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)-Based Artificial Muscle for Assisting with Shoulder Abduction
  • Estimation of Soft Robotic Bladder Compression for Smart Helmets Using IR Range Finding and Hall Effect Magnetic Sensing
  • Transferable Shape Estimation of Soft Pneumatic Actuators Based on Active Vibroacoustic Sensing
  • Shape Reconstruction of Soft Manipulators Using Vision and IMU Feedback
  • FBG-Based Variable-Length Estimation for Shape Sensing of Extensible Soft Robotic Manipulators
  • Soft-Skin Actuator Capable of Seawater Propulsion Based on MagnetoHydroDynamics
  • Contact-Implicit Trajectory and Grasp Planning for Soft Continuum Manipulators
  • Analytical Modeling of a Membrane-Based Pneumatic Soft Gripper
  • Planar Modeling and Sim-To-Real of a Tethered Multimaterial Soft Swimmer Driven by Peano-HASELs
  • Intrinsic Force Sensing for Motion Estimation in a Parallel, Fluidic Soft Robot for Endoluminal Interventions
  • Electro-Adhesive Tubular Clutch for Variable-Stiffness Robots
  • Mechanically Programmable Jamming Based on Articulated Mesh Structures for Variable Stiffness Robots
  • Electroadhesive Clutches for Programmable Shape Morphing of Soft Actuators
  • Motion Tracking Smart Work Suit with a Modular Joint Angle Sensor Using Screw Routing
  • Optimizing Out-Of-Plane Stiffness for Soft Grippers
  • Wire-Storage Pantograph Mechanism for Strain and Force Amplification of a Twisted and Coiled Polymer Fiber
  • Controlling Soft Fluidic Actuators Using Soft DEA-Based Valves
  • Soft Actuators for Facial Reanimation
  • Soft Robotic Fabric Actuator with Elastic Bands for High Force & Bending Performance in Hand Exoskeletons
  • An In-Pipe Crawling Robot Based on Tensegrity Structures
  • Collision-Aware Fast Simulation for Soft Robots by Optimization-Based Geometric Computing
  • Model-Based Design Optimization of Underwater Flagellate Propellers
  • Prismatic Soft Actuator Augments the Workspace of Soft Continuum Robots
  • Hybrid Eye-In-Hand/Eye-To-Hand Image Based Visual Servoing for Soft Continuum Arms
  • Application of Piece-Wise Constant Strain Model to Flexible Deformation Calculation of Sports Prosthesis and Stiffness Estimation

Telerobotics and Teleoperation

Total of 59 papers

  • EMG-Based Feedback Modulation for Increased Transparency in Teleoperation
  • Cutaneous Feedback Interface for Teleoperated In-Hand Manipulation
  • Sensorimotor Control Sharing with Vibrotactile Feedback for Body Integration through Avatar Robot
  • Feeling the Pressure: The Influence of Vibrotactile Patterns on Feedback Perception
  • Effects of Multiple Avatar Images Presented Consecutively with Temporal Delays on Self-Body Recognition
  • A Passive Control Framework for a Bilateral Leader-Follower Robotic Surgical Setup Imposing RCM and Active Constraints
  • Characterization of Real-Time Haptic Feedback from Multimodal Neural Network-Based Force Estimates During Teleoperation
  • VR Facial Animation for Immersive Telepresence Avatars
  • Registering Articulated Objects with Human-In-The-Loop Corrections
  • Spatial Computing and Intuitive Interaction: Bringing Mixed Reality and Robotics Together (I)
  • F1 Hand: A Versatile Fixed-Finger Gripper for Delicate Teleoperation and Autonomous Grasping
  • A Versatile Affordance Modeling Framework Using Screw Primitives to Increase Autonomy During Manipulation Contact Tasks
  • A Training-Evaluation Method for Nursing Telerobot Operator with Unsupervised Trajectory Segmentation
  • On the Design of Integrated Tele-Monitoring/Operation System for Therapeutic Devices in Isolation Intensive Care Unit
  • Tactile Robotic Telemedicine for Safe Remote Diagnostics in Times ofCorona: System Design, Feasibility and Usability Study
  • Virtual Reality from Pose Estimation and Active Learning for Bilateral Teleoperation of Aerial Manipulators
  • Semi-Bilateral Control of 2-DOF Haptic Feedback Control Stick
  • A-RIFT: Visual Substitution of Force Feedback for a Zero-Cost Interface in Telemanipulation
  • Foot-Operated Tele-Impedance Interface for Robot Manipulation Tasks in Interaction with Unpredictable Environments
  • Scene Editing As Teleoperation: A Case Study in 6DoF Kit Assembly
  • Immersive View and Interface Design for Teleoperated Aerial Manipulation
  • WFH-VR: Teleoperating a Robot Arm to Set a Dining Table across the Globe Via Virtual Reality
  • SEMG-Based Minimally Supervised Regression Using Soft-DTW Neural Networks for Robot Hand Grasping Control
  • Adaptive Wave Reconstruction through Regulated-BMFLC for Transparency-Enhanced Telerobotics Over Delayed Networks (I)
  • Analysis of User Behavior and Workload During Simultaneous Tele-Operation of Multiple Mobile Manipulators
  • Variable Impedance Control for Safety and Usability in Telemanipulation
  • Block-Based Novel Haptic Data Reduction for Time-Delayed Teleoperation
  • Skill-CPD: Real-Time Skill Refinement for Shared Autonomy in Manipulator Teleoperation
  • Haptic Teleoperation of High-Dimensional Robotic Systems Using a Feedback MPC Framework
  • Manipulability-Aware Shared Locomanipulation Motion Generation for Teleoperation of Mobile Manipulators
  • Fast Reflexive Grasping with a Proprioceptive Teleoperation Platform
  • Design Interface Mapping for Efficient Free-Form Tele-Manipulation
  • External Load Estimation of Hydraulically Driven Construction Machinery from Cylinder Pressures and Link Accelerations
  • Hands-Free Telelocomotion of a Wheeled Humanoid
  • Using Human Gaze in Few-Shot Imitation Learning for Robot Manipulation
  • From One Hand to Multiple Hands: Imitation Learning for Dexterous Manipulation from Single-Camera Teleoperation
  • HI-DWA: Human-Influenced Dynamic Window Approach for Shared Control of a Telepresence Robot
  • A Method for Automated Drone Viewpoints to Support Remote Robot Manipulation
  • On the Communication Channel in Bilateral Teleoperation: An Experimental Study for Ethernet, WiFi, LTE and 5G
  • On Stabilizing Communication Law for Bilateral Force-Reflecting Teleoperation Systems
  • Towards Robot Avatar: Systems and Methods for Teleinteraction at Avatar XPRIZE Semi-Final
  • Multi-Phase Multi-Modal Haptic Teleoperation
  • Optimal Joint TDPA Formulation for Kinematically Redundant Robot Manipulators
  • Enhanced Accuracy in Magnetic Actuation: Closed-Loop Control of a Magnetic Agent with Low-Error Numerical Magnetic Model Estimation
  • Enhancing Rover Teleoperation on the Moon with Proprioceptive Sensors and Machine Learning Techniques
  • Collaborative Teleoperation with Haptic Feedback for Collision-Free Navigation of Ground Robots
  • Simultaneous Use of Autonomy Guidance Haptic Feedback and Obstacle Avoiding Force Feedback for Mobile Robot Teleoperation
  • Haptic Rendering Architecture for Wheeled Vehicle Shared Teleoperation on Unstructured Environments
  • Comparison of Remote and Local Virtual Fixture and Method to Improve Performance of Them
  • Keyframe Selection, Communication, and Prediction for Teleoperated Driving Systems
  • User Evaluation of 5 DOF Manipulator for Teleoperation Tasks
  • Sampling, Communication, and Prediction Co-Design for Synchronizing the Real-Robot and Digital-Robot in Metaverse
  • Vision-Based Hand Tracking to Reduce Latency of Tele-Operation System for Therapeutic Devices
  • Intention Estimation from Gaze and Motion Features for Human-Robot Shared-Control Object Manipulation
  • The Predictive Kinematic Control Tree: Enhancing Teleoperation of Redundant Robots through Probabilistic User Models
  • Passive Multiuser Teleoperation of a Multirobot System with Connectivity-Preserving Containment (I)
  • A Target-Guided Telemanipulation Architecture for Assisted Grasping
  • A Shared Autonomy Reconfigurable Control Framework for Telemanipulation of Multi-Arm Systems
  • ARviz – an Augmented Reality-Enabled Visualization Platform for ROS Applications (I)

Force and Tactile Sensing

Total of 57 papers

  • A Soft Robotic Haptic Feedback Glove for Colonoscopy Procedures
  • Goal-Driven Robotic Pushing Using Tactile and Proprioceptive Feedback (I)
  • Going in Blind: Object Motion Classification Using Distributed Tactile Sensing for Safe Reaching in Clutter
  • Pose-Based Tactile Servoing: Controlled Soft Touch Using Deep Learning (I)
  • Mapping Mid-Air Haptics with a Low-Cost Tactile Robot
  • Autonomous Tactile Localization and Mapping of Objects Buried in Granular Materials
  • Tactile Gym 2.0: Sim-To-Real Deep Reinforcement Learning for Comparing Low-Cost High-Resolution Robot Touch
  • Bioinspired, Multifunctional, Active Whisker Sensors for Tactile Sensing of Mobile Robots
  • Deep Active Cross-Modal Visuo-Tactile Transfer Learning for Robotic Object Recognition
  • DigiTac: A DIGIT-TacTip Hybrid Tactile Sensor for Comparing Low-Cost High-Resolution Robot Touch
  • Semi-Supervised Disentanglement of Tactile Contact Geometry from Sliding-Induced Shear
  • Multi-Purpose Tactile Perception Based on Deep Learning in a New Tendon-Driven Optical Tactile Sensor
  • Force-Guided Alignment and File Feedrate Control for Robot-Assisted Endodontic Treatment
  • Exploring the Next Dimension: Can Data-Efficient Tactile Online Learning in 2D Be Transferred to 3D?
  • A Soft Tactile Sensor for Tasks Requiring High Spatial Resolution
  • Environmental Interaction with Continuum Robots Exploiting Impact
  • Tactile Pattern Super Resolution with Taxel-Based Sensors
  • Learning-Based Six-Axis Force/Torque Estimation Using GelStereo Fingertip Visuotactile Sensing
  • Deep Learning Classification of Touch Gestures Using Distributed Normal and Shear Force
  • Design and Evaluation of a Miniaturized Force Sensor Based on Wave Backscattering
  • In-Hand Admittance Controller for a Robotic Assistive Walker Based on Tactile Grasping Feedback
  • Robustness of Interaction Parameters Identification Technique for Collaborative Robots
  • Tactile Perception for Growing Robots Via Discrete Curvature Measurements
  • The Relationship between Incremental Changes in Orientation and Slip Speed Estimation Using the Fingerprint Effect
  • Resonant Pneumatic Tactile Sensing for Soft Grippers
  • Simultaneous Contact Location and Object Pose Estimation Using Proprioception and Tactile Feedback
  • Autonomous Learning of Page Flipping Movements Via Tactile Feedback (I)
  • Tactile-Sensitive NewtonianVAE for High-Accuracy Industrial Connector Insertion
  • The Good Grasp, the Bad Grasp, and the Plateau in Tactile Based Grasp Stability Prediction
  • GTac-Gripper: A Reconfigurable Under-Actuated Four-Fingered Robotic Gripper with Tactile Sensing
  • Towards Reproducible Evaluations for Flying Drone Controllers in Virtual Environments
  • A Soft Fluidic Sensor-Actuator for Active Sensing of Force and Displacement in Biomedical Applications
  • Sensor-Based Reconstruction of Slender Flexible Beams Undergoing Large-Scale Deflection
  • Block-Based Novel Haptic Data Reduction for Time-Delayed Teleoperation
  • Design and Evaluation of a Robotic Forceps with Flexible Wrist Joint Made of PEEK Plastic
  • Excavation of Fragmented Rocks with Multi-Modal Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
  • External Load Estimation of Hydraulically Driven Construction Machinery from Cylinder Pressures and Link Accelerations
  • TANDEM: Learning Joint Exploration and Decision Making with Tactile Sensors
  • Watch Me Calibrate My Force-Sensing Shoes!
  • Grasping State Analysis of Soft Manipulator Based on Flexible Tactile Sensor Array
  • On the Communication Channel in Bilateral Teleoperation: An Experimental Study for Ethernet, WiFi, LTE and 5G
  • Towards Robot Avatar: Systems and Methods for Teleinteraction at Avatar XPRIZE Semi-Final
  • The Role of Tactile Sensing in Learning and Deploying Grasp Refinement Algorithms
  • Learning to Singulate Layers of Cloth Based on Tactile Feedback
  • Multi-Finger Tactile Servoing for Grasping Adjustment under Partial Observation
  • Finger-STS: Combined Proximity and Tactile Sensing for Robotic Manipulation
  • Soft Tactile Contour Following for Robot-Assisted Wiping and Bathing
  • Grasp Stability Prediction with Sim-To-Real Transfer from Tactile Sensing
  • Whisker-Inspired Tactile Sensing for Contact Localization on Robot Manipulators
  • Comparing Human Haptic Perception and Robotic Force/Torque Sensing in a Simulated Surgical Palpation Task
  • Active Tactile Exploration Using Shape Dependent Reinforcement Learning
  • A Virtual 2D Tactile Array for Soft Actuators Using Acoustic Sensing
  • Flexible and Precision Snap-Fit Peg-In-Hole Assembly Based on Multiple Sensations and Damping Identification
  • Towards Learning to Play Piano with Dexterous Hands and Touch
  • Vision-Based Sensing for Electrically-Driven Soft Actuators
  • E-TRoll: Tactile Sensing and Classification Via a Simple Robotic Gripper for Extended Rolling Manipulations
  • Probabilistic Approach to Online Stiffness Estimation for Robotic Tasks

Biologically-Inspired Robots

Total of 55 papers

  • The Flatworm-Like Mesh Robot WORMESH-II: Steering Control of Pedal Wave Locomotion
  • In-Hand Manipulation Exploiting Bending and Compression Deformations of Caterpillar-Locomotion-Inspired Fingers
  • Embodying Rather Than Encoding: Undulation with Binary Input
  • A Creeping Snake-Like Robot with Partial Actuation
  • Design and Experiments of Snake Robots with Docking Function
  • Modeling and Control of a Lizard Inspired Single Actuated Robot
  • Optimal Path Following Control with Efficient Computation for Snake Robots Subject to Multiple Constraints and Unknown Frictions
  • A Distributed Coach-Based Reinforcement Learning Controller for Snake Robot Locomotion
  • Bio-Inspired 2D Vertical Climbing with a Novel Tripedal Robot
  • Bio-Inspired Reflex System for Learning Visual Information for Resilient Robotic Manipulation
  • Single-Rod Brachiation Robot
  • A Passive, Asymmetrically-Compliant Knee Joint Improves Obstacle Traversal in an Insect-Scale Legged Robot
  • Passive Compliant Foot Design for Improved Micororobotic Mobility on Rough Terrains
  • Versatile Motion Generation of Magnetic Origami Spring Robots in the Uniform Magnetic Field
  • Enhanced Quadruped Locomotion of a Rat Robot Based on the Lateral Flexion of a Soft Actuated Spine
  • Toward Dexterous Flapping Flight: Effective Large Yaw Torque Generation by 2 Ă— 2-Degrees-Of-Freedom Flapping Wings
  • End-To-End Design of Bespoke, Dexterous Snake-Like Surgical Robots: A Case Study with the RAVEN II (I)
  • Comparative Model Evaluation with a Symmetric Three-Link Swimming Robot
  • Development of a Stingray-Inspired High-Frequency Propulsion Platform with Variable Wavelength
  • Amoeba-Inspired Swimming through Isoperimetric Modulation of Body Shape
  • Compliant Thorax Design for Robustness and Elastic Energy Exchange in Flapping-Wing Robots
  • Event-Triggered Control of Robotic Fish with Reduced Communication Rate
  • Design and Testing of a Bioinspired Lightweight Perching Mechanism for Flapping-Wing MAVs Using Soft Grippers
  • A Novel Design and Evaluation of a Dactylus-Equipped Quadruped Robot for Mobile Manipulation
  • A Flexible Calibration Algorithm for High-Speed Bionic Vision System Based on Galvanometer
  • Visual Confined-Space Navigation Using an Efficient Learned Bilinear Optic Flow Approximation for Insect-Scale Robots
  • Tactile Perception for Growing Robots Via Discrete Curvature Measurements
  • Diaphragm Ankle Actuation for Efficient Series Elastic Legged Robot Hopping
  • Development of Pneumatically Driven Tensegrity Manipulator without Mechanical Springs
  • Development of a Robotic Capsule for in Vivo Sampling of Gut Microbiota
  • Rigid Skeleton Enhanced Dexterous Soft Finger Possessing Proprioception
  • Acoustic Localization and Communication Using a MEMS Microphone for Low-Cost and Low-Power Bio-Inspired Underwater Robots
  • A Control Architecture of a Distributed Actuator System for a Bio-Inspired Spine
  • Development of a Conveyor-Type Object Release Mechanism for a Parallel Gripper with a Mushroom-Shaped Gecko-Inspired Surface
  • Locomotion Via Active Suction in a Sea Star-Inspired Soft Robot
  • Joint-Space CPG for Safe Foothold Planning and Body Pose Control During Locomotion and Climbing
  • Multimodal Aerial-Tethered Robot for Tree Canopy Exploration
  • FireFly: An Insect-Scale Aerial Robot Powered by Electroluminescent Soft Artificial Muscles
  • Effects of Design and Hydrodynamic Parameters on Optimized Swimming for Simulated, Fish-Inspired Robots
  • High-Performance Morphing Wing for Large-Scale Bio-Inspired Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • A Motion Generation Strategy of Robotic Rat Using Imitation Learning for Behavioral Interaction
  • Shaping Impedances to Comply with Constrained Task Dynamics (I)
  • Development of a Small-Sized Quadruped Robotic Rat Capable of Multimodal Motions (I)
  • Design, Modeling and Control of a Two Flight Mode Capable Single Wing Rotorcraft with Mid-Air Transition Ability
  • Obstacle-Aided Locomotion of a Snake Robot Using Piecewise Helixes
  • Whisker-Inspired Tactile Sensing for Contact Localization on Robot Manipulators
  • Salp-Inspired, Modular, Soft-Bodied Design for Underwater Robotics
  • Spatial Reorientation Control of an Underactuated Hybrid Tail-Wheel Robot Using Quadratic Programming
  • Adaptive Feet for Quadrupedal Walkers (I)
  • Vastus and Gastrocnemius Improve Hopping Efficiency and Joints Synchronicity at Different Frequencies: A Robotic Study
  • Gazebo Fluids: SPH-Based Simulation of Fluid Interaction with Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics
  • A Biologically-Inspired Simultaneous Localization and Mapping System Based on LiDAR Sensor
  • Visibility-Inspired Models of Touch Sensors for Navigation
  • Physical Neural Cellular Automata for 2D Shape Classification
  • Battle the Wind: Improving Flight Stability of a Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle under Wind Disturbance with Onboard Thermistor-Based Airflow Sensing

Human-Robot Collaboration

Total of 54 papers

  • Robot Trajectory Adaptation to Optimise the Trade-Off between Human Cognitive Ergonomics and Workplace Productivity in Collaborative Tasks
  • Task Decoupling in Preference-Based Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Human-Robot Interaction
  • Holo-SpoK: Affordance-Aware Augmented Reality Control of Legged Manipulators
  • Keeping Humans in the Loop: Teaching Via Feedback in Continuous Action Space Environments
  • A Multi-Granularity Scene Segmentation Network for Human-Robot Collaboration Environment Perception
  • Controller Design of a Robotic Assistant for the Transport of Large and Fragile Objects
  • Safety-Based Dynamic Task Offloading for Human-Robot Collaboration Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • "I'm Confident This Will End Poorly": Robot Proficiency Self-Assessment in Human-Robot Teaming
  • RILI: Robustly Influencing Latent Intent
  • Multimodal Object Categorization with Reduced User Load through Human-Robot Interaction in Mixed Reality
  • Learning and Executing Re-Usable Behaviour Trees from Natural Language Instruction
  • ProTAMP: Probabilistic Task and Motion Planning Considering Human Action for Harmonious Collaboration
  • Core Processes in Intelligent Robotic Lab Assistants: Flexible Liquid Handling
  • A Novel High-Level Human-Machine Collaboration Method for Autonomous Vehicles Using Spatial Projection of Hand Gestures
  • A Null-Space Based Approach for a Safe and Effective Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Robustness of Interaction Parameters Identification Technique for Collaborative Robots
  • Affective Behavior Learning for Social Robot Haru with Implicit Evaluative Feedback
  • Intuitive & Efficient Human-Robot Collaboration Via Real-Time Approximate Bayesian Inference
  • Adhesion Risk Assessment of an Aircraft Inspection Robot for Improving Operator Awareness
  • Human-To-Robot Manipulability Domain Adaptation with Parallel Transport and Manifold-Aware ICP
  • A Centaur System for Assisting Human Walking with Load Carriage
  • Perceive, Represent, Generate: Translating Multimodal Information to Robotic Motion Trajectories
  • A Novel Human-Safe Robotic Gripper: An Application of a Programmable Permanent Magnet Actuator
  • Context and Intention Aware 3D Human Body Motion Prediction Using an Attention Deep Learning Model in Handover Tasks
  • A Domain-Adapted Machine Learning Approach for Visual Evaluation and Interpretation of Robot-Assisted Surgery Skills
  • Deliberative Democracy with Robot Swarms
  • DoRO: Disambiguation of Referred Object for Embodied Agents
  • Fast Reflexive Grasping with a Proprioceptive Teleoperation Platform
  • GoferBot: A Visual Guided Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly System
  • HIRO: Heuristics Informed Robot Online Path Planning Using Pre-Computed Deterministic Roadmaps
  • Collaborative Teleoperation with Haptic Feedback for Collision-Free Navigation of Ground Robots
  • Coordination with Humans Via Strategy Matching
  • Reasoning about Counterfactuals to Improve Human Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • Intention Estimation from Gaze and Motion Features for Human-Robot Shared-Control Object Manipulation
  • Optimization of Forcemyography Sensor Placement for Arm Movement Recognition
  • A Hierarchical Finite-State Machine-Based Task Allocation Framework for Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly Tasks
  • Passivity-Based Skill Motion Learning in Stiffness-Adaptive Unified Force-Impedance Control
  • Timestamp-Supervised Action Segmentation with Graph Convolutional Networks
  • Robust Human Motion Forecasting Using Transformer-Based Model
  • Human-Robot Collaborative Carrying of Objects with Unknown Deformation Characteristics
  • An Empirical Study of Reward Explanations with Human-Robot Interaction Applications
  • Sociable and Ergonomic Human-Robot Collaboration through Action Recognition and Augmented Hierarchical Quadratic Programming
  • Bounded Rational Game-Theoretical Modeling of Human Joint Actions with Incomplete Information
  • COSM2IC: Optimizing Real-Time Multi-Modal Instruction Comprehension
  • Quantifying Changes in Kinematic Behavior of a Human-Exoskeleton Interactive System
  • Watch Out! There May Be a Human. Addressing Invisible Humans in Social Navigation
  • Learning Coordination Policies Over Heterogeneous Graphs for Human-Robot Teams Via Recurrent Neural Schedule Propagation
  • A Shared Autonomy Reconfigurable Control Framework for Telemanipulation of Multi-Arm Systems
  • Sex Parity in Cognitive Fatigue Model Development for Effective Human-Robot Collaboration
  • An Intention Prediction Based Shared Control System for Point-To-Point Navigation of a Robotic Wheelchair
  • ARviz – an Augmented Reality-Enabled Visualization Platform for ROS Applications (I)
  • A Piecewise Monotonic Gait Phase Estimation Model for Controlling a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesis in Various Locomotion Modes
  • Predicting Visual Differentiability for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Gestures
  •  Shaping Robotic Assistance through Structured Robot Learning

Learning from Demonstration

Total of 53 papers

  • Efficiently Learning Manipulations by Selecting Structured Skill Representations
  • Optimizing Demonstrated Robot Manipulation Skills for Temporal Logic Constraints
  • Learning and Generalizing Cooperative Manipulation Skills Using Parametric Dynamic Movement Primitives (I)
  • Learning and Executing Re-Usable Behaviour Trees from Natural Language Instruction
  • Conditional Visual Servoing for Multi-Step Tasks
  • Learning Causal Relationships of Object Properties and Affordances through Human Demonstrations and Self-Supervised Intervention for Purposeful Action in Transfer Environments
  • A Training-Evaluation Method for Nursing Telerobot Operator with Unsupervised Trajectory Segmentation
  • Changing the Consumer Panel Game with Robot Imitation Learning
  • Robot Learning to Paint from Demonstrations
  • A Framework of Rehabilitation-Assisted Robot Skill Representation, Learning, and Modulation Via Manifold-Mappings and Gaussian Processes
  • Learning Visual Robotic Control Efficiently with Contrastive Pre-Training and Data Augmentation
  • Analyzing and Overcoming Degradation in Warm-Start Reinforcement Learning
  • Understanding Spatio-Temporal Relations in Human-Object Interaction Using Pyramid Graph Convolutional Network
  • Human-To-Robot Manipulability Domain Adaptation with Parallel Transport and Manifold-Aware ICP
  • Learning Object Manipulation Skills from Video Via Approximate Differentiable Physics
  • Quantifying Demonstration Quality for Robot Learning and Generalization
  • Imitation of Manipulation Skills Using Multiple Geometries
  • Learning Category-Level Generalizable Object Manipulation Policy Via Generative Adversarial Self-Imitation Learning from Demonstrations
  • Robot Learning from Demonstration Using Elastic Maps
  • Robot Policy Learning from Demonstration Using Advantage Weighting and Early Termination
  • Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Hybrid-Weight Trust-Region Optimization and Curriculum Learning for Autonomous Maneuvering
  • WFA-IRL: Inverse Reinforcement Learning of Autonomous Behaviors Encoded As Weighted Finite Automata
  • Ergodic Exploration Using Tensor Train: Applications in Insertion Tasks (I)
  • Divide & Conquer Imitation Learning
  • Hierarchical Model-Based Imitation Learning for Planning in Autonomous Driving
  • Back to the Manifold: Recovering from Out-Of-Distribution States
  • Learning to Sequence and Blend Robot Skills Via Differentiable Optimization
  • Risk-Sensitive MPCs with Deep Distributional Inverse RL for Autonomous Driving
  • Learning Turn-Taking Behavior from Human Demonstrations for Social Human-Robot Interactions
  • A Framework for Transferring Surface Finishing Skills to New Surface Geometries
  • A Bimanual Manipulation Taxonomy
  • Learning Temporal Task Models from Human Bimanual Demonstrations
  • Learning Implicit Priors for Motion Optimization
  • Learning from Demonstration Based on Environmental Constraints
  • Multi-Level Task Learning Based on Intention and Constraint Inference for Autonomous Robotic Manipulation
  • SurfMan: Generating Smooth Robotic Surface Manipulation Trajectories for Human-Demonstrated Pattern Sequence
  • A Learning-Enhanced Parameter Tuner Improves Motion Planner Deployment Scalability in Autonomous Driving
  • Understanding Acoustic Patterns of Human Teachers Demonstrating Manipulation Tasks to Robots
  • Energy-Based Legged Robots Terrain Traversability Modeling Via Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • Perturbation-Based Stiffness Inference in Variable Impedance Control
  • Development of Low-Inertia Backdrivable Arm Focusing on Learning-Based Control
  • Socially CompliAnt Navigation Dataset (SCAND): A Large-Scale Dataset of Demonstrations for Social Navigation
  • Learning Deformable Object Manipulation from Expert Demonstrations
  • Transporters with Visual Foresight for Solving Unseen Rearrangement Tasks
  • Learning Perceptual Concepts by Bootstrapping from Human Queries
  • Extending Extrapolation Capabilities of Probabilistic Motion Models Learned from Human Demonstrations Using Shape-Preserving Virtual Demonstrations
  • Learning High Speed Precision Table Tennis on a Physical Robot
  • Behaviour Learning with Adaptive Motif Discovery and Interacting Multiple Model
  • Learning from Demonstration Using a Curvature Regularized Variational Auto-Encoder (CurvVAE)
  • Constrained Probabilistic Movement Primitives for Robot Trajectory Adaptation (I)
  • Use of Action Label in Deep Predictive Learning for Robot Manipulation
  • Robot Task Learning with Motor Babbling Using Pseudo Rehearsal
  • Self-Supervised Learning of Visual Servoing for Low-Rigidity Robots Considering Temporal Body Changes

Manipulation Planning

Total of 53 papers

  • To Ask for Help or Not to Ask: A Predictive Approach to Human-In-The-Loop Motion Planning for Robot Manipulation Tasks
  • Learning Goal-Oriented Non-Prehensile Pushing in Cluttered Scenes
  • Transfer Learning for Machine Learning-Based Detection and Separation of Entanglements in Bin-Picking Applications
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning Based on Local GNN for Goal-Conditioned Deformable Object Rearranging
  • Controlling the Cascade: Kinematic Planning for N-Ball Toss Juggling
  • Rearrangement-Based Manipulation Via Kinodynamic Planning and Dynamic Planning Horizons
  • Parallel Monte Carlo Tree Search with Batched Rigid-Body Simulations for Speeding up Long-Horizon Episodic Robot Planning
  • Optimizing Demonstrated Robot Manipulation Skills for Temporal Logic Constraints
  • A Hierarchical Framework for Long Horizon Planning of Object-Contact Trajectories
  • Constraint-Based Task Specification and Trajectory Optimization for Sequential Manipulation
  • Quasistatic Contact-Rich Manipulation Via Linear Complementarity Quadratic Programming
  • Efficient Spatial Representation and Routing of Deformable One-Dimensional Objects for Manipulation
  • Learning and Generalizing Cooperative Manipulation Skills Using Parametric Dynamic Movement Primitives (I)
  • A Solution to Slosh-Free Robot Trajectory Optimization
  • Uncertainty-Aware Manipulation Planning Using Gravity and Environment Geometry
  • Planar Multi-Closed-Loop Hyper-Redundant Manipulator Using Extendable Tape Springs: Design, Modeling, and Experiments
  • Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Precise Soccer Shooting Skills Using a Quadrupedal Robot
  • Computation and Selection of Secure Gravity Based Caging Grasps of Planar Objects
  • Scalable Learned Geometric Feasibility for Cooperative Grasp and Motion Planning
  • Task-Oriented Contact Optimization for Pushing Manipulation with Mobile Robots
  • Planning to Build Block Structures with Unstable Intermediate States Using Two Manipulators (I)
  • Modeling of Nonlinear Stiffness for Wall Painting Manipulator
  • Learning Scheme Based on Bayesian Optimization for Throwing Manipulation with Stochastic Noise
  • AR Training App for Energy Optimal Programming of Cobots
  • Intrinsic Guidance Learning and Reinforcement Learning for Manipulator
  • Dual Arm Manipulation Strategy of Flexible Cables for the Wiring Harness Assembly Automation
  • Attracting Conductive Nonmagnetic Objects with Rotating Magnetic Dipole Fields
  • Design and Control of a Multi-Modal Soft Gripper Inspired by Elephant Fingers
  • A Mechanical Screwing Tool for 2-Finger Parallel Grippers -- Design, Optimization, and Manipulation Policies (I)
  • Tactile-Guided Dynamic Object Planar Manipulation
  • Reactive Motion Planning for Rope Manipulation and Collision Avoidance Using Aerial Robots
  • Unsupervised 3D Link Segmentation of Articulated Objects with a Mixture of Coherent Point Drift
  • A Planning-And-Control Framework for Aerial Manipulation of Articulated Objects
  • Jerk-Continuous Online Trajectory Generation for Robot Manipulator with Arbitrary Initial State and Kinematic Constraints
  • Safety-Critical Manipulation for Collision-Free Food Preparation
  • Robust Robotic 3-D Drawing Using Closed-Loop Planning and Online Picked Pens (I)
  • Task and Motion Informed Trees (TMIT*): Almost-Surely Asymptotically Optimal Integrated Task and Motion Planning
  • Equilibrium Manipulation Planning for a Soft Elastic Rod Considering an External Distributed Force and Intrinsic Curvature
  • SEMG-Based Minimally Supervised Regression Using Soft-DTW Neural Networks for Robot Hand Grasping Control
  • Skill-CPD: Real-Time Skill Refinement for Shared Autonomy in Manipulator Teleoperation
  • Excavation of Fragmented Rocks with Multi-Modal Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
  • DPMP-Deep Probabilistic Motion Planning: A Use Case in Strawberry Picking Robot
  • Learning to Sequence and Blend Robot Skills Via Differentiable Optimization
  • Metal Wire Manipulation Planning for 3D Curving a Low Payload Robot That Uses a Bending Machine to Bend High-Stiffness Wire
  • Optimal Hierarchical Planner for Object Search in Large Environments Via Mobile Manipulation
  • GraphDistNet: A Graph-Based Collision-Distance Estimator for Gradient-Based Trajectory Optimization
  • A Conflict-Driven Interface between Symbolic Planning and Nonlinear Constraint Solving
  • Assembly Planning from Observations under Physical Constraints
  • PourNet: Robust Robotic Pouring through Curriculum and Curiosity-Based Reinforcement Learning
  • Transferring Dexterous Manipulation from GPU Simulation to a Remote Real-World TriFinger
  • Efficient Task/Motion Planning for a Dual-Arm Robot from Language Instructions and Cooking Images
  • Grasp Planning for Occluded Objects in a Confined Space with Lateral View Using Monte Carlo Tree Search
  • RHH-LGP: Receding Horizon and Heuristics-Based Logic-Geometric Programming for Task and Motion Planning

Soft Sensors and Actuators

Total of 52 papers

  • A Large-Area Wearable Soft Haptic Device Using Stacked Pneumatic Pouch Actuation
  • Origami Robot Self-Folding by Magnetic Induction
  • Characterization of the Variable Stiffness Actuator Fabricated of SMA/SMP and MWCNT/IL: PDMS Strain-Sensitive Heater Electrode
  • Bioinspired Antagonist–agonist Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Eyeball Motions
  • The Relationship between Incremental Changes in Orientation and Slip Speed Estimation Using the Fingerprint Effect
  • Resonant Pneumatic Tactile Sensing for Soft Grippers
  • Rigid Skeleton Enhanced Dexterous Soft Finger Possessing Proprioception
  • A Multi-Segmented Soft Finger Using Snap-Through Instability of a Soft Valve with a Slit
  • Performance Evaluation for Braided McKibben Pneumatic Actuators in Telescopic Nested Structure
  • Realization of Seated Walk by a Musculoskeletal Humanoid with Buttock-Contact Sensors from Human Constrained Teaching
  • Elongatable Gripper Fingers with Integrated Stretchable Tactile Sensors for Underactuated Grasping and Dexterous Manipulation (I)
  • Self-Morphing Soft Parallel-And-Coplanar Electroadhesive Grippers Based on Laser-Scribed Graphene Oxide Electrodes
  • Embeddable Coiled Soft Sensor-Based Joint Angle Sensing for Flexible Surgical Manipulator
  • A Soft Fluidic Sensor-Actuator for Active Sensing of Force and Displacement in Biomedical Applications
  • GSG: A Granary-Shaped Soft Gripper with Mechanical Sensing Via Snap-Through Structure
  • FireFly: An Insect-Scale Aerial Robot Powered by Electroluminescent Soft Artificial Muscles
  • RoboHeart: A Bi-Directional Zipping Actuator
  • Physics-Informed Recurrent Neural Networks for Soft Pneumatic Actuators
  • Whisker-Inspired Tactile Sensing for Contact Localization on Robot Manipulators
  • Localization of Interaction Using Fibre-Optic Shape Sensing in Soft-Robotic Surgery Tools
  • Design of the Inflatable Robotic Arm Deployed by Rolling
  • Structure-Based Solution for Securing Inner Channels of Soft Growing Robots
  • Design of Dielectric Elastomer Robot Powered by Triboelectric Nanogenerator
  • Wearable Tactile Sensor for Soft Robot
  • A Wearable Smart Glove and Its Application of Pose and Gesture Detection to Sign Language Classification
  • Reconfigurable Self-Sensing Pneumatic Artificial Muscle with Locking Ability Based on Modular Multi-Chamber Soft Actuator
  • Slip Anticipation for Grasping Deformable Objects Using a Soft Force Sensor
  • Estimation of Soft Robotic Bladder Compression for Smart Helmets Using IR Range Finding and Hall Effect Magnetic Sensing
  • Kirigami Skin Based Flexible Whisker Sensor
  • Design and Characterisation of a Soft Barometric Sensing Skin for Robotic Manipulation
  • A Virtual 2D Tactile Array for Soft Actuators Using Acoustic Sensing
  • Transferable Shape Estimation of Soft Pneumatic Actuators Based on Active Vibroacoustic Sensing
  • Shape Reconstruction of Soft Manipulators Using Vision and IMU Feedback
  • FBG-Based Variable-Length Estimation for Shape Sensing of Extensible Soft Robotic Manipulators
  • Soft-Skin Actuator Capable of Seawater Propulsion Based on MagnetoHydroDynamics
  • Towards Accurate Modeling of Modular Soft Pneumatic Robots: From Volume FEM to Cosserat Rod
  • Model-Based Disturbance Estimation for a Fiber-Reinforced Soft Manipulator Using Orientation Sensing
  • Intrinsic Force Sensing for Motion Estimation in a Parallel, Fluidic Soft Robot for Endoluminal Interventions
  • Mechanically Programmable Jamming Based on Articulated Mesh Structures for Variable Stiffness Robots
  • Electroadhesive Clutches for Programmable Shape Morphing of Soft Actuators
  • Modeling and Position Control of the HASEL Actuator Via Port-Hamiltonian Approach
  • Motion Tracking Smart Work Suit with a Modular Joint Angle Sensor Using Screw Routing
  • 3D Curvature-Based Tip Load Estimation for Continuum Robots
  • Optimizing Out-Of-Plane Stiffness for Soft Grippers
  • Wire-Storage Pantograph Mechanism for Strain and Force Amplification of a Twisted and Coiled Polymer Fiber
  • Vision-Based Sensing for Electrically-Driven Soft Actuators
  • FEA-Based Inverse Kinematic Control: Hyperelastic Material Characterization of Self-Healing Soft Robots (I)
  • Controlling Soft Fluidic Actuators Using Soft DEA-Based Valves
  • Omnidirectional Walking of a Quadruped Robot Enabled by Compressible Tendon-Driven Soft Actuators
  • Soft Robotic Fabric Actuator with Elastic Bands for High Force & Bending Performance in Hand Exoskeletons
  • Prismatic Soft Actuator Augments the Workspace of Soft Continuum Robots
  •  Advances in High-Power-Density Dielectric Elastomer Artificial Muscles and Their Applications

Deep Learning in Grasping and Manipulation

Total of 51 papers

  • SpeedFolding: Learning Efficient Bimanual Folding of Garments
  • Learning 6-DoF Task-Oriented Grasp Detection Via Implicit Estimation and Visual Affordance
  • Efficiently Learning Manipulations by Selecting Structured Skill Representations
  • Transfer Learning for Machine Learning-Based Detection and Separation of Entanglements in Bin-Picking Applications
  • Parallel Monte Carlo Tree Search with Batched Rigid-Body Simulations for Speeding up Long-Horizon Episodic Robot Planning
  • PoseIt: A Visual-Tactile Dataset of Holding Poses for Grasp Stability Analysis
  • Learning to Fold Real Garments with One Arm: A Case Study in Cloud-Based Robotics Research
  • GE-Grasp: Efficient Target-Oriented Grasping in Dense Clutters
  • Simultaneous Object Reconstruction and Grasp Prediction Using a Camera-Centric Object Shell Representation
  • Visual Manipulation Relationship Detection Based on Gated Graph Neural Network for Robotic Grasping
  • Learning Visual Feedback Control for Dynamic Cloth Folding
  • How to Spend Your Robot Time: Bridging Kickstarting and Offline Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Robotic Manipulation
  • EfficientGrasp: A Unified Data-Efficient Learning to Grasp Method for Multi-Fingered Robot Hands
  • Scalable Learned Geometric Feasibility for Cooperative Grasp and Motion Planning
  • Planning to Practice: Efficient Online Fine-Tuning by Composing Goals in Latent Space
  • Learning to Grasp on the Moon from 3D Octree Observations with Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • MasKGrasp: Mask-Based Grasping for Scenes with Multiple General Real-World Objects
  • Fixture-Aware DDQN for Generalized Environment-Enabled Grasping
  • End-To-End from Human Hand Synergies to Robot Hand Tendon Routing
  • Hierarchical Primitive Composition: Simultaneous Activation of Skills with Inconsistent Action Dimensions in Multiple Hierarchies
  • The Good Grasp, the Bad Grasp, and the Plateau in Tactile Based Grasp Stability Prediction
  • 6D Robotic Assembly Based on RGB-Only Object Pose Estimation
  • Context and Intention Aware 3D Human Body Motion Prediction Using an Attention Deep Learning Model in Handover Tasks
  • Learning a State Estimator for Tactile In-Hand Manipulation
  • A Two-Stage Learning Architecture That Generates High-Quality Grasps for a Multi-Fingered Hand
  • Graph-Structured Policy Learning for Multi-Goal Manipulation Tasks
  • Scene Editing As Teleoperation: A Case Study in 6DoF Kit Assembly
  • On the Importance of Label Encoding and Uncertainty Estimation for Robotic Grasp Detection
  • Automating Surgical Peg Transfer: Calibration with Deep Learning Can Exceed Speed, Accuracy, and Consistency of Humans (I)
  • CPQNet: Contact Points Quality Network for Robotic Grasping
  • SSP-Pose: Symmetry-Aware Shape Prior Deformation for Direct Category-Level Object Pose Estimation
  • VGPN: 6-DoF Grasp Pose Detection Network Based on Hough Voting
  • Learning Closed-Loop Dough Manipulation Using a Differentiable Reset Module
  • When Transformer Meets Robotic Grasping: Exploits Context for Efficient Grasp Detection
  • Using Human Gaze in Few-Shot Imitation Learning for Robot Manipulation
  • Heuristic-Free Optimization of Force-Controlled Robot Search Strategies in Stochastic Environments
  • Grasp Stability Prediction with Sim-To-Real Transfer from Tactile Sensing
  • GraphDistNet: A Graph-Based Collision-Distance Estimator for Gradient-Based Trajectory Optimization
  • Measuring Prediction Reliability on 6D Object Pose Estimation
  • Analysis of Randomization Effects on Sim2Real Transfer in Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Manipulation Tasks
  • DUQIM-Net: Probabilistic Object Hierarchy Representation for Multi-View Manipulation
  • DA^2 Dataset: Toward Dexterity-Aware Dual-Arm Grasping
  • Learning Deformable Object Manipulation from Expert Demonstrations
  • Transporters with Visual Foresight for Solving Unseen Rearrangement Tasks
  • DiffCloud: Real-To-Sim from Point Clouds with Differentiable Simulation and Rendering of Deformable Objects
  • Grasp Planning for Occluded Objects in a Confined Space with Lateral View Using Monte Carlo Tree Search
  • End-To-End Learning to Grasp Via Sampling from Object Point Clouds
  • ProgressLabeller: Visual Data Stream Annotation for Training Object-Centric 3D Perception
  • Learning Pneumatic Non-Prehensile Manipulation with a Mobile Blower
  • SGL: Symbolic Goal Learning in a Hybrid, Modular Framework for Human Instruction Following
  • Visual-Tactile Sensing for Real-Time Liquid Volume Estimation in Grasping

Computer Vision for Automation

Total of 47 papers

  • Multi-Sensor Data Annotation Using Sequence-Based Active Learning
  • Instance-Aware Multi-Object Self-Supervision for Monocular Depth Prediction
  • Making Parameterization and Constrains of Object Landmark Globally Consistent Via SPD(3) Manifold and Improved Cost Functions
  • Reconstructed Student-Teacher and Discriminative Networks for Anomaly Detection
  • Visual Servo Control of COVID-19 Nasopharyngeal Swab Sampling Robot
  • Template-Based Category-Agnostic Instance Detection with Human Guidance for Adaptive Robotic Manipulation
  • An Efficient and Accurate Solution to Camera Pose Estimation Problem from Point and Line Correspondences Based on Null Space Analysis
  • A Flexible Calibration Algorithm for High-Speed Bionic Vision System Based on Galvanometer
  • Voting and Attention-Based Pose Relation Learning for Object Pose Estimation from 3D Point Clouds
  • Semi-Perspective Decoupled Heatmaps for 3D Robot Pose Estimation from Depth Maps
  • DeepFusionMOT: A 3D Multi-Object Tracking Framework Based on Camera-LiDAR Fusion with Deep Association
  • Tactile-Sensitive NewtonianVAE for High-Accuracy Industrial Connector Insertion
  • RGB-X Classification for Electronics Sorting
  • CPQNet: Contact Points Quality Network for Robotic Grasping
  • SESR: Self-Ensembling Sim-To-Real Instance Segmentation for Auto-Store Bin Picking
  • Visual Odometry in HDR Environments by Using Spatially Varying Exposure Camera
  • Trifocal Tensor and Relative Pose Estimation from 8 Lines and Known Vertical Direction
  • A Flexible and Robust Vision Trap for Automated Part Feeder Design
  • ParaPose: Parameter and Domain Randomization Optimization for Pose Estimation Using Synthetic Data
  • Jacobian Computation for Cumulative B-Splines on SE(3) and Application to Continuous-Time Object Tracking
  • Intensity Image-Based LiDAR Fiducial Marker System
  • LiSnowNet: Real-Time Snow Removal for LiDAR Point Clouds
  • Application of Ghost-DeblurGAN to Fiducial Marker Detection
  • Learning Important Regions Via Attention for Video Streaming on Cloud Robotics
  • Unsupervised Simultaneous Learning for Camera Re-Localization and Depth Estimation from Video
  • HyperPocket: Generative Point Cloud Completion
  • DRL-ISP: Multi-Objective Camera ISP with Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Vision-Based Safety System for Barrierless Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Simultaneous Calibration of Multiple Revolute Joints for Articulated Vision Systems Via SE(3) Kinematic Bundle Adjustment
  • ReINView: Re-Interpreting Views for Multi-View 3D Object Recognition
  • Unsupervised Confidence for LiDAR Depth Maps and Applications
  • Multi-View Guided Multi-View Stereo
  • Demonstrate Once, Imitate Immediately (DOME): Learning Visual Servoing for One-Shot Imitation Learning
  • Development and Control of Robot Hand with Finger Camera for Garment Handling Tasks
  • A Deep-Learning-Based System for Indoor Active Cleaning
  • Realistic Real-Time Simulation of RGB and Depth Sensors for Dynamic Scenarios Using Augmented Image Based Rendering
  • Vision-Based Hand Tracking to Reduce Latency of Tele-Operation System for Therapeutic Devices
  • On CAD Informed Adaptive Robotic Assembly
  • View Planning Using Discrete Optimization for 3D Reconstruction of Row Crops
  • Beyond mAP: Towards Practical Object Detection for Weed Spraying in Precision Agriculture
  • Simultaneous Depth Estimation and Localization for Cell Manipulation Based on Deep Learning
  • CA-SpaceNet: Counterfactual Analysis for 6D Pose Estimation in Space
  • FedDrive: Generalizing Federated Learning to Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
  • Dynamics-Aware Spatiotemporal Occupancy Prediction in Urban Environments
  • Cross-Modal Fusion-Based Prior Correction for Road Detection in Off-Road Environments
  • Robust and Efficient Velocity Estimation for MAVs with an RGB-D Camera
  • CROON: Automatic Multi-LiDAR Calibration and Refinement Method in Road Scene

Motion Control

Total of 47 papers

  • A Micro-Robotic Approach for the Correction of Angular Deviations in AFM Samples from Generic Topographic Data
  • Independent Control Strategy of Multiple Magnetic Flexible Millirobots for Position Control and Path Following (I)
  • The Flatworm-Like Mesh Robot WORMESH-II: Steering Control of Pedal Wave Locomotion
  • Optimal Path Following Control with Efficient Computation for Snake Robots Subject to Multiple Constraints and Unknown Frictions
  • Single-Rod Brachiation Robot
  • Versatile Motion Generation of Magnetic Origami Spring Robots in the Uniform Magnetic Field
  • Beyond the Limit Automated Driving with Performance Constrained Reachability Analysis
  • Simultaneous Motion Tracking and Joint Stiffness Control of Bidirectional Antagonistic Variable-Stiffness Actuators
  • Planar Magnetic Actuation for Soft and Rigid Robots Using a Scalable Electromagnet Array
  • Kinematic Control of Redundant Robots with Online Handling of Variable Generalized Hard Constraints
  • Set-Point Control for a Ground-Based Reconfigurable Robot
  • Enhanced Quadruped Locomotion of a Rat Robot Based on the Lateral Flexion of a Soft Actuated Spine
  • Event-Triggered Control of Robotic Fish with Reduced Communication Rate
  • Modeling and Control of Morphing Covers for the Adaptive Morphology of Humanoid Robots (I)
  • Design, Modeling and Control for a Tilt-Rotor VTOL UAV in the Presence of Actuator Failure
  • Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of a Hybrid Bionic Spherical Robotics with Multilegged Feedback Mechanism
  • A Torque Controlled Approach for Virtual Remote Centre of Motion Implementation
  • Workspace-Based Model Predictive Control for Cable-Driven Robots (I)
  • Infusing Model Predictive Control into Meta-Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environments
  • Manipulability-Aware Shared Locomanipulation Motion Generation for Teleoperation of Mobile Manipulators
  • Online Mapping and Motion Planning under Uncertainty for Safe Navigation in Unknown Environments (I)
  • Magnetic Microrobot Control Using an Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Method
  • Design and Motion Planning for a Reconfigurable Robotic Base
  • Development of a Small-Sized Quadruped Robotic Rat Capable of Multimodal Motions (I)
  • Design and Control of a Modular Robotic Wheel for Shape Transformation
  • Spatial Reorientation Control of an Underactuated Hybrid Tail-Wheel Robot Using Quadratic Programming
  • Robust High-Speed Running for Quadruped Robots Via Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Toward a Data-Driven Template Model for Quadrupedal Locomotion
  • DrozBot: Using Ergodic Control to Draw Portraits
  • Model-Based Contact Detection and Accommodation for Soft Bending Actuators: An Integrated Direct/Indirect Adaptive Robust Approach
  • Downwash-Aware Control Allocation for Over-Actuated UAV Platforms
  • SytaB: A Class of Smooth-Transition Hybrid Terrestrial/Aerial Bicopters
  • The Predictive Kinematic Control Tree: Enhancing Teleoperation of Redundant Robots through Probabilistic User Models
  • Reference Acceleration Model Predictive Control (RA-MPC) for Cable-Driven Robots
  • Animal Motions on Legged Robots Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
  • Robust Predictive Control for Quadrupedal Locomotion: Learning to Close the Gap between Reduced and Full-Order Models
  • Improved Control Scheme for the Solo Quadruped and Experimental Comparison of Model Predictive Controllers
  • SMS-MPC: Adversarial Learning-Based Simultaneous Prediction Control with Single Model for Mobile Robots
  • Omnidirectional Walking of a Quadruped Robot Enabled by Compressible Tendon-Driven Soft Actuators
  • A Comparative Study of Force Observers for Accurate Force Control of Multisensor-Based Force Controlled Motion Systems
  • Autonomous Navigation of AGVs in Unknown Cluttered Environments: Log-MPPI Control Strategy
  • Integration of Variable-Height and Hopping Strategies for Humanoid Push Recovery
  • Motion Planning by Search in Derivative Space and Convex Optimization with Enlarged Solution Space
  • A Saturation-Aware Trajectory-Based Explicit Reference Governor for a Robotic Arm
  • Robust Stabilization of Elastic Joint Robots by ESP and PID Control: Theory and Experiments
  • An Adaptive Approach to Whole-Body Balance Control of Wheel-Bipedal Robot Ollie
  • An Optimal Dynamic Control Method for Manipulators with Virtual Links

Physical Human-Robot Interaction

Total of 47 papers

  • Reduced Interface Models for Haptic Interfacing with Virtual Environments
  • SPARCS: Structuring Physically Assistive Robotics for Caregiving with Stakeholders-In-The-Loop
  • EMG-Based Hybrid Impedance-Force Control for Human-Robot Collaboration on Ultrasound Imaging
  • Modeling Human Response to Robot Errors for Timely Error Detection
  • An Adaptive, Affordable, Humanlike Arm Hand System for Deaf and Deaf Blind Communication with the American Sign Language
  • A Robotic System for Solo Surgery in Flexible Ureterorenoscopy
  • Controller Design of a Robotic Assistant for the Transport of Large and Fragile Objects
  • Optimization-Based Positioning of Redundant Robot Arms for a Bimanual Haptic Interface
  • Semi-Bilateral Control of 2-DOF Haptic Feedback Control Stick
  • A Framework of Rehabilitation-Assisted Robot Skill Representation, Learning, and Modulation Via Manifold-Mappings and Gaussian Processes
  • Position-Based Treadmill Drive with Wire Traction for Experience of Level Ground Walking from Gait Acceleration State to Steady State
  • A Null-Space Based Approach for a Safe and Effective Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Fast and Comfortable Interactive Robot-To-Human Object Handover
  • MOCA-S: A Sensitive Mobile Collaborative Robotic Assistant Exploiting Low-Cost Capacitive Tactile Cover and Whole-Body Control
  • In-Hand Admittance Controller for a Robotic Assistive Walker Based on Tactile Grasping Feedback
  • Robot-Assisted Drilling on Curved Surfaces with Haptic Guidance under Adaptive Admittance Control
  • Towards Safe Physical Human-Robot Interaction by Exploring the Rapid Stiffness Switching Feature of Discrete Variable Stiffness Actuation
  • Robustness of Interaction Parameters Identification Technique for Collaborative Robots
  • Augmented Reality-Assisted Reconfiguration and Workspace Visualisation of Malleable Robots (I)
  • Metabolic Efficiency Improvement of Human Walking by Shoulder Stress Reduction through Load Transfer Backpack
  • Learning an Interpretable Model for Driver Behavior Prediction with Inductive Biases
  •  Anticipatory Control of Human-Robot Interaction: Towards Autonomous yet Truly Collaborative Robots
  • WFH-VR: Teleoperating a Robot Arm to Set a Dining Table across the Globe Via Virtual Reality
  • Learning with Yourself: A Tangible Twin Robot System to Promote STEM Education
  • Suppressing Delay-Induced Oscillations in Physical Human-Robot Interaction with an Upper-Limb Exoskeleton Using Rate-Limiting
  • Adaptive Wave Reconstruction through Regulated-BMFLC for Transparency-Enhanced Telerobotics Over Delayed Networks (I)
  • Quantifying Demonstration Quality for Robot Learning and Generalization
  • Playful Recommendation: Sales Promotion That Robots Stimulate Pleasant Feelings Instead of Product Explanation
  • Towards Robot Avatar: Systems and Methods for Teleinteraction at Avatar XPRIZE Semi-Final
  • A New Power Law Linking the Speed to the Geometry of Tool-Tip Orientation in Teleoperation of a Robot-Assisted Surgical System
  • A Framework for the Systematic Evaluation of Obstacle Avoidance and Object-Aware Controllers
  • CapSense: A Real-Time Capacitive Sensor Simulation Framework for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
  • A Variable Impedance Scheme for Flexible-Joint Robot Interaction and Tracking Control Based on Power-Shaping Signals and Minimal Modelling
  • A Portable Upper-Limb Home Fitness Device Based on Twisted String Actuation and Elastic Bands for Effective Exercise
  • 2-DOF Power Assist Suit for Lower Back Twisting Motion: Tornade
  • DULA and DEBA: Differentiable Ergonomic Risk Models for Postural Assessment and Optimization in Ergonomically Intelligent PHRI
  • Human-Exoskeleton Cooperative Balance Strategy for a Human-Powered Augmentation Lower Exoskeleton
  • Human-Robot Collaborative Carrying of Objects with Unknown Deformation Characteristics
  • Bounded Rational Game-Theoretical Modeling of Human Joint Actions with Incomplete Information
  • Kinesthetic Teaching of Bi-Manual Tasks with Known Relative Constraints
  • A Novel Wheelchair-Exoskeleton Hybrid Robot to Assist Movement and Aid Rehabilitation
  • Integrating Impedance Control and Nonlinear Disturbance Observer for Robot-Assisted Arthroscope Control in Elbow Arthroscopic Surgery
  • Design of EMG-Driven Musculoskeletal Model for Volitional Control of a Robotic Ankle Prosthesis
  • Unilateral Stiffness Modulation with a Robotic Hip Exoskeleton Elicits Adaptation During Gait
  • Characterizing Prosthesis Control Fault During Human-Prosthesis Interactive Walking Using Intrinsic Sensors
  • Manual Maneuverability: Metrics for Analysing and Benchmarking Kinesthetic Robot Guidance
  • Collision Detection and Identification for a Legged Manipulator

Collision Avoidance

Total of 46 papers

  • Investigation of Factorized Optical Flows As Mid-Level Representations
  • Bioinspired, Multifunctional, Active Whisker Sensors for Tactile Sensing of Mobile Robots
  • Learning Skills to Navigate without a Master: A Sequential Multi-Policy Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
  • Beyond the Limit Automated Driving with Performance Constrained Reachability Analysis
  • Set-Point Control for a Ground-Based Reconfigurable Robot
  • Articulated Object Interaction in Unknown Scenes with Whole-Body Mobile Manipulation
  • Stubborn: A Strong Baseline for Indoor Object Navigation
  • Efficient Off-Policy Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Trust Region Conditional Value at Risk
  • Flexible Collision-Free Platooning Method for Unmanned Surface Vehicle with Experimental Validations
  • Motion Attribute-Based Clustering and Collision Avoidance of Multiple In-Water Obstacles by Autonomous Surface Vehicle
  • TerraPN: Unstructured Terrain Navigation Using Online Self-Supervised Learning
  • CGLR: Dense Multi-Agent Navigation Using Voronoi Cells and Congestion Metric-Based Replanning
  • Decentralized Control of Minimalistic Robotic Swarms for Guaranteed Target Encapsulation
  • Evaluating the Benefit of Using Multiple Low-Cost Forward-Looking Sonar Beams for Collision Avoidance in Small AUVs
  • Avoiding Dense and Dynamic Obstacles in Enclosed Spaces: Application to Moving in Crowds (I)
  • Differentiable Collision Avoidance Using Collision Primitives
  • Informed Sampling-Based Collision Avoidance with Least Deviation from the Nominal Path
  • Reactive Neural Path Planning with Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance in a Condensed Configuration Space
  • HIRO: Heuristics Informed Robot Online Path Planning Using Pre-Computed Deterministic Roadmaps
  • A Framework for the Systematic Evaluation of Obstacle Avoidance and Object-Aware Controllers
  • GraphDistNet: A Graph-Based Collision-Distance Estimator for Gradient-Based Trajectory Optimization
  • A Generalized Continuous Collision Detection Framework of Polynomial Trajectory for Mobile Robots in Cluttered Environments
  • Collaborative Teleoperation with Haptic Feedback for Collision-Free Navigation of Ground Robots
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robot Collision Avoidance with Self-State-Attention and Sensor Fusion
  • Adaptive Environment Modeling Based Reinforcement Learning for Collision Avoidance in Complex Scenes
  • Active Lane Keeping System for Four-Wheel Independent Driving Electric Vehicles
  • Combinational Objective Function for RRT*-Based Path Replanning in Dynamic Corridor Environments
  • Fast-Replanning Motion Control for Non-Holonomic Vehicles with Aborting A*
  • Collision and Rollover-Free mathcal{G}^2 Path Planning for Mobile Manipulation
  • Learning Enabled Fast Planning and Control in Dynamic Environments with Intermittent Information
  • Reshaping Local Path Planner
  • T-PRM: Temporal Probabilistic Roadmap for Path Planning in Dynamic Environments
  • Hierarchical Planning with Annotated Skeleton Guidance
  • Arena-Bench: A Benchmarking Suite for Obstacle Avoidance Approaches in Highly Dynamic Environments
  • Recursive Hierarchical Projection for Whole-Body Control with Task Priority Transition
  • Prioritized Safe Interval Path Planning for Multi-Agent Pathfinding with Continuous Time on 2D Roadmaps
  • Constrained Probabilistic Movement Primitives for Robot Trajectory Adaptation (I)
  • Robust Trajectory Planning for Spatial-Temporal Multi-Drone Coordination in Large Scenes
  • Autonomous Navigation of AGVs in Unknown Cluttered Environments: Log-MPPI Control Strategy
  • From Low to High Order Motion Planners: Safe Robot Navigation Using Motion Prediction and Reference Governor
  • Predictive Angular Potential Field-Based Obstacle Avoidance for Dynamic UAV Flights
  • Avoiding Dynamic Obstacles with Real-Time Motion Planning Using Quadratic Programming for Varied Locomotion Modes
  • Collision Detection for Unions of Convex Bodies with Smooth Boundaries Using Closed-Form Contact Space Parameterization
  • Trajectory Planning for UAVs Based on Interfered Fluid Dynamical System and BĂ©zier Curves
  • Attention-Based Population-Invariant Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collision-Free Flocking with a Scalable Fixed-Wing UAV Swarm
  • Collision-Free Minimum-Time Trajectory Planning for Multiple Vehicles Based on ADMM

Field Robots

Total of 46 papers

  • Learning-Based Localizability Estimation for Robust LiDAR Localization
  • The Flatworm-Like Mesh Robot WORMESH-II: Steering Control of Pedal Wave Locomotion
  • Navigating Underground Environments Using Simple Topological Representations
  • NAUTS: Negotiation for Adaptation to Unstructured Terrain Surfaces
  • Multirotor Long-Reach Aerial Pruning with Wire-Suspended Saber Saw
  • Soft Material-Based Adaptable Four-Bar Linkage Stair Climbing Robot
  • Mobile Robot Mechanism with Wheel Switching Primitives
  • Mobile Robot Guidance from Known to Unknown Environment
  • Screw Robot with Switching Primitives
  • Challenges of SLAM in Extremely Unstructured Environments: The DLR Planetary Stereo, Solid-State LiDAR, Inertial Dataset
  • VAST: Visual and Spectral Terrain Classification in Unstructured Multi-Class Environments
  • Active Traversability Learning Via Risk-Aware Information Gathering for Planetary Exploration Rovers
  • Elevation State-Space: Surfel-Based Navigation in Uneven Environments for Mobile Robots
  • TIGRIS: An Informed Sampling-Based Algorithm for Informative Path Planning
  • Multi-Directional Bicycle Robot for Bridge Inspection with Steel Defect Detection System
  • Development and Field Testing of an Optimal Path Following ASV Controller for Marine Surveys
  • P-AgBot: In-Row & Under-Canopy Agricultural Robot for Monitoring and Physical Sampling
  • Efficient Sampling-Based Planning for Subterranean Exploration
  • A Novel Robot with Rolling and Climbing Modes for Power Transmission Line Inspection
  • Autonomous Pipeline Tracking Using Bernoulli Filter for Unmanned Underwater Surveys
  • An Evaluation of Position Keeping Strategies under Disturbances for a Symmetrical Shape Autonomous on Water Surface Robot
  • Capability-Aware Task Allocation and Team Formation Analysis for Cooperative Exploration of Complex Environments
  • MIMOSA: A Multi-Modal SLAM Framework for Resilient Autonomy against Sensor Degradation
  • PUTN: A Plane-Fitting Based Uneven Terrain Navigation Framework
  • A Standards-Based Pipeline Route Drawing System Using a Towed Sensing Unit
  • Loading an Autonomous Large-Scale Dump Truck: Path Planning Based on Motion Data from Human-Operated Construction Vehicles
  • Mapping of Spatiotemporal Scalar Fields by Mobile Robots Using Gaussian Process Regression
  • HoloOcean: Realistic Sonar Simulation
  • Confined Water Body Coverage under Resource Constraints
  • Online Localisation and Colored Mesh Reconstruction Architecture for 3D Visual Feedback in Robotic Exploration Missions
  • Simultaneous Localization of Rail Vehicles and Mapping of Environment with Multiple LiDARs
  • Forest Traversability Mapping (FTM): Traversability Estimation Using 3D Voxel-Based Normal Distributed Transform to Enable Forest Navigation
  • WayFAST: Navigation with Predictive Traversability in the Field
  • Obstacle-Aided Locomotion of a Snake Robot Using Piecewise Helixes
  • Informative Path Planning to Estimate Quantiles for Environmental Analysis
  • Stronger Together: Air-Ground Robotic Collaboration Using Semantics
  • LAMP 2.0: A Robust Multi-Robot SLAM System for Operation in Challenging Large-Scale Underground Environments
  • Loop Closure Prioritization for Efficient and Scalable Multi-Robot SLAM
  • BonnBot-I: A Precise Weed Management and Crop Monitoring Platform
  • Fast and Safe Exploration Via Adaptive Semantic Perception in Outdoor Environments
  • Rail Vehicle Localization and Mapping with LiDAR-Vision-Inertial-GNSS Fusion
  • OHM: GPU Based Occupancy Map Generation
  • Drone with Pneumatic-Tethered Suction-Based Perching Mechanism for High Payload Application
  • ACHORD: Communication-Aware Multi-Robot Coordination with Intermittent Connectivity
  • Vertical Bend and T-Branch Travels of an Articulated Wheeled In-Pipe Inspection Robot by Combining Its Joint Angle and Torque Controls
  • Robotic Parasitic Array Control for Increased RSS in Non-Line-Of-Sight

Modeling, Control, and Learning for Soft Robots

Total of 45 papers

  • Learning-Based Approach for a Soft Assistive Robotic Arm to Achieve Simultaneous Position and Force Control
  • Planar Magnetic Actuation for Soft and Rigid Robots Using a Scalable Electromagnet Array
  • Visual Pressure Estimation and Control for Soft Robotic Grippers
  • Learning Non-Parametric Models in Real Time Via Online Generalized Product of Experts
  • Lumen Shape Reconstruction Using a Soft Robotic Balloon Catheter and Electrical Impedance Tomography
  • Topology Optimized Multi-Material Self-Healing Actuator with Reduced Out of Plane Deformation
  • Towards Adaptive Continuous Control of Soft Robotic Manipulator Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Physics-Informed Recurrent Neural Networks for Soft Pneumatic Actuators
  • A Simulation Framework for Magnetic Continuum Robots
  • Modeling the Fabric-Type Actuator by Deep Learning on Point Clouds
  • Machine Learning Techniques for the Identification of a Soft Robotic Neck
  • Fractional Order Control of a Kresling Pattern Origami Soft Link
  • Mobile Human-In-The-Loop Approach for Metabolic Reduction Using Exosuits with Hip Extension Assistance
  • Design and Characterisation of a Soft Barometric Sensing Skin for Robotic Manipulation
  • Shape Reconstruction of Soft Manipulators Using Vision and IMU Feedback
  • Towards Accurate Modeling of Modular Soft Pneumatic Robots: From Volume FEM to Cosserat Rod
  • A Proprioceptive Method for Soft Robots Using Inertial Measurement Units
  • Model-Based Contact Detection and Accommodation for Soft Bending Actuators: An Integrated Direct/Indirect Adaptive Robust Approach
  • A Unified and Modular Model Predictive Control Framework for Soft Continuum Manipulators under Internal and External Constraints
  • Contact-Implicit Trajectory and Grasp Planning for Soft Continuum Manipulators
  • Analytical Modeling of a Membrane-Based Pneumatic Soft Gripper
  • Planar Modeling and Sim-To-Real of a Tethered Multimaterial Soft Swimmer Driven by Peano-HASELs
  • Model-Based Disturbance Estimation for a Fiber-Reinforced Soft Manipulator Using Orientation Sensing
  • Variable Stiffness Object Recognition with Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network on a Soft Gripper
  • Unsteady Aerodynamic Modeling of Aerobat Using Lifting Line Theory and Wagner's Function
  • Modeling and Position Control of the HASEL Actuator Via Port-Hamiltonian Approach
  • 3D Curvature-Based Tip Load Estimation for Continuum Robots
  • FEA-Based Inverse Kinematic Control: Hyperelastic Material Characterization of Self-Healing Soft Robots (I)
  • Task-Space Control of Continuum Robots Using Underactuated Discrete Rod Models
  • Nonlinear Dynamics Modeling and Fault Detection for a Soft Trunk Robot: An Adaptive NN-Based Approach
  • Shape Representation and Modeling of Tendon-Driven Continuum Robots Using Euler Arc Splines
  • Geometrically-Exact Inverse Kinematic Control of Sof Manipulators with General Threadlike Actuators’ Routing
  • Quasi-Static FEA Model for a Multi-Material Soft Pneumatic Actuator in SOFA
  • Controlling Soft Fluidic Actuators Using Soft DEA-Based Valves
  • Omnidirectional Walking of a Quadruped Robot Enabled by Compressible Tendon-Driven Soft Actuators
  • Estimating Forces Along Continuum Robots
  • Learning Physics-Informed Simulation Models for Soft Robotic Manipulation: A Case Study with Dielectric Elastomer Actuators
  • Continuum-Body-Pose Estimation from Partial Sensor Information Using Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Sim2Real for Soft Robotic Fish Via Differentiable Simulation
  • An Experimental Validation of the Polynomial Curvature Model: Identification and Optimal Control of a Soft Underwater Tentacle
  • Collision-Aware Fast Simulation for Soft Robots by Optimization-Based Geometric Computing
  • Model-Based Design Optimization of Underwater Flagellate Propellers
  • Prismatic Soft Actuator Augments the Workspace of Soft Continuum Robots
  • Hybrid Eye-In-Hand/Eye-To-Hand Image Based Visual Servoing for Soft Continuum Arms
  • Using R-Functions to Control the Shape of Soft Robots

Soft Robot Materials and Design

Total of 45 papers

  • On-Chip Fabrication of Micro-Chain Robot with Selective Magnetization Using Magnetically Guided Arraying Microfluidic Devices
  • Multiple Curvatures in a Tendon-Driven Continuum Robot Using a Novel Magnetic Locking Mechanism
  • Toroidal Origami Monotrack: Mechanism to Realize Smooth Driving and Bending for Closed-Skin-Drive Robots
  • Origami Robot Self-Folding by Magnetic Induction
  • Torque-Actuated Multimodal Locomotion of Ferrofluid Robot with Environment and Task Adaptability
  • Versatile Motion Generation of Magnetic Origami Spring Robots in the Uniform Magnetic Field
  • Insect-Scale SMAW-Based Soft Robot with Crawling, Jumping, and Loading Locomotion
  • Characterization of the Variable Stiffness Actuator Fabricated of SMA/SMP and MWCNT/IL: PDMS Strain-Sensitive Heater Electrode
  • Amoeba-Inspired Swimming through Isoperimetric Modulation of Body Shape
  • Automated Design of Embedded Constraints for Soft Hands Enabling New Grasp Strategies
  • A Soft Tactile Sensor for Tasks Requiring High Spatial Resolution
  • Stiffening Iron Powder to Grasp Objects
  • Bioinspired Antagonist–agonist Artificial Muscles for Humanoid Eyeball Motions
  • Biocompatible Ferrofluid Robot with Photothermal Property for Targeted Tumor Therapy
  • Rigid Skeleton Enhanced Dexterous Soft Finger Possessing Proprioception
  • Self-Propelled Soft Everting Toroidal Robot for Navigation and Climbing in Confined Spaces
  • A Geometric Design Approach for Continuum Robots by Piecewise Approximation of Free-Form Shapes
  • A Multi-Segmented Soft Finger Using Snap-Through Instability of a Soft Valve with a Slit
  • Deformation-Driven Closed-Chain Soft Mobile Robot Aimed for Rolling and Climbing Locomotion
  • Soft, Multi-Layer, Disposable, Kirigami Based Robotic Grippers: On Handling of Delicate, Contaminated, and Everyday Objects
  • Topology Optimized Multi-Material Self-Healing Actuator with Reduced Out of Plane Deformation
  • Performance Evaluation for Braided McKibben Pneumatic Actuators in Telescopic Nested Structure
  • Energy-Efficient Tunable-Stiffness Soft Robots Using Second Moment of Area Actuation
  • Upside-Down Brachiation Robot Using Elastic Energy Stored through Soft Body Deformation
  • Self-Morphing Soft Parallel-And-Coplanar Electroadhesive Grippers Based on Laser-Scribed Graphene Oxide Electrodes
  • GSG: A Granary-Shaped Soft Gripper with Mechanical Sensing Via Snap-Through Structure
  • Development of a 6 DOF Soft Robotic Manipulator with Integrated Sensing Skin
  • Multi-DoF Soft Robotic Actuators Based on Spring Reinforce and Particle Jamming
  • Jammkle: Fibre Jamming 3D Printed Multi-Material Tendons and Their Application in a Robotic Ankle
  • Grasping State Analysis of Soft Manipulator Based on Flexible Tactile Sensor Array
  • RoboHeart: A Bi-Directional Zipping Actuator
  • Design and Experimental Characterization of a Push-Pull Flexible Rod-Driven Soft-Bodied Robot
  • Design of the Inflatable Robotic Arm Deployed by Rolling
  • Salp-Inspired, Modular, Soft-Bodied Design for Underwater Robotics
  • Structure-Based Solution for Securing Inner Channels of Soft Growing Robots
  • Design of Dielectric Elastomer Robot Powered by Triboelectric Nanogenerator
  • Slip Anticipation for Grasping Deformable Objects Using a Soft Force Sensor
  • Kirigami Skin Based Flexible Whisker Sensor
  • Soft-Skin Actuator Capable of Seawater Propulsion Based on MagnetoHydroDynamics
  • Planar Modeling and Sim-To-Real of a Tethered Multimaterial Soft Swimmer Driven by Peano-HASELs
  • Shape Memory Polymer Variable Stiffness Magnetic Catheters with Hybrid Stiffness Control
  • Electroadhesive Clutches for Programmable Shape Morphing of Soft Actuators
  • Optimizing Out-Of-Plane Stiffness for Soft Grippers
  • Soft Actuators for Facial Reanimation
  • Sim2Real for Soft Robotic Fish Via Differentiable Simulation


Total of 43 papers

  • Transfer Learning for Machine Learning-Based Detection and Separation of Entanglements in Bin-Picking Applications
  • Parallel Monte Carlo Tree Search with Batched Rigid-Body Simulations for Speeding up Long-Horizon Episodic Robot Planning
  • Learn from Interaction: Learning to Pick Via Reinforcement Learning in Challenging Clutter
  • GE-Grasp: Efficient Target-Oriented Grasping in Dense Clutters
  • Simultaneous Object Reconstruction and Grasp Prediction Using a Camera-Centric Object Shell Representation
  • Visual Manipulation Relationship Detection Based on Gated Graph Neural Network for Robotic Grasping
  • Multi-Object Grasping -- Efficient Robotic Picking and Transferring Policy for Batch Picking
  • Multi-Finger Grasping Like Humans
  • Computation and Selection of Secure Gravity Based Caging Grasps of Planar Objects
  • F1 Hand: A Versatile Fixed-Finger Gripper for Delicate Teleoperation and Autonomous Grasping
  • EfficientGrasp: A Unified Data-Efficient Learning to Grasp Method for Multi-Fingered Robot Hands
  • Automated Design of Embedded Constraints for Soft Hands Enabling New Grasp Strategies
  • Scalable Learned Geometric Feasibility for Cooperative Grasp and Motion Planning
  • Grasping Curved Objects with an Electroadhesion Soft Gripper
  • Stiffening Iron Powder to Grasp Objects
  • 1-Degree-Of-Freedom Robotic Gripper with Infinite Self-Twist Function
  • Aerial Grasping and the Velocity Sufficiency Region
  • Learning-Based Six-Axis Force/Torque Estimation Using GelStereo Fingertip Visuotactile Sensing
  • A Novel Simulation-Based Quality Metric for Evaluating Grasps on 3D Deformable Objects
  • Fixture-Aware DDQN for Generalized Environment-Enabled Grasping
  • Learning Push-Grasping in Dense Clutter
  • Resonant Pneumatic Tactile Sensing for Soft Grippers
  • A Mechanical Screwing Tool for 2-Finger Parallel Grippers -- Design, Optimization, and Manipulation Policies (I)
  • DGBench: An Open-Source, Reproducible Benchmark for Dynamic Grasping
  • End-To-End from Human Hand Synergies to Robot Hand Tendon Routing
  • Development of a Conveyor-Type Object Release Mechanism for a Parallel Gripper with a Mushroom-Shaped Gecko-Inspired Surface
  • Single-Fingered Reconfigurable Robotic Gripper with a Folding Mechanism for Narrow Working Spaces
  • A Two-Stage Learning Architecture That Generates High-Quality Grasps for a Multi-Fingered Hand
  • On the Importance of Label Encoding and Uncertainty Estimation for Robotic Grasp Detection
  • CPQNet: Contact Points Quality Network for Robotic Grasping
  • GSG: A Granary-Shaped Soft Gripper with Mechanical Sensing Via Snap-Through Structure
  • Fast Reflexive Grasping with a Proprioceptive Teleoperation Platform
  • VGPN: 6-DoF Grasp Pose Detection Network Based on Hough Voting
  • The Role of Tactile Sensing in Learning and Deploying Grasp Refinement Algorithms
  • Learning to Singulate Layers of Cloth Based on Tactile Feedback
  • Predicting Fruit-Pick Success Using a Grasp Classifier Trained on a Physical Proxy
  • DUQIM-Net: Probabilistic Object Hierarchy Representation for Multi-View Manipulation
  • Variable Friction Based In-Hand Manipulation of Fabrics Applied to Unfolding Operations
  • End-To-End Learning to Grasp Via Sampling from Object Point Clouds
  • Development and Experimental Evaluation of a Novel Portable Haptic Robotic Exoskeleton Glove System for Patients with Brachial Plexus Injuries
  • Bio-Inspired Grasping Controller for Sensorized 2-DoF Grippers
  • Simultaneous Contact-Rich Grasping and Locomotion Via Distributed Optimization Enabling Free-Climbing for Multi-Limbed Robots
  • Semantic Grasping Via a Knowledge Graph of Robotic Manipulation: A Graph Representation Learning Approach

Imitation Learning

Total of 43 papers

  • Playful Interactions for Representation Learning
  • CALVIN: A Benchmark for Language-Conditioned Policy Learning for Long-Horizon Robot Manipulation Tasks
  • Learning and Generalizing Cooperative Manipulation Skills Using Parametric Dynamic Movement Primitives (I)
  • Learning to Fold Real Garments with One Arm: A Case Study in Cloud-Based Robotics Research
  • Autonomous State-Based Flipper Control for Articulated Tracked Robots in Urban Environments
  • How to Spend Your Robot Time: Bridging Kickstarting and Offline Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Robotic Manipulation
  • Ordinal Inverse Reinforcement Learning Applied to Robot Learning with Small Data
  • Learning Solution Manifolds for Control Problems Via Energy Minimization
  • Changing the Consumer Panel Game with Robot Imitation Learning
  • Intrinsic Guidance Learning and Reinforcement Learning for Manipulator
  • Learning Visual Robotic Control Efficiently with Contrastive Pre-Training and Data Augmentation
  • Imitation Behavior of the Outer Edge of the Foot by Humanoids Using a Simplified Contact State Representation
  • Transmissibility-Based DAgger for Fault Classification in Connected Autonomous Vehicles
  • Imitation Learning and Model Integrated Excavator Trajectory Planning
  • RIANet: Road Graph and Image Attention Network for Urban Autonomous Driving
  • A Hybrid Learning and Optimization Framework to Achieve Physically Interactive Tasks with Mobile Manipulators
  • SKILL-IL: Disentangling Skill and Knowledge in Multitask Imitation Learning
  • A New Robotic Knee Impedance Control Parameter Optimization Method Facilitated by Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning Object Manipulation Skills from Video Via Approximate Differentiable Physics
  • Imitation of Manipulation Skills Using Multiple Geometries
  • Learning Category-Level Generalizable Object Manipulation Policy Via Generative Adversarial Self-Imitation Learning from Demonstrations
  • Robot Learning from Demonstration Using Elastic Maps
  • Robot Policy Learning from Demonstration Using Advantage Weighting and Early Termination
  • WFA-IRL: Inverse Reinforcement Learning of Autonomous Behaviors Encoded As Weighted Finite Automata
  • A Motion Generation Strategy of Robotic Rat Using Imitation Learning for Behavioral Interaction
  • Android As a Receptionist in a Shopping Mall Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • Demonstrate Once, Imitate Immediately (DOME): Learning Visual Servoing for One-Shot Imitation Learning
  • Using Human Gaze in Few-Shot Imitation Learning for Robot Manipulation
  • Divide & Conquer Imitation Learning
  • MMFN: Multi-Modal-Fusion-Net for End-To-End Driving
  • Output Feedback Tube MPC-Guided Data Augmentation for Robust, Efficient Sensorimotor Policy Learning
  • Hierarchical Model-Based Imitation Learning for Planning in Autonomous Driving
  • Back to the Manifold: Recovering from Out-Of-Distribution States
  • From One Hand to Multiple Hands: Imitation Learning for Dexterous Manipulation from Single-Camera Teleoperation
  • DPMP-Deep Probabilistic Motion Planning: A Use Case in Strawberry Picking Robot
  • Backward Imitation and Forward Reinforcement Learning Via Bi-Directional Model Rollouts
  • SESNO: Sample Efficient Social Navigation from Observation
  • MPNP: Multi-Policy Neural Planner for Urban Driving
  • A System for Imitation Learning of Contact-Rich Bimanual Manipulation Policies
  • Towards Autonomous Grading in the Real World
  • Socially CompliAnt Navigation Dataset (SCAND): A Large-Scale Dataset of Demonstrations for Social Navigation
  • Extending Extrapolation Capabilities of Probabilistic Motion Models Learned from Human Demonstrations Using Shape-Preserving Virtual Demonstrations
  • Constrained Imitation Learning for a Flapping Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Total of 43 papers

  • Multi-Sensor Data Annotation Using Sequence-Based Active Learning
  • Attention-Based Deep Driving Model for Autonomous Vehicles with Surround-View Cameras
  • Side-Pull Maneuver: A Novel Control Strategy for Dragging a Cable-Tethered Load of Unknown Weight Using a UAV
  • Fast Detection of Moving Traffic Participants in LiDAR Point Clouds by Using Particles Augmented with Free Space Information
  • DeepFusion: A Robust and Modular 3D Object Detector for Lidars, Cameras and Radars
  • CVFNet: Real-Time 3D Object Detection by Learning Cross View Features
  • HD-CCSOM: Hierarchical and Dense Collaborative Continuous Semantic Occupancy Mapping through Label Diffusion
  • Accurate Transportation Control System for Flexible Cable Suspended Load Carried by a Multi-Copter
  • How Do We Fail? Stress Testing Perception in Autonomous Vehicles
  • HiddenGems: Efficient Safety Boundary Detection with Active Learning
  • Are We Ready for Radar to Replace Lidar in All-Weather Mapping and Localization?
  • Sem-Aug: Improving Camera-LiDAR Feature Fusion with Semantic Augmentation for 3D Vehicle Detection
  • Lidar with Velocity: Motion Distortion Correction of Point Clouds from Oscillating Scanning Lidars
  • Towards Holistic Autonomous Obstacle Detection in Railways by Complementing of On-Board Vision with UAV-Based Object Localization
  • TEScalib: Targetless Extrinsic Self-Calibration of LiDAR and Stereo Camera for Automated Driving Vehicles with Uncertainty Analysis
  • Simultaneous Localization of Rail Vehicles and Mapping of Environment with Multiple LiDARs
  • How to Increase Safety and Performance of Emergency Departments with AI-Guided Robots and IoT? Lessons Provided to European Hospitals by Polish Pilot of Flagship Horizon 2020 ODIN Project
  • Keyframe Selection, Communication, and Prediction for Teleoperated Driving Systems
  • MPC-PF: Social Interaction Aware Trajectory Prediction of Dynamic Objects for Autonomous Driving Using Potential Fields
  • Pedestrian Intention Prediction Based on Traffic-Aware Scene Graph Model
  • SectionKey: 3-D Semantic Point Cloud Descriptor for Place Recognition
  • FISS: A Trajectory Planning Framework Using Fast Iterative Search and Sampling Strategy for Autonomous Driving
  • Rail Vehicle Localization and Mapping with LiDAR-Vision-Inertial-GNSS Fusion
  • Design and Analysis of Truss Aerial Transportation System (TATS): The Lightweight Bar Spherical Joint Mechanism
  • Trajectory Prediction with Graph-Based Dual-Scale Context Fusion
  • IMU Dead-Reckoning Localization with RNN-IEKF Algorithm
  • A Value-Based Dynamic Learning Approach for Vehicle Dispatch in Ride-Sharing
  • Deep Kernel Learning for Uncertainty Estimation in Multiple Trajectory Prediction Networks
  • Development of a Research Testbed for Cooperative Driving in Mixed Traffic of Human-Driven and Autonomous Vehicles
  • Interventional Behavior Prediction: Avoiding Overly Confident Anticipation in Interactive Prediction
  • InterSim: Interactive Traffic Simulation Via Explicit Relation Modeling
  • Driving Anomaly Detection Using Contrastive Multiview Coding to Interpret Cause of Anomaly
  • TIP: Task-Informed Motion Prediction for Intelligent Vehicles
  • Heterogeneous-Agent Trajectory Forecasting Incorporating Class Uncertainty
  • InterFusion: Interaction-Based 4D Radar and Lidar Fusion for 3D Object Detection
  • Contextual Driving Scene Perception from Anonymous Vehicle Bus Data for Automotive Applications
  • Efficient Game-Theoretic Planning with Prediction Heuristic for Socially-Compliant Autonomous Driving
  • Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation with 4-D Automotive Radar
  • Domain Knowledge Driven Pseudo Labels for Interpretable Goal-Conditioned Interactive Trajectory Prediction
  • Detecting Adversarial Perturbations in Multi-Task Perception
  • Recognition Beyond Perception: Environmental Model Completion by Reasoning for Occluded Vehicles
  • Generalizability Analysis of Graph-Based Trajectory Predictor with Vectorized Representation
  • TAE: A Semi-Supervised Controllable Behavior-Aware Trajectory Generator and Predictor

Perception for Grasping and Manipulation

Total of 43 papers

  • Towards Two-View 6D Object Pose Estimation: A Comparative Study on Fusion Strategy
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning Based on Local GNN for Goal-Conditioned Deformable Object Rearranging
  • Simultaneous Object Reconstruction and Grasp Prediction Using a Camera-Centric Object Shell Representation
  • Closed-Loop Next-Best-View Planning for Target-Driven Grasping
  • Going in Blind: Object Motion Classification Using Distributed Tactile Sensing for Safe Reaching in Clutter
  • Conditional Visual Servoing for Multi-Step Tasks
  • ICK-Track: A Category-Level 6-DoF Pose Tracker Using Inter-Frame Consistent Keypoints for Aerial Manipulation
  • Visual Pressure Estimation and Control for Soft Robotic Grippers
  • Tactile Pattern Super Resolution with Taxel-Based Sensors
  • Learning-Based Six-Axis Force/Torque Estimation Using GelStereo Fingertip Visuotactile Sensing
  • Category-Independent Articulated Object Tracking with Factor Graphs
  • Visual-Tactile Multimodality for Following Deformable Linear Objects Using Reinforcement Learning
  • MasKGrasp: Mask-Based Grasping for Scenes with Multiple General Real-World Objects
  • Fixture-Aware DDQN for Generalized Environment-Enabled Grasping
  • Learning Push-Grasping in Dense Clutter
  • Grasping Strategy for Unknown Objects Based on Real-Time Grasp-Stability Evaluation Using Proximity Sensing
  • 3D Visual-Based Tension Control in Strip-Like Deformable Objects Using a Catenary Model
  • DGBench: An Open-Source, Reproducible Benchmark for Dynamic Grasping
  • Sim2Real Instance-Level Style Transfer for 6D Pose Estimation
  • Simultaneous Contact Location and Object Pose Estimation Using Proprioception and Tactile Feedback
  • All You Need Is LUV: Unsupervised Collection of Labeled Images Using UV-Fluorescent Markings
  • Voting and Attention-Based Pose Relation Learning for Object Pose Estimation from 3D Point Clouds
  • Acoustic Balance: Weighing in Ultrasonic Non-Contact Manipulators
  • The Probabilistic Robot Kinematics Model and Its Application to Sensor Fusion
  • Autonomous Learning of Page Flipping Movements Via Tactile Feedback (I)
  • The Good Grasp, the Bad Grasp, and the Plateau in Tactile Based Grasp Stability Prediction
  • Challenges and Outlook in Robotic Manipulation of Deformable Objects (I)
  • SSP-Pose: Symmetry-Aware Shape Prior Deformation for Direct Category-Level Object Pose Estimation
  • VGPN: 6-DoF Grasp Pose Detection Network Based on Hough Voting
  • Learning Closed-Loop Dough Manipulation Using a Differentiable Reset Module
  • Multi-Finger Tactile Servoing for Grasping Adjustment under Partial Observation
  • Finger-STS: Combined Proximity and Tactile Sensing for Robotic Manipulation
  • Measuring Prediction Reliability on 6D Object Pose Estimation
  • TeRF: Thermal Radiance Field for Rendering Depth in Transparent Objects
  • Relationship Oriented Semantic Scene Understanding for Daily Manipulation Tasks
  • Visual Haptic Reasoning: Estimating Contact Forces by Observing Deformable Object Interactions
  • Recognizing Object Surface Material from Impact Sounds for Robot Manipulation
  • Vision-Based Sensing for Electrically-Driven Soft Actuators
  • Optical Proximity Sensing for Pose Estimation During In-Hand Manipulation
  • A Target-Guided Telemanipulation Architecture for Assisted Grasping
  • DA^2 Dataset: Toward Dexterity-Aware Dual-Arm Grasping
  • Feel the Tension: Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects in Environments with Fixtures Using Force Information
  • ProgressLabeller: Visual Data Stream Annotation for Training Object-Centric 3D Perception

RGB-D Perception

Total of 43 papers

  • NARF22: Neural Articulated Radiance Fields for Configuration-Aware Rendering
  • 3D Single-Object Tracking with Spatial-Temporal Data Association
  • Instance-Aware Multi-Object Self-Supervision for Monocular Depth Prediction
  • Fully Convolutional Transformer with Local–Global Attention
  • DRG-SLAM: A Semantic RGB-D SLAM Using Geometric Features for Indoor Dynamic Scene
  • GE-Grasp: Efficient Target-Oriented Grasping in Dense Clutters
  • Learning to Complete Object Shapes for Object-Level Mapping in Dynamic Scenes
  • CloudAttention: Efficient Multi-Scale Attention Scheme for 3D Point Cloud Learning
  • Scene-Level Tracking and Reconstruction without Object Priors
  • Exploring mmWave Radar and Camera Fusion for High-Resolution and Long-Range Depth Imaging
  • T3VIP: Transformation-Based 3D Video Prediction
  • MV6D: Multi-View 6D Pose Estimation on RGB-D Frames Using a Deep Point-Wise Voting Network
  • One Object at a Time: Accurate and Robust Structure from Motion for Robots
  • Semi-Perspective Decoupled Heatmaps for 3D Robot Pose Estimation from Depth Maps
  • Koopman Pose Predictions for Temporally Consistent Human Walking Estimations
  • LapSeg3D: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds Representing Laparoscopic Scenes
  • Monocular Depth Estimation for Equirectangular Videos
  • Voxfield: Non-Projective Signed Distance Fields for Online Planning and 3D Reconstruction
  • These Maps Are Made for Walking: Real-Time Terrain Property Estimation for Mobile Robots
  • Contrastive 3D Shape Completion and Reconstruction for Agricultural Robots Using RGB-D Frames
  • Multi-Modal Non-Isotropic Light Source Modelling for Reflectance Estimation in Hyperspectral Imaging
  • Smart Explorer: Recognizing Objects in Dense Clutter Via Interactive Exploration
  • Unsupervised Confidence for LiDAR Depth Maps and Applications
  • Multi-Scaled and Densely Connected Locally Convolutional Layers for Depth Completion
  • From Local to Holistic: Self-Supervised Single Image 3D Face Reconstruction Via Multi-Level Constraints
  • Learning Feature Decomposition for Domain Adaptive Monocular Depth Estimation
  • Inferring Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics from RGBD Video
  • Multi-View Guided Multi-View Stereo
  • Semantic Scene Completion through Multi-Level Feature Fusion
  • RGB-D Inertial Odometry for a Resource-Restricted Robot in Dynamic Environments
  • SDFEst: Categorical Pose and Shape Estimation of Objects from RGB-D Using Signed Distance Fields
  • Polytopic Planar Region Characterization of Rough Terrains for Legged Locomotion
  • Realistic Real-Time Simulation of RGB and Depth Sensors for Dynamic Scenarios Using Augmented Image Based Rendering
  • Optimization-Based Trajectory Prediction Using a Monocular Camera
  • Accurate Instance-Level CAD Model Retrieval in a Large-Scale Database
  • Real-Time Semantic 3D Reconstruction for High-Touch Surface Recognition for Robotic Disinfection
  • Contrastive 3D Shape Completion and Reconstruction for Agricultural Robots Using RGB-D Frames
  • Attention-Guided RGB-D Fusion Network for Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation
  • Weak6D: Weakly Supervised 6D Pose Estimation with Iterative Annotation Resolver
  • CARLA Simulator-Based Evaluation Framework Development of Lane Detection Accuracy Performance under Sensor Blockage Caused by Heavy Rain for Autonomous Vehicle
  • Robust and Efficient Velocity Estimation for MAVs with an RGB-D Camera
  • EVOPS Benchmark: Evaluation of Plane Segmentation from RGBD and LiDAR Data
  • Predictive Locomotion Mode Recognition and Accurate Gait Phase Estimation for Hip Exoskeleton on Various Terrains

Semantic Scene Understanding

Total of 42 papers

  • Multi-Source Domain Alignment for Robust Segmentation in Unknown Targets
  • DIJE: Dense Image Jacobian Estimation for Robust Robotic Self-Recognition and Visual Servoing
  • HD-CCSOM: Hierarchical and Dense Collaborative Continuous Semantic Occupancy Mapping through Label Diffusion
  • Hierarchical Road Topology Learning for Urban Mapless Driving
  • S-MKI: Incremental Dense Semantic Occupancy Reconstruction through Multi-Entropy Kernel Inference
  • 3D Multi-Object Tracking Using Graph Neural Networks with Cross-Edge Modality Attention
  • Deep Tri-Training for Semi-Supervised Image Segmentation
  • Closing the Loop: Graph Networks to Unify Semantic Objects and Visual Features for Multi-Object Scenes
  • These Maps Are Made for Walking: Real-Time Terrain Property Estimation for Mobile Robots
  • Floorplan-Aware Camera Poses Refinement
  • Explicitly Incorporating Spatial Information to Recurrent Networks for Agriculture
  • BoxGraph: Semantic Place Recognition and Pose Estimation from 3D LiDAR
  • Temporal Context for Robust Maritime Obstacle Detection
  • Point Label Aware Superpixels for Multi-Species Segmentation of Underwater Imagery
  • SSP-Pose: Symmetry-Aware Shape Prior Deformation for Direct Category-Level Object Pose Estimation
  • Semantic Scene Completion through Multi-Level Feature Fusion
  • SDFEst: Categorical Pose and Shape Estimation of Objects from RGB-D Using Signed Distance Fields
  • SynWoodScape: Synthetic Surround-View Fisheye Camera Dataset for Autonomous Driving
  • Accurate Instance-Level CAD Model Retrieval in a Large-Scale Database
  • Low-Latency LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
  • Implicit-Part Based Context Aggregation for Point Cloud Instance Segmentation
  • Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Via Graph Matching
  • SectionKey: 3-D Semantic Point Cloud Descriptor for Place Recognition
  • Fisheye Object Detection Based on Standard Image Datasets with 24-Points Regression Strategy
  • Real-Time Semantic 3D Reconstruction for High-Touch Surface Recognition for Robotic Disinfection
  • Relationship Oriented Semantic Scene Understanding for Daily Manipulation Tasks
  • Bilateral Knowledge Distillation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation
  • Audio-Visual Depth and Material Estimation for Robot Navigation
  • 3D Object Aided Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
  • Hybrid Belief Pruning with Guarantees for Viewpoint-Dependent Semantic SLAM
  • Invariant-Based World Models for Robust Robotic Systems Demonstrated on an Autonomous Football Table
  • Efficient Spatial-Temporal Information Fusion for LiDAR-Based 3D Moving Object Segmentation
  • Robust Visual Teach and Repeat for UGVs Using 3D Semantic Maps
  • Perceiving the Invisible: Proposal-Free Amodal Panoptic Segmentation
  • Meta-RangeSeg: LiDAR Sequence Semantic Segmentation Using Multiple Feature Aggregation
  • Receding Moving Object Segmentation in 3D LiDAR Data Using Sparse 4D Convolutions
  • Unsupervised Class-Agnostic Instance Segmentation of 3D LiDAR Data for Autonomous Vehicles
  • FedDrive: Generalizing Federated Learning to Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
  • Informative Path Planning for Active Learning in Aerial Semantic Mapping
  • RVMOS: Range-View Moving Object Segmentation Leveraged by Semantic and Motion Features
  • D-LC-Nets: Robust Denoising and Loop Closing Networks for LiDAR SLAM in Complicated Circumstances with Noisy Point Clouds
  • HGCN-GJS: Hierarchical Graph Convolutional Network with Groupwise Joint Sampling for Trajectory Prediction

Compliance and Impedance Control

Total of 39 papers

  • EMG-Based Hybrid Impedance-Force Control for Human-Robot Collaboration on Ultrasound Imaging
  • A Contact-Safe Reinforcement Learning Framework for Contact-Rich Robot Manipulation
  • Simultaneous Motion Tracking and Joint Stiffness Control of Bidirectional Antagonistic Variable-Stiffness Actuators
  • Force-Guided Alignment and File Feedrate Control for Robot-Assisted Endodontic Treatment
  • Analysis on the Wheel-Leg Mechanism’s Locomotion on a 3D Shaped Surface
  • Robot-Assisted Drilling on Curved Surfaces with Haptic Guidance under Adaptive Admittance Control
  • Optimal Nonprehensile Interception Strategy for Objects in Flight
  • Automated Aerial Screwing with a Fully Actuated Aerial Manipulator
  • Foot-Operated Tele-Impedance Interface for Robot Manipulation Tasks in Interaction with Unpredictable Environments
  • Variable Impedance Skill Learning for Contact-Rich Manipulation
  • Impedance Control on Arbitrary Surfaces for Ultrasound Scanning Using Discrete Differential Geometry
  • Enabling Massage Actions: An Interactive Parallel Robot with Compliant Joints
  • End-Point Stiffness and Joint Viscosity Control of Musculoskeletal Robotic Arm Using Muscle Redundancy
  • A Hybrid Learning and Optimization Framework to Achieve Physically Interactive Tasks with Mobile Manipulators
  • Preemptive Foot Compliance to Lower Impact During Biped Robot Walking Over Unknown Terrain
  • Variable Impedance Control for Safety and Usability in Telemanipulation
  • Shaping Impedances to Comply with Constrained Task Dynamics (I)
  • MPC-Based Force Control of a 2-Dof Parallel Grinding Manipulator
  • Error Compensation of a Facade Cleaning Manipulator on a Gondola
  • A Variable Impedance Scheme for Flexible-Joint Robot Interaction and Tracking Control Based on Power-Shaping Signals and Minimal Modelling
  • An Impedance-Controlled Testbed for Simulating Variations in the Mechanical Fit of Wearable Devices
  • Learning Variable Impedance Control for Aerial Sliding on Uneven Heterogeneous Surfaces through Proprioceptive and Tactile Sensing
  • Passivity-Based Skill Motion Learning in Stiffness-Adaptive Unified Force-Impedance Control
  • Perturbation-Based Stiffness Inference in Variable Impedance Control
  • A Whole-Body Controller Based on a Simplified Template for Rendering Impedances in Quadruped Manipulators
  • Electro-Adhesive Tubular Clutch for Variable-Stiffness Robots
  • An Observer-Based Responsive Variable Impedance Control for Dual–User Haptic Training System
  • Development of Low-Inertia Backdrivable Arm Focusing on Learning-Based Control
  • Data-Driven Variable Impedance Control of a Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthesis for Sit, Stand, and Walk with Minimal Tuning
  • Integrating Impedance Control and Nonlinear Disturbance Observer for Robot-Assisted Arthroscope Control in Elbow Arthroscopic Surgery
  • Reinforcement Learning of Impedance Policies for Peg-In-Hole Tasks: Role of Asymmetric Matrices
  • A Self-Tuning Impedance-Based Interaction Planner for Robotic Haptic Exploration
  • Probabilistic Approach to Online Stiffness Estimation for Robotic Tasks
  • Efficient Learning of Inverse Dynamics Models for Adaptive Computed Torque Control
  • On the Performance and Passivity of Admittance Control with Feed-Forward Input
  • Understanding Modulation of Ankle Stiffness During Stance Phase of Walking on Different Environments and Its Implications for the Design of Impedance Controllers
  • Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning with Interaction with the Environment
  • Robust and Decoupled Position and Stiffness Control for Electrically-Driven Articulated Soft Robots
  • Robust Stabilization of Elastic Joint Robots by ESP and PID Control: Theory and Experiments

Robot Safety

Total of 39 papers

  • Sensor Observability Index: Evaluating Sensor Alignment for Task-Space Observability in Robotic Manipulators
  • Shared Autonomy for Safety between a Self-Reconfigurable Robot and a Teleoperator Using Multi-Layer Fuzzy Logic
  • Going in Blind: Object Motion Classification Using Distributed Tactile Sensing for Safe Reaching in Clutter
  • Safe Reinforcement Learning for Legged Locomotion
  • Safety Guided Policy Optimization
  • A Contact-Safe Reinforcement Learning Framework for Contact-Rich Robot Manipulation
  • Compliant Thorax Design for Robustness and Elastic Energy Exchange in Flapping-Wing Robots
  • Comprehensive Reactive Safety: No Need for a Trajectory If You Have a Strategy
  • Analyzing and Overcoming Degradation in Warm-Start Reinforcement Learning
  • SafeTAC: Safe Tsallis Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Safer Exploration
  • Model-Free Unsupervised Anomaly Detection of a General Robotic System Using a Stacked LSTM and Its Application to a Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • Meta-Active Learning in Probabilistically Safe Optimization
  • Power-Based Safety Layer for Aerial Vehicles in Physical Interaction Using Lyapunov Exponents
  • Safe Drone Flight with Time-Varying Backup Controllers
  • An Analytical Study of Motion of Autonomous Vehicles under Imperfect Sensing
  • Adhesion Risk Assessment of an Aircraft Inspection Robot for Improving Operator Awareness
  • How Do We Fail? Stress Testing Perception in Autonomous Vehicles
  • HiddenGems: Efficient Safety Boundary Detection with Active Learning
  • Enpheeph: A Fault Injection Framework for Spiking and Compressed Deep Neural Networks
  • Continuous Safety Control of a Mobile Robot in Cluttered Environments
  • Dependability Analysis of Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Robotics and Autonomous Systems through Probabilistic Model Checking
  • On Safety Testing, Validation, and Characterization with Scenario-Sampling: A Case Study of Legged Robots
  • Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Black-Box Reachability Analysis
  • Efficient Off-Policy Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Trust Region Conditional Value at Risk
  • Safety-Critical Manipulation for Collision-Free Food Preparation
  • Safety Compliant Control for Robotic Manipulator with Task and Input Constraints
  • Evaluation of On-Robot Capacitive Proximity Sensors with Collision Experiments for Human-Robot Collaboration
  • A Generalized Continuous Collision Detection Framework of Polynomial Trajectory for Mobile Robots in Cluttered Environments
  • Safety Correction from Baseline: Towards the Risk-Aware Policy in Robotics Via Dual-Agent Reinforcement Learning
  • Monitoring Object Detectors with Depth and Flow Estimates Via a Fuzzy Inference System
  • Safe Reinforcement Learning for Robot Control Using Control Lyapunov Barrier Functions
  • Generating Safe Corridors Roadmap for Urban Air Mobility
  • Online Adaptive Compensation for Model Uncertainty Using Extreme Learning Machine-Based Control Barrier Functions
  • Refining Control Barrier Functions through Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability
  • Collision Detection and Identification for a Legged Manipulator
  • A Barrier-Based Scenario Approach to Verifying Safety-Critical Systems
  • Quantifying Safety of Learning-Based Self-Driving Control Using Almost-Barrier Functions
  • A Task-Based Post-Impact Safety Protocol Based on Energy Tanks
  • Scalable Safety-Critical Policy Evaluation with Accelerated Rare Event Sampling

Task and Motion Planning

Total of 37 papers

  • ProTAMP: Probabilistic Task and Motion Planning Considering Human Action for Harmonious Collaboration
  • A Solution to Adaptive Mobile Manipulator Throwing
  • Planning to Build Block Structures with Unstable Intermediate States Using Two Manipulators (I)
  • Learning to Herd Amongst Obstacles from an Optimized Surrogate
  • Mobile Robot Guidance from Known to Unknown Environment
  • Learning Neuro-Symbolic Relational Transition Models for Bilevel Planning
  •  The Future of Intelligent Machines: Combining the Safety of Model-Based Design with the Scalability of Data-Driven Algorithms
  • Robust Robotic 3-D Drawing Using Closed-Loop Planning and Online Picked Pens (I)
  • Task and Motion Informed Trees (TMIT*): Almost-Surely Asymptotically Optimal Integrated Task and Motion Planning
  • Generalizable Task Planning through Representation Pretraining
  • Information-Aware Guidance for Magnetic Anomaly Based Navigation
  • Connected Reconfiguration of Polyominoes Amid Obstacles Using RRT*
  • Ergodic Exploration Using Tensor Train: Applications in Insertion Tasks (I)
  • LTR*: Rapid Replanning in Executing Consecutive Tasks with Lazy Experience Graph
  • RRT*-Based Path Planning for Continuum Arms
  • Optimal Gait Families Using Lagrange Multiplier Method
  • A Framework for Transferring Surface Finishing Skills to New Surface Geometries
  • Metal Wire Manipulation Planning for 3D Curving a Low Payload Robot That Uses a Bending Machine to Bend High-Stiffness Wire
  • HM-DDP: A Hybrid Multiple-Shooting Differential Dynamic Programming Method for Constrained Trajectory Optimization
  • Haptic Rendering Architecture for Wheeled Vehicle Shared Teleoperation on Unstructured Environments
  • Multi-Goal Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery
  • Energy-Efficient Orienteering Problem in the Presence of Ocean Currents
  • A Conflict-Driven Interface between Symbolic Planning and Nonlinear Constraint Solving
  • Graph-Based Reinforcement Learning Meets Mixed Integer Programs: An Application to 3D Robot Assembly Discovery
  • Coordinated Toolpath Planning for Multi-Extruder Additive Manufacturing
  • Explainable Robotic Plan Execution Monitoring under Partial Observability (I)
  • Towards Autonomous Grading in the Real World
  • Transporters with Visual Foresight for Solving Unseen Rearrangement Tasks
  • Optimal Constrained Task Planning As Mixed Integer Programming
  • Robot Skill Learning with Identification of Preconditions and Postconditions Via Level Set Estimation
  • TAPE: Tether-Aware Path Planning for Autonomous Exploration of Unknown 3D Cavities Using a Tangle-Compatible Tethered Aerial Robot
  • Neural-Guided Runtime Prediction of Planners for Improved Motion and Task Planning with Graph Neural Networks
  • Multi-Modal Multi-Agent Optimization for LIMMS, a Modular Robotics Approach to Delivery Automation
  • Coordinated Multi-Agent Exploration, Rendezvous, & Task Allocation in Unknown Environments with Limited Connectivity
  • Sequence-Of-Constraints MPC: Reactive Timing-Optimal Control of Sequential Manipulation
  • RHH-LGP: Receding Horizon and Heuristics-Based Logic-Geometric Programming for Task and Motion Planning
  • FC3: Feasibility-Based Control Chain Coordination

Range Sensing

Total of 36 papers

  • Multi-Agent Relative Pose Estimation with UWB and Constrained Communications
  • Ranging-Aided Ground Robot Navigation Using UWB Nodes at Unknown Locations
  • PlaneSDF-Based Change Detection for Long-Term Dense Mapping
  • Online Target Localization Using Adaptive Belief Propagation in the HMM Framework
  • NDD: A 3D Point Cloud Descriptor Based on Normal Distribution for Loop Closure Detection
  • A Portable Multiscopic Camera for Novel View and Time Synthesis in Dynamic Scenes
  • Scalable and Modular Ultra-Wideband Aided Inertial Navigation
  • Multical: Spatiotemporal Calibration for Multiple IMUs, Cameras and LiDARs
  • Map-Free Lidar Odometry (MFLO) Using a Range Flow Constraint and Point Patch Covariances
  • PLC-LiSLAM: LiDAR SLAM with Planes, Lines and Cylinders
  • Localization for Mobile Robots with a Multi-ToF Camera System
  • Pointclouds Integration from Aerial and Ground View Exploiting Normal Vector and Pose Graph Optimization
  • Exploring mmWave Radar and Camera Fusion for High-Resolution and Long-Range Depth Imaging
  • TRAVEL: Traversable Ground and Above-Ground Object Segmentation Using Graph Representation of 3D LiDAR Scans
  • Confidence-Rich Localization and Mapping Based on Particle Filter for Robotic Exploration
  • Are We Ready for Radar to Replace Lidar in All-Weather Mapping and Localization?
  • Maintaining Robot Localizability with Bayesian Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds
  • Disk-Graph Probabilistic Roadmap: Biased Distance Sampling for Path Planning in a Partially Unknown Environment
  • Group-K Consistent Measurement Set Maximization for Robust Outlier Detection
  • Gravity-Constrained Point Cloud Registration
  • Intensity Image-Based LiDAR Fiducial Marker System
  • FSM: Correspondenceless Scan-Matching of Panoramic 2D Range Scans
  • BoxGraph: Semantic Place Recognition and Pose Estimation from 3D LiDAR
  • A Robust and Fast Occlusion-Based Frontier Method for Autonomous Navigation in Unknown Cluttered Environments
  • Fast Structural Representation and Structure-Aware Loop Closing for Visual SLAM
  • What Goes Around: Leveraging a Constant-Curvature Motion Constraint in Radar Odometry
  • Volumetric Change Assessment Using Multi Session SLAM Toward Construction Monitoring Automation
  • Object Surface Recognition Using Microphone Array by Acoustic Standing Wave
  • Blind As a Bat: Audible Echolocation on Small Robots
  • Learned Depth Estimation of 3D Imaging Radar for Indoor Mapping
  • Patchwork++: Fast and Robust Ground Segmentation Solving Partial Under-Segmentation Using 3D Point Cloud
  • Linewise Non-Rigid Point Cloud Registration
  • A LiDAR-Inertial Odometry with Principled Uncertainty Modeling
  • DeepCIR: Insights into CIR-Based Data-Driven UWB Error Mitigation
  • Geometric Calibration of Single-Pixel Distance Sensors
  • Distributed Ranging SLAM for Multiple Robots with Ultra-WideBand and Odometry Measurements

Aerial Systems: Mechanics and Control

Total of 35 papers

  • An Aerial Parallel Manipulator with Shared Compliance
  • Frequency-Based Wind Gust Estimation for Quadrotors Using a Nonlinear Disturbance Observer
  • Rotor Array Synergies for Aerial Modular Reconfigurable Robots
  • Enforcing Vision-Based Localization Using Perception Constrained N-MPC for Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles
  • PencilNet: Zero-Shot Sim-To-Real Transfer Learning for Robust Gate Perception in Autonomous Drone Racing
  • Decoupling Adaptive Control of Multi-Task Aerial Manipulator Using NSB Approach
  • Dynamic Minimum Energy Trajectory Generation through Predictive Wind Forecasting
  • Valve Turning Work Utilizing a Multirotor Aerial Robot with Add-On Thrust Vectoring Device
  • Accurate Transportation Control System for Flexible Cable Suspended Load Carried by a Multi-Copter
  • Automated Aerial Screwing with a Fully Actuated Aerial Manipulator
  • Power-Based Safety Layer for Aerial Vehicles in Physical Interaction Using Lyapunov Exponents
  • Safe Drone Flight with Time-Varying Backup Controllers
  • Multimodal Aerial-Tethered Robot for Tree Canopy Exploration
  • Hoverability Analysis and Development of a Quadrotor Only with Clockwise Rotors
  • A Novel Quadrotor with a 3-Axis Deformable Frame Using Tilting Motions of Parallel Link Modules without Thrust Loss
  • Adaptive Tank-Based Control for Aerial Physical Interaction with Uncertain Dynamic Environments Using Energy-Task Estimation
  • A Robotic Aerial Platform with Functionally Anthropomorphic Arms Designed for Physical Interaction
  • Back-Transition Control with Large Deceleration for a Dual Propulsion VTOL UAV Based on Its Maneuverability
  • Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Human-Robot Handover with Application to the Aerial Case
  • Design, Modeling and Control of a Two Flight Mode Capable Single Wing Rotorcraft with Mid-Air Transition Ability
  • Stabilization of Tangent and Normal Contact Forces for a Quadrotor Subject to Disturbances
  • Experimental Performance Comparison of Bidirectional Actuator Configurations for Suspended Aerial Platforms
  • Downwash-Aware Control Allocation for Over-Actuated UAV Platforms
  • Unsteady Aerodynamic Modeling of Aerobat Using Lifting Line Theory and Wagner's Function
  • SytaB: A Class of Smooth-Transition Hybrid Terrestrial/Aerial Bicopters
  • Linear and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Strategies for Trajectory Tracking Micro Aerial Vehicles: A Comparative Study
  • Design and Trajectory Tracking Control of a New Bi-Copter UAV
  • Geometric MPC Techniques for Reduced Attitude Control on Quadrotors with Bidirectional Thrust
  • Retro-RL: Reinforcing Nominal Controller with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Tilting-Rotor Drones
  • Adaptative Friction Shock Absorbers and Reverse Thrust for Fast Multirotor Landing on Inclined Surfaces
  • Jumping on Air: Design and Modeling of Latch-Mediated, Spring-Actuated Air-Jumpers
  • Avoiding Dynamic Obstacles with Real-Time Motion Planning Using Quadratic Programming for Varied Locomotion Modes
  • Trajectory Planning for UAVs Based on Interfered Fluid Dynamical System and BĂ©zier Curves
  • Deep Residual Reinforcement Learning Based Autonomous Blimp Control
  • Constrained Imitation Learning for a Flapping Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

AI-Based Methods

Total of 35 papers

  • Striving for Less: Minimally-Supervised Pseudo-Label Generation for Monocular Road Segmentation
  • E2Pose: Fully Convolutional Networks for End-To-End Multi-Person Pose Estimation
  • Class-Incremental Gesture Recognition Learning with Out-Of-Distribution Detection
  • PIMNet: Physics-Infused Neural Network for Human Motion Prediction
  • Image Translation Based Synthetic Data Generation for Industrial Object Detection and Pose Estimation
  • Application of Deep Stable Koopman Operator to Long-Term Prediction
  • Solving Geduld-Spiele Cubes with a Virtually Trained Robotic Agent
  • Model-Free Unsupervised Anomaly Detection of a General Robotic System Using a Stacked LSTM and Its Application to a Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • Magnetic Field Modeling of Linear Halbach Array for Wall-Climbing Robot Based on Radial Basis Function Neural Network
  • Online Complete Coverage Path Planning of a Reconfigurable Robot Using Glasius Bio-Inspired Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
  • Soft Tissue Characterisation Using a Novel Robotic Medical Percussion Device with Acoustic Analysis and Neural Networks
  • A Deep Learning Technique As a Sensor Fusion for Enhancing the Position in a Virtual Reality Micro-Environment
  • Physical Adversarial Attack on a Robotic Arm
  • Renaissance Robot: Optimal Transport Policy Fusion for Learning Diverse Skills
  • Speeding up POMDP Planning Via Simplification
  • Givenness Hierarchy Informed Optimal Document Planning for Situated Human-Robot Interaction
  • RGB-D Inertial Odometry for a Resource-Restricted Robot in Dynamic Environments
  • Monitoring Object Detectors with Depth and Flow Estimates Via a Fuzzy Inference System
  • Novel Online Terrain Classification Algorithm for Mobile Robots
  • Ensemble Inverse Model Network Based Disturbance Observer for Reinforcement Learning
  • Onboard Scheduling and Execution to Address Uncertainty for a Planetary Lander
  • Proactive Robotic Assistance Via Theory of Mind
  • Slip Anticipation for Grasping Deformable Objects Using a Soft Force Sensor
  • Federated Learning from Demonstration for Active Assistance to Smart Wheelchair Users
  • Navigating to Objects in Unseen Environments by Distance Prediction
  • Feedback-Efficient Active Preference Learning for Socially Aware Robot Navigation
  • Deep Kernel Learning for Uncertainty Estimation in Multiple Trajectory Prediction Networks
  • Robot Skill Learning with Identification of Preconditions and Postconditions Via Level Set Estimation
  • Contextual Driving Scene Perception from Anonymous Vehicle Bus Data for Automotive Applications
  • Cola-HRL: Continuous-Lattice Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving
  • Collective Conditioned Reflex: A Bio-Inspired Fast Emergency Reaction Mechanism for Designing Safe Multi-Robot Systems
  • Towards Defensive Autonomous Driving: Collecting and Probing Driving Demonstrations of Mixed Qualities
  • TAE: A Semi-Supervised Controllable Behavior-Aware Trajectory Generator and Predictor
  • Continuum-Body-Pose Estimation from Partial Sensor Information Using Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Quantifying Safety of Learning-Based Self-Driving Control Using Almost-Barrier Functions

Representation Learning

Total of 35 papers

  • Augment-Connect-Explore: A Paradigm for Visual Action Planning with Data Scarcity
  • Reshaping Robot Trajectories Using Natural Language Commands: A Study of Multi-Modal Data Alignment Using Transformers
  • DreamingV2: Reinforcement Learning with Discrete World Models without Reconstruction
  • Playful Interactions for Representation Learning
  • COMPASS: Contrastive Multimodal Pretraining for Autonomous Systems
  • Explainable Knowledge Graph Embedding: Inference Reconciliation for Knowledge Inferences Supporting Robot Actions
  • Neural Scene Representation for Locomotion on Structured Terrain
  • MO-Transformer: A Transformer-Based Multi-Object Point Cloud Reconstruction Network
  • Self-Supervised Feature Learning from Partial Point Clouds Via Pose Disentanglement
  • Self-Supervised Moving Vehicle Detection from Audio-Visual Cues
  • RPG: Learning Recursive Point Cloud Generation
  • PI-ARS: Accelerating Evolution-Learned Visual-Locomotion with Predictive Information Representations
  • RILI: Robustly Influencing Latent Intent
  • Self-Supervised Wide Baseline Visual Servoing Via 3D Equivariance
  • Impact Makes a Sound and Sound Makes an Impact: Sound Guides Representations and Explorations
  • What Matters in Language Conditioned Robotic Imitation Learning Over Unstructured Data
  • A Solution to Adaptive Mobile Manipulator Throwing
  • Improving Single-View Mesh Reconstruction for Unseen Categories Via Primitive-Based Representation and Mesh Augmentation
  • Gesture2Vec: Clustering Gestures Using Representation Learning Methods for Co-Speech Gesture Generation
  • Generalizable Task Planning through Representation Pretraining
  • A Domain-Adapted Machine Learning Approach for Visual Evaluation and Interpretation of Robot-Assisted Surgery Skills
  • LSDNet: A Lightweight Self-Attentional Distillation Network for Visual Place Recognition
  • Inferring Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics from RGBD Video
  • Back to the Manifold: Recovering from Out-Of-Distribution States
  • Learning to Simulate Realistic LiDARs
  • Gesture2Vec: Clustering Gestures Using Representation Learning Methods for Co-Speech Gesture Generation
  • Disentangled Sequence Clustering for Human Intention Inference
  • Learning from Demonstration Using a Curvature Regularized Variational Auto-Encoder (CurvVAE)
  • Domain Knowledge Driven Pseudo Labels for Interpretable Goal-Conditioned Interactive Trajectory Prediction
  • Teaching Robots to Span the Space of Functional Expressive Motion
  • Learning Bidirectional Translation between Descriptions and Actions with Small Paired Data
  • Grounding Commands for Autonomous Vehicles Via Layer Fusion with Region-Specific Dynamic Layer Attention
  • Robot Motion Planning As Video Prediction: A Spatio-Temporal Neural Network-Based Motion Planner
  • SGL: Symbolic Goal Learning in a Hybrid, Modular Framework for Human Instruction Following
  • Semantic Grasping Via a Knowledge Graph of Robotic Manipulation: A Graph Representation Learning Approach

Aerial Systems: Perception and Autonomy

Total of 34 papers

  • GeoROS: Georeferenced Real-Time Orthophoto Stitching with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • LODM: Large-Scale Online Dense Mapping for UAV
  • Adaptive-Resolution Field Mapping Using Gaussian Process Fusion with Integral Kernels
  • Generalized Laplace Particle Filter on Lie Groups Applied to Ambiguous Doppler Navigation
  • ICK-Track: A Category-Level 6-DoF Pose Tracker Using Inter-Frame Consistent Keypoints for Aerial Manipulation
  • Enforcing Vision-Based Localization Using Perception Constrained N-MPC for Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles
  • Visual Loop Closure Detection for a Future Mars Science Helicopter
  • PencilNet: Zero-Shot Sim-To-Real Transfer Learning for Robust Gate Perception in Autonomous Drone Racing
  • Virtual Reality from Pose Estimation and Active Learning for Bilateral Teleoperation of Aerial Manipulators
  • Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Fixed-Wing Flight Control
  • Physics-Inspired Temporal Learning of Quadrotor Dynamics for Accurate Model Predictive Trajectory Tracking
  • Automatic Parameter Adaptation for Quadrotor Trajectory Planning
  • Efficient Sampling-Based Multirotors Kinodynamic Planning with Fast Regional Optimization and Post Refining
  • Autonomous Emergency Landing for Multicopters Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • GNGraph: Self-Organizing Maps for Autonomous Aerial Vehicle Planning
  • A 2D Georeferenced Map Aided Visual-Inertial System for Precise UAV Localization
  • Risk-Aware Motion Planning for Collision-Tolerant Aerial Robots Subject to Localization Uncertainty
  • A Planning-And-Control Framework for Aerial Manipulation of Articulated Objects
  • Source Term Estimation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Gaussian Mixture Model Feature Extraction for Mobile Sensors
  • Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Human-Robot Handover with Application to the Aerial Case
  • CNS Flight Stack for Reproducible, Customizable, and Fully Autonomous Applications
  • CA-SpaceNet: Counterfactual Analysis for 6D Pose Estimation in Space
  • Sampling-Based View Planning for MAVs in Active Visual-Inertial State Estimation
  • Local Perception-Aware Transformer for Aerial Tracking
  • End-To-End Feature Decontaminated Network for UAV Tracking
  • Blind As a Bat: Audible Echolocation on Small Robots
  • HighlightNet: Highlighting Low-Light Potential Features for Real-Time UAV Tracking
  • Robust and Efficient Velocity Estimation for MAVs with an RGB-D Camera
  • Tightly-Coupled EKF-Based Radar-Inertial Odometry
  • Accurate Vision-Based Flight with Fixed-Wing Drones
  • Autonomous Quadrotor Landing on Inclined Surfaces in High Particle Environments Using Radar Sensor Perception
  • TAPE: Tether-Aware Path Planning for Autonomous Exploration of Unknown 3D Cavities Using a Tangle-Compatible Tethered Aerial Robot
  • Sweep-Your-Map: Efficient Coverage Planning for Aerial Teams in Large-Scale Environments
  • Predictive Angular Potential Field-Based Obstacle Avoidance for Dynamic UAV Flights

AI-Enabled Robotics

Total of 34 papers

  • COMPASS: Contrastive Multimodal Pretraining for Autonomous Systems
  • Explainable Knowledge Graph Embedding: Inference Reconciliation for Knowledge Inferences Supporting Robot Actions
  • Ensemble Based Anomaly Detection for Legged Robots to Explore Unknown Environments
  • Make It Dense: Self-Supervised Geometric Scan Completion of Sparse 3D LiDAR Scans in Large Outdoor Environments
  • RARA: Zero-Shot Sim2Real Visual Navigation with Following Foreground Cues
  • Real-Time IMU-Based Learning: A Classification of Contact Materials
  • Application of Deep Stable Koopman Operator to Long-Term Prediction
  • Physics Embedded Neural Network Vehicle Model and Applications in Risk-Aware Autonomous Driving Using Latent Features
  • Meta-Active Learning in Probabilistically Safe Optimization
  • Learning Symbolic Failure Detection for Grasping and Mobile Manipulation Tasks
  • GA-Nav: Efficient Terrain Segmentation for Robot Navigation in Unstructured Outdoor Environments
  • Autonomous Control of Redundant Hydraulic Manipulator Using Reinforcement Learning with Action Feedback
  • Hey Haru, Let’s Be Friends! Using the Tiers of Friendship to Build Rapport through Small Talk with the Tabletop Robot Haru
  • Automated Fruit Quality Testing Using an Electrical Impedance Tomography-Enabled Soft Robotic Gripper
  • Online 3D Bin Packing Reinforcement Learning Solution with Buffer
  • Data Augmentation in Prioritized Subset to Improve the Performance of Offline Reinforcement Learning
  • How to Increase Safety and Performance of Emergency Departments with AI-Guided Robots and IoT? Lessons Provided to European Hospitals by Polish Pilot of Flagship Horizon 2020 ODIN Project
  • Proactive Robotic Assistance Via Theory of Mind
  • Social-PatteRNN: Socially-Aware Trajectory Prediction Guided by Motion Patterns
  • PourNet: Robust Robotic Pouring through Curriculum and Curiosity-Based Reinforcement Learning
  • Navigating to Objects in Unseen Environments by Distance Prediction
  • IMU Dead-Reckoning Localization with RNN-IEKF Algorithm
  • Planning with Intermittent State Observability: Knowing When to Act Blind
  • Explainable Robotic Plan Execution Monitoring under Partial Observability (I)
  • HGCN-GJS: Hierarchical Graph Convolutional Network with Groupwise Joint Sampling for Trajectory Prediction
  • FloorGenT: Generative Vector Graphic Model of Floor Plans for Robotics
  • SGL: Symbolic Goal Learning in a Hybrid, Modular Framework for Human Instruction Following
  • Visual-Tactile Sensing for Real-Time Liquid Volume Estimation in Grasping
  • Comparing Reconstruction and Contrastive-Based Models for Visual Task Planning
  • Learning Object-Based State Estimators for Household Robots
  • Deep Residual Reinforcement Learning Based Autonomous Blimp Control
  • Semantic Grasping Via a Knowledge Graph of Robotic Manipulation: A Graph Representation Learning Approach
  • 3D Part Assembly Generation with Instance Encoded Transformer
  • FC3: Feasibility-Based Control Chain Coordination

Marine Robotics

Total of 34 papers

  • Development of a Stingray-Inspired High-Frequency Propulsion Platform with Variable Wavelength
  • Event-Triggered Control of Robotic Fish with Reduced Communication Rate
  • Detail-Guided Image Enhancement for Underwater Robot Vision
  • Robust Sonar-Based Place Recognition in Underwater Environments
  • A New General Approach for Model-Based Control of Underactuated AUV Based on Kinematic Coupling
  • Robotic Detection of a Human-Comprehensible Gestural Language for Underwater Multi-Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Energy-Efficient Tunable-Stiffness Soft Robots Using Second Moment of Area Actuation
  • Acoustic Localization and Communication Using a MEMS Microphone for Low-Cost and Low-Power Bio-Inspired Underwater Robots
  • Continuous-Time Factor Graph Optimization for Trajectory Smoothness of GNSS/INS Navigation in Temporarily GNSS-Denied Environments
  • Flexible Collision-Free Platooning Method for Unmanned Surface Vehicle with Experimental Validations
  • Development and Field Testing of an Optimal Path Following ASV Controller for Marine Surveys
  • Inertial-Measurement-Based Catenary Shape Estimation of Underwater Cables for Tethered Robots
  • Motion Attribute-Based Clustering and Collision Avoidance of Multiple In-Water Obstacles by Autonomous Surface Vehicle
  • Training Dynamic Motion Primitives Using Deep Reinforcement Learning to Control a Robotic Tadpole
  • Hydrodynamic Parameters Estimation Using Varying Forces and Numerical Integration Fitting Method
  • Autonomous Pipeline Tracking Using Bernoulli Filter for Unmanned Underwater Surveys
  • An Evaluation of Position Keeping Strategies under Disturbances for a Symmetrical Shape Autonomous on Water Surface Robot
  • CSA-SVM Method for Internal Cavitation Defects Detection and Its Application of District Heating Pipes
  • Temporal Context for Robust Maritime Obstacle Detection
  • Mapping of Spatiotemporal Scalar Fields by Mobile Robots Using Gaussian Process Regression
  • Evaluating the Benefit of Using Multiple Low-Cost Forward-Looking Sonar Beams for Collision Avoidance in Small AUVs
  • Analysis of Hybrid Cable-Thruster Actuated ROV in Heavy Lifting Interventions
  • Improving Marine Radar Odometry by Modeling Radar Resolution and Exploiting Additional Temporal Information
  • UWRange: An Open ROS Framework for Simulating Acoustic Ranging and Localization for Underwater Robots under Realistic Conditions
  • HoloOcean: Realistic Sonar Simulation
  • DRACo-SLAM: Distributed Robust Acoustic Communication-Efficient SLAM for Imaging Sonar Equipped Underwater Robot Teams
  • Confined Water Body Coverage under Resource Constraints
  • Self-Management of ROV Umbilical Using Sliding Buoys and Stop
  • AUV-Assisted Diver Navigation
  • Speed up of Wave-Driven Unmanned Surface Vehicle Using Passively Transformable Two-Segment Foils
  • Learning Pseudo Front Depth for 2D Forward-Looking Sonar-Based Multi-View Stereo
  • Adaptive Online Sampling of Periodic Processes with Application to Coral Reef Acoustic Abundance Monitoring
  • Probabilistic Planning for AUV Data Harvesting from Smart Underwater Sensor Networks
  • An Experimental Validation of the Polynomial Curvature Model: Identification and Optimal Control of a Soft Underwater Tentacle

Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robots or Agents

Total of 34 papers

  • Dynamic Minimum Energy Trajectory Generation through Predictive Wind Forecasting
  • Folding Knots Using a Team of Aerial Robots
  • Making Robotics Swarm Flow More Smoothly: A Regular Virtual Tube Model
  • Enhanced Decentralized Autonomous Aerial Robot Teams with Group Planning
  • Particle Swarm Optimizer-Based Attack Strategy with Swarm Robots
  • Unified Automatic Control of Vehicular Systems with Reinforcement Learning (I)
  • Adaptive Sampling of Latent Phenomena Using Heterogeneous Robot Teams (ASLaP-HR)
  • Avoiding Dense and Dynamic Obstacles in Enclosed Spaces: Application to Moving in Crowds (I)
  • Smooth Spline-Based Trajectory Planning for Semi-Rigid Multi-Robot Formations
  • Min-Max Vertex Cycle Covers with Connectivity Constraints for Multi-Robot Patrolling
  • Efficient Range-Constrained Manifold Optimization with Application to Cooperative Navigation
  • Multi-Goal Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery
  • Asynchronous Real-Time Decentralized Multi-Robot Trajectory Planning
  • Decentralized Learning with Limited Communications for Multi-Robot Coverage of Unknown Spatial Fields
  • Multi-Agent Path Planning Using Medial-Axis-Based Pebble-Graph Embedding
  • Collaborative Navigation-Aware Coverage in Feature-Poor Environments
  • Polynomial Time Near-Time-Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning in Three Dimensions with Applications to Large-Scale UAV Coordination
  • MAPFASTER: A Faster and Simpler Take on Multi-Agent Path Finding Algorithm Selection
  • Scalable Online Coverage Path Planning for Multi-Robot Systems
  • DiMOpt: A Distributed Multi-Robot Trajectory Optimization Algorithm
  • Non-Submodular Maximization Via the Greedy Algorithm and the Effects of Limited Information in Multi-Agent Execution
  • Gathering Physical Particles with a Global Magnetic Field Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Obstacle Avoidance of Resilient UAV Swarm Formation with Active Sensing System in the Dense Environment
  • Prioritized Safe Interval Path Planning for Multi-Agent Pathfinding with Continuous Time on 2D Roadmaps
  • Extended Time Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem for Joint Task Allocation and Path Planning in Shared Space
  • Sweep-Your-Map: Efficient Coverage Planning for Aerial Teams in Large-Scale Environments
  • Coordinated Multi-Agent Exploration, Rendezvous, & Task Allocation in Unknown Environments with Limited Connectivity
  • Meeting-Merging-Mission: A Multi-Robot Coordinate Framework for Large-Scale Communication-Limited Exploration
  • Vision-Based Distributed Multi-UAV Collision Avoidance Via Deep Reinforcement Learning for Navigation
  • Inspection of Ship Hulls with Multiple UAVs: Exploiting Prior Information for Online Path Planning
  • Collision-Free Minimum-Time Trajectory Planning for Multiple Vehicles Based on ADMM
  • Collaborative Navigation and Manipulation of a Cable-Towed Load by Multiple Quadrupedal Robots
  • AB-Mapper: Attention and BicNet Based Multi-Agent Path Planning for Dynamic Environment
  • Graph Embedding for Multi-Robot Path Planning in Complex Environments

Computer Vision for Transportation

Total of 33 papers

  • A Camera-Based Deep-Learning Solution for Visual Attention Zone Recognition in Maritime Navigational Operations
  • Maximizing Self-Supervision from Thermal Image for Effective Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion
  • Striving for Less: Minimally-Supervised Pseudo-Label Generation for Monocular Road Segmentation
  • Multi-Sensor Data Annotation Using Sequence-Based Active Learning
  • 3D Single-Object Tracking with Spatial-Temporal Data Association
  • TransDARC: Transformer-Based Driver Activity Recognition with Latent Space Feature Calibration
  • Attention-Based Deep Driving Model for Autonomous Vehicles with Surround-View Cameras
  • Towards Safety-Aware Pedestrian Detection in Autonomous Systems
  • Self-Supervised Moving Vehicle Detection from Audio-Visual Cues
  • Multi-Source Domain Alignment for Robust Segmentation in Unknown Targets
  • Depth360: Self-Supervised Learning for Monocular Depth Estimation Using Learnable Camera Distortion Model
  • FocusTR: Focusing on Valuable Feature by Multiple Transformers for Fusing Feature Pyramid on Object Detection
  • Roadside HD Map Object Reconstruction Using Monocular Camera
  • Extended Adaptive Inverse Perspective Mapping for Ground Representation of Autonomous Mobile Robot
  • Image & Video Anonymization Framework for Ethical Autonomous Trains
  • Time-To-Label: Temporal Consistency for Self-Supervised Monocular 3D Object Detection
  • DeepFusionMOT: A 3D Multi-Object Tracking Framework Based on Camera-LiDAR Fusion with Deep Association
  • Sem-Aug: Improving Camera-LiDAR Feature Fusion with Semantic Augmentation for 3D Vehicle Detection
  • Lidar with Velocity: Motion Distortion Correction of Point Clouds from Oscillating Scanning Lidars
  • VMVG-Loc: Visual Localization for Autonomous Driving Using Vector Map and Voxel Grid Map
  • TEScalib: Targetless Extrinsic Self-Calibration of LiDAR and Stereo Camera for Automated Driving Vehicles with Uncertainty Analysis
  • Unsupervised Confidence for LiDAR Depth Maps and Applications
  • Pedestrian Intention Prediction Based on Traffic-Aware Scene Graph Model
  • Bilateral Knowledge Distillation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation
  • MPT-Net: Mask Point Transformer Network for Large Scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
  • Trajectory Prediction with Graph-Based Dual-Scale Context Fusion
  • InterSim: Interactive Traffic Simulation Via Explicit Relation Modeling
  • TIP: Task-Informed Motion Prediction for Intelligent Vehicles
  • Dynamics-Aware Spatiotemporal Occupancy Prediction in Urban Environments
  • Cross-Modal Fusion-Based Prior Correction for Road Detection in Off-Road Environments
  • Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation with 4-D Automotive Radar
  • Detecting Adversarial Perturbations in Multi-Task Perception
  • Recognition Beyond Perception: Environmental Model Completion by Reasoning for Occluded Vehicles

Grippers and Other End-Effectors

Total of 32 papers

  • Real-Time Acoustic Holography with Physics-Based Deep Learning for Acoustic Robotic Manipulation
  • RAPTOR: Rapid Aerial Pickup and Transport of Objects by Robots
  • Learn from Interaction: Learning to Pick Via Reinforcement Learning in Challenging Clutter
  • The DressGripper: A Collaborative Gripper with Electromagnetic Fingertips for Dressing Assistance
  • A New Gripper That Acts As an Active and Passive Joint to Facilitate Prehensile Grasping and Locomotion
  • Design and Control of a Quasi-Direct Drive Robotic Gripper for Collision Tolerant Picking at High Speed
  • Robotic Powder Grinding with a Soft Jig for Laboratory Automation in Material Science
  • Shape and Motion Optimization of Rigid Planar Effectors for Contact Trajectory Satisfaction
  • F1 Hand: A Versatile Fixed-Finger Gripper for Delicate Teleoperation and Autonomous Grasping
  • On Robotic Manipulation of Flexible Flat Cables: Employing a Multi-Modal Gripper with Dexterous Tips, Active Nails, and a Reconfigurable Suction Cup Module
  • Automated Design of Embedded Constraints for Soft Hands Enabling New Grasp Strategies
  • Grasping Curved Objects with an Electroadhesion Soft Gripper
  • An Origami-Inspired Suction Cup of Robotic Gripper for Autonomous Cucumber Harvesting
  • Stiffening Iron Powder to Grasp Objects
  • 1-Degree-Of-Freedom Robotic Gripper with Infinite Self-Twist Function
  • Design and Control of a Multi-Modal Soft Gripper Inspired by Elephant Fingers
  • A Mechanical Screwing Tool for 2-Finger Parallel Grippers -- Design, Optimization, and Manipulation Policies (I)
  • Acoustic Balance: Weighing in Ultrasonic Non-Contact Manipulators
  • A Multi-Segmented Soft Finger Using Snap-Through Instability of a Soft Valve with a Slit
  • SCALER: A Tough Versatile Quadruped Free-Climber Robot
  • Microspine Design for Additive Manufacturing
  • Enabling Massage Actions: An Interactive Parallel Robot with Compliant Joints
  • Designing Underactuated Graspers with Dynamically Variable Geometry Using Potential Energy Map Based Analysis
  • A Novel Human-Safe Robotic Gripper: An Application of a Programmable Permanent Magnet Actuator
  • Extrinsic Dexterous Manipulation with a Direct-Drive Hand: A Case Study
  • GTac-Gripper: A Reconfigurable Under-Actuated Four-Fingered Robotic Gripper with Tactile Sensing
  • Single-Fingered Reconfigurable Robotic Gripper with a Folding Mechanism for Narrow Working Spaces
  • SEED: Series Elastic End Effectors in 6D for Visuotactile Tool Use
  • Self-Morphing Soft Parallel-And-Coplanar Electroadhesive Grippers Based on Laser-Scribed Graphene Oxide Electrodes
  • Finger-STS: Combined Proximity and Tactile Sensing for Robotic Manipulation
  • Active Suction Cup with Detecting Softness
  • E-TRoll: Tactile Sensing and Classification Via a Simple Robotic Gripper for Extended Rolling Manipulations

Industrial Robots

Total of 31 papers

  • Robotic Depowdering for Additive Manufacturing Via Pose Tracking
  • Design and Control of a Quasi-Direct Drive Robotic Gripper for Collision Tolerant Picking at High Speed
  • Optimal Shape Servoing with Task-Focused Convergence Constraints
  • MS-Cubic: A Modularized Manufacturing System with Scalability, Portability and Parallelism
  • A 4-DoF Parallel Robot with a Built-In Gripper for Waste Sorting
  • Template-Based Category-Agnostic Instance Detection with Human Guidance for Adaptive Robotic Manipulation
  • A Low-Cost Reconfigurable Industrial Robot Design Utilising Additively Manufactured Components
  • Absolute Position Detection in 7-Phase Sensorless Electric Stepper Motor
  • Jerk-Continuous Online Trajectory Generation for Robot Manipulator with Arbitrary Initial State and Kinematic Constraints
  • Extrinsic Dexterous Manipulation with a Direct-Drive Hand: A Case Study
  • Autonomous Control of Redundant Hydraulic Manipulator Using Reinforcement Learning with Action Feedback
  • Multi-Objective Geometric Optimization of a Multi-Link Manipulator Using Parameterized Design Method
  • A Configurable Skill Oriented Architecture Based on OPC UA
  • Accurate Edge Detection for Robotic Welding through Tactile Exploration
  • Vision-Based Safety System for Barrierless Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Horizontal Insertion of a Ring Onto a Shaft Using a Gantry Crane with Minimal Sensors
  • Experimental Study on Impact Resistance of Multi-DOF Electro-Hydrostatic Robot Systems Using Hydracer, a 6DOF Arm
  • Industrial Robot Parameter Identification Using a Constrained Instrumental Variable Method
  • A Framework for Transferring Surface Finishing Skills to New Surface Geometries
  • Heuristic-Free Optimization of Force-Controlled Robot Search Strategies in Stochastic Environments
  • A Composable Framework for Policy Design, Learning, and Transfer Toward Safe and Efficient Industrial Insertion
  • A High-Fidelity Simulation Platform for Industrial Manufacturing by Incorporating Robotic Dynamics into an Industrial Simulation Tool
  • A Hierarchical Finite-State Machine-Based Task Allocation Framework for Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly Tasks
  • Simulation-Based Learning of the Peg-In-Hole Process Using Robot-Skills
  • Cooperative Towing by Multi-Robot System That Maintains Welding Cable in Optimized Shape
  • Automatic Generation of Optimization Model Using Process Mining and Petri Nets for Optimal Motion Planning of 6-DOF Manipulators
  • Efficient Task/Motion Planning for a Dual-Arm Robot from Language Instructions and Cooking Images
  • Autonomous Cycle Time Reduction of Robotic Tasks Using Iterative Learning Control
  • A Saturation-Aware Trajectory-Based Explicit Reference Governor for a Robotic Arm
  • Unbiased Active Inference for Classical Control
  • An Optimal Dynamic Control Method for Manipulators with Virtual Links


Total of 30 papers

  • Reduced Interface Models for Haptic Interfacing with Virtual Environments
  • Controlling the Cascade: Kinematic Planning for N-Ball Toss Juggling
  • An Aerial Parallel Manipulator with Shared Compliance
  • Analysis on the Wheel-Leg Mechanism’s Locomotion on a 3D Shaped Surface
  • Robot Thruster Control for Robust Adhesion Control on a Facade
  • AR Training App for Energy Optimal Programming of Cobots
  • Validating Robotics Simulators on Real-World Impacts
  • Velocity Level Approximation of Pressure Field Contact Patches
  • Design, Modeling and Control for a Tilt-Rotor VTOL UAV in the Presence of Actuator Failure
  • Modular and Hybrid Numerical-Analytical Approach - a Case Study on Improving Computational Efficiency for Series-Parallel Hybrid Robots
  • Steady-State Manifold of Riderless Motorcycles
  • A Riemannian Take on Human Motion Analysis and Retargeting
  • Magnetic Field Modeling of Linear Halbach Array for Wall-Climbing Robot Based on Radial Basis Function Neural Network
  • Electro-Hydraulic Rolling Soft Wheel: Design, Hybrid Dynamic Modeling, and Model Predictive Control (I)
  • Instantaneous Force Generation Mechanism Based on the Striking Motion of Mantis shrimp—Design and Control Method of Cavitation by Simulation and Experiment
  • Hydrodynamic Parameters Estimation Using Varying Forces and Numerical Integration Fitting Method
  • STEADY: Simultaneous State Estimation and Dynamics Learning from Indirect Observations
  • Back-Transition Control with Large Deceleration for a Dual Propulsion VTOL UAV Based on Its Maneuverability
  • Experimental Performance Comparison of Bidirectional Actuator Configurations for Suspended Aerial Platforms
  • Error Compensation of a Facade Cleaning Manipulator on a Gondola
  • Planning of Obstacle-Aided Navigation for Multi-Legged Robots Using a Sampling-Based Method Over Directed Graphs
  • SytaB: A Class of Smooth-Transition Hybrid Terrestrial/Aerial Bicopters
  • Analytical Second-Order Partial Derivatives of Rigid-Body Inverse Dynamics
  • High-Speed Accurate Robot Control Using Learned Forward Kinodynamics and Non-Linear Least Squares Optimization
  • The Geometry of Optimal Gaits for Inertia-Dominated Kinematic Systems (I)
  • Task-Space Control of Continuum Robots Using Underactuated Discrete Rod Models
  • Efficient Learning of Inverse Dynamics Models for Adaptive Computed Torque Control
  • Gazebo Fluids: SPH-Based Simulation of Fluid Interaction with Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics
  • Adaptative Friction Shock Absorbers and Reverse Thrust for Fast Multirotor Landing on Inclined Surfaces
  • A Legendre-Gauss Pseudospectral Collocation Method for Trajectory Optimization in Second Order Systems

Prosthetics and Exoskeletons

Total of 30 papers

  • Feeling the Pressure: The Influence of Vibrotactile Patterns on Feedback Perception
  • Feasibility Study on Disentangling Muscle Movements in TMR Patients through a Myokinetic Control Interface for the Control of Artificial Hands
  • Suppressing Delay-Induced Oscillations in Physical Human-Robot Interaction with an Upper-Limb Exoskeleton Using Rate-Limiting
  • A New Robotic Knee Impedance Control Parameter Optimization Method Facilitated by Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • RANK - Robotic Ankle: Design and Testing on Irregular Terrains
  • A Soft Fabric-Based Shrink-To-Fit Pneumatic Sleeve for Comfortable Limb Assistance
  • Personalized Estimation of Intended Gait Speed for Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Users Via Data Augmentation Using Mutual Information
  • BEAR-H: An Intelligent Bilateral Exoskeletal Assistive Robot for Smart Rehabilitation (I)
  • Data-Driven Variable Impedance Control of a Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthesis for Sit, Stand, and Walk with Minimal Tuning
  • Quantifying Changes in Kinematic Behavior of a Human-Exoskeleton Interactive System
  • Development of a Novel Low-Profile Robotic Exoskeleton Glove for Patients with Brachial Plexus Injuries
  • Soft Robotic Fabric Actuator with Elastic Bands for High Force & Bending Performance in Hand Exoskeletons
  • Experimental Assessment of a Control Strategy for Locomotion Assistance Relying on Simplified Motor Primitives
  • Design of EMG-Driven Musculoskeletal Model for Volitional Control of a Robotic Ankle Prosthesis
  • Visual Environment Perception for Obstacle Detection and Crossing of Lower-Limb Exoskeletons
  • Unilateral Stiffness Modulation with a Robotic Hip Exoskeleton Elicits Adaptation During Gait
  • A Piecewise Monotonic Smooth Phase Variable for Speed-Adaptation Control of Powered Knee-Ankle Prostheses
  • Imposing Healthy Hip Movement Pattern and Range by Exoskeleton Control for Individualized Assistance
  • Characterizing Prosthesis Control Fault During Human-Prosthesis Interactive Walking Using Intrinsic Sensors
  • A Piecewise Monotonic Gait Phase Estimation Model for Controlling a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesis in Various Locomotion Modes
  • Understanding Modulation of Ankle Stiffness During Stance Phase of Walking on Different Environments and Its Implications for the Design of Impedance Controllers
  • Grasp Pre-Shape Selection by Synthetic Training: Eye-In-Hand Shared Control on the Hannes Prosthesis
  • Sample-Efficient Policy Adaptation for Exoskeletons under Variations in the Users and the Environment
  • Deep-Learning to Map a Benchmark Dataset of Non-Amputee Ambulation for Controlling an Open Source Bionic Leg
  • Continuous Locomotion Mode Recognition and Gait Phase Estimation Based on a Shank-Mounted IMU with Artificial Neural Networks
  • Biomechanical Design Optimization of Passive Exoskeletons through Surrogate Modeling on Industrial Activity Data
  • Application of Piece-Wise Constant Strain Model to Flexible Deformation Calculation of Sports Prosthesis and Stiffness Estimation
  • Real-Time Locomotion Recognition Algorithm for an Active Pelvis Orthosis to Assist Lower-Limb Amputees
  • Predictive Locomotion Mode Recognition and Accurate Gait Phase Estimation for Hip Exoskeleton on Various Terrains
  • Simultaneous Gesture Classification and Speed Control for Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand Using Joint-Loss Neural Network

Simulation and Animation

Total of 30 papers

  • RCareWorld: A Human-Centric Simulation World for Caregiving Robots
  • Unmanned Aircraft System-Based Radiological Mapping of Buildings
  • Solving Geduld-Spiele Cubes with a Virtually Trained Robotic Agent
  • Validating Robotics Simulators on Real-World Impacts
  • Velocity Level Approximation of Pressure Field Contact Patches
  • Improving 3D Markerless Pose Estimation of Animals in the Wild Using Low-Cost Cameras
  • Sim2Real Instance-Level Style Transfer for 6D Pose Estimation
  • Robust Sim2Real Transfer with the Da Vinci Research Kit: A Study on Camera, Lighting, and Physics Domain Randomization
  • Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of a Hybrid Bionic Spherical Robotics with Multilegged Feedback Mechanism
  • Inferring Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics from RGBD Video
  • HoloOcean: Realistic Sonar Simulation
  • Grasp Stability Prediction with Sim-To-Real Transfer from Tactile Sensing
  • Fidelity Evaluation of Virtual Traffic Based on Anomalous Trajectory Detection
  • CapSense: A Real-Time Capacitive Sensor Simulation Framework for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
  • Learning to Simulate Realistic LiDARs
  • Realistic Real-Time Simulation of RGB and Depth Sensors for Dynamic Scenarios Using Augmented Image Based Rendering
  • Understanding Physical Effects for Effective Tool-Use
  • A High-Fidelity Simulation Platform for Industrial Manufacturing by Incorporating Robotic Dynamics into an Industrial Simulation Tool
  • Sequential Manipulation Planning on Scene Graph
  • A Simulation Framework for Magnetic Continuum Robots
  • Towards Inclusive HRI: Using Sim2Real to Address Underrepresentation in Emotion Expression Recognition
  • GESRsim: Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgical Robot Simulator
  • Unsteady Aerodynamic Modeling of Aerobat Using Lifting Line Theory and Wagner's Function
  • A Framework for Robot Self-Assessment of Expected Task Performance
  • InterSim: Interactive Traffic Simulation Via Explicit Relation Modeling
  • CARLA Simulator-Based Evaluation Framework Development of Lane Detection Accuracy Performance under Sensor Blockage Caused by Heavy Rain for Autonomous Vehicle
  • DiffCloud: Real-To-Sim from Point Clouds with Differentiable Simulation and Rendering of Deformable Objects
  • Quasi-Static FEA Model for a Multi-Material Soft Pneumatic Actuator in SOFA
  • Realism Assessment for Synthetic Images in Robot Vision through Performance Characterization
  • Collision-Aware Fast Simulation for Soft Robots by Optimization-Based Geometric Computing

Visual Learning

Total of 30 papers

  • Spatiotemporally Enhanced Photometric Loss for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
  • J-RR: Joint Monocular Depth Estimation and Semantic Edge Detection Exploiting Reciprocal Relations
  • Towards Two-View 6D Object Pose Estimation: A Comparative Study on Fusion Strategy
  • Maximizing Self-Supervision from Thermal Image for Effective Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion
  • Domain Invariant Siamese Attention Mask for Small Object Change Detection Via Everyday Indoor Robot Navigation
  • Investigation of Factorized Optical Flows As Mid-Level Representations
  • Augment-Connect-Explore: A Paradigm for Visual Action Planning with Data Scarcity
  • Learning 6-DoF Task-Oriented Grasp Detection Via Implicit Estimation and Visual Affordance
  • NARF22: Neural Articulated Radiance Fields for Configuration-Aware Rendering
  • Bio-Inspired Reflex System for Learning Visual Information for Resilient Robotic Manipulation
  • Learning Sequential Descriptors for Sequence-Based Visual Place Recognition
  • Instance Segmentation with Cross-Modal Consistency
  • Keyframe Selection with Information Occupancy Grid Model for Long-Term Data Association
  • Robust Change Detection Based on Neural Descriptor Fields
  • Compressive Self-Localization Using Relative Attribute Embedding
  • Robotic Detection of a Human-Comprehensible Gestural Language for Underwater Multi-Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Spatio-Temporal Graph Localization Networks for Image-Based Navigation
  • Child Engagement Estimation in Heterogeneous Child-Robot Interactions Using Spatiotemporal Visual Cues
  • Drift Reduced Navigation with Deep Explainable Features
  • Learning Feature Decomposition for Domain Adaptive Monocular Depth Estimation
  • Output Feedback Tube MPC-Guided Data Augmentation for Robust, Efficient Sensorimotor Policy Learning
  • TeRF: Thermal Radiance Field for Rendering Depth in Transparent Objects
  • Pixel-Wise and Uncertainty Based Prediction for Visual Odometry
  • Visual-Inertial Odometry Priors for Bundle-Adjusting Neural Radiance Fields
  • Robust Sim2Real 3D Object Classification Using Graph Representations and a Deep Center Voting Scheme
  • Learning Perceptual Concepts by Bootstrapping from Human Queries
  • 6-DoF Pose Estimation of Household Objects for Robotic Manipulation: An Accessible Dataset and Benchmark
  • Learned Depth Estimation of 3D Imaging Radar for Indoor Mapping
  • Comparing Reconstruction and Contrastive-Based Models for Visual Task Planning
  • High Precision and Robust Camera Calibration under Learning-Based Distortion Correction and Feature Detection

Autonomous Agents

Total of 29 papers

  • Benchmarking Augmentation Methods for Learning Robust Navigation Agents: The Winning Entry of the 2021 iGibson Challenge
  • Towards Safe Autonomous Driving: Decision Making with Observation-Robust Reinforcement Learning
  • A Sampling Based Approach to Robust Planning for a Planetary Lander
  • Disk-Graph Probabilistic Roadmap: Biased Distance Sampling for Path Planning in a Partially Unknown Environment
  • Speeding up POMDP Planning Via Simplification
  • A Dynamical System Approach to Decentralized Collision-Free Autonomous Coordination of a Mobile Assistive Furniture Swarm
  • Improved Robustness and Safety for Pre-Adaptation of Meta Reinforcement Learning with Prior Regularization
  • Novel Design of a Reconfigurable Omnidirectional AMR Chassis
  • Active Lane Keeping System for Four-Wheel Independent Driving Electric Vehicles
  • Onboard Scheduling and Execution to Address Uncertainty for a Planetary Lander
  • Containerization and Orchestration of Software for Autonomous Mobile Robots: A Case Study of Mixed-Criticality Tasks across Edge-Cloud Computing Platforms
  • Depth-CUPRL: Depth-Imaged Contrastive Unsupervised Prioritized Representations in Reinforcement Learning for Mapless Navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • Planning for Negotiations in Autonomous Driving Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Impressionist Algorithms for Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems: Flocking As a Case Study
  • Planning with Intermittent State Observability: Knowing When to Act Blind
  • Extended Time Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem for Joint Task Allocation and Path Planning in Shared Space
  • Multi-Objective Task Allocation for Multi-Agent Systems Using Hierarchical Cost Function
  • Probabilistic Planning for AUV Data Harvesting from Smart Underwater Sensor Networks
  • Efficient Game-Theoretic Planning with Prediction Heuristic for Socially-Compliant Autonomous Driving
  • Cola-HRL: Continuous-Lattice Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving
  • Factorization of Dynamic Games Over Spatio-Temporal Resources
  • Low-Drift LiDAR-Only Odometry and Mapping for UGVs in Environments with Non-Level Roads
  • Stochastic Games with Stopping States and Their Application to Adversarial Motion Planning Problems
  • BOBCAT: Behaviors, Objectives and Binary States for Coordinated Autonomous Tasks
  • ATF-3D: Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection withAdaptive Thresholds Filtering Based on Confidenceand Distance
  • CreativeBot: A Creative Storyteller Agent Developed by Leveraging Pre-Trained Language Models
  • Collective Conditioned Reflex: A Bio-Inspired Fast Emergency Reaction Mechanism for Designing Safe Multi-Robot Systems
  • Hierarchical Planning through Goal-Conditioned Offline Reinforcement Learning
  • TAE: A Semi-Supervised Controllable Behavior-Aware Trajectory Generator and Predictor

Calibration and Identification

Total of 29 papers

  • Towards Autonomous Control of Surgical Instruments Using Adaptive-Fusion Tracking and Robot Self-Calibration
  • Modeling of Nonlinear Stiffness for Wall Painting Manipulator
  • Tactile Pattern Super Resolution with Taxel-Based Sensors
  • An Efficient and Accurate Solution to Camera Pose Estimation Problem from Point and Line Correspondences Based on Null Space Analysis
  • Robust Real-Time LiDAR-Inertial Initialization
  • Local One-Dimensional Motion Estimation Using FBG-Based Shape Sensing for Cardiac Applications
  • Automating Surgical Peg Transfer: Calibration with Deep Learning Can Exceed Speed, Accuracy, and Consistency of Humans (I)
  • Multi-Modal Non-Isotropic Light Source Modelling for Reflectance Estimation in Hyperspectral Imaging
  • An All-In-One Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with Flexible Workspace and Its Auto-Calibration Method
  • Simultaneous Calibration of Multiple Revolute Joints for Articulated Vision Systems Via SE(3) Kinematic Bundle Adjustment
  • DXQ-Net: Differentiable LiDAR-Camera Extrinsic Calibration Using Quality-Aware Flow
  • CSA-SVM Method for Internal Cavitation Defects Detection and Its Application of District Heating Pipes
  • Industrial Robot Parameter Identification Using a Constrained Instrumental Variable Method
  • TEScalib: Targetless Extrinsic Self-Calibration of LiDAR and Stereo Camera for Automated Driving Vehicles with Uncertainty Analysis
  • Extrinsic Calibration of a 2D Laser Rangefinder and a Depth-Camera Using an Orthogonal Trihedron
  • Continuous Calibration and Narrow Compensation Algorithm to Estimate a Joint Axis under the Various Conditions with Unit Sensor
  • Visual-Inertial-Aided Online MAV System Identification
  • Efficient Extrinsic Calibration of Multi-Sensor 3D LiDAR Systems for Autonomous Vehicles Using Static Objects Information
  • Online Extrinsic Correction of Multi-Camera Systems by Low-Dimensional Parameterization of Physical Deformation
  • Accurate Pose Estimation for Comanipulation Robotic Surgery
  • LiCaS3: A Simple LiDAR–Camera Self-Supervised Synchronization Method (I)
  • Auto-Tuning of Controller and Online Trajectory Planner for Legged Robots
  • Online Kinematic Calibration for Legged Robots
  • Application of Piece-Wise Constant Strain Model to Flexible Deformation Calculation of Sports Prosthesis and Stiffness Estimation
  • CROON: Automatic Multi-LiDAR Calibration and Refinement Method in Road Scene
  • Geometric Calibration of Single-Pixel Distance Sensors
  • Data-Driven Kalman Filter with Kernel-Based Koopman Operators for Nonlinear Robot Systems
  • High Precision and Robust Camera Calibration under Learning-Based Distortion Correction and Feature Detection
  • Extrinsic Camera Calibration from a Moving Person

Human-Centered Robotics

Total of 29 papers

  • RCareWorld: A Human-Centric Simulation World for Caregiving Robots
  • SPARCS: Structuring Physically Assistive Robotics for Caregiving with Stakeholders-In-The-Loop
  • Robot Trajectory Adaptation to Optimise the Trade-Off between Human Cognitive Ergonomics and Workplace Productivity in Collaborative Tasks
  • Task Decoupling in Preference-Based Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Human-Robot Interaction
  • Holo-SpoK: Affordance-Aware Augmented Reality Control of Legged Manipulators
  • Keeping Humans in the Loop: Teaching Via Feedback in Continuous Action Space Environments
  • An Adaptive, Affordable, Humanlike Arm Hand System for Deaf and Deaf Blind Communication with the American Sign Language
  • Examining Distance in UAV Gesture Perception
  • GA-STT: Human Trajectory Prediction with Group Aware Spatial-Temporal Transformer
  • Evaluating Human-Like Explanations for Robot Actions in Reinforcement Learning Scenarios
  • A Modular and Portable Black Box Recorder for Increased Transparency of Autonomous Service Robots
  • Explainable Knowledge Graph Embedding: Inference Reconciliation for Knowledge Inferences Supporting Robot Actions
  • MOCA-S: A Sensitive Mobile Collaborative Robotic Assistant Exploiting Low-Cost Capacitive Tactile Cover and Whole-Body Control
  • Metabolic Efficiency Improvement of Human Walking by Shoulder Stress Reduction through Load Transfer Backpack
  • Ego+X: An Egocentric Vision System for Global 3D Human Pose Estimation and Social Interaction Characterization
  • Immersive View and Interface Design for Teleoperated Aerial Manipulation
  • PSM: A Predictive Safety Model for Body Motion Based on the Spring-Damper Pendulum
  • Following Natural Language Instructions for Household Tasks with Landmark Guided Search and Reinforced Pose Adjustment
  • A Method for Automated Drone Viewpoints to Support Remote Robot Manipulation
  • On Stabilizing Communication Law for Bilateral Force-Reflecting Teleoperation Systems
  • A New Power Law Linking the Speed to the Geometry of Tool-Tip Orientation in Teleoperation of a Robot-Assisted Surgical System
  • User Evaluation of 5 DOF Manipulator for Teleoperation Tasks
  • Proactive Robotic Assistance Via Theory of Mind
  • Understanding Acoustic Patterns of Human Teachers Demonstrating Manipulation Tasks to Robots
  • Social-PatteRNN: Socially-Aware Trajectory Prediction Guided by Motion Patterns
  • Quantifying Changes in Kinematic Behavior of a Human-Exoskeleton Interactive System
  • Can We Reach Human Expert Programming Performance? a Tactile Manipulation Case Study in Learning Time and Task Performance
  • Evaluation of TENS Based Biofeedback and Warning for Improvement of Seated Balance on a Trunk Rehabilitation Robot
  • Manual Maneuverability: Metrics for Analysing and Benchmarking Kinesthetic Robot Guidance

Service Robotics

Total of 29 papers

  • An Autonomous Descending-Stair Cleaning Robot with RGB-D Based Detection, Approaching, and Area Coverage Process
  • Non-Parametric Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Human Activity Based on Mobile Robot Observations
  • Service Robots in a Bakery Shop: A Field Study
  • Shared Autonomy for Safety between a Self-Reconfigurable Robot and a Teleoperator Using Multi-Layer Fuzzy Logic
  • Pedestrian-Robot Interactions on Autonomous Crowd Navigation: Reactive Control Methods and Evaluation Metrics
  • Design of a Reconfigurable Robot with Size-Adaptive Path Planner
  • Approximate Task Tree Retrieval in a Knowledge Network for Robotic Cooking
  • Robotic Depowdering for Additive Manufacturing Via Pose Tracking
  • Robot-Aided Microbial Density Estimation and Mapping
  • Multi-Object Grasping -- Efficient Robotic Picking and Transferring Policy for Batch Picking
  • An Open-Source Motion Planning Framework for Mobile Manipulators Using Constraint-Based Task Space Control with Linear MPC
  • A Training-Evaluation Method for Nursing Telerobot Operator with Unsupervised Trajectory Segmentation
  • Modeling of Nonlinear Stiffness for Wall Painting Manipulator
  • Development of Actuator with Adjustable Compliance for the Polishing Process
  • Screw Robot with Switching Primitives
  • 2D vs. 3D LiDAR-Based Person Detection on Mobile Robots
  • SO-PFH: Semantic Object-Based Point Feature Histogram for Global Localization in Parking Lot
  • Optimal Partitioning of Non-Convex Environments for Minimum Turn Coverage Planning
  • Adhesion Risk Assessment of an Aircraft Inspection Robot for Improving Operator Awareness
  • Online Complete Coverage Path Planning of a Reconfigurable Robot Using Glasius Bio-Inspired Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
  • A Unified MPC Design Approach for AGV Path Following
  • Leveraging Local Planar Motion Property for Robust Visual Matching and Localization
  • Dynamic Network Model for Multi-Domain End-To-End Task-Oriented Dialogue System
  • Android As a Receptionist in a Shopping Mall Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • Understanding Physical Effects for Effective Tool-Use
  • Compact Strawberry Harvesting Tube Employing Laser Cutter
  • Combinational Objective Function for RRT*-Based Path Replanning in Dynamic Corridor Environments
  • Multiple LIDAR-Based SLAM System for an Air-Purifying Robot in Dynamic Environments
  • Federated Learning from Demonstration for Active Assistance to Smart Wheelchair Users

Wearable Robotics

Total of 29 papers

  • A Soft Robotic Haptic Feedback Glove for Colonoscopy Procedures
  • Perception of Mechanical Properties Via Wrist Haptics: Effects of Feedback Congruence
  • Haptic Feedback Relocation from the Fingertips to the Wrist for Two-Finger Manipulation in Virtual Reality
  •  Wearable Robotics with Smart Fluid Devices: Progress and Possibilities
  • Lightmyography Based Decoding of Human Intention Using Temporal Multi-Channel Transformers
  • Continuous Calibration and Narrow Compensation Algorithm to Estimate a Joint Axis under the Various Conditions with Unit Sensor
  • Design of a Soft Wearable Passive Fitness Device for Upper Limb Resistance Exercise
  • 2-DOF Power Assist Suit for Lower Back Twisting Motion: Tornade
  • Mobile Human-In-The-Loop Approach for Metabolic Reduction Using Exosuits with Hip Extension Assistance
  • Design of a Wire-Driven Actuator with Quasi-Direct Drive for a Compact, High-Bandwidth Exosuit
  • An Impedance-Controlled Testbed for Simulating Variations in the Mechanical Fit of Wearable Devices
  • Human-Exoskeleton Cooperative Balance Strategy for a Human-Powered Augmentation Lower Exoskeleton
  • RANK - Robotic Ankle: Design and Testing on Irregular Terrains
  • A Wearable Smart Glove and Its Application of Pose and Gesture Detection to Sign Language Classification
  • A Soft Fabric-Based Shrink-To-Fit Pneumatic Sleeve for Comfortable Limb Assistance
  • Ring-Pull Type Soft Wearable Robotic Glove for Hand Strength Assistance
  • Kinematics-Based Adaptive Assistance of a Semi-Passive Upper-Limb Exoskeleton for Workers in Static and Dynamic Tasks
  • Reconfigurable Self-Sensing Pneumatic Artificial Muscle with Locking Ability Based on Modular Multi-Chamber Soft Actuator
  • Design of a Wearable Mechanism with Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)-Based Artificial Muscle for Assisting with Shoulder Abduction
  • Development and Experimental Evaluation of a Novel Portable Haptic Robotic Exoskeleton Glove System for Patients with Brachial Plexus Injuries
  • A Novel Wheelchair-Exoskeleton Hybrid Robot to Assist Movement and Aid Rehabilitation
  • A Wearable System with Harmonic Oscillations to Assess Finger Biomechanics
  • Experimental Assessment of a Control Strategy for Locomotion Assistance Relying on Simplified Motor Primitives
  • Design of EMG-Driven Musculoskeletal Model for Volitional Control of a Robotic Ankle Prosthesis
  • Unilateral Stiffness Modulation with a Robotic Hip Exoskeleton Elicits Adaptation During Gait
  • Upper Limb Movement Estimation and Function Evaluation of the Shoulder Girdle by Multi-Sensing Flexible Sensor Wear
  • A Novel Method for Detecting Misclassifications of the Locomotion Mode in Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Robot Control
  • Sample-Efficient Policy Adaptation for Exoskeletons under Variations in the Users and the Environment
  • Biomechanical Design Optimization of Passive Exoskeletons through Surrogate Modeling on Industrial Activity Data

Haptics and Haptic Interfaces

Total of 27 papers

  • Reduced Interface Models for Haptic Interfacing with Virtual Environments
  • A Soft Robotic Haptic Feedback Glove for Colonoscopy Procedures
  • A Large-Area Wearable Soft Haptic Device Using Stacked Pneumatic Pouch Actuation
  • EMG-Based Feedback Modulation for Increased Transparency in Teleoperation
  • Cutaneous Feedback Interface for Teleoperated In-Hand Manipulation
  • Sensorimotor Control Sharing with Vibrotactile Feedback for Body Integration through Avatar Robot
  • Perception of Mechanical Properties Via Wrist Haptics: Effects of Feedback Congruence
  • Haptic Feedback Relocation from the Fingertips to the Wrist for Two-Finger Manipulation in Virtual Reality
  • Feeling the Pressure: The Influence of Vibrotactile Patterns on Feedback Perception
  • Virtual Reality Simulator for Fetoscopic Spina Bifida Repair Surgery
  • Characterization of Real-Time Haptic Feedback from Multimodal Neural Network-Based Force Estimates During Teleoperation
  • Mapping Mid-Air Haptics with a Low-Cost Tactile Robot
  • CoaxHaptics-3RRR: A Novel Coaxial Spherical Parallel Haptic Device
  • Optimization-Based Positioning of Redundant Robot Arms for a Bimanual Haptic Interface
  • Semi-Bilateral Control of 2-DOF Haptic Feedback Control Stick
  • Deep Learning Classification of Touch Gestures Using Distributed Normal and Shear Force
  •  Sensorimotor Control Meets Surgical Robotics – a Model of the Surgeon Can Benefit Patients
  • Accurate Edge Detection for Robotic Welding through Tactile Exploration
  • Adaptive Wave Reconstruction through Regulated-BMFLC for Transparency-Enhanced Telerobotics Over Delayed Networks (I)
  • Block-Based Novel Haptic Data Reduction for Time-Delayed Teleoperation
  • On Stabilizing Communication Law for Bilateral Force-Reflecting Teleoperation Systems
  • Optimal Joint TDPA Formulation for Kinematically Redundant Robot Manipulators
  • Comparing Human Haptic Perception and Robotic Force/Torque Sensing in a Simulated Surgical Palpation Task
  • Simultaneous Use of Autonomy Guidance Haptic Feedback and Obstacle Avoiding Force Feedback for Mobile Robot Teleoperation
  • Haptic Rendering Architecture for Wheeled Vehicle Shared Teleoperation on Unstructured Environments
  • Comparison of Remote and Local Virtual Fixture and Method to Improve Performance of Them
  • Evaluation of TENS Based Biofeedback and Warning for Improvement of Seated Balance on a Trunk Rehabilitation Robot

Data Sets for Robotic Vision

Total of 26 papers

  • Domain Invariant Siamese Attention Mask for Small Object Change Detection Via Everyday Indoor Robot Navigation
  • RECALL: Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning for Object Classification
  • Egocentric Human Trajectory Forecasting with a Wearable Camera and Multi-Modal Fusion
  • Conditional Patch-Based Domain Randomization: Improving Texture Domain Randomization Using Natural Image Patches
  • Are We Ready for Robust and Resilient SLAM? a Framework for Quantitative Characterization of SLAM Datasets
  • OdomBeyondVision: An Indoor Multi-Modal Multi-Platform Odometry Dataset Beyond the Visible Spectrum
  • VECtor: A Versatile Event-Centric Benchmark for Multi-Sensor SLAM
  • VAST: Visual and Spectral Terrain Classification in Unstructured Multi-Class Environments
  • Unsupervised 3D Link Segmentation of Articulated Objects with a Mixture of Coherent Point Drift
  • MotionSC: Data Set and Network for Real-Time Semantic Mapping in Dynamic Environments
  • Instance Segmentation for Autonomous Log Grasping in Forestry Operations
  • A Deep-Learning-Based System for Indoor Active Cleaning
  • Visual-Inertial Odometry Priors for Bundle-Adjusting Neural Radiance Fields
  • SynWoodScape: Synthetic Surround-View Fisheye Camera Dataset for Autonomous Driving
  • WiSARD: A Labeled Visual and Thermal Image Dataset for Wilderness Search and Rescue
  • Siamese Object Tracking for Vision-Based UAM Approaching with Pairwise Scale-Channel Attention
  • Heterogeneous-Agent Trajectory Forecasting Incorporating Class Uncertainty
  • ProgressLabeller: Visual Data Stream Annotation for Training Object-Centric 3D Perception
  • EVOPS Benchmark: Evaluation of Plane Segmentation from RGBD and LiDAR Data
  • 6-DoF Pose Estimation of Household Objects for Robotic Manipulation: An Accessible Dataset and Benchmark
  • Realism Assessment for Synthetic Images in Robot Vision through Performance Characterization
  • Danish Airs and Grounds: A Dataset for Aerial-To-Street-Level Place Recognition and Localization
  • Object Pose Estimation Using Mid-Level Visual Representations
  • Grasp Pre-Shape Selection by Synthetic Training: Eye-In-Hand Shared Control on the Hannes Prosthesis
  • Sequential Thermal Image-Based Adult and Baby Detection Robust to Thermal Residual Heat Marks
  • IndoLayout: Leveraging Attention for Extended Indoor Layout Estimation from an RGB Image

Humanoid and Bipedal Locomotion

Total of 26 papers

  • Adapting Rapid Motor Adaptation for Bipedal Robots
  • Three-Dimensional Dynamic Running with a Point-Foot Biped Based on Differentially Flat SLIP
  • Multi-Modal Legged Locomotion Framework with Automated Residual Reinforcement Learning
  • Gastrocnemius and Power Amplifier Soleus Spring-Tendons Achieve Fast Human-Like Walking in a Bipedal Robot
  • From Human Walking to Bipedal Robot Locomotion: Reflex Inspired Compensation on Planned and Unplanned Downsteps
  • Terrain-Adaptive, ALIP-Based Bipedal Locomotion Controller Via Model Predictive Control and Virtual Constraints
  • Robust Contact State Estimation in Humanoid Walking Gaits
  • Uniform Global Exponential Stabilizing Passivity-Based Tracking Controller Applied to Planar Biped Robots
  • Learning Dynamic Bipedal Walking across Stepping Stones
  • Humanoid Balance Control Using Centroidal Angular Momentum Based on Hierarchical Quadratic Programming
  • Resolved Motion Control for 3D Underactuated Bipedal Walking Using Linear Inverted Pendulum Dynamics and Neural Adaptation
  • Preemptive Foot Compliance to Lower Impact During Biped Robot Walking Over Unknown Terrain
  • Improved Biped Walking Performance Around the Kinematic Singularities of Biomimetic Four-Bar Knees
  • Comparison of EKF-Based Floating Base Estimators for Humanoid Robots with Flat Feet
  • Robust Humanoid Walking System Considering Recognized Terrain and Robots' Balance
  • Human-Humanoid Robot Cooperative Load Transportation: Model-Based Control Approach
  • Walking Control Framework on Uneven Terrain Using Variable Stiffness Sole
  • Whole-Body Control with Motion/Force Transmissibility for Parallel-Legged Robot
  • Learning to Guide Online Multi-Contact Receding Horizon Planning
  • Centroidal Trajectory Generation and Stabilization Based on Preview Control for Humanoid Multi-Contact Motion
  • Integration of Variable-Height and Hopping Strategies for Humanoid Push Recovery
  • Learning Agile Hybrid Whole-Body Motor Skills for Thruster-Aided Humanoid Robots
  • Handling Non-Convex Constraints in MPC-Based Humanoid Gait Generation
  • Teaching Robots to Span the Space of Functional Expressive Motion
  • Avoiding Dynamic Obstacles with Real-Time Motion Planning Using Quadratic Programming for Varied Locomotion Modes
  • Sample-Efficient Policy Adaptation for Exoskeletons under Variations in the Users and the Environment


Total of 26 papers

  • Controlling the Cascade: Kinematic Planning for N-Ball Toss Juggling
  • Sensor Observability Index: Evaluating Sensor Alignment for Task-Space Observability in Robotic Manipulators
  • A Compact, Lightweight and Singularity-Free Wrist Joint Mechanism for Humanoid Robots
  • Kinematic Control of Redundant Robots with Online Handling of Variable Generalized Hard Constraints
  • Fold-Based Complex Joints for a 3 DoF 3R Parallel Robot Design
  • Modeling and Control of Morphing Covers for the Adaptive Morphology of Humanoid Robots (I)
  • 6D Instantaneous Velocity for Legged Robot Using Rolling Motion
  • Energy Saving of Actuator Via Integration of Variable Gravity Compensation Module
  • Automated Design of Task Specific Additively Manufacturable Coupled Serial Chain Mechanisms for Tracing Predefined Planar Trajectories
  • The Probabilistic Robot Kinematics Model and Its Application to Sensor Fusion
  • Robust Cartesian Kinematics Estimation for Task-Space Control Systems
  • Unsupervised 3D Link Segmentation of Articulated Objects with a Mixture of Coherent Point Drift
  • Reachability Based Trajectory Generation Combining Global Graph Search in Task Space and Local Optimization in Configuration Space
  • A Geometric Design Approach for Continuum Robots by Piecewise Approximation of Free-Form Shapes
  • Automating Surgical Peg Transfer: Calibration with Deep Learning Can Exceed Speed, Accuracy, and Consistency of Humans (I)
  • Jacobian Computation for Cumulative B-Splines on SE(3) and Application to Continuous-Time Object Tracking
  • Improving Marine Radar Odometry by Modeling Radar Resolution and Exploiting Additional Temporal Information
  • Recognition and Prediction of Surgical Gestures and Trajectories Using Transformer Models in Robot-Assisted Surgery
  • Design and Control of a Modular Robotic Wheel for Shape Transformation
  • A Proprioceptive Method for Soft Robots Using Inertial Measurement Units
  • FEA-Based Inverse Kinematic Control: Hyperelastic Material Characterization of Self-Healing Soft Robots (I)
  • Real-Time Predictive Kinematics Control of Redundancy: A Benchmark of Optimal Control Approaches
  • The Geometry of Optimal Gaits for Inertia-Dominated Kinematic Systems (I)
  • Shape Representation and Modeling of Tendon-Driven Continuum Robots Using Euler Arc Splines
  • Geometrically-Exact Inverse Kinematic Control of Sof Manipulators with General Threadlike Actuators’ Routing
  • Quasi-Static FEA Model for a Multi-Material Soft Pneumatic Actuator in SOFA

Swarm Robotics

Total of 26 papers

  • Efficient Concurrent Design of the Morphology of Unmanned Aerial Systems and Their Collective-Search Behavior
  • PCBot: A Minimalist Robot Designed for Swarm Applications
  • Making Robotics Swarm Flow More Smoothly: A Regular Virtual Tube Model
  • Decay-Based Error Correction in Collective Robotic Construction
  • Collective Decision-Making with Bayesian Robots in Dynamic Environments
  • Decentralized Control of Minimalistic Robotic Swarms for Guaranteed Target Encapsulation
  • A Dynamical System Approach to Decentralized Collision-Free Autonomous Coordination of a Mobile Assistive Furniture Swarm
  • Collective Decision Making in Communication-Constrained Environments
  • Chemistry-Inspired Pattern Formation with Robotic Swarms
  • Enhanced Decentralized Autonomous Aerial Robot Teams with Group Planning
  • A Data-Driven Method for Metric Extraction to Detect Faults in Robot Swarms
  • Deliberative Democracy with Robot Swarms
  • Particle Swarm Optimizer-Based Attack Strategy with Swarm Robots
  • Comparison and Analysis of SLAM Algorithms for Low-Cost LiDAR-Based Small Robot Systems
  • Experimental Study on Strategies of Multi-Quadrotor Persistent Coverage with Environmental Hotspots
  • Efficient Range-Constrained Manifold Optimization with Application to Cooperative Navigation
  • Scalable Online Coverage Path Planning for Multi-Robot Systems
  • Self-Stabilizing Self-Assembly
  • Leveraging Multi-Level Modelling to Automatically Design Behavioral Arbitrators in Robotic Controllers
  • Obstacle Avoidance of Resilient UAV Swarm Formation with Active Sensing System in the Dense Environment
  • A Hybrid PSO Algorithm for Multi-Robot Target Search and Decision Awareness
  • Autonomous Service Robots for Urban Waste Management - Multiagent Route Planning and Cooperative Operation
  • Using R-Functions to Control the Shape of Soft Robots
  • Meeting-Merging-Mission: A Multi-Robot Coordinate Framework for Large-Scale Communication-Limited Exploration
  • Multi-Robot Dynamic Swarm Disablement
  •  Swarms for People

Visual Servoing

Total of 26 papers

  • Deep Learning-Based 3D Magnetic Microrobot Tracking Using 2D MR Images
  • An Offline Geometric Model for Controlling the Shape of Elastic Linear Objects
  • Skeleton-Based Adaptive Visual Servoing for Control of Robotic Manipulators in Configuration Space
  • Conditional Visual Servoing for Multi-Step Tasks
  • Optimal Shape Servoing with Task-Focused Convergence Constraints
  • An Event-Triggered Visual Servoing Predictive Control Strategy for the Surveillance of Contour-Based Areas Using Multirotor Aerial Vehicles
  • Vision-Based Rotational Control of an Agile Observation Satellite
  • DIJE: Dense Image Jacobian Estimation for Robust Robotic Self-Recognition and Visual Servoing
  • Self-Supervised Wide Baseline Visual Servoing Via 3D Equivariance
  • Visibility Maximization Controller for Robotic Manipulation
  • Adaptive Autonomous Navigation of Multiple Optoelectronic Microrobots in Dynamic Environments
  • Visual Servo Control of COVID-19 Nasopharyngeal Swab Sampling Robot
  • Visual Confined-Space Navigation Using an Efficient Learned Bilinear Optic Flow Approximation for Insect-Scale Robots
  • 3D Visual-Based Tension Control in Strip-Like Deformable Objects Using a Catenary Model
  • One Object at a Time: Accurate and Robust Structure from Motion for Robots
  • Visual Servoing with Geometrically Interpretable Neural Perception
  • Model-Free and Uncalibrated Visual-Feedback Control of Magnetically-Actuated Flexible Endoscopes
  • Autonomous Intraluminal Navigation of a Soft Robot Using Deep-Learning-Based Visual Servoing
  • Vision-Based Hand Tracking to Reduce Latency of Tele-Operation System for Therapeutic Devices
  • Towards Robotic Ultrasound Catheter Tracking Based on Intermediate Ultrasound Representations for Endovascular Procedures
  • GESRsim: Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgical Robot Simulator
  • Hybrid Belief Pruning with Guarantees for Viewpoint-Dependent Semantic SLAM
  • Accurate Vision-Based Flight with Fixed-Wing Drones
  • Self-Supervised Learning of Visual Servoing for Low-Rigidity Robots Considering Temporal Body Changes
  • Hybrid Eye-In-Hand/Eye-To-Hand Image Based Visual Servoing for Soft Continuum Arms
  • Plane-To-Plane Positioning by Proximity-Based Control

Social HRI

Total of 25 papers

  • Service Robots in a Bakery Shop: A Field Study
  • Social Attitude towards a Robot Is Promoted by Motor-Induced Embodiment Independently of Spatial Perspective
  • Analysis of Human Gaze Behavior in Conversation While Walking: Toward Application to Mobile Social Robots
  • Conveying Intentions for Attentive Listening by Facial Motions Using an Android
  • Learning on the Job: Long-Term Behavioural Adaptation in Human-Robot Interactions
  • Gesture2Vec: Clustering Gestures Using Representation Learning Methods for Co-Speech Gesture Generation
  • Child Engagement Estimation in Heterogeneous Child-Robot Interactions Using Spatiotemporal Visual Cues
  • Ego+X: An Egocentric Vision System for Global 3D Human Pose Estimation and Social Interaction Characterization
  • SEAN 2.0: Formalizing and Generating Social Situations for Robot Navigation
  • Deliberative Democracy with Robot Swarms
  • HRI Framework for Continual Learning in Face Recognition
  • Should a Robot Follow Social Norms? Human-Robot Interaction Design for Social Relations in Mixed Age Group
  • A Personable Robot: A Meta-Analysis of Robot Personality and Human Acceptance
  • A Novel Wire-Driven 3D Eyebrow Design for Communication with Humanoid Robot ICub
  • SonifyIt: Towards Transformative Sound for All Robots
  • Playful Recommendation: Sales Promotion That Robots Stimulate Pleasant Feelings Instead of Product Explanation
  • Android As a Receptionist in a Shopping Mall Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • SanitizerBot: How Human-In-The-Loop Social Robots Can Playfully Support Humans
  • Learning Turn-Taking Behavior from Human Demonstrations for Social Human-Robot Interactions
  • An Autonomous Mobile Robot Generating Context-Aware Description Using Its Observation and Memory
  • Towards Inclusive HRI: Using Sim2Real to Address Underrepresentation in Emotion Expression Recognition
  • Gesture2Vec: Clustering Gestures Using Representation Learning Methods for Co-Speech Gesture Generation
  • Controlling the Impression of Robots Via GAN-Based Gesture Generation
  • Learning on the Job: Long-Term Behavioural Adaptation in Human-Robot Interactions
  • Learning a Group-Aware Policy for Robot Navigation

Actuation and Joint Mechanisms

Total of 24 papers

  • DRPD, Compact Dual Reduction Ratio Planetary Drive for Actuators of Articulated Robots
  • A Modified Rocker-Bogie Mechanism with Fewer Actuators and High Mobility
  • A New Gripper That Acts As an Active and Passive Joint to Facilitate Prehensile Grasping and Locomotion
  • Plate Harmonic Reducer with a Profiled Groove Wave Generator
  • Experimental Study of the Mechanical Properties of a Spherical Parallel Link Mechanism with Arc Prismatic Pairs
  • Manipulator Equipped with Differential Wrist Mechanism to Combine the Torque of Two Motors to Increase Fingertip Force and Wrist Torque
  • 3D-Printable Low-Reduction Cycloidal Gearing for Robotics
  • Fold-Based Complex Joints for a 3 DoF 3R Parallel Robot Design
  • An Inverted V-Belt and Pulley for Compact, Continuously or Infinitely Variable Robotic Transmissions
  • Dual Pulley Drive: Single Actuator System with Adjustable Profile Overlapping Range in 2-DOF Assistance for Exosuits
  • Robotic Rope Ascender Design and Analysis for 3D Shape Surface Operation
  • Diaphragm Ankle Actuation for Efficient Series Elastic Legged Robot Hopping
  • Absolute Position Detection in 7-Phase Sensorless Electric Stepper Motor
  • BSA - Bi-Stiffness Actuation for Optimally Exploiting Intrinsic Compliance and Inertial Coupling Effects in Elastic Joint Robots
  • A Control Architecture of a Distributed Actuator System for a Bio-Inspired Spine
  • Development of a Conveyor-Type Object Release Mechanism for a Parallel Gripper with a Mushroom-Shaped Gecko-Inspired Surface
  • Miniature, Lightweight, High-Force, Capstan Winch for Mobile Robots
  • Experimental Study on Impact Resistance of Multi-DOF Electro-Hydrostatic Robot Systems Using Hydracer, a 6DOF Arm
  • Tello Leg: The Study of Design Principles and Metrics for Dynamic Humanoid Robots
  • Mechanically Programmable Jamming Based on Articulated Mesh Structures for Variable Stiffness Robots
  • Simulation Aided Co-Design for Robust Robot Optimization
  • Adaptative Friction Shock Absorbers and Reverse Thrust for Fast Multirotor Landing on Inclined Surfaces
  • A Methodology for Designing a Lightweight and Energy-Efficient Kinematically Redundant Actuator
  • Vertical Bend and T-Branch Travels of an Articulated Wheeled In-Pipe Inspection Robot by Combining Its Joint Angle and Torque Controls

Flexible Robotics

Total of 24 papers

  • Insect-Scale SMAW-Based Soft Robot with Crawling, Jumping, and Loading Locomotion
  • Soft Material-Based Adaptable Four-Bar Linkage Stair Climbing Robot
  • Shape Estimation of Concentric Tube Robots Using Single Point Position Measurement
  • Development of Pneumatically Driven Tensegrity Manipulator without Mechanical Springs
  • Folding Knots Using a Team of Aerial Robots
  • Upside-Down Brachiation Robot Using Elastic Energy Stored through Soft Body Deformation
  • Distributed Deployment with Multiple Moving Robots for Long Distance Complex Pipe Inspection
  • Dexterity Analysis and Motion Optimization of In-Situ Torsionally-Steerable Flexible Surgical Robots
  • Time-Optimal Synchronous Terminal Trajectory Planning for Coupling Motions of Robotic Flexible Endoscope
  • A Kinematic Modeling and Control Scheme for Different Robotic Endoscopes: A Rudimentary Research Prototype
  • Model-Free and Uncalibrated Visual-Feedback Control of Magnetically-Actuated Flexible Endoscopes
  • Design, Teleoperation Control and Experimental Validation of a Dexterous Robotic Flexible Endoscope for Laparoscopic Surgery
  • A Miniature Continuum Robot with Integrated Piezoelectric Beacon Transducers and Its Ultrasonic Shape Detection in Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgeries
  • Embeddable Coiled Soft Sensor-Based Joint Angle Sensing for Flexible Surgical Manipulator
  • Sensor-Based Reconstruction of Slender Flexible Beams Undergoing Large-Scale Deflection
  • Jammkle: Fibre Jamming 3D Printed Multi-Material Tendons and Their Application in a Robotic Ankle
  • RRT*-Based Path Planning for Continuum Arms
  • Machine Learning Techniques for the Identification of a Soft Robotic Neck
  • A Variable Impedance Scheme for Flexible-Joint Robot Interaction and Tracking Control Based on Power-Shaping Signals and Minimal Modelling
  • A Dataset and Benchmark for Learning the Kinematics of Concentric Tube Continuum Robots
  • Shape Representation and Modeling of Tendon-Driven Continuum Robots Using Euler Arc Splines
  • Geometrically-Exact Inverse Kinematic Control of Sof Manipulators with General Threadlike Actuators’ Routing
  • An Experimental Validation of the Polynomial Curvature Model: Identification and Optimal Control of a Soft Underwater Tentacle
  • Robust and Decoupled Position and Stiffness Control for Electrically-Driven Articulated Soft Robots


Total of 24 papers

  • TransDARC: Transformer-Based Driver Activity Recognition with Latent Space Feature Calibration
  • Deep Active Cross-Modal Visuo-Tactile Transfer Learning for Robotic Object Recognition
  • FASTDLO: Fast Deformable Linear Objects Instance Segmentation
  • Compressive Self-Localization Using Relative Attribute Embedding
  • Global Data Association for SLAM with 3D Grassmannian Manifold Objects
  • RGB-X Classification for Electronics Sorting
  • HyperPocket: Generative Point Cloud Completion
  • CGiS-Net: Aggregating Colour, Geometry and Implicit Semantic Features for Indoor Place Recognition
  • Smart Explorer: Recognizing Objects in Dense Clutter Via Interactive Exploration
  • LSDNet: A Lightweight Self-Attentional Distillation Network for Visual Place Recognition
  • STUN: Self-Teaching Uncertainty Estimation for Place Recognition
  • Self-Supervised Reinforcement Learning for Active Object Detection
  • ReINView: Re-Interpreting Views for Multi-View 3D Object Recognition
  • Robust Humanoid Walking System Considering Recognized Terrain and Robots' Balance
  • InCloud: Incremental Learning for Point Cloud Place Recognition
  • Unsupervised Appearance Map Abstraction for Indoor Visual Place Recognition with Mobile Robots
  • TeRF: Thermal Radiance Field for Rendering Depth in Transparent Objects
  • Novel Online Terrain Classification Algorithm for Mobile Robots
  • Low-Latency LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
  • Contrastive Learning for Cross-Domain Open World Recognition
  • Self-Supervised Noisy Label Learning for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
  • Recognizing Object Surface Material from Impact Sounds for Robot Manipulation
  • Robust Sim2Real 3D Object Classification Using Graph Representations and a Deep Center Voting Scheme
  • What's in the Black Box? the False Negative Mechanisms Inside Object Detectors

Sensor-based Control

Total of 24 papers

  • Bioinspired, Multifunctional, Active Whisker Sensors for Tactile Sensing of Mobile Robots
  • An Offline Geometric Model for Controlling the Shape of Elastic Linear Objects
  • Skeleton-Based Adaptive Visual Servoing for Control of Robotic Manipulators in Configuration Space
  • An Event-Triggered Visual Servoing Predictive Control Strategy for the Surveillance of Contour-Based Areas Using Multirotor Aerial Vehicles
  • Visibility Maximization Controller for Robotic Manipulation
  • Precise Position Control of a Multi-Rotor UAV with a Cable-Suspended Mechanism During Water Sampling
  • Tactile-Guided Dynamic Object Planar Manipulation
  • Simulation-Based Reinforcement Learning for Real-World Autonomous US Probe Navigation
  • Robust Cartesian Kinematics Estimation for Task-Space Control Systems
  • Optimal Time Trajectory Generation and Tracking Control for Over-Actuated Multirotors with Large-Angle Maneuvering Capability
  • An Analytical Study of Motion of Autonomous Vehicles under Imperfect Sensing
  • EV-Catcher: High Speed Object Catching Using Low-Latency Event-Based Neural Networks
  • Challenges and Outlook in Robotic Manipulation of Deformable Objects (I)
  • Preemptive Foot Compliance to Lower Impact During Biped Robot Walking Over Unknown Terrain
  • Towards Autonomous Atlas-Based Ultrasound Acquisitions in Presence of Articulated Motion
  • A Hybrid Primitive-Based Navigation Planner for the Wheeled-Legged Robot CENTAURO
  • Optical Proximity Sensing for Pose Estimation During In-Hand Manipulation
  • A Piecewise Monotonic Smooth Phase Variable for Speed-Adaptation Control of Powered Knee-Ankle Prostheses
  • Autonomous Quadrotor Landing on Inclined Surfaces in High Particle Environments Using Radar Sensor Perception
  • Visibility-Inspired Models of Touch Sensors for Navigation
  • Predictive Locomotion Mode Recognition and Accurate Gait Phase Estimation for Hip Exoskeleton on Various Terrains
  • Plane-To-Plane Positioning by Proximity-Based Control
  • Safe Control Synthesis with Uncertain Dynamics and Constraints
  • Battle the Wind: Improving Flight Stability of a Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle under Wind Disturbance with Onboard Thermistor-Based Airflow Sensing

Space Robotics and Automation

Total of 24 papers

  • Ensemble Based Anomaly Detection for Legged Robots to Explore Unknown Environments
  • Vision-Based Rotational Control of an Agile Observation Satellite
  • Registering Articulated Objects with Human-In-The-Loop Corrections
  • Data-Efficient Collaborative Decentralized Thermal-Inertial Odometry
  • Visual Loop Closure Detection for a Future Mars Science Helicopter
  • Challenges of SLAM in Extremely Unstructured Environments: The DLR Planetary Stereo, Solid-State LiDAR, Inertial Dataset
  • Trajectory Optimization and Following for a Three Degrees of Freedom Overactuated Floating Platform
  • Optimal and Risk-Aware Path Planning Considering Localization Uncertainty for Space Exploration Rovers
  • 3D Human Pose Estimation in Weightless Environments Using a Fisheye Camera
  • A Sampling Based Approach to Robust Planning for a Planetary Lander
  • Learning to Grasp on the Moon from 3D Octree Observations with Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Adaptive Sampling Site Selection for Robotic Exploration in Unknown Environments
  • An Approach to Science and Risk-Aware Planetary Rover Exploration
  • Attracting Conductive Nonmagnetic Objects with Rotating Magnetic Dipole Fields
  • Active Traversability Learning Via Risk-Aware Information Gathering for Planetary Exploration Rovers
  • Exploring Event Camera-Based Odometry for Planetary Robots
  • A Robot Factors Approach to Designing Modular Hardware
  • The Concept of Rod-Driven Locomotion for Spherical Lunar Exploration Robots
  • The RATTLE Motion Planning Algorithm for Robust Online Parametric Model Improvement with On-Orbit Validation
  • Multi-Phase Multi-Modal Haptic Teleoperation
  • Enhancing Rover Teleoperation on the Moon with Proprioceptive Sensors and Machine Learning Techniques
  • Onboard Scheduling and Execution to Address Uncertainty for a Planetary Lander
  • Dynamic Targeting to Improve Earth Science Missions
  • An Equivalent Time-Optimal Problem to Find Energy-Optimal Paths for Skid-Steer Rovers

Human Factors and Human-in-the-Loop

Total of 23 papers

  • SPARCS: Structuring Physically Assistive Robotics for Caregiving with Stakeholders-In-The-Loop
  • To Ask for Help or Not to Ask: A Predictive Approach to Human-In-The-Loop Motion Planning for Robot Manipulation Tasks
  • Robot Trajectory Adaptation to Optimise the Trade-Off between Human Cognitive Ergonomics and Workplace Productivity in Collaborative Tasks
  • Modeling Human Response to Robot Errors for Timely Error Detection
  • Effects of Multiple Avatar Images Presented Consecutively with Temporal Delays on Self-Body Recognition
  • Interactive Reinforcement Learning with Bayesian Fusion of Multimodal Advice
  • A Camera-Based Deep-Learning Solution for Visual Attention Zone Recognition in Maritime Navigational Operations
  • Reshaping Robot Trajectories Using Natural Language Commands: A Study of Multi-Modal Data Alignment Using Transformers
  • "I'm Confident This Will End Poorly": Robot Proficiency Self-Assessment in Human-Robot Teaming
  • Robotic Interestingness Via Human-Informed Few-Shot Object Detection
  • Tactile Robotic Telemedicine for Safe Remote Diagnostics in Times ofCorona: System Design, Feasibility and Usability Study
  • Position-Based Treadmill Drive with Wire Traction for Experience of Level Ground Walking from Gait Acceleration State to Steady State
  • A-RIFT: Visual Substitution of Force Feedback for a Zero-Cost Interface in Telemanipulation
  • Robot-Assisted Nuclear Disaster Response: Report and Insights from a Field Exercise
  • DoRO: Disambiguation of Referred Object for Embodied Agents
  • Design Interface Mapping for Efficient Free-Form Tele-Manipulation
  • SanitizerBot: How Human-In-The-Loop Social Robots Can Playfully Support Humans
  • HI-DWA: Human-Influenced Dynamic Window Approach for Shared Control of a Telepresence Robot
  • Multi-Phase Multi-Modal Haptic Teleoperation
  • Mobile Human-In-The-Loop Approach for Metabolic Reduction Using Exosuits with Hip Extension Assistance
  • Multi-Modal User Interface for Multi-Robot Control in Underground Environments
  • An Empirical Study of Reward Explanations with Human-Robot Interaction Applications
  • Sex Parity in Cognitive Fatigue Model Development for Effective Human-Robot Collaboration

Distributed Robot Systems

Total of 22 papers

  • Real-Time Distributed Multi-Robot Target Tracking Via Virtual Pheromones
  • Conservative Filtering for Heterogeneous Decentralized Data Fusion in Dynamic Robotic Systems
  • Decay-Based Error Correction in Collective Robotic Construction
  • SMA-NBO: A Sequential Multi-Agent Planning with Nominal Belief-State Optimization in Target Tracking
  • Distributed Deployment with Multiple Moving Robots for Long Distance Complex Pipe Inspection
  • Collective Decision-Making with Bayesian Robots in Dynamic Environments
  • A Dynamical System Approach to Decentralized Collision-Free Autonomous Coordination of a Mobile Assistive Furniture Swarm
  • Chemistry-Inspired Pattern Formation with Robotic Swarms
  • DRACo-SLAM: Distributed Robust Acoustic Communication-Efficient SLAM for Imaging Sonar Equipped Underwater Robot Teams
  • Centralized-Equivalent Pairwise Estimation with Asynchronous Communication Constraints for Two Robots
  • DARL1N: Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with One-Hop Neighbors
  • Experimental Study on Strategies of Multi-Quadrotor Persistent Coverage with Environmental Hotspots
  • On Coverage Control for Limited Range Multi-Robot Systems
  • BĂ©dard, Christophe
  • Collecting a Flock with Multiple Sub-Groups by Using Multi-Robot System
  • Decentralized Multi-Robot Velocity Estimation for UAVs Enhancing Onboard Camera-Based Velocity Measurements
  • DC-MRTA: Decentralized Multi-Robot Task Allocation and Navigation in Complex Environments
  • A Framework for Optimized Topology Design and Leader Selection in Affine Formation Control
  • RePoSt: Distributed Self-Reconfiguration Algorithm for Modular Robots Based on Porous Structure
  • Design, Modeling and Control of a Composable and Extensible Drone with Tilting Rotors
  • Communication-Preserving Bids in Market-Based Task Allocation
  • Multi-UAV Cooperative Short-Range Combat Via Attention-Based Reinforcement Learning Using Individual Reward Shaping

Micro/Nano Robots

Total of 22 papers

  • A Micro-Robotic Approach for the Correction of Angular Deviations in AFM Samples from Generic Topographic Data
  • Modeling and Characterization of Artificial Bacteria Flagella with Micro-Structured Soft-Magnetic Teeth
  • Deep Learning-Based 3D Magnetic Microrobot Tracking Using 2D MR Images
  • A PZT-Driven 6-DOF High-Speed Micromanipulator for Circular Vibration Simulation and Whirling Flow Generation
  • Real-Time Acoustic Holography with Physics-Based Deep Learning for Acoustic Robotic Manipulation
  • On-Chip Fabrication of Micro-Chain Robot with Selective Magnetization Using Magnetically Guided Arraying Microfluidic Devices
  • Independent Control Strategy of Multiple Magnetic Flexible Millirobots for Position Control and Path Following (I)
  • Origami Robot Self-Folding by Magnetic Induction
  • A Passive, Asymmetrically-Compliant Knee Joint Improves Obstacle Traversal in an Insect-Scale Legged Robot
  • Passive Compliant Foot Design for Improved Micororobotic Mobility on Rough Terrains
  • Torque-Actuated Multimodal Locomotion of Ferrofluid Robot with Environment and Task Adaptability
  • OCTOANTS: A Heterogeneous Lightweight Intelligent Multi-Robot Collaboration System with Resource-Constrained IoT Devices
  • Insect-Scale SMAW-Based Soft Robot with Crawling, Jumping, and Loading Locomotion
  • Characterization of the Variable Stiffness Actuator Fabricated of SMA/SMP and MWCNT/IL: PDMS Strain-Sensitive Heater Electrode
  • Adaptive Autonomous Navigation of Multiple Optoelectronic Microrobots in Dynamic Environments
  • Design Optimization of an Ultrafast-Striking Mantis Shrimp Microrobot
  • PH Sensor-Embedded Magnetically Driven Capsule for H. Pylori Infection Diagnosis
  • Development of a Robotic Capsule for in Vivo Sampling of Gut Microbiota
  • Caterpillar-Inspired Insect-Scale Climbing Robot Using Dry Adhesives
  • FireFly: An Insect-Scale Aerial Robot Powered by Electroluminescent Soft Artificial Muscles
  • Magnetic Microrobot Control Using an Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Method
  • 3D Curvature-Based Tip Load Estimation for Continuum Robots

Mobile Manipulation

Total of 22 papers

  • Visibility Maximization Controller for Robotic Manipulation
  • A Solution to Adaptive Mobile Manipulator Throwing
  • A Novel Design and Evaluation of a Dactylus-Equipped Quadruped Robot for Mobile Manipulation
  • Articulated Object Interaction in Unknown Scenes with Whole-Body Mobile Manipulation
  • A Versatile Affordance Modeling Framework Using Screw Primitives to Increase Autonomy During Manipulation Contact Tasks
  • Combining Navigation and Manipulation Costs for Time-Efficient Robot Placement in Mobile Manipulation Tasks
  • An Open-Source Motion Planning Framework for Mobile Manipulators Using Constraint-Based Task Space Control with Linear MPC
  • Multirotor Long-Reach Aerial Pruning with Wire-Suspended Saber Saw
  • Decoupling Adaptive Control of Multi-Task Aerial Manipulator Using NSB Approach
  •  Launching Socially-Aware Mobile Manipulation Robots in Hospitals
  • Mobile Manipulation Leveraging Multiple Views
  • Path-Tree Optimization in Discrete Partially Observable Environments Using Rapidly-Exploring Belief-Space Graphs
  • Robot Learning of Mobile Manipulation with Reachability Behavior Priors
  • A Hybrid Learning and Optimization Framework to Achieve Physically Interactive Tasks with Mobile Manipulators
  • Learning Important Regions Via Attention for Video Streaming on Cloud Robotics
  • Enhanced Accuracy in Magnetic Actuation: Closed-Loop Control of a Magnetic Agent with Low-Error Numerical Magnetic Model Estimation
  • RECCraft System: Towards Reliable and Efficient Collective Robotic Construction
  • Novel Design of a Reconfigurable Omnidirectional AMR Chassis
  • MPC-Based Force Control of a 2-Dof Parallel Grinding Manipulator
  • Mobile Coverage Planning for Large-Scale Robotic Pen Drawing
  • Optimized Grasping and Transport Positions for Multi-Robot Systems Using Genetic Algorithm
  • Bio-Inspired Grasping Controller for Sensorized 2-DoF Grippers

Reactive and Sensor-Based Planning

Total of 22 papers

  • FAR Planner: Fast, Attemptable Route Planner Using Dynamic Visibility Update
  • Pedestrian-Robot Interactions on Autonomous Crowd Navigation: Reactive Control Methods and Evaluation Metrics
  • A Versatile Affordance Modeling Framework Using Screw Primitives to Increase Autonomy During Manipulation Contact Tasks
  • View Planning for Object Pose Estimation Using Point Clouds: An Active Robot Perception Approach
  • Learning Time-Optimized Path Tracking in Joint Space with or without Sensory Feedback
  • Learning Symbolic Failure Detection for Grasping and Mobile Manipulation Tasks
  • Grasping Strategy for Unknown Objects Based on Real-Time Grasp-Stability Evaluation Using Proximity Sensing
  • Image-Goal Navigation in Complex Environments Via Modular Learning
  • SMA-NBO: A Sequential Multi-Agent Planning with Nominal Belief-State Optimization in Target Tracking
  • Robot Contact Reflexes: Adaptive Maneuvers in the Contact Reflex Space
  • Evaluating the Benefit of Using Multiple Low-Cost Forward-Looking Sonar Beams for Collision Avoidance in Small AUVs
  • Optimization Strategies for Bayesian Source Localization Algorithms (I)
  • Adaptive Multi-Robot Coordination from Task Specifications
  • Dynamic Targeting to Improve Earth Science Missions
  • Adaptive Online Sampling of Periodic Processes with Application to Coral Reef Acoustic Abundance Monitoring
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments Using Occupancy Values of Motion Primitives
  • Fast and Compute-Efficient Sampling-Based Local Exploration Planning Via Distribution Learning
  • Adaptive Coverage Path Planning for Efficient Exploration of Unknown Environments
  • Informative Path Planning for Active Learning in Aerial Semantic Mapping
  • Active Mapping Via Gradient Ascent Optimization of Shannon Mutual Information Over Continuous SE(3) Trajectories
  • Predictive Angular Potential Field-Based Obstacle Avoidance for Dynamic UAV Flights
  • Sequence-Of-Constraints MPC: Reactive Timing-Optimal Control of Sequential Manipulation

Virtual Reality and Interfaces

Total of 22 papers

  • Perception of Mechanical Properties Via Wrist Haptics: Effects of Feedback Congruence
  • Haptic Feedback Relocation from the Fingertips to the Wrist for Two-Finger Manipulation in Virtual Reality
  • Effects of Multiple Avatar Images Presented Consecutively with Temporal Delays on Self-Body Recognition
  • Holo-SpoK: Affordance-Aware Augmented Reality Control of Legged Manipulators
  • Virtual Reality Simulator for Fetoscopic Spina Bifida Repair Surgery
  • Multimodal Object Categorization with Reduced User Load through Human-Robot Interaction in Mixed Reality
  • VR Facial Animation for Immersive Telepresence Avatars
  • Spatial Computing and Intuitive Interaction: Bringing Mixed Reality and Robotics Together (I)
  • Solving Geduld-Spiele Cubes with a Virtually Trained Robotic Agent
  • Augmented Reality-Assisted Reconfiguration and Workspace Visualisation of Malleable Robots (I)
  • A Tool for Organizing Key Characteristics of Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interaction Systems: Synthesizing VAM-HRI Trends and Takeaways (I)
  • Immersive View and Interface Design for Teleoperated Aerial Manipulation
  • WFH-VR: Teleoperating a Robot Arm to Set a Dining Table across the Globe Via Virtual Reality
  • A Deep Learning Technique As a Sensor Fusion for Enhancing the Position in a Virtual Reality Micro-Environment
  • A Wearable Multi-Joint Wrist Contour Measuring Device for Hand Shape Recognition
  • Semi-Automatic Infrared Calibration for Augmented Reality Systems in Surgery
  • Detecting Touch and Grasp Gestures Using a Wrist-Worn Optical and Inertial Sensing Network
  • Towards Reproducible Evaluations for Flying Drone Controllers in Virtual Environments
  • Comparison of Remote and Local Virtual Fixture and Method to Improve Performance of Them
  • Sampling, Communication, and Prediction Co-Design for Synchronizing the Real-Robot and Digital-Robot in Metaverse
  • COSM2IC: Optimizing Real-Time Multi-Modal Instruction Comprehension
  • ARviz – an Augmented Reality-Enabled Visualization Platform for ROS Applications (I)

Visual Tracking

Total of 22 papers

  • Monocular UAV Localisation with Deep Learning and Uncertainty Propagation
  • RGB-D SLAM in Indoor Planar Environments with Multiple Large Dynamic Objects
  • An Event-Triggered Visual Servoing Predictive Control Strategy for the Surveillance of Contour-Based Areas Using Multirotor Aerial Vehicles
  • Learning Moving-Object Tracking with FMCW LiDAR
  • Self-Supervised Learning for Multiple Object Tracking in 3D Point Clouds
  • An Efficient and Accurate Solution to Camera Pose Estimation Problem from Point and Line Correspondences Based on Null Space Analysis
  • Improving 3D Markerless Pose Estimation of Animals in the Wild Using Low-Cost Cameras
  • DirectTracker: 3D Multi-Object Tracking Using Direct Image Alignment and Photometric Bundle Adjustment
  • Scene-Level Tracking and Reconstruction without Object Priors
  • Smart Visual Beacons with Asynchronous Optical Communications Using Event Cameras
  • Category-Independent Articulated Object Tracking with Factor Graphs
  • ECDT: Event Clustering for Simultaneous Feature Detection and Tracking
  • Feasibility Study on Disentangling Muscle Movements in TMR Patients through a Myokinetic Control Interface for the Control of Artificial Hands
  • Markerless Suture Needle 6D Pose Tracking with Robust Uncertainty Estimation for Autonomous Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery
  • Online Adaptation for Implicit Object Tracking and Shape Reconstruction in the Wild
  • DeepFusionMOT: A 3D Multi-Object Tracking Framework Based on Camera-LiDAR Fusion with Deep Association
  • EV-Catcher: High Speed Object Catching Using Low-Latency Event-Based Neural Networks
  • MOTSLAM: MOT-Assisted Monocular Dynamic SLAM Using Single-View Depth Estimation
  • A Kinematic Modeling and Control Scheme for Different Robotic Endoscopes: A Rudimentary Research Prototype
  • Lidar with Velocity: Motion Distortion Correction of Point Clouds from Oscillating Scanning Lidars
  • Jacobian Computation for Cumulative B-Splines on SE(3) and Application to Continuous-Time Object Tracking
  • Keeping Less Is More: Point Sparsification for Visual SLAM

Cooperating Robots

Total of 21 papers

  • Ranging-Aided Ground Robot Navigation Using UWB Nodes at Unknown Locations
  • Smart Visual Beacons with Asynchronous Optical Communications Using Event Cameras
  • SMA-NBO: A Sequential Multi-Agent Planning with Nominal Belief-State Optimization in Target Tracking
  • Cooperative Localization Using Learning-Based Constrained Optimization
  • Stronger Together: Air-Ground Robotic Collaboration Using Semantics
  • Robotic Bricklayer: A Multi-Robot System for Building Activity
  • Experimental Study on Strategies of Multi-Quadrotor Persistent Coverage with Environmental Hotspots
  • Coordinated Toolpath Planning for Multi-Extruder Additive Manufacturing
  • Toward Efficient Task Planning for Dual-Arm Tabletop Object Rearrangement
  • Cooperative Object Manipulation under Signal Temporal Logic Tasks and Uncertain Dynamics
  • Tactile Feedback Enabling In-Hand Pivoting and Internal Force Control for Dual-Arm Cooperative Object Carrying
  • Development of a Research Testbed for Cooperative Driving in Mixed Traffic of Human-Driven and Autonomous Vehicles
  • A Hybrid PSO Algorithm for Multi-Robot Target Search and Decision Awareness
  • Interactive Multi-Robot Aerial Cinematography through Hemispherical Manifold Coverage
  • PD-FAC: Probability Density Factorized Multi-Agent Distributional Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Robot Reliable Search
  • BOBCAT: Behaviors, Objectives and Binary States for Coordinated Autonomous Tasks
  • Design, Modeling and Control of a Composable and Extensible Drone with Tilting Rotors
  • Robotic Parasitic Array Control for Increased RSS in Non-Line-Of-Sight
  • Modular Robot Networking: A Novel Schema and Its Performance Assessment
  • Coordinated Multi-Agent Exploration, Rendezvous, & Task Allocation in Unknown Environments with Limited Connectivity
  • Multi-AGV's Temporal Memory-Based RRT Exploration in Unknown Environment

Model Learning for Control

Total of 21 papers

  • Deep Koopman Operator with Control for Nonlinear Systems
  • DIJE: Dense Image Jacobian Estimation for Robust Robotic Self-Recognition and Visual Servoing
  • Learning-Based Approach for a Soft Assistive Robotic Arm to Achieve Simultaneous Position and Force Control
  • Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Fixed-Wing Flight Control
  • Randomized-To-Canonical Model Predictive Control for Real-World Visual Robotic Manipulation
  • Nonlinear Model Learning for Compensation and Feed-Forward Control of Real-World Hydraulic Actuators Using Gaussian Processes
  • Learning Neuro-Symbolic Relational Transition Models for Bilevel Planning
  • T3VIP: Transformation-Based 3D Video Prediction
  • Physics Embedded Neural Network Vehicle Model and Applications in Risk-Aware Autonomous Driving Using Latent Features
  • TOAST: Trajectory Optimization and Simultaneous Tracking Using Shared Neural Network Dynamics
  • Augmented Neural Network for Full Robot Kinematic Modelling in SE(3)
  • Physics-Inspired Temporal Learning of Quadrotor Dynamics for Accurate Model Predictive Trajectory Tracking
  • Learning Non-Parametric Models in Real Time Via Online Generalized Product of Experts
  • VI-IKD: High-Speed Accurate Off-Road Navigation Using Learned Visual-Inertial Inverse Kinodynamics
  • Smooth Model Predictive Path Integral Control without Smoothing
  • Model Learning and Predictive Control for Autonomous Obstacle Reduction Via Bulldozing
  • Scalable Model-Based Policy Optimization for Decentralized Networked Systems
  • SMS-MPC: Adversarial Learning-Based Simultaneous Prediction Control with Single Model for Mobile Robots
  • Dynamic Inference on Graphs Using Structured Transition Models
  • Nonlinear Dynamics Modeling and Fault Detection for a Soft Trunk Robot: An Adaptive NN-Based Approach
  • Safe Active Dynamics Learning and Control: A Sequential Exploration-Exploitation Framework (I)

Robotics and Automation in Agriculture and Forestry

Total of 21 papers

  • Posture Estimation from Crop Lines for Night Planting Robot Using a Single Camera with Night Vision Mode
  • An Origami-Inspired Suction Cup of Robotic Gripper for Autonomous Cucumber Harvesting
  • Contrastive 3D Shape Completion and Reconstruction for Agricultural Robots Using RGB-D Frames
  • Instance Segmentation for Autonomous Log Grasping in Forestry Operations
  • Explicitly Incorporating Spatial Information to Recurrent Networks for Agriculture
  • Multimodal Aerial-Tethered Robot for Tree Canopy Exploration
  • Towards Autonomous Visual Navigation in Arable Fields
  • DPMP-Deep Probabilistic Motion Planning: A Use Case in Strawberry Picking Robot
  • Forest Traversability Mapping (FTM): Traversability Estimation Using 3D Voxel-Based Normal Distributed Transform to Enable Forest Navigation
  • Compact Strawberry Harvesting Tube Employing Laser Cutter
  • Reconstructing a Spatial Field with an Autonomous Robot under a Budget Constraint
  • Collision and Rollover-Free mathcal{G}^2 Path Planning for Mobile Manipulation
  • Optical Flow-Based Branch Segmentation for Complex Orchard Environments
  • Near Real-Time Vineyard Downy Mildew Detection and Severity Estimation
  • View Planning Using Discrete Optimization for 3D Reconstruction of Row Crops
  • BonnBot-I: A Precise Weed Management and Crop Monitoring Platform
  • An Integrated Actuation-Perception Framework for Robotic Leaf Retrieval: Detection, Localization, and Cutting
  • Algorithm Design and Integration for a Robotic Apple Harvesting System
  • Predicting Fruit-Pick Success Using a Grasp Classifier Trained on a Physical Proxy
  • Contrastive 3D Shape Completion and Reconstruction for Agricultural Robots Using RGB-D Frames
  • Collecting a Flock with Multiple Sub-Groups by Using Multi-Robot System

Surgical Robotics: Steerable Catheters/Needles

Total of 21 papers

  • Light in the Larynx: A Miniaturized Robotic Optical Fiber for In-Office Laser Surgery of the Vocal Folds
  • A 5-DOFs Robot for Posterior Segment Eye Microsurgery
  • End-To-End Design of Bespoke, Dexterous Snake-Like Surgical Robots: A Case Study with the RAVEN II (I)
  • Design and Evaluation of a Miniaturized Force Sensor Based on Wave Backscattering
  • Automated Flexible Needle Trajectory Planning for Keyhole Neurosurgery Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Local One-Dimensional Motion Estimation Using FBG-Based Shape Sensing for Cardiac Applications
  • Sim-To-Real Transfer of Image-Based Autonomous Guidewire Navigation Trained by Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient with Behavior Cloning for Fast Learning
  • Toward FBG-Sensorized Needle Shape Prediction in Tissue Insertions
  • Using Magnetic Fields to Navigate and Simultaneously Localize Catheters in Endoluminal Environments
  • Time-Optimal Synchronous Terminal Trajectory Planning for Coupling Motions of Robotic Flexible Endoscope
  • Robotic Actuation and Control of a Catheter for Structural Intervention Cardiology
  • Model-Free and Uncalibrated Visual-Feedback Control of Magnetically-Actuated Flexible Endoscopes
  • A Miniature Continuum Robot with Integrated Piezoelectric Beacon Transducers and Its Ultrasonic Shape Detection in Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgeries
  • A Simulation Framework for Magnetic Continuum Robots
  • A Metric for Finding Robust Start Positions for Medical Steerable Needle Automation
  • Design and Development of a Lorentz Force-Based MRI-Driven Neuroendoscope
  • A Dataset and Benchmark for Learning the Kinematics of Concentric Tube Continuum Robots
  • Contact Localization of Continuum and Flexible Robot Using Data-Driven Approach
  • Deep-Learning-Based Compliant Motion Control of a Pneumatically-Driven Robotic Catheter
  • Shape Memory Polymer Variable Stiffness Magnetic Catheters with Hybrid Stiffness Control
  • Estimating Forces Along Continuum Robots

Humanoid Robot Systems

Total of 20 papers

  • A Compact, Lightweight and Singularity-Free Wrist Joint Mechanism for Humanoid Robots
  • First Do Not Fall: Learning to Exploit a Wall with a Damaged Humanoid Robot
  • Modeling and Control of Morphing Covers for the Adaptive Morphology of Humanoid Robots (I)
  • Template-Based Category-Agnostic Instance Detection with Human Guidance for Adaptive Robotic Manipulation
  • Robot Dance Generation with Music Based Trajectory Optimization
  • Gastrocnemius and Power Amplifier Soleus Spring-Tendons Achieve Fast Human-Like Walking in a Bipedal Robot
  • Comparison of EKF-Based Floating Base Estimators for Humanoid Robots with Flat Feet
  • Robust Humanoid Walking System Considering Recognized Terrain and Robots' Balance
  • Human-Humanoid Robot Cooperative Load Transportation: Model-Based Control Approach
  • Hands-Free Telelocomotion of a Wheeled Humanoid
  • Improved Zero Step Push Recovery with a Unified Reduced Order Model of Standing Balance
  • Walking Control Framework on Uneven Terrain Using Variable Stiffness Sole
  • Tello Leg: The Study of Design Principles and Metrics for Dynamic Humanoid Robots
  • Watch Me Calibrate My Force-Sensing Shoes!
  • Learning to Sequence and Blend Robot Skills Via Differentiable Optimization
  • Reactive Stepping for Humanoid Robots Using Reinforcement Learning: Application to Standing Push Recovery on the Exoskeleton Atalante
  • Hybrid LMC: Hybrid Learning and Model-Based Control for Wheeled Humanoid Robot Via Ensemble Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Automatic Tuning and Selection of Whole-Body Controllers
  • Handling Non-Convex Constraints in MPC-Based Humanoid Gait Generation
  • Introducing Force Feedback in Model Predictive Control

Safety in HRI

Total of 20 papers

  • Shared Autonomy for Safety between a Self-Reconfigurable Robot and a Teleoperator Using Multi-Layer Fuzzy Logic
  • The DressGripper: A Collaborative Gripper with Electromagnetic Fingertips for Dressing Assistance
  • Novel Supernumerary Robotic Limb Based on Variable Stiffness Actuators for Hemiplegic Patients Assistance
  • MOCA-S: A Sensitive Mobile Collaborative Robotic Assistant Exploiting Low-Cost Capacitive Tactile Cover and Whole-Body Control
  • Towards Safe Physical Human-Robot Interaction by Exploring the Rapid Stiffness Switching Feature of Discrete Variable Stiffness Actuation
  • A Novel Human-Safe Robotic Gripper: An Application of a Programmable Permanent Magnet Actuator
  • PSM: A Predictive Safety Model for Body Motion Based on the Spring-Damper Pendulum
  • Physical Adversarial Attack on a Robotic Arm
  • Regularized Deep Signed Distance Fields for Reactive Motion Generation
  • Safe and Ergonomic Human-Drone Interaction in Warehouses
  • Robot Contact Reflexes: Adaptive Maneuvers in the Contact Reflex Space
  • Suppressing Delay-Induced Oscillations in Physical Human-Robot Interaction with an Upper-Limb Exoskeleton Using Rate-Limiting
  • Safety Compliant Control for Robotic Manipulator with Task and Input Constraints
  • Safe and Efficient Exploration of Human Models During Human-Robot Interaction
  • Evaluation of On-Robot Capacitive Proximity Sensors with Collision Experiments for Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Vision-Based Safety System for Barrierless Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Variable Impedance Control for Safety and Usability in Telemanipulation
  • A Framework for the Systematic Evaluation of Obstacle Avoidance and Object-Aware Controllers
  • DULA and DEBA: Differentiable Ergonomic Risk Models for Postural Assessment and Optimization in Ergonomically Intelligent PHRI
  • Characterizing Prosthesis Control Fault During Human-Prosthesis Interactive Walking Using Intrinsic Sensors

Task Planning

Total of 20 papers

  • Augment-Connect-Explore: A Paradigm for Visual Action Planning with Data Scarcity
  • Approximate Task Tree Retrieval in a Knowledge Network for Robotic Cooking
  • Efficient Spatial Representation and Routing of Deformable One-Dimensional Objects for Manipulation
  • Learning and Executing Re-Usable Behaviour Trees from Natural Language Instruction
  • Robust Robotic 3-D Drawing Using Closed-Loop Planning and Online Picked Pens (I)
  • Capability-Aware Task Allocation and Team Formation Analysis for Cooperative Exploration of Complex Environments
  • Givenness Hierarchy Informed Optimal Document Planning for Situated Human-Robot Interaction
  • Relationship Oriented Semantic Scene Understanding for Daily Manipulation Tasks
  • Multi-Robot Unknown Area Exploration Using Frontier Trees
  • Multi-Modal User Interface for Multi-Robot Control in Underground Environments
  • A Conflict-Driven Interface between Symbolic Planning and Nonlinear Constraint Solving
  • Toward Efficient Task Planning for Dual-Arm Tabletop Object Rearrangement
  • Discover Life Skills for Planning As Bandits Via Observing and Learning How the World Works
  • Selecting the Partial State Abstractions of MDPs: A Metareasoning Approach with Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Optimal Constrained Task Planning As Mixed Integer Programming
  • Extended Time Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem for Joint Task Allocation and Path Planning in Shared Space
  • Multi-Objective Task Allocation for Multi-Agent Systems Using Hierarchical Cost Function
  • Probabilistic Planning for AUV Data Harvesting from Smart Underwater Sensor Networks
  • Efficient Task/Motion Planning for a Dual-Arm Robot from Language Instructions and Cooking Images
  • Comparing Reconstruction and Contrastive-Based Models for Visual Task Planning

Tendon/Wire Mechanism

Total of 20 papers

  • In-Hand Manipulation Exploiting Bending and Compression Deformations of Caterpillar-Locomotion-Inspired Fingers
  • Multi-Purpose Tactile Perception Based on Deep Learning in a New Tendon-Driven Optical Tactile Sensor
  • Development of a Cable-Driven Growing Sling to Assist Patient Transfer
  • Environmental Interaction with Continuum Robots Exploiting Impact
  • Online Learning Feedback Control Method Considering Hysteresis for Musculoskeletal Structures
  • Realization of Seated Walk by a Musculoskeletal Humanoid with Buttock-Contact Sensors from Human Constrained Teaching
  • Kinematics-Inertial Fusion for Localization of a 4-Cable Underactuated Suspended Robot Considering Cable Sag
  • End-Point Stiffness and Joint Viscosity Control of Musculoskeletal Robotic Arm Using Muscle Redundancy
  • Data-Driven Kinematic Control Scheme for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots Allowing Collisions
  • Miniature, Lightweight, High-Force, Capstan Winch for Mobile Robots
  • RAMIEL: A Parallel-Wire Driven Monopedal Robot for High and Continuous Jumping
  • Workspace-Based Model Predictive Control for Cable-Driven Robots (I)
  • Dexterity Analysis and Motion Optimization of In-Situ Torsionally-Steerable Flexible Surgical Robots
  • Horizontal Insertion of a Ring Onto a Shaft Using a Gantry Crane with Minimal Sensors
  • Design and Evaluation of a Robotic Forceps with Flexible Wrist Joint Made of PEEK Plastic
  • Robust Design of a Rope Ascender for High Repeatability
  • A Portable Upper-Limb Home Fitness Device Based on Twisted String Actuation and Elastic Bands for Effective Exercise
  • Design of a Wire-Driven Actuator with Quasi-Direct Drive for a Compact, High-Bandwidth Exosuit
  • Wire-Storage Pantograph Mechanism for Strain and Force Amplification of a Twisted and Coiled Polymer Fiber
  • Reference Acceleration Model Predictive Control (RA-MPC) for Cable-Driven Robots

Visual-Inertial SLAM

Total of 20 papers

  • FEJ-VIRO: A Consistent First-Estimate Jacobian Visual-Inertial-Ranging Odometry
  • Monocular Event Visual Inertial Odometry Based on Event-Corner Using Sliding Windows Graph-Based Optimization
  • DH-LC: Hierarchical Matching and Hybrid Bundle Adjustment towards Accurate and Robust Loop Closure
  • Thermal Inertial SLAM for the Environments with Challenging Illumination
  • Closed-Form Error Propagation on SEn(3) Group for Invariant EKF with Applications to VINS
  • Exploring Event Camera-Based Odometry for Planetary Robots
  • DIDO: Deep Inertial Quadrotor Dynamical Odometry
  • Closing the Loop: Graph Networks to Unify Semantic Objects and Visual Features for Multi-Object Scenes
  • Probabilistic Data Association for Semantic SLAM at Scale
  • Observability Analysis and Keyframe-Based Filtering for Visual Inertial Odometry with Full Self-Calibration (I)
  • LF-VIO: A Visual-Inertial-Odometry Framework for Large Field-Of-View Cameras with Negative Plane
  • Tightly-Coupled Visual-Inertial-Pressure Fusion Using Forward and Backward IMU Preintegration
  • Visual-Inertial SLAM with Tightly-Coupled Dropout-Tolerant GPS Fusion
  • RGB-D Inertial Odometry for a Resource-Restricted Robot in Dynamic Environments
  • Simultaneous Localization and Mapping through the Lens of Nonlinear Optimization
  • Towards Robust Visual-Inertial Odometry with Multiple Non-Overlapped Monocular Cameras
  • A Tightly-Coupled Event-Inertial Odometry Using Exponential Decay and Linear Preintegrated Measurements
  • Photometric Visual-Inertial Navigation with Uncertainty-Aware Ensembles (I)
  • Visual-Inertial Multi-Instance Dynamic SLAM with Object-Level Relocalisation
  • From Timing Variations to Performance Degradation: Understanding and Mitigating the Impact of Software Execution Timing in SLAM

Failure Detection and Recovery

Total of 19 papers

  • Learning-Based Localizability Estimation for Robust LiDAR Localization
  • Modeling Human Response to Robot Errors for Timely Error Detection
  • Design and Control of a Quasi-Direct Drive Robotic Gripper for Collision Tolerant Picking at High Speed
  • RoSA: A Mechatronically Synthesized Dataset for Rotodynamic System Anomaly Detection
  • Resilient Detection and Recovery of Autonomous Systems Operating under On-Board Controller Cyber Attacks
  • Absolute Position Detection in 7-Phase Sensorless Electric Stepper Motor
  • Model-Free Unsupervised Anomaly Detection of a General Robotic System Using a Stacked LSTM and Its Application to a Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • Meta-Active Learning in Probabilistically Safe Optimization
  • Learning Symbolic Failure Detection for Grasping and Mobile Manipulation Tasks
  • Design, Modeling and Control for a Tilt-Rotor VTOL UAV in the Presence of Actuator Failure
  • Transmissibility-Based DAgger for Fault Classification in Connected Autonomous Vehicles
  • Robot Vitals and Robot Health: Towards Systematically Quantifying Runtime Performance Degradation in Robots under Adverse Conditions
  • RoBiGAN: A Bidirectional Wasserstein GAN Approach for Online Robot Fault Diagnosis Via Internal Anomaly Detection
  • PrePARE: Predictive Proprioception for Agile Failure Event Detection in Robotic Exploration of Extreme Terrains
  • Meta-Learning-Based Proactive Online Planning for UAVs under Degraded Conditions
  • A Data-Driven Method for Metric Extraction to Detect Faults in Robot Swarms
  • Maximizing the Probability of Task Completion for Redundant Robots Experiencing Locked Joint Failures (I)
  • Nonlinear Dynamics Modeling and Fault Detection for a Soft Trunk Robot: An Adaptive NN-Based Approach
  • Combined Dual-Prediction Based Data Fusion and Enhanced Leak Detection and Isolation Method for WSN Pipeline Monitoring System (I)

Learning from Experience

Total of 19 papers

  • Risk-Aware Off-Road Navigation Via a Learned Speed Distribution Map
  • Transmissibility-Based DAgger for Fault Classification in Connected Autonomous Vehicles
  • Why Did I Fail? a Causal-Based Method to Find Explanations for Robot Failures
  • Online Learning Feedback Control Method Considering Hysteresis for Musculoskeletal Structures
  • Learning of Balance Controller Considering Changes in Body State for Musculoskeletal Humanoids
  • Speeding up Optimization-Based Motion Planning through Deep Learning
  • Adaptive Experience Sampling for Motion Planning Using the Generator-Critic Framework
  • HRI Framework for Continual Learning in Face Recognition
  • SESNO: Sample Efficient Social Navigation from Observation
  • Learning Bidirectional Translation between Descriptions and Actions with Small Paired Data
  • Use of Action Label in Deep Predictive Learning for Robot Manipulation
  • Continual Learning in Real-Life Applications
  • Autonomous Cycle Time Reduction of Robotic Tasks Using Iterative Learning Control
  • Medical Ultrasound Image Quality Assessment for Autonomous Robotic Screening
  • Self-Supervised Traversability Prediction by Learning to Reconstruct Safe Terrain
  • SafeAPT: Safe Simulation-To-Real Robot Learning Using Diverse Policies Learned in Simulation
  • Self-Supervised Learning of Visual Servoing for Low-Rigidity Robots Considering Temporal Body Changes
  • Safe Adaptation in Multiagent Competition
  • Learning Pneumatic Non-Prehensile Manipulation with a Mobile Blower

Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking

Total of 19 papers

  • Testing Service Robots in the Field: An Experience Report
  • Learning to Fold Real Garments with One Arm: A Case Study in Cloud-Based Robotics Research
  • A Robotic System for Solo Surgery in Flexible Ureterorenoscopy
  • Systematic Evaluation and Analysis on Hybrid Strategies of Automatic Agent Last Mile Delivery
  • Are We Ready for Robust and Resilient SLAM? a Framework for Quantitative Characterization of SLAM Datasets
  • DGBench: An Open-Source, Reproducible Benchmark for Dynamic Grasping
  • Modular and Hybrid Numerical-Analytical Approach - a Case Study on Improving Computational Efficiency for Series-Parallel Hybrid Robots
  • 2D vs. 3D LiDAR-Based Person Detection on Mobile Robots
  • On Safety Testing, Validation, and Characterization with Scenario-Sampling: A Case Study of Legged Robots
  • Robot Contact Reflexes: Adaptive Maneuvers in the Contact Reflex Space
  • Evaluation of On-Robot Capacitive Proximity Sensors with Collision Experiments for Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Hydrodynamic Parameters Estimation Using Varying Forces and Numerical Integration Fitting Method
  • Predicting to Improve: Integrity Measures for Assessing Visual Localization Performance
  • User Evaluation of 5 DOF Manipulator for Teleoperation Tasks
  • BĂ©dard, Christophe
  • CARLA Simulator-Based Evaluation Framework Development of Lane Detection Accuracy Performance under Sensor Blockage Caused by Heavy Rain for Autonomous Vehicle
  • Can We Reach Human Expert Programming Performance? a Tactile Manipulation Case Study in Learning Time and Task Performance
  • Manual Maneuverability: Metrics for Analysing and Benchmarking Kinesthetic Robot Guidance
  • A Barrier-Based Scenario Approach to Verifying Safety-Critical Systems

Planning, Scheduling and Coordination

Total of 19 papers

  • A Sampling Based Approach to Robust Planning for a Planetary Lander
  • Learning Neuro-Symbolic Relational Transition Models for Bilevel Planning
  • Monte-Carlo Robot Path Planning
  • Online Planning for Interactive-POMDPs Using Nested Monte Carlo Tree Search
  • Reconstructing a Spatial Field with an Autonomous Robot under a Budget Constraint
  • Multi-Task Scheduling with the A* Algorithm for Antarctic Development and Exploration
  • Adaptive Multi-Robot Coordination from Task Specifications
  • Dynamic Targeting to Improve Earth Science Missions
  • A Hierarchical Deliberative Architecture Framework Based on Goal Decomposition
  • Polynomial Time Near-Time-Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning in Three Dimensions with Applications to Large-Scale UAV Coordination
  • Energy-Efficient Orienteering Problem in the Presence of Ocean Currents
  • Discover Life Skills for Planning As Bandits Via Observing and Learning How the World Works
  • A Value-Based Dynamic Learning Approach for Vehicle Dispatch in Ride-Sharing
  • Planning with Intermittent State Observability: Knowing When to Act Blind
  • Selecting the Partial State Abstractions of MDPs: A Metareasoning Approach with Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning Coordination Policies Over Heterogeneous Graphs for Human-Robot Teams Via Recurrent Neural Schedule Propagation
  • A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for the Scheduling Problem in the AGV System
  • DC-MRTA: Decentralized Multi-Robot Task Allocation and Navigation in Complex Environments
  • Planning under Periodic Observations: Bounds and Bounding-Based Solutions

Rehabilitation Robotics

Total of 19 papers

  • A Framework of Rehabilitation-Assisted Robot Skill Representation, Learning, and Modulation Via Manifold-Mappings and Gaussian Processes
  •  Sensorimotor Control Meets Surgical Robotics – a Model of the Surgeon Can Benefit Patients
  • ANN-Based Optimization of Human Gait Data Obtained from a Robot-Mounted 3D Camera: A Multiple Sclerosis Case Study
  • Human-Exoskeleton Cooperative Balance Strategy for a Human-Powered Augmentation Lower Exoskeleton
  • Ring-Pull Type Soft Wearable Robotic Glove for Hand Strength Assistance
  • Design of a Wearable Mechanism with Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)-Based Artificial Muscle for Assisting with Shoulder Abduction
  • Personalized Estimation of Intended Gait Speed for Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Users Via Data Augmentation Using Mutual Information
  • BEAR-H: An Intelligent Bilateral Exoskeletal Assistive Robot for Smart Rehabilitation (I)
  • Bayesian Active Learning for Sim-To-Real Robotic Perception
  • Development and Experimental Evaluation of a Novel Portable Haptic Robotic Exoskeleton Glove System for Patients with Brachial Plexus Injuries
  • Development of a Novel Low-Profile Robotic Exoskeleton Glove for Patients with Brachial Plexus Injuries
  • A Novel Wheelchair-Exoskeleton Hybrid Robot to Assist Movement and Aid Rehabilitation
  • Facial Expressions-Controlled Flight Game with Haptic Feedback for Stroke Rehabilitation: A Proof-Of-Concept Study
  • An Intention Prediction Based Shared Control System for Point-To-Point Navigation of a Robotic Wheelchair
  • A Wearable System with Harmonic Oscillations to Assess Finger Biomechanics
  • Evaluation of TENS Based Biofeedback and Warning for Improvement of Seated Balance on a Trunk Rehabilitation Robot
  • Visual Environment Perception for Obstacle Detection and Crossing of Lower-Limb Exoskeletons
  • Upper Limb Movement Estimation and Function Evaluation of the Shoulder Girdle by Multi-Sensing Flexible Sensor Wear
  • Simultaneous Gesture Classification and Speed Control for Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand Using Joint-Loss Neural Network

Robust/Adaptive Control

Total of 19 papers

  • Hierarchical Learning and Control for In-Hand Micromanipulation Using Multiple Laser-Driven Micro-Tools
  • Adapting Rapid Motor Adaptation for Bipedal Robots
  • Skeleton-Based Adaptive Visual Servoing for Control of Robotic Manipulators in Configuration Space
  • Robotic Control in Adversarial and Sparse Reward Environments: A Robust Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning Approach
  • TOAST: Trajectory Optimization and Simultaneous Tracking Using Shared Neural Network Dynamics
  • Safe and Efficient Exploration of Human Models During Human-Robot Interaction
  • UNICON: Uncertainty-Conditioned Policy for Robust Behavior in Unfamiliar Scenarios
  • Adaptive Tank-Based Control for Aerial Physical Interaction with Uncertain Dynamic Environments Using Energy-Task Estimation
  • Output Feedback Tube MPC-Guided Data Augmentation for Robust, Efficient Sensorimotor Policy Learning
  • Fractional Order Control of a Kresling Pattern Origami Soft Link
  • A Unified and Modular Model Predictive Control Framework for Soft Continuum Manipulators under Internal and External Constraints
  • Modeling and Position Control of the HASEL Actuator Via Port-Hamiltonian Approach
  • Simulation Aided Co-Design for Robust Robot Optimization
  • Dynamic Inference on Graphs Using Structured Transition Models
  • Unbiased Active Inference for Classical Control
  • Safe Control Synthesis with Uncertain Dynamics and Constraints
  • Robust and Decoupled Position and Stiffness Control for Electrically-Driven Articulated Soft Robots
  • Robust Stabilization of Elastic Joint Robots by ESP and PID Control: Theory and Experiments
  • An Adaptive Approach to Whole-Body Balance Control of Wheel-Bipedal Robot Ollie

Transfer Learning

Total of 19 papers

  • Deep Active Cross-Modal Visuo-Tactile Transfer Learning for Robotic Object Recognition
  • Graph-Structured Policy Learning for Multi-Goal Manipulation Tasks
  • Robot Learning of Mobile Manipulation with Reachability Behavior Priors
  • Towards Holistic Autonomous Obstacle Detection in Railways by Complementing of On-Board Vision with UAV-Based Object Localization
  • SKILL-IL: Disentangling Skill and Knowledge in Multitask Imitation Learning
  • Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Via Graph Matching
  • Contrastive Learning for Cross-Domain Open World Recognition
  • Efficient Multi-Task Learning Via Iterated Single-Task Transfer
  • MPR-RL: Multi-Prior Regularized Reinforcement Learning for Knowledge Transfer
  • Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning for Transferable Manipulation Skill Discovery
  • Subspace-Based Feature Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
  • Using Simulation Optimization to Improve Zero-Shot Policy Transfer of Quadrotors
  • Bilateral Knowledge Distillation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation
  • Self-Supervised Noisy Label Learning for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
  • Analysis of Randomization Effects on Sim2Real Transfer in Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Manipulation Tasks
  • Cloud-Edge Training Architecture for Sim-To-Real Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Multimodal Generation of Novel Action Appearances for Synthetic-To-Real Recognition of Activities of Daily Living
  • An Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Approach for Multimodal 2D Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions
  • Object Pose Estimation Using Mid-Level Visual Representations

Compliant Joints and Mechanisms

Total of 18 papers

  • Robotic Powder Grinding with a Soft Jig for Laboratory Automation in Material Science
  • Amoeba-Inspired Swimming through Isoperimetric Modulation of Body Shape
  • Development of an Inherently Safe Nasopharyngeal Swab Sampling Robot Using a Force Restriction Mechanism
  • Novel Supernumerary Robotic Limb Based on Variable Stiffness Actuators for Hemiplegic Patients Assistance
  • Design of a Modular Continuum Robot with Alterable Compliance Using Tubular-Actuation
  • An Inverted V-Belt and Pulley for Compact, Continuously or Infinitely Variable Robotic Transmissions
  • Development of Actuator with Adjustable Compliance for the Polishing Process
  • Towards Safe Physical Human-Robot Interaction by Exploring the Rapid Stiffness Switching Feature of Discrete Variable Stiffness Actuation
  • BSA - Bi-Stiffness Actuation for Optimally Exploiting Intrinsic Compliance and Inertial Coupling Effects in Elastic Joint Robots
  • Enabling Massage Actions: An Interactive Parallel Robot with Compliant Joints
  • Adaptive Feet for Quadrupedal Walkers (I)
  • Development of Low-Inertia Backdrivable Arm Focusing on Learning-Based Control
  • Vastus and Gastrocnemius Improve Hopping Efficiency and Joints Synchronicity at Different Frequencies: A Robotic Study
  • DeltaZ: An Accessible Compliant Delta Robot Manipulator for Research and Education
  • Jumping on Air: Design and Modeling of Latch-Mediated, Spring-Actuated Air-Jumpers
  • Anisotropic-Stiffness Belt in Mono Wheeled Flexible Track for Rough Terrain Locomotion
  • Wave-Shaped Notched Compliant Joint with High Rigidity
  • An In-Pipe Crawling Robot Based on Tensegrity Structures

Robotics and Automation in Construction

Total of 18 papers

  • An Autonomous Descending-Stair Cleaning Robot with RGB-D Based Detection, Approaching, and Area Coverage Process
  • Imitation Learning and Model Integrated Excavator Trajectory Planning
  • Multi-Directional Bicycle Robot for Bridge Inspection with Steel Defect Detection System
  • Excavation of Fragmented Rocks with Multi-Modal Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
  • Model Learning and Predictive Control for Autonomous Obstacle Reduction Via Bulldozing
  • Design and Motion Planning for a Reconfigurable Robotic Base
  • External Load Estimation of Hydraulically Driven Construction Machinery from Cylinder Pressures and Link Accelerations
  • Connected Reconfiguration of Polyominoes Amid Obstacles Using RRT*
  • Autonomous Mobile 3D Printing of Large-Scale Trajectories
  • Soil-Adaptive Excavation Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Loading an Autonomous Large-Scale Dump Truck: Path Planning Based on Motion Data from Human-Operated Construction Vehicles
  • LNC Assisted Localization and Mapping in Pipe Environment
  • EPAR: An Efficient and Privacy-Aware Augmented Reality Framework for Indoor Location-Based Services
  • Hybrid Discrete-Continuous Path Planning for Lattice Traversal
  • RECCraft System: Towards Reliable and Efficient Collective Robotic Construction
  • Robotic Bricklayer: A Multi-Robot System for Building Activity
  • Volumetric Change Assessment Using Multi Session SLAM Toward Construction Monitoring Automation
  • Towards Autonomous Grading in the Real World

Wheeled Robots

Total of 18 papers

  • Set-Point Control for a Ground-Based Reconfigurable Robot
  • Back-Stepping Control of a Transformable Wheel-Based Robot
  • A Study on Robotic Tail Mechanisms for Stair-Climbing Application
  • The Wheelbot: A Jumping Reaction Wheel Unicycle
  • Adaptive Gradient-Descent Extended Kalman Filter for Pose Estimation of Mobile Robots with Sparse Reference Signals
  • Multi-Axis Reorientation of a Free-Falling Omnidirectional Wheeled Robot
  • Steady-State Manifold of Riderless Motorcycles
  • Robust Slip-Aware Fusion for Mobile Robots State Estimation
  • OmniWheg: An Omnidirectional Wheel-Leg Transformable Robot
  • Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Cost Function Scheduling for a Wheeled Mobile Robot
  • Hands-Free Telelocomotion of a Wheeled Humanoid
  • What Goes Around: Leveraging a Constant-Curvature Motion Constraint in Radar Odometry
  • Novel Design of a Reconfigurable Omnidirectional AMR Chassis
  • A Preliminary Research on an Angled Spoked Based Robot Running on a Granular Media
  • Overcoming Method for a Wheel Legged Robot Using a Rope against Various Terrain in 3D Space
  • Novel Online Terrain Classification Algorithm for Mobile Robots
  • NFOMP: Neural Field for Optimal Motion Planner of Differential Drive Robots with Nonholonomic Constraints
  • Data-Driven Kalman Filter with Kernel-Based Koopman Operators for Nonlinear Robot Systems


Total of 17 papers

  • Embodying Rather Than Encoding: Undulation with Binary Input
  • A Creeping Snake-Like Robot with Partial Actuation
  • Toward Dexterous Flapping Flight: Effective Large Yaw Torque Generation by 2 Ă— 2-Degrees-Of-Freedom Flapping Wings
  • Development of a Stingray-Inspired High-Frequency Propulsion Platform with Variable Wavelength
  • Imitation Behavior of the Outer Edge of the Foot by Humanoids Using a Simplified Contact State Representation
  • The Relationship between Incremental Changes in Orientation and Slip Speed Estimation Using the Fingerprint Effect
  • From Human Walking to Bipedal Robot Locomotion: Reflex Inspired Compensation on Planned and Unplanned Downsteps
  • Online Learning Feedback Control Method Considering Hysteresis for Musculoskeletal Structures
  • Realization of Seated Walk by a Musculoskeletal Humanoid with Buttock-Contact Sensors from Human Constrained Teaching
  • A Control Architecture of a Distributed Actuator System for a Bio-Inspired Spine
  • Instantaneous Force Generation Mechanism Based on the Striking Motion of Mantis shrimp—Design and Control Method of Cavitation by Simulation and Experiment
  • Learning of Balance Controller Considering Changes in Body State for Musculoskeletal Humanoids
  • Joint-Space CPG for Safe Foothold Planning and Body Pose Control During Locomotion and Climbing
  • Distributed Deployment with Multiple Moving Robots for Long Distance Complex Pipe Inspection
  • Improved Biped Walking Performance Around the Kinematic Singularities of Biomimetic Four-Bar Knees
  • Effects of Design and Hydrodynamic Parameters on Optimized Swimming for Simulated, Fish-Inspired Robots
  • Development of a Small-Sized Quadruped Robotic Rat Capable of Multimodal Motions (I)

Formal Methods in Robotics and Automation

Total of 17 papers

  • Event-Based Signal Temporal Logic Tasks: Execution and Feedback in Complex Environments
  • Optimizing Demonstrated Robot Manipulation Skills for Temporal Logic Constraints
  • Classification of Time-Series Data Using Boosted Decision Trees
  • Robustness-Based Synthesis for Stochastic Systems under Signal Temporal Logic Tasks
  • Sensor Observability Index: Evaluating Sensor Alignment for Task-Space Observability in Robotic Manipulators
  • Fair Planning for Mobility-On-Demand with Temporal Logic Requests
  • Incremental Path Planning Algorithm Via Topological Mapping with Metric Gluing
  • Inference of Multi-Class STL Specifications for Multi-Label Human-Robot Encounters
  • Temporal Logic Guided Meta Q-Learning of Multiple Tasks
  • Robust Counterexample-Guided Optimization for Planning from Differentiable Temporal Logic
  • Decentralized Control of Minimalistic Robotic Swarms for Guaranteed Target Encapsulation
  • WFA-IRL: Inverse Reinforcement Learning of Autonomous Behaviors Encoded As Weighted Finite Automata
  • Temporal Logic Path Planning under Localization Uncertainty
  • Explainable Robotic Plan Execution Monitoring under Partial Observability (I)
  • Data-Driven Abstractions for Robots with Stochastic Dynamics (I)
  • Data-Driven Kalman Filter with Kernel-Based Koopman Operators for Nonlinear Robot Systems
  • MT*: Multi-Robot Path Planning with Temporal Logic Specification

Gesture, Posture and Facial Expressions

Total of 17 papers

  • You Are in My Way: Non-Verbal Social Cues for Legible Robot Navigation Behaviors
  • Examining Distance in UAV Gesture Perception
  • TransDARC: Transformer-Based Driver Activity Recognition with Latent Space Feature Calibration
  • E2Pose: Fully Convolutional Networks for End-To-End Multi-Person Pose Estimation
  • VR Facial Animation for Immersive Telepresence Avatars
  • Class-Incremental Gesture Recognition Learning with Out-Of-Distribution Detection
  • Analysis of Human Gaze Behavior in Conversation While Walking: Toward Application to Mobile Social Robots
  • Conveying Intentions for Attentive Listening by Facial Motions Using an Android
  • Efficient Hand Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction
  • Gesture2Vec: Clustering Gestures Using Representation Learning Methods for Co-Speech Gesture Generation
  • Semi-Perspective Decoupled Heatmaps for 3D Robot Pose Estimation from Depth Maps
  • Deep Gesture Generation for Social Robots Using Type-Specific Libraries
  • Towards Inclusive HRI: Using Sim2Real to Address Underrepresentation in Emotion Expression Recognition
  • Gesture2Vec: Clustering Gestures Using Representation Learning Methods for Co-Speech Gesture Generation
  • A Wearable Smart Glove and Its Application of Pose and Gesture Detection to Sign Language Classification
  • Controlling the Impression of Robots Via GAN-Based Gesture Generation
  • Predicting Visual Differentiability for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Gestures

Planning under Uncertainty

Total of 17 papers

  • Approximate Task Tree Retrieval in a Knowledge Network for Robotic Cooking
  • Uncertainty-Aware Manipulation Planning Using Gravity and Environment Geometry
  • Source Term Estimation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Gaussian Mixture Model Feature Extraction for Mobile Sensors
  • P2EG: Prediction and Planning Integrated Robust Decision-Making for Automated Vehicle Negotiating in Narrow Lane with Explorative Game
  • Meta-Learning-Based Proactive Online Planning for UAVs under Degraded Conditions
  • Path-Tree Optimization in Discrete Partially Observable Environments Using Rapidly-Exploring Belief-Space Graphs
  • Accelerated Reinforcement Learning for Temporal Logic Control Objectives
  • Smooth Model Predictive Path Integral Control without Smoothing
  • Monte-Carlo Robot Path Planning
  • Qualitative Belief Space Planning Via Compositions
  • SphereMap: Dynamic Multi-Layer Graph Structure for Rapid Safety-Aware UAV Planning
  • Informative Path Planning to Estimate Quantiles for Environmental Analysis
  • FIG-OP: Exploring Large-Scale Unknown Environments on a Fixed Time Budget
  • The RATTLE Motion Planning Algorithm for Robust Online Parametric Model Improvement with On-Orbit Validation
  • Non-Submodular Maximization Via the Greedy Algorithm and the Effects of Limited Information in Multi-Agent Execution
  • Clustering Trust Dynamics in a Human-Robot Sequential Decision-Making Task
  • A Self-Tuning Impedance-Based Interaction Planner for Robotic Haptic Exploration

Probabilistic Inference

Total of 17 papers

  • Non-Parametric Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Human Activity Based on Mobile Robot Observations
  • GaSLAM: An Algorithm for Simultaneous Gas Source Localization and Gas Distribution Mapping in 3D
  • Ordinal Inverse Reinforcement Learning Applied to Robot Learning with Small Data
  • Dynamic Replanning with Posterior Sampling
  • Category-Independent Articulated Object Tracking with Factor Graphs
  • Intuitive & Efficient Human-Robot Collaboration Via Real-Time Approximate Bayesian Inference
  • Why Did I Fail? a Causal-Based Method to Find Explanations for Robot Failures
  • This Is the Way: Differential Bayesian Filtering for Agile Trajectory Synthesis
  • STEADY: Simultaneous State Estimation and Dynamics Learning from Indirect Observations
  • STUN: Self-Teaching Uncertainty Estimation for Place Recognition
  • Multi-Level Task Learning Based on Intention and Constraint Inference for Autonomous Robotic Manipulation
  • Competency Assessment for Autonomous Agents Using Deep Generative Models
  • Flash: Fast and Light Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving with Bayesian Inverse Planning and Learned Motion Profiles
  • Active Exploration for Robotic Manipulation
  • Scalable Probabilistic Gas Distribution Mapping Using Gaussian Belief Propagation
  • Perturbation-Based Stiffness Inference in Variable Impedance Control
  • Unbiased Active Inference for Classical Control

Probability and Statistical Methods

Total of 17 papers

  • A Distributed Coach-Based Reinforcement Learning Controller for Snake Robot Locomotion
  • Optimal Multi-Robot Formations for Relative Pose Estimation Using Range Measurements
  • LayoutSLAM: Object Layout Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Reducing Object Map Distortion
  • An Approach to Science and Risk-Aware Planetary Rover Exploration
  • The Probabilistic Robot Kinematics Model and Its Application to Sensor Fusion
  • Probabilistic Data Association for Semantic SLAM at Scale
  • Dependability Analysis of Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Robotics and Autonomous Systems through Probabilistic Model Checking
  • Learning a State Estimator for Tactile In-Hand Manipulation
  • PSM: A Predictive Safety Model for Body Motion Based on the Spring-Damper Pendulum
  • A Data-Driven Method for Metric Extraction to Detect Faults in Robot Swarms
  • Learning-Enhanced Adaptive Robust GNSS Navigation in Challenging Environments
  • The Uncertainty Aware Salted Kalman Filter: State Estimation for Hybrid Systems with Uncertain Guards
  • Anchor Selection for SLAM Based on Graph Topology and Sub-Modular Optimization (I)
  • Constrained Probabilistic Movement Primitives for Robot Trajectory Adaptation (I)
  • Data-Driven Abstractions for Robots with Stochastic Dynamics (I)
  • Mind the Gap: Norm-Aware Adaptive Robust Loss for Multivariate Least-Squares Problems
  • Online Kinematic Calibration for Legged Robots

Climbing Robots

Total of 16 papers

  • Bio-Inspired 2D Vertical Climbing with a Novel Tripedal Robot
  • A Modified Rocker-Bogie Mechanism with Fewer Actuators and High Mobility
  • Learning to Climb: Constrained Contextual Bayesian Optimisation on a Multi-Modal Legged Robot
  • Back-Stepping Control of a Transformable Wheel-Based Robot
  • Soft Material-Based Adaptable Four-Bar Linkage Stair Climbing Robot
  • Mobile Robot Mechanism with Wheel Switching Primitives
  • Robotic Rope Ascender Design and Analysis for 3D Shape Surface Operation
  • A Study on Robotic Tail Mechanisms for Stair-Climbing Application
  • Design of a Wheel-Leg Mechanism for a Façade Operation
  • Self-Propelled Soft Everting Toroidal Robot for Navigation and Climbing in Confined Spaces
  • OmniWheg: An Omnidirectional Wheel-Leg Transformable Robot
  • SCALER: A Tough Versatile Quadruped Free-Climber Robot
  • Microspine Design for Additive Manufacturing
  • Caterpillar-Inspired Insect-Scale Climbing Robot Using Dry Adhesives
  • Multi-Directional Bicycle Robot for Bridge Inspection with Steel Defect Detection System
  • A Novel Robot with Rolling and Climbing Modes for Power Transmission Line Inspection

Engineering for Robotic Systems

Total of 16 papers

  • UAV-miniUGV Hybrid System for Hidden Area Exploration and Manipulation
  • Testing Service Robots in the Field: An Experience Report
  • Robot-Aided Microbial Density Estimation and Mapping
  • Shape and Motion Optimization of Rigid Planar Effectors for Contact Trajectory Satisfaction
  • Plate Harmonic Reducer with a Profiled Groove Wave Generator
  • Dual Pulley Drive: Single Actuator System with Adjustable Profile Overlapping Range in 2-DOF Assistance for Exosuits
  • Robot Thruster Control for Robust Adhesion Control on a Facade
  • Energy Saving of Actuator Via Integration of Variable Gravity Compensation Module
  • Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of a Hybrid Bionic Spherical Robotics with Multilegged Feedback Mechanism
  • Compact Strawberry Harvesting Tube Employing Laser Cutter
  • A Hierarchical Deliberative Architecture Framework Based on Goal Decomposition
  • Tasho: A Python Toolbox for Rapid Prototyping and Deployment of Optimal Control Problem-Based Complex Robot Motion Skills
  • Invariant-Based World Models for Robust Robotic Systems Demonstrated on an Autonomous Football Table
  • On-Device CPU Scheduling for Robot Systems
  • From Timing Variations to Performance Degradation: Understanding and Mitigating the Impact of Software Execution Timing in SLAM
  •  AI-Robotic Systems for Scientific Discovery -Role of Robotic Technologies

Computer Vision for Medical Robotics

Total of 15 papers

  • Automatic Laser Steering for Middle Ear Surgery
  • Characterization of Real-Time Haptic Feedback from Multimodal Neural Network-Based Force Estimates During Teleoperation
  • Sim-To-Real Transfer of Image-Based Autonomous Guidewire Navigation Trained by Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient with Behavior Cloning for Fast Learning
  • LapSeg3D: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds Representing Laparoscopic Scenes
  • Ego+X: An Egocentric Vision System for Global 3D Human Pose Estimation and Social Interaction Characterization
  • Tracking Monocular Camera Pose and Deformation for SLAM Inside the Human Body
  • Markerless Suture Needle 6D Pose Tracking with Robust Uncertainty Estimation for Autonomous Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery
  • Photometric Single-View Dense 3D Reconstruction in Endoscopy
  • Semi-Automatic Infrared Calibration for Augmented Reality Systems in Surgery
  • Autonomous Intraluminal Navigation of a Soft Robot Using Deep-Learning-Based Visual Servoing
  • Learning Laparoscope Actions Via Video Features for Proactive Robotic Field-Of-View Control
  • Distilled Visual and Robot Kinematics Embeddings for Metric Depth Estimation in Monocular Scene Reconstruction
  • Towards Robotic Ultrasound Catheter Tracking Based on Intermediate Ultrasound Representations for Endovascular Procedures
  • Pseudo-Label Guided Cross-Video Pixel Contrast for Robotic SurgicalScene Segmentation with Limited Annotations
  • Medical Ultrasound Image Quality Assessment for Autonomous Robotic Screening

Networked Robots

Total of 15 papers

  • Safety-Based Dynamic Task Offloading for Human-Robot Collaboration Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Smart Visual Beacons with Asynchronous Optical Communications Using Event Cameras
  • AFR: An Efficient Buffering Algorithm for Cloud Robotic Systems
  • Learning Important Regions Via Attention for Video Streaming on Cloud Robotics
  • On the Communication Channel in Bilateral Teleoperation: An Experimental Study for Ethernet, WiFi, LTE and 5G
  • Scalable Model-Based Policy Optimization for Decentralized Networked Systems
  • Keyframe Selection, Communication, and Prediction for Teleoperated Driving Systems
  • Asynchronous Real-Time Decentralized Multi-Robot Trajectory Planning
  • Collaborative Navigation-Aware Coverage in Feature-Poor Environments
  • Passive Multiuser Teleoperation of a Multirobot System with Connectivity-Preserving Containment (I)
  • A Framework for Optimized Topology Design and Leader Selection in Affine Formation Control
  • ACHORD: Communication-Aware Multi-Robot Coordination with Intermittent Connectivity
  • Robotic Parasitic Array Control for Increased RSS in Non-Line-Of-Sight
  • Modular Robot Networking: A Novel Schema and Its Performance Assessment
  • AB-Mapper: Attention and BicNet Based Multi-Agent Path Planning for Dynamic Environment

Search and Rescue Robots

Total of 15 papers

  • Toroidal Origami Monotrack: Mechanism to Realize Smooth Driving and Bending for Closed-Skin-Drive Robots
  • Towards Edible Drones for Rescue Missions: Design and Flight of Nutritional Wings
  • Robot-Assisted Nuclear Disaster Response: Report and Insights from a Field Exercise
  • Real-Time Distributed Multi-Robot Target Tracking Via Virtual Pheromones
  • Learning to Assess Danger from Movies for Cooperative Escape Planning in Hazardous Environments
  • Efficient Sampling-Based Planning for Subterranean Exploration
  • Obstacle-Aided Locomotion of a Snake Robot Using Piecewise Helixes
  • A Preliminary Research on an Angled Spoked Based Robot Running on a Granular Media
  • Ultra-Wide-Angle Stereo Vision System for Snake Robot: Sidewinder for Forward and Panoramic Vision Tasks
  • Outdoor Evaluation of Sound Source Localization for Drone Groups Using Microphone Arrays
  • WiSARD: A Labeled Visual and Thermal Image Dataset for Wilderness Search and Rescue
  • Adaptive Coverage Path Planning for Efficient Exploration of Unknown Environments
  • Anisotropic-Stiffness Belt in Mono Wheeled Flexible Track for Rough Terrain Locomotion
  • An In-Pipe Crawling Robot Based on Tensegrity Structures
  • Multi-AGV's Temporal Memory-Based RRT Exploration in Unknown Environment

Surgical Robotics: Laparoscopy

Total of 15 papers

  • Towards Autonomous Control of Surgical Instruments Using Adaptive-Fusion Tracking and Robot Self-Calibration
  • LapSeg3D: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds Representing Laparoscopic Scenes
  • Design, Teleoperation Control and Experimental Validation of a Dexterous Robotic Flexible Endoscope for Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Optimization of Surgical Robotic Instrument Mounting in a Macro-Micro Manipulator Setup for Improving Task Execution (I)
  • Comparing Human Haptic Perception and Robotic Force/Torque Sensing in a Simulated Surgical Palpation Task
  • Recognition and Prediction of Surgical Gestures and Trajectories Using Transformer Models in Robot-Assisted Surgery
  • Autonomous Laparoscope Control for Minimally Invasive Surgery with Intuition and RCM Constraints
  • Learning Laparoscope Actions Via Video Features for Proactive Robotic Field-Of-View Control
  • A Surgical Robot for Intracorporeal Additive Manufacturing of Tissue Engineering Constructs
  • Automatic Keyframe Detection for Critical Actions from the Experience of Expert Surgeons
  • Localization of Interaction Using Fibre-Optic Shape Sensing in Soft-Robotic Surgery Tools
  • Accurate Pose Estimation for Comanipulation Robotic Surgery
  • Distilled Visual and Robot Kinematics Embeddings for Metric Depth Estimation in Monocular Scene Reconstruction
  • A New Power Law Linking the Speed to the Geometry of Tool-Tip Orientation in Teleoperation of a Robot-Assisted Surgical System
  • Pseudo-Label Guided Cross-Video Pixel Contrast for Robotic SurgicalScene Segmentation with Limited Annotations

Whole-Body Motion Planning and Control

Total of 15 papers

  • Three-Dimensional Dynamic Running with a Point-Foot Biped Based on Differentially Flat SLIP
  • Articulated Object Interaction in Unknown Scenes with Whole-Body Mobile Manipulation
  • Haptic Teleoperation of High-Dimensional Robotic Systems Using a Feedback MPC Framework
  • Watch Me Calibrate My Force-Sensing Shoes!
  • A Whole-Body Controller Based on a Simplified Template for Rendering Impedances in Quadruped Manipulators
  • Real-Time Trajectory Planning for Aerial Perching
  • Whole-Body Control with Motion/Force Transmissibility for Parallel-Legged Robot
  • Recursive Hierarchical Projection for Whole-Body Control with Task Priority Transition
  • Momentum-Aware Trajectory Optimization and Control for Agile Quadrupedal Locomotion
  • An Optimal Motion Planning Framework for Quadruped Jumping
  • Analytical Second-Order Partial Derivatives of Rigid-Body Inverse Dynamics
  • Automatic Tuning and Selection of Whole-Body Controllers
  • Centroidal Trajectory Generation and Stabilization Based on Preview Control for Humanoid Multi-Contact Motion
  • Constrained Differential Dynamic Programming: A Primal-Dual Augmented Lagrangian Approach
  • Improved Task Space Locomotion Controller for a Quadruped Robot with Parallel Mechanisms

Contact Modeling

Total of 14 papers

  • Autonomous Tactile Localization and Mapping of Objects Buried in Granular Materials
  • Learning Suction Cup Dynamics from Motion Capture: Accurate Prediction of an Object's Vertical Motion During Release
  • Validating Robotics Simulators on Real-World Impacts
  • Velocity Level Approximation of Pressure Field Contact Patches
  • Visual Pressure Estimation and Control for Soft Robotic Grippers
  • Environmental Interaction with Continuum Robots Exploiting Impact
  • Tactile-Guided Dynamic Object Planar Manipulation
  • Stabilization of Tangent and Normal Contact Forces for a Quadrotor Subject to Disturbances
  • The Uncertainty Aware Salted Kalman Filter: State Estimation for Hybrid Systems with Uncertain Guards
  • Contact-Implicit Trajectory Optimization with Hydroelastic Contact and ILQR
  • Soft Tactile Contour Following for Robot-Assisted Wiping and Bathing
  • A General Method for Autonomous Assembly of Arbitrary Parts in the Presence of Uncertainty
  • Analytical Modeling of a Membrane-Based Pneumatic Soft Gripper
  • Probabilistic Approach to Online Stiffness Estimation for Robotic Tasks

Control Architectures and Programming

Total of 14 papers

  • Side-Pull Maneuver: A Novel Control Strategy for Dragging a Cable-Tethered Load of Unknown Weight Using a UAV
  • Controller Design of a Robotic Assistant for the Transport of Large and Fragile Objects
  • Trajectory Optimization and Following for a Three Degrees of Freedom Overactuated Floating Platform
  • GPU-Parallelized Iterative LQR with Input Constraints for Fast Collision Avoidance of Autonomous Vehicles
  • A Configurable Skill Oriented Architecture Based on OPC UA
  • Locally Optimal Estimation and Control of Cable Driven Parallel Robots Using Time Varying Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control
  • Analysis of Hybrid Cable-Thruster Actuated ROV in Heavy Lifting Interventions
  • Multi-Level Task Learning Based on Intention and Constraint Inference for Autonomous Robotic Manipulation
  • A Skill Programming Environment for Industrial Robots
  • A Hierarchical Deliberative Architecture Framework Based on Goal Decomposition
  • Cloud-Edge Training Architecture for Sim-To-Real Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Containerization and Orchestration of Software for Autonomous Mobile Robots: A Case Study of Mixed-Criticality Tasks across Edge-Cloud Computing Platforms
  • Behavior-Tree Embeddings for Robot Task-Level Knowledge
  • Adaptive Sequential Composition for Robot Behaviours

Design and Human Factors

Total of 14 papers

  • You Are in My Way: Non-Verbal Social Cues for Legible Robot Navigation Behaviors
  • Analysis of Human Gaze Behavior in Conversation While Walking: Toward Application to Mobile Social Robots
  • Foot-Operated Tele-Impedance Interface for Robot Manipulation Tasks in Interaction with Unpredictable Environments
  • A Robot Factors Approach to Designing Modular Hardware
  • Towards Reproducible Evaluations for Flying Drone Controllers in Virtual Environments
  • Learning with Yourself: A Tangible Twin Robot System to Promote STEM Education
  • Design Interface Mapping for Efficient Free-Form Tele-Manipulation
  • Quantifying Demonstration Quality for Robot Learning and Generalization
  • Should a Robot Follow Social Norms? Human-Robot Interaction Design for Social Relations in Mixed Age Group
  • A Personable Robot: A Meta-Analysis of Robot Personality and Human Acceptance
  • A Novel Wire-Driven 3D Eyebrow Design for Communication with Humanoid Robot ICub
  • Robust Design of a Rope Ascender for High Repeatability
  • Predicting Visual Differentiability for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Gestures
  • Biomechanical Design Optimization of Passive Exoskeletons through Surrogate Modeling on Industrial Activity Data

Methods and Tools for Robot System Design

Total of 14 papers

  • Efficient Concurrent Design of the Morphology of Unmanned Aerial Systems and Their Collective-Search Behavior
  • Shape and Motion Optimization of Rigid Planar Effectors for Contact Trajectory Satisfaction
  • Co-Optimization of Acrobot Design and Controller for Increased Certifiable Stability
  • Design and Characterization of 3D Printed, Open-Source Actuators for Legged Locomotion
  • Geometric Savitzky-Golay Filtering of Noisy Rotations on SO(3) with Simultaneous Angular Velocity and Acceleration Estimation
  • HiddenGems: Efficient Safety Boundary Detection with Active Learning
  • Designing Underactuated Graspers with Dynamically Variable Geometry Using Potential Energy Map Based Analysis
  • Multi-Objective Geometric Optimization of a Multi-Link Manipulator Using Parameterized Design Method
  • SonifyIt: Towards Transformative Sound for All Robots
  • A Framework for Robot Self-Assessment of Expected Task Performance
  • A System for Imitation Learning of Contact-Rich Bimanual Manipulation Policies
  • Automatic Co-Design of Aerial Robots Using a Graph Grammar
  • On-Device CPU Scheduling for Robot Systems
  • Feasible Wrench Set Computation for Legged Robots

Physically Assistive Devices

Total of 14 papers

  • Development of a Cable-Driven Growing Sling to Assist Patient Transfer
  • In-Hand Admittance Controller for a Robotic Assistive Walker Based on Tactile Grasping Feedback
  • A Centaur System for Assisting Human Walking with Load Carriage
  • Hand Gesture Recognition Via Transient sEMG Using Transfer Learning of Dilated Efficient CapsNet: Towards Generalization for Neurorobotics
  • Deep Augmentation for Electrode Shift Compensation in Transient High-Density sEMG: Towards Application in Neurorobotics
  • Soft Tactile Contour Following for Robot-Assisted Wiping and Bathing
  • 2-DOF Power Assist Suit for Lower Back Twisting Motion: Tornade
  • Design of a Wire-Driven Actuator with Quasi-Direct Drive for a Compact, High-Bandwidth Exosuit
  • Kinematics-Based Adaptive Assistance of a Semi-Passive Upper-Limb Exoskeleton for Workers in Static and Dynamic Tasks
  • Visual Haptic Reasoning: Estimating Contact Forces by Observing Deformable Object Interactions
  • An Observer-Based Responsive Variable Impedance Control for Dual–User Haptic Training System
  • Learning from Demonstration Using a Curvature Regularized Variational Auto-Encoder (CurvVAE)
  • Experimental Assessment of a Control Strategy for Locomotion Assistance Relying on Simplified Motor Primitives
  • Understanding Modulation of Ankle Stiffness During Stance Phase of Walking on Different Environments and Its Implications for the Design of Impedance Controllers

Redundant Robots

Total of 14 papers

  • A Distributed Coach-Based Reinforcement Learning Controller for Snake Robot Locomotion
  • Planar Multi-Closed-Loop Hyper-Redundant Manipulator Using Extendable Tape Springs: Design, Modeling, and Experiments
  • Kinematic Control of Redundant Robots with Online Handling of Variable Generalized Hard Constraints
  • Augmented Neural Network for Full Robot Kinematic Modelling in SE(3)
  • Development of Pneumatically Driven Tensegrity Manipulator without Mechanical Springs
  • End-Point Stiffness and Joint Viscosity Control of Musculoskeletal Robotic Arm Using Muscle Redundancy
  • Manipulability-Aware Shared Locomanipulation Motion Generation for Teleoperation of Mobile Manipulators
  • Shaping Impedances to Comply with Constrained Task Dynamics (I)
  • 1 Billion Redundant Manipulator Solutions for Systematic Goal Selection During Path Planning Tasks in Confined Spaces
  • IKFlow: Generating Diverse Inverse Kinematics Solutions
  • The Predictive Kinematic Control Tree: Enhancing Teleoperation of Redundant Robots through Probabilistic User Models
  • Maximizing the Probability of Task Completion for Redundant Robots Experiencing Locked Joint Failures (I)
  • A Methodology for Designing a Lightweight and Energy-Efficient Kinematically Redundant Actuator
  • An Optimal Dynamic Control Method for Manipulators with Virtual Links

Underactuated Robots

Total of 14 papers

  • Three-Dimensional Dynamic Running with a Point-Foot Biped Based on Differentially Flat SLIP
  • Co-Optimization of Acrobot Design and Controller for Increased Certifiable Stability
  • BRL/Pisa/IIT SoftHand: A Low-Cost, 3D-Printed, Underactuated, Tendon-Driven Hand with Soft and Adaptive Synergies
  • A New General Approach for Model-Based Control of Underactuated AUV Based on Kinematic Coupling
  • The Wheelbot: A Jumping Reaction Wheel Unicycle
  • Multi-Axis Reorientation of a Free-Falling Omnidirectional Wheeled Robot
  • Steady-State Manifold of Riderless Motorcycles
  • Designing Underactuated Graspers with Dynamically Variable Geometry Using Potential Energy Map Based Analysis
  • Elongatable Gripper Fingers with Integrated Stretchable Tactile Sensors for Underactuated Grasping and Dexterous Manipulation (I)
  • Uniform Global Exponential Stabilizing Passivity-Based Tracking Controller Applied to Planar Biped Robots
  • Experimental Demonstration of a General Balancing Controller on an Untethered Planar Inverted Double Pendulum
  • Optimal Gait Families Using Lagrange Multiplier Method
  • Spatial Reorientation Control of an Underactuated Hybrid Tail-Wheel Robot Using Quadratic Programming
  • Improved Performance of CPG Parameter Inference for Path-Following Control of Legged Robots

Bioinspired Robot Learning

Total of 13 papers

  • Playful Interactions for Representation Learning
  • Bio-Inspired Reflex System for Learning Visual Information for Resilient Robotic Manipulation
  • LaneSNNs: Spiking Neural Networks for Lane Detection on the Loihi Neuromorphic Processor
  • Learning to Climb: Constrained Contextual Bayesian Optimisation on a Multi-Modal Legged Robot
  • Learning of Balance Controller Considering Changes in Body State for Musculoskeletal Humanoids
  • Training Dynamic Motion Primitives Using Deep Reinforcement Learning to Control a Robotic Tadpole
  • ANN-Based Optimization of Human Gait Data Obtained from a Robot-Mounted 3D Camera: A Multiple Sclerosis Case Study
  • A Motion Generation Strategy of Robotic Rat Using Imitation Learning for Behavioral Interaction
  • Learning from Demonstration Based on Environmental Constraints
  • Reactive Neural Path Planning with Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance in a Condensed Configuration Space
  • Deep Active Visual Attention for Real-Time Robot Motion Generation: Emergence of Tool-Body Assimilation and Adaptive Tool-Use
  • A Biologically-Inspired Simultaneous Localization and Mapping System Based on LiDAR Sensor
  • Sim2Real for Soft Robotic Fish Via Differentiable Simulation

Computational Geometry

Total of 13 papers

  • Incremental Path Planning Algorithm Via Topological Mapping with Metric Gluing
  • Computation and Selection of Secure Gravity Based Caging Grasps of Planar Objects
  • Impedance Control on Arbitrary Surfaces for Ultrasound Scanning Using Discrete Differential Geometry
  • CGLR: Dense Multi-Agent Navigation Using Voronoi Cells and Congestion Metric-Based Replanning
  • Accurate Edge Detection for Robotic Welding through Tactile Exploration
  • Connected Reconfiguration of Polyominoes Amid Obstacles Using RRT*
  • Hierarchical Planning with Annotated Skeleton Guidance
  • Prioritized Safe Interval Path Planning for Multi-Agent Pathfinding with Continuous Time on 2D Roadmaps
  • Physically Consistent Lie Group Mesh Models for Robot Design and Motion Co-Optimization
  • Visibility-Inspired Models of Touch Sensors for Navigation
  • Collision Detection for Unions of Convex Bodies with Smooth Boundaries Using Closed-Form Contact Space Parameterization
  • Obstacle Aware Sampling for Path Planning
  • Graph Embedding for Multi-Robot Path Planning in Complex Environments

Computer Vision for Manufacturing

Total of 13 papers

  • Design and Experiments of Snake Robots with Docking Function
  • Robotic Depowdering for Additive Manufacturing Via Pose Tracking
  • A Multi-Granularity Scene Segmentation Network for Human-Robot Collaboration Environment Perception
  • Image Translation Based Synthetic Data Generation for Industrial Object Detection and Pose Estimation
  • Reconstructed Student-Teacher and Discriminative Networks for Anomaly Detection
  • AssembleRL: Learning to Assemble Furniture from Their Point Clouds
  • FASTDLO: Fast Deformable Linear Objects Instance Segmentation
  • View Planning for Object Pose Estimation Using Point Clouds: An Active Robot Perception Approach
  • Micro-Scale Defect Detection with Deep Learning on Embedded Visual Inspection Systems
  • Voting and Attention-Based Pose Relation Learning for Object Pose Estimation from 3D Point Clouds
  • ReINView: Re-Interpreting Views for Multi-View 3D Object Recognition
  • GoferBot: A Visual Guided Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly System
  • Robot Companion, an Intelligent Interactive Robot Coworker for the Industry 5.0

Dexterous Manipulation

Total of 13 papers

  • A PZT-Driven 6-DOF High-Speed Micromanipulator for Circular Vibration Simulation and Whirling Flow Generation
  • A Hierarchical Framework for Long Horizon Planning of Object-Contact Trajectories
  • Quasistatic Contact-Rich Manipulation Via Linear Complementarity Quadratic Programming
  • Goal-Driven Robotic Pushing Using Tactile and Proprioceptive Feedback (I)
  • Task-Oriented Contact Optimization for Pushing Manipulation with Mobile Robots
  • Learning Scheme Based on Bayesian Optimization for Throwing Manipulation with Stochastic Noise
  • Dual Arm Manipulation Strategy of Flexible Cables for the Wiring Harness Assembly Automation
  • Optimal Nonprehensile Interception Strategy for Objects in Flight
  • Extrinsic Dexterous Manipulation with a Direct-Drive Hand: A Case Study
  • Challenges and Outlook in Robotic Manipulation of Deformable Objects (I)
  • Safety Compliant Control for Robotic Manipulator with Task and Input Constraints
  • From One Hand to Multiple Hands: Imitation Learning for Dexterous Manipulation from Single-Camera Teleoperation
  • Variable Friction Based In-Hand Manipulation of Fabrics Applied to Unfolding Operations

Hydraulic/Pneumatic Actuators

Total of 13 papers

  • Nonlinear Model Learning for Compensation and Feed-Forward Control of Real-World Hydraulic Actuators Using Gaussian Processes
  • Deformation-Driven Closed-Chain Soft Mobile Robot Aimed for Rolling and Climbing Locomotion
  • Performance Evaluation for Braided McKibben Pneumatic Actuators in Telescopic Nested Structure
  • Energy-Efficient Tunable-Stiffness Soft Robots Using Second Moment of Area Actuation
  • Locomotion Via Active Suction in a Sea Star-Inspired Soft Robot
  • A Soft Fluidic Sensor-Actuator for Active Sensing of Force and Displacement in Biomedical Applications
  • Development of a 6 DOF Soft Robotic Manipulator with Integrated Sensing Skin
  • Experimental Study on Impact Resistance of Multi-DOF Electro-Hydrostatic Robot Systems Using Hydracer, a 6DOF Arm
  • Soil-Adaptive Excavation Using Reinforcement Learning
  • A Soft Fabric-Based Shrink-To-Fit Pneumatic Sleeve for Comfortable Limb Assistance
  • Reconfigurable Self-Sensing Pneumatic Artificial Muscle with Locking Ability Based on Modular Multi-Chamber Soft Actuator
  • Towards Accurate Modeling of Modular Soft Pneumatic Robots: From Volume FEM to Cosserat Rod
  • Torque Control of Hydraulic Pressure Servo Valve Driven Actuator with Deep Neural Network

Intention Recognition

Total of 13 papers

  • Intuitive & Efficient Human-Robot Collaboration Via Real-Time Approximate Bayesian Inference
  • Dynamic Network Model for Multi-Domain End-To-End Task-Oriented Dialogue System
  • Intention Estimation from Gaze and Motion Features for Human-Robot Shared-Control Object Manipulation
  • Disentangled Sequence Clustering for Human Intention Inference
  • Personalized Estimation of Intended Gait Speed for Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Users Via Data Augmentation Using Mutual Information
  • Flash: Fast and Light Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving with Bayesian Inverse Planning and Learned Motion Profiles
  • MPC-PF: Social Interaction Aware Trajectory Prediction of Dynamic Objects for Autonomous Driving Using Potential Fields
  • Optimization of Forcemyography Sensor Placement for Arm Movement Recognition
  • Pedestrian Intention Prediction Based on Traffic-Aware Scene Graph Model
  • Social-PatteRNN: Socially-Aware Trajectory Prediction Guided by Motion Patterns
  • TIP: Task-Informed Motion Prediction for Intelligent Vehicles
  • An Intention Prediction Based Shared Control System for Point-To-Point Navigation of a Robotic Wheelchair
  • A Novel Method for Detecting Misclassifications of the Locomotion Mode in Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Robot Control

Multifingered Hands

Total of 13 papers

  • Multi-Finger Grasping Like Humans
  • EfficientGrasp: A Unified Data-Efficient Learning to Grasp Method for Multi-Fingered Robot Hands
  • BRL/Pisa/IIT SoftHand: A Low-Cost, 3D-Printed, Underactuated, Tendon-Driven Hand with Soft and Adaptive Synergies
  • Manipulator Equipped with Differential Wrist Mechanism to Combine the Torque of Two Motors to Increase Fingertip Force and Wrist Torque
  • Grasping Strategy for Unknown Objects Based on Real-Time Grasp-Stability Evaluation Using Proximity Sensing
  • End-To-End from Human Hand Synergies to Robot Hand Tendon Routing
  • GTac-Gripper: A Reconfigurable Under-Actuated Four-Fingered Robotic Gripper with Tactile Sensing
  • Elongatable Gripper Fingers with Integrated Stretchable Tactile Sensors for Underactuated Grasping and Dexterous Manipulation (I)
  • A Two-Stage Learning Architecture That Generates High-Quality Grasps for a Multi-Fingered Hand
  • SEMG-Based Minimally Supervised Regression Using Soft-DTW Neural Networks for Robot Hand Grasping Control
  • Leveraging Publicly Available Textual Object Descriptions for Anthropomorphic Robotic Grasp Predictions
  • The Role of Tactile Sensing in Learning and Deploying Grasp Refinement Algorithms
  • Multi-Finger Tactile Servoing for Grasping Adjustment under Partial Observation

Parallel Robots

Total of 13 papers

  • A 5-DOFs Robot for Posterior Segment Eye Microsurgery
  • Experimental Study of the Mechanical Properties of a Spherical Parallel Link Mechanism with Arc Prismatic Pairs
  • Fold-Based Complex Joints for a 3 DoF 3R Parallel Robot Design
  • A 4-DoF Parallel Robot with a Built-In Gripper for Waste Sorting
  • Adjustable Lever Mechanism with Double Parallel Link Platforms for Robotic Limbs
  • Modular and Hybrid Numerical-Analytical Approach - a Case Study on Improving Computational Efficiency for Series-Parallel Hybrid Robots
  • Kinematics-Inertial Fusion for Localization of a 4-Cable Underactuated Suspended Robot Considering Cable Sag
  • Data-Driven Kinematic Control Scheme for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots Allowing Collisions
  • An All-In-One Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with Flexible Workspace and Its Auto-Calibration Method
  • On a Balanced Delta Robot for Precise Aerial Manipulation: Implementation, Testing, and Lessons for Future Designs
  • Locally Optimal Estimation and Control of Cable Driven Parallel Robots Using Time Varying Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control
  • Whole-Body Control with Motion/Force Transmissibility for Parallel-Legged Robot
  • Improved Task Space Locomotion Controller for a Quadruped Robot with Parallel Mechanisms

Robotics in Hazardous Fields

Total of 13 papers

  • Unmanned Aircraft System-Based Radiological Mapping of Buildings
  • Valve Turning Work Utilizing a Multirotor Aerial Robot with Add-On Thrust Vectoring Device
  • Detail-Guided Image Enhancement for Underwater Robot Vision
  • Robot Vitals and Robot Health: Towards Systematically Quantifying Runtime Performance Degradation in Robots under Adverse Conditions
  • Robot-Assisted Nuclear Disaster Response: Report and Insights from a Field Exercise
  • Analysis of Hybrid Cable-Thruster Actuated ROV in Heavy Lifting Interventions
  • Optimization Strategies for Bayesian Source Localization Algorithms (I)
  • FIG-OP: Exploring Large-Scale Unknown Environments on a Fixed Time Budget
  • Multi-Task Scheduling with the A* Algorithm for Antarctic Development and Exploration
  • 1 Billion Redundant Manipulator Solutions for Systematic Goal Selection During Path Planning Tasks in Confined Spaces
  • Scalable Probabilistic Gas Distribution Mapping Using Gaussian Belief Propagation
  • Autonomous Service Robots for Urban Waste Management - Multiagent Route Planning and Cooperative Operation
  • Artificial Learning for Part Identification in Robotic Disassembly through Automatic Rule Generation in an Ontology (I)

Agricultural Automation

Total of 12 papers

  • Modeling and Control of Multi-UAV System for Tributary Mapping Based on Hybrid Automata
  • Posture Estimation from Crop Lines for Night Planting Robot Using a Single Camera with Night Vision Mode
  • An Origami-Inspired Suction Cup of Robotic Gripper for Autonomous Cucumber Harvesting
  • P-AgBot: In-Row & Under-Canopy Agricultural Robot for Monitoring and Physical Sampling
  • Towards Autonomous Visual Navigation in Arable Fields
  • Automated Fruit Quality Testing Using an Electrical Impedance Tomography-Enabled Soft Robotic Gripper
  • Near Real-Time Vineyard Downy Mildew Detection and Severity Estimation
  • View Planning Using Discrete Optimization for 3D Reconstruction of Row Crops
  • BonnBot-I: A Precise Weed Management and Crop Monitoring Platform
  • An Integrated Actuation-Perception Framework for Robotic Leaf Retrieval: Detection, Localization, and Cutting
  • Algorithm Design and Integration for a Robotic Apple Harvesting System
  • Beyond mAP: Towards Practical Object Detection for Weed Spraying in Precision Agriculture


Total of 12 papers

  • On-Chip Fabrication of Micro-Chain Robot with Selective Magnetization Using Magnetically Guided Arraying Microfluidic Devices
  • Uncertainty-Aware Manipulation Planning Using Gravity and Environment Geometry
  • AssembleRL: Learning to Assemble Furniture from Their Point Clouds
  • Planning to Build Block Structures with Unstable Intermediate States Using Two Manipulators (I)
  • Decay-Based Error Correction in Collective Robotic Construction
  • 6D Robotic Assembly Based on RGB-Only Object Pose Estimation
  • A Flexible and Robust Vision Trap for Automated Part Feeder Design
  • On CAD Informed Adaptive Robotic Assembly
  • Graph-Based Reinforcement Learning Meets Mixed Integer Programs: An Application to 3D Robot Assembly Discovery
  • Assembly Planning from Observations under Physical Constraints
  • A Hierarchical Finite-State Machine-Based Task Allocation Framework for Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly Tasks
  • Self-Stabilizing Self-Assembly

Environment Monitoring and Management

Total of 12 papers

  • GaSLAM: An Algorithm for Simultaneous Gas Source Localization and Gas Distribution Mapping in 3D
  • Frequency-Based Wind Gust Estimation for Quadrotors Using a Nonlinear Disturbance Observer
  • Hand-Crafted Features for Floating Plastic Detection
  • Dual-Camera High Magnification Surveillance System with Non-Delay Gaze Control and Always-In-Focus Function in Indoor Scenes
  • Point Label Aware Superpixels for Multi-Species Segmentation of Underwater Imagery
  • Mapping of Spatiotemporal Scalar Fields by Mobile Robots Using Gaussian Process Regression
  • Informative Path Planning to Estimate Quantiles for Environmental Analysis
  • Adaptive Sampling of Latent Phenomena Using Heterogeneous Robot Teams (ASLaP-HR)
  • Energy-Efficient Orienteering Problem in the Presence of Ocean Currents
  • Near Real-Time Vineyard Downy Mildew Detection and Severity Estimation
  • Scalable Probabilistic Gas Distribution Mapping Using Gaussian Belief Propagation
  • Dynamic Compressed Sensing of Unsteady Flows with a Mobile Robot

Force Control

Total of 12 papers

  • A Null-Space Based Approach for a Safe and Effective Human-Robot Collaboration
  • 3D Visual-Based Tension Control in Strip-Like Deformable Objects Using a Catenary Model
  • Power-Based Safety Layer for Aerial Vehicles in Physical Interaction Using Lyapunov Exponents
  • SEED: Series Elastic End Effectors in 6D for Visuotactile Tool Use
  • Adaptive Tank-Based Control for Aerial Physical Interaction with Uncertain Dynamic Environments Using Energy-Task Estimation
  • Stabilization of Tangent and Normal Contact Forces for a Quadrotor Subject to Disturbances
  • Balancing Control and Pose Optimization for Wheel-Legged Robots Navigating High Obstacles
  • Feel the Tension: Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects in Environments with Fixtures Using Force Information
  • A Comparative Study of Force Observers for Accurate Force Control of Multisensor-Based Force Controlled Motion Systems
  • Bio-Inspired Grasping Controller for Sensorized 2-DoF Grippers
  • Introducing Force Feedback in Model Predictive Control
  • Torque Control of Hydraulic Pressure Servo Valve Driven Actuator with Deep Neural Network

Human Detection and Tracking

Total of 12 papers

  • Real-Time Hybrid Mapping of Populated Indoor Scenes Using a Low-Cost Monocular UAV
  • PIMNet: Physics-Infused Neural Network for Human Motion Prediction
  • Self-Supervised Learning for Multiple Object Tracking in 3D Point Clouds
  • 3D Human Pose Estimation in Weightless Environments Using a Fisheye Camera
  • 2D vs. 3D LiDAR-Based Person Detection on Mobile Robots
  • Understanding Spatio-Temporal Relations in Human-Object Interaction Using Pyramid Graph Convolutional Network
  • Koopman Pose Predictions for Temporally Consistent Human Walking Estimations
  • Detecting Touch and Grasp Gestures Using a Wrist-Worn Optical and Inertial Sensing Network
  • Timestamp-Supervised Action Segmentation with Graph Convolutional Networks
  • Watch Out! There May Be a Human. Addressing Invisible Humans in Social Navigation
  • Motion Tracking Smart Work Suit with a Modular Joint Angle Sensor Using Screw Routing
  • Sequential Thermal Image-Based Adult and Baby Detection Robust to Thermal Residual Heat Marks

Human Performance Augmentation

Total of 12 papers

  • Sensorimotor Control Sharing with Vibrotactile Feedback for Body Integration through Avatar Robot
  • Stabilization Mechanism for Shoulder Mounted Supernumerary Robotic Limb
  • Metabolic Efficiency Improvement of Human Walking by Shoulder Stress Reduction through Load Transfer Backpack
  • A Centaur System for Assisting Human Walking with Load Carriage
  • Construction of a Simulator to Reproduce the Changes of Running by Motion Strategy with Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum Model
  • Semi-Automatic Infrared Calibration for Augmented Reality Systems in Surgery
  • Design of a Soft Wearable Passive Fitness Device for Upper Limb Resistance Exercise
  • An Impedance-Controlled Testbed for Simulating Variations in the Mechanical Fit of Wearable Devices
  • Ring-Pull Type Soft Wearable Robotic Glove for Hand Strength Assistance
  • Kinematics-Based Adaptive Assistance of a Semi-Passive Upper-Limb Exoskeleton for Workers in Static and Dynamic Tasks
  • Direction-Aware Adaptive Online Neural Speech Enhancement with an Augmented Reality Headset in Real Noisy Conversational Environments
  • A Piecewise Monotonic Smooth Phase Variable for Speed-Adaptation Control of Powered Knee-Ankle Prostheses

Multi-Modal Perception for HRI

Total of 12 papers

  • Interactive Reinforcement Learning with Bayesian Fusion of Multimodal Advice
  • Reshaping Robot Trajectories Using Natural Language Commands: A Study of Multi-Modal Data Alignment Using Transformers
  •  Responsible & Empathetic Human Robot Interactions
  • Perceive, Represent, Generate: Translating Multimodal Information to Robotic Motion Trajectories
  • Learning to Act with Affordance-Aware Multimodal Neural SLAM
  • Learning to Assess Danger from Movies for Cooperative Escape Planning in Hazardous Environments
  • Following Natural Language Instructions for Household Tasks with Landmark Guided Search and Reinforced Pose Adjustment
  • A Novel Perceptive Robotic Cane with Haptic Navigation for Enabling Vision-Independent Participation in the Social Dynamics of Seat Choice
  • COSM2IC: Optimizing Real-Time Multi-Modal Instruction Comprehension
  • Multimodal Generation of Novel Action Appearances for Synthetic-To-Real Recognition of Activities of Daily Living
  • Driving Anomaly Detection Using Contrastive Multiview Coding to Interpret Cause of Anomaly
  • Grounding Commands for Autonomous Vehicles Via Layer Fusion with Region-Specific Dynamic Layer Attention

Perception-Action Coupling

Total of 12 papers

  • Self-Supervised Wide Baseline Visual Servoing Via 3D Equivariance
  • Embodied Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation Via Informative Path Planning
  • One Object at a Time: Accurate and Robust Structure from Motion for Robots
  • Drift Reduced Navigation with Deep Explainable Features
  • Learning Closed-Loop Dough Manipulation Using a Differentiable Reset Module
  • Learning from Demonstration Based on Environmental Constraints
  • A General Method for Autonomous Assembly of Arbitrary Parts in the Presence of Uncertainty
  • Fast and Safe Exploration Via Adaptive Semantic Perception in Outdoor Environments
  • Multiscale Sensor Fusion and Continuous Control with Neural CDEs
  • Deep Active Visual Attention for Real-Time Robot Motion Generation: Emergence of Tool-Body Assimilation and Adaptive Tool-Use
  • Active Mapping Via Gradient Ascent Optimization of Shannon Mutual Information Over Continuous SE(3) Trajectories
  • Robot Task Learning with Motor Babbling Using Pseudo Rehearsal

Behavior-Based Systems

Total of 11 papers

  • Leveraging Multi-Level Modelling to Automatically Design Behavioral Arbitrators in Robotic Controllers
  • Sociable and Ergonomic Human-Robot Collaboration through Action Recognition and Augmented Hierarchical Quadratic Programming
  • Impressionist Algorithms for Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems: Flocking As a Case Study
  • Behaviour Learning with Adaptive Motif Discovery and Interacting Multiple Model
  • BOBCAT: Behaviors, Objectives and Binary States for Coordinated Autonomous Tasks
  • HGCN-GJS: Hierarchical Graph Convolutional Network with Groupwise Joint Sampling for Trajectory Prediction
  • Generalizability Analysis of Graph-Based Trajectory Predictor with Vectorized Representation
  • CreativeBot: A Creative Storyteller Agent Developed by Leveraging Pre-Trained Language Models
  • Adaptive Sequential Composition for Robot Behaviours
  • Collective Conditioned Reflex: A Bio-Inspired Fast Emergency Reaction Mechanism for Designing Safe Multi-Robot Systems
  • FC3: Feasibility-Based Control Chain Coordination

Data Sets for Robot Learning

Total of 11 papers

  • CALVIN: A Benchmark for Language-Conditioned Policy Learning for Long-Horizon Robot Manipulation Tasks
  • PoseIt: A Visual-Tactile Dataset of Holding Poses for Grasp Stability Analysis
  • OdomBeyondVision: An Indoor Multi-Modal Multi-Platform Odometry Dataset Beyond the Visible Spectrum
  • OverlapTransformer: An Efficient and Yaw-Angle-Invariant Transformer Network for LiDAR-Based Place Recognition
  • Leveraging Publicly Available Textual Object Descriptions for Anthropomorphic Robotic Grasp Predictions
  • Predicting Fruit-Pick Success Using a Grasp Classifier Trained on a Physical Proxy
  • A Dataset and Benchmark for Learning the Kinematics of Concentric Tube Continuum Robots
  • Socially CompliAnt Navigation Dataset (SCAND): A Large-Scale Dataset of Demonstrations for Social Navigation
  • SOCIALGYM: A Framework for Benchmarking Social Robot Navigation
  • Realism Assessment for Synthetic Images in Robot Vision through Performance Characterization
  • Towards Defensive Autonomous Driving: Collecting and Probing Driving Demonstrations of Mixed Qualities

Dual Arm Manipulation

Total of 11 papers

  • SpeedFolding: Learning Efficient Bimanual Folding of Garments
  • Design and Evaluation of the Infant Cardiac Robotic Surgical System (iCROSS)
  • Dual Arm Manipulation Strategy of Flexible Cables for the Wiring Harness Assembly Automation
  • Simultaneous Contact Location and Object Pose Estimation Using Proprioception and Tactile Feedback
  • Development and Control of Robot Hand with Finger Camera for Garment Handling Tasks
  • On CAD Informed Adaptive Robotic Assembly
  • Consensus-Based Normalizing-Flow Control: A Case Study in Learning Dual-Arm Coordination
  • Toward Efficient Task Planning for Dual-Arm Tabletop Object Rearrangement
  • Cooperative Object Manipulation under Signal Temporal Logic Tasks and Uncertain Dynamics
  • Tactile Feedback Enabling In-Hand Pivoting and Internal Force Control for Dual-Arm Cooperative Object Carrying
  • DA^2 Dataset: Toward Dexterity-Aware Dual-Arm Grasping

Integrated Planning and Learning

Total of 11 papers

  • Embodied Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation Via Informative Path Planning
  • Learning to Act with Affordance-Aware Multimodal Neural SLAM
  • Accelerated Reinforcement Learning for Temporal Logic Control Objectives
  • Generalizable Task Planning through Representation Pretraining
  • This Is the Way: Differential Bayesian Filtering for Agile Trajectory Synthesis
  • Self-Supervised Reinforcement Learning for Active Object Detection
  • Risk-Sensitive MPCs with Deep Distributional Inverse RL for Autonomous Driving
  • Fast and Compute-Efficient Sampling-Based Local Exploration Planning Via Distribution Learning
  • Hierarchical Planning through Goal-Conditioned Offline Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning Minimum Time Flight in Cluttered Environments
  • Auto-Tuning of Controller and Online Trajectory Planner for Legged Robots

Agent-Based Systems

Total of 10 papers

  • Systematic Evaluation and Analysis on Hybrid Strategies of Automatic Agent Last Mile Delivery
  • B-GAP: Behavior-Rich Simulation and Navigation for Autonomous Driving
  •  Toward Scalable Autonomy
  • AFR: An Efficient Buffering Algorithm for Cloud Robotic Systems
  • Collective Decision Making in Communication-Constrained Environments
  • Transferring Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Policies for Autonomous Driving Using Sim-To-Real
  • Backward Imitation and Forward Reinforcement Learning Via Bi-Directional Model Rollouts
  • MPC-PF: Social Interaction Aware Trajectory Prediction of Dynamic Objects for Autonomous Driving Using Potential Fields
  • Interventional Behavior Prediction: Avoiding Overly Confident Anticipation in Interactive Prediction
  • Efficient Game-Theoretic Planning with Prediction Heuristic for Socially-Compliant Autonomous Driving

Cellular and Modular Robots

Total of 10 papers

  • MS-Cubic: A Modularized Manufacturing System with Scalability, Portability and Parallelism
  • Rotor Array Synergies for Aerial Modular Reconfigurable Robots
  • Modulo Cellulo: Modular Versatile Tangible Educational Robots
  • A Robot Factors Approach to Designing Modular Hardware
  • RePoSt: Distributed Self-Reconfiguration Algorithm for Modular Robots Based on Porous Structure
  • Selective Self-Assembly Using Re-Programmable Magnetic Pixels
  • Physical Neural Cellular Automata for 2D Shape Classification
  • Multi-Modal Multi-Agent Optimization for LIMMS, a Modular Robotics Approach to Delivery Automation
  • Design, Modeling and Control of a Composable and Extensible Drone with Tilting Rotors
  • Modular Robot Networking: A Novel Schema and Its Performance Assessment

Human-Aware Motion Planning

Total of 10 papers

  • NavDreams: Towards Camera-Only RL Navigation among Humans
  • Context and Intention Aware 3D Human Body Motion Prediction Using an Attention Deep Learning Model in Handover Tasks
  • FlowBot: Flow-Based Modeling for Robot Navigation
  • DULA and DEBA: Differentiable Ergonomic Risk Models for Postural Assessment and Optimization in Ergonomically Intelligent PHRI
  • SESNO: Sample Efficient Social Navigation from Observation
  • Learning a Group-Aware Policy for Robot Navigation
  • Feedback-Efficient Active Preference Learning for Socially Aware Robot Navigation
  • Watch Out! There May Be a Human. Addressing Invisible Humans in Social Navigation
  • SOCIALGYM: A Framework for Benchmarking Social Robot Navigation
  • CoMBiNED: Multi-Constrained Model Based Planning for Navigation in Dynamic Environments

In-Hand Manipulation

Total of 10 papers

  • Cutaneous Feedback Interface for Teleoperated In-Hand Manipulation
  • On Robotic Manipulation of Flexible Flat Cables: Employing a Multi-Modal Gripper with Dexterous Tips, Active Nails, and a Reconfigurable Suction Cup Module
  • Learning a State Estimator for Tactile In-Hand Manipulation
  • CSA-SVM Method for Internal Cavitation Defects Detection and Its Application of District Heating Pipes
  • Design and Characterisation of a Soft Barometric Sensing Skin for Robotic Manipulation
  • Tactile Feedback Enabling In-Hand Pivoting and Internal Force Control for Dual-Arm Cooperative Object Carrying
  • Transferring Dexterous Manipulation from GPU Simulation to a Remote Real-World TriFinger
  • Optical Proximity Sensing for Pose Estimation During In-Hand Manipulation
  • E-TRoll: Tactile Sensing and Classification Via a Simple Robotic Gripper for Extended Rolling Manipulations
  • Variable Friction Based In-Hand Manipulation of Fabrics Applied to Unfolding Operations

Multi-Contact Whole-Body Motion Planning and Control

Total of 10 papers

  • Contact-Implicit Trajectory Optimization with Hydroelastic Contact and ILQR
  • Whole-Body Model Predictive Control with Rigid Contacts Via Online Switching Time Optimization
  • Lifted Contact Dynamics for Efficient Optimal Control of Rigid Body Systems with Contacts
  • Toward a Data-Driven Template Model for Quadrupedal Locomotion
  • Robust Predictive Control for Quadrupedal Locomotion: Learning to Close the Gap between Reduced and Full-Order Models
  • Learning to Guide Online Multi-Contact Receding Horizon Planning
  • Real-Time Footstep Planning and Control of the Solo Quadruped Robot in 3D Environments
  • Minor Change, Major Gains II: Are Maximal Coordinates the Fastest Choice for Trajectory Optimization?
  • Centroidal Trajectory Generation and Stabilization Based on Preview Control for Humanoid Multi-Contact Motion
  • Feasible Wrench Set Computation for Legged Robots

Multi-Robot SLAM

Total of 10 papers

  • Data-Efficient Collaborative Decentralized Thermal-Inertial Odometry
  • Pointclouds Integration from Aerial and Ground View Exploiting Normal Vector and Pose Graph Optimization
  • Distributed Riemannian Optimization with Lazy Communication for Collaborative Geometric Estimation
  • Object-Plane Co-Represented and Graph Propagation-Based Semantic Descriptor for Relocalization
  • Certifiably Optimal Mutual Localization with Anonymous Bearing Measurements
  • DRACo-SLAM: Distributed Robust Acoustic Communication-Efficient SLAM for Imaging Sonar Equipped Underwater Robot Teams
  • LAMP 2.0: A Robust Multi-Robot SLAM System for Operation in Challenging Large-Scale Underground Environments
  • Loop Closure Prioritization for Efficient and Scalable Multi-Robot SLAM
  • MR-TopoMap: Multi-Robot Exploration Based on Topological Map in Communication Restricted Environment
  • Distributed Ranging SLAM for Multiple Robots with Ultra-WideBand and Odometry Measurements

Software Tools for Robot Programming

Total of 10 papers

  • SonifyIt: Towards Transformative Sound for All Robots
  • OHM: GPU Based Occupancy Map Generation
  • IKFlow: Generating Diverse Inverse Kinematics Solutions
  • BĂ©dard, Christophe
  • Tasho: A Python Toolbox for Rapid Prototyping and Deployment of Optimal Control Problem-Based Complex Robot Motion Skills
  • GPU-Accelerated Incremental Euclidean Distance Transform for Online Motion Planning of Mobile Robots
  • Transactional Transform Library for ROS
  • Mayoral-Vilches, Victor
  • A RoboStack Tutorial: Using the Robot Operating System Alongside the Conda and Jupyter Data Science Ecosystems (I)
  • On-Device CPU Scheduling for Robot Systems

Software, Middleware and Programming Environments

Total of 10 papers

  • Robowflex: Robot Motion Planning with MoveIt Made Easy
  • AFR: An Efficient Buffering Algorithm for Cloud Robotic Systems
  • A Configurable Skill Oriented Architecture Based on OPC UA
  • A Skill Programming Environment for Industrial Robots
  • Mayoral-Vilches, Victor
  • Containerization and Orchestration of Software for Autonomous Mobile Robots: A Case Study of Mixed-Criticality Tasks across Edge-Cloud Computing Platforms
  • Transactional Transform Library for ROS
  • Behavior-Tree Embeddings for Robot Task-Level Knowledge
  • Gazebo Fluids: SPH-Based Simulation of Fluid Interaction with Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics
  • Mayoral-Vilches, Victor

Acceptability and Trust

Total of 9 papers

  • Evaluating Human-Like Explanations for Robot Actions in Reinforcement Learning Scenarios
  • A Modular and Portable Black Box Recorder for Increased Transparency of Autonomous Service Robots
  • Social Attitude towards a Robot Is Promoted by Motor-Induced Embodiment Independently of Spatial Perspective
  • Why Did I Fail? a Causal-Based Method to Find Explanations for Robot Failures
  • Should a Robot Follow Social Norms? Human-Robot Interaction Design for Social Relations in Mixed Age Group
  • RCA: Ride Comfort-Aware Visual Navigation Via Self-Supervised Learning
  • Competency Assessment for Autonomous Agents Using Deep Generative Models
  • EPAR: An Efficient and Privacy-Aware Augmented Reality Framework for Indoor Location-Based Services
  • Clustering Trust Dynamics in a Human-Robot Sequential Decision-Making Task

Data Sets for SLAM

Total of 9 papers

  • Multi-Modal Lidar Dataset for Benchmarking General-Purpose Localization and Mapping Algorithms
  • OdomBeyondVision: An Indoor Multi-Modal Multi-Platform Odometry Dataset Beyond the Visible Spectrum
  • FusionPortable: A Multi-Sensor Campus-Scene Dataset for Evaluation of Localization and Mapping Accuracy on Diverse Platforms
  • STheReO: Stereo Thermal Dataset for Research in Odometry and Mapping
  • VECtor: A Versatile Event-Centric Benchmark for Multi-Sensor SLAM
  • Challenges of SLAM in Extremely Unstructured Environments: The DLR Planetary Stereo, Solid-State LiDAR, Inertial Dataset
  • LF-VIO: A Visual-Inertial-Odometry Framework for Large Field-Of-View Cameras with Negative Plane
  • LOCUS 2.0: Robust and Computationally Efficient LiDAR Odometry for Real-Time 3D Mapping
  • EVOPS Benchmark: Evaluation of Plane Segmentation from RGBD and LiDAR Data

Human and Humanoid Motion Analysis and Synthesis

Total of 9 papers

  • Imitation Behavior of the Outer Edge of the Foot by Humanoids Using a Simplified Contact State Representation
  • Understanding Spatio-Temporal Relations in Human-Object Interaction Using Pyramid Graph Convolutional Network
  • A Riemannian Take on Human Motion Analysis and Retargeting
  • Human-To-Robot Manipulability Domain Adaptation with Parallel Transport and Manifold-Aware ICP
  • Deep Gesture Generation for Social Robots Using Type-Specific Libraries
  • A Bimanual Manipulation Taxonomy
  • Motion Planning for Agile Legged Locomotion Using Failure Margin Constraints
  • Robust Human Motion Forecasting Using Transformer-Based Model
  • Continuous Locomotion Mode Recognition and Gait Phase Estimation Based on a Shank-Mounted IMU with Artificial Neural Networks

Modeling and Simulating Humans

Total of 9 papers

  • GA-STT: Human Trajectory Prediction with Group Aware Spatial-Temporal Transformer
  • Non-Parametric Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Human Activity Based on Mobile Robot Observations
  • ProTAMP: Probabilistic Task and Motion Planning Considering Human Action for Harmonious Collaboration
  • Learning an Interpretable Model for Driver Behavior Prediction with Inductive Biases
  • Construction of a Simulator to Reproduce the Changes of Running by Motion Strategy with Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum Model
  • SEAN 2.0: Formalizing and Generating Social Situations for Robot Navigation
  • Safe and Efficient Exploration of Human Models During Human-Robot Interaction
  • Multimodal Generation of Novel Action Appearances for Synthetic-To-Real Recognition of Activities of Daily Living
  • Learning a Group-Aware Policy for Robot Navigation

Surgical Robotics: Planning

Total of 9 papers

  • End-To-End Design of Bespoke, Dexterous Snake-Like Surgical Robots: A Case Study with the RAVEN II (I)
  • Automated Flexible Needle Trajectory Planning for Keyhole Neurosurgery Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Robust Sim2Real Transfer with the Da Vinci Research Kit: A Study on Camera, Lighting, and Physics Domain Randomization
  • Toward FBG-Sensorized Needle Shape Prediction in Tissue Insertions
  • Using Magnetic Fields to Navigate and Simultaneously Localize Catheters in Endoluminal Environments
  • Time-Optimal Synchronous Terminal Trajectory Planning for Coupling Motions of Robotic Flexible Endoscope
  • Robotic Actuation and Control of a Catheter for Structural Intervention Cardiology
  • A Metric for Finding Robust Start Positions for Medical Steerable Needle Automation
  • Colonoscopy Navigation Using End-To-End Deep Visuomotor Control: A User Study

Additive Manufacturing

Total of 8 papers

  • A Low-Cost Reconfigurable Industrial Robot Design Utilising Additively Manufactured Components
  • Automated Design of Task Specific Additively Manufacturable Coupled Serial Chain Mechanisms for Tracing Predefined Planar Trajectories
  • Microspine Design for Additive Manufacturing
  • Autonomous Mobile 3D Printing of Large-Scale Trajectories
  • A Surgical Robot for Intracorporeal Additive Manufacturing of Tissue Engineering Constructs
  • Additive Manufacturing for Tissue Engineering Applications in a Temperature-Controlled Environment
  • Coordinated Toolpath Planning for Multi-Extruder Additive Manufacturing
  • DeltaZ: An Accessible Compliant Delta Robot Manipulator for Research and Education

Art and Entertainment Robotics

Total of 8 papers

  • Adversarial Motion Priors Make Good Substitutes for Complex Reward Functions
  • Robot Learning to Paint from Demonstrations
  • Robot Dance Generation with Music Based Trajectory Optimization
  • Learning on the Job: Long-Term Behavioural Adaptation in Human-Robot Interactions
  • Mobile Coverage Planning for Large-Scale Robotic Pen Drawing
  • Towards Learning to Play Piano with Dexterous Hands and Touch
  • DrozBot: Using Ergodic Control to Draw Portraits
  • Learning on the Job: Long-Term Behavioural Adaptation in Human-Robot Interactions

Bimanual Manipulation

Total of 8 papers

  • SpeedFolding: Learning Efficient Bimanual Folding of Garments
  • A Robotic Aerial Platform with Functionally Anthropomorphic Arms Designed for Physical Interaction
  • A Bimanual Manipulation Taxonomy
  • Learning Temporal Task Models from Human Bimanual Demonstrations
  • Kinesthetic Teaching of Bi-Manual Tasks with Known Relative Constraints
  • A System for Imitation Learning of Contact-Rich Bimanual Manipulation Policies
  • A Target-Guided Telemanipulation Architecture for Assisted Grasping
  • A Shared Autonomy Reconfigurable Control Framework for Telemanipulation of Multi-Arm Systems

Body Balancing

Total of 8 papers

  • Back-Stepping Control of a Transformable Wheel-Based Robot
  • Robot Thruster Control for Robust Adhesion Control on a Facade
  • Stabilization Mechanism for Shoulder Mounted Supernumerary Robotic Limb
  • Learning Time-Optimized Path Tracking in Joint Space with or without Sensory Feedback
  • Experimental Demonstration of a General Balancing Controller on an Untethered Planar Inverted Double Pendulum
  • Improved Zero Step Push Recovery with a Unified Reduced Order Model of Standing Balance
  • Integration of Variable-Height and Hopping Strategies for Humanoid Push Recovery
  • An Adaptive Approach to Whole-Body Balance Control of Wheel-Bipedal Robot Ollie

Human-Centered Automation

Total of 8 papers

  • Registering Articulated Objects with Human-In-The-Loop Corrections
  • A Novel High-Level Human-Machine Collaboration Method for Autonomous Vehicles Using Spatial Projection of Hand Gestures
  • Position-Based Treadmill Drive with Wire Traction for Experience of Level Ground Walking from Gait Acceleration State to Steady State
  • Affective Behavior Learning for Social Robot Haru with Implicit Evaluative Feedback
  • Skill-CPD: Real-Time Skill Refinement for Shared Autonomy in Manipulator Teleoperation
  • Human-Robot Collaborative Carrying of Objects with Unknown Deformation Characteristics
  • An Empirical Study of Reward Explanations with Human-Robot Interaction Applications
  • Driving Anomaly Detection Using Contrastive Multiview Coding to Interpret Cause of Anomaly

Product Design, Development and Prototyping

Total of 8 papers

  • Design of a Reconfigurable Robot with Size-Adaptive Path Planner
  • On-Board Physical Battery Replacement System and Procedure for Drones During Flight
  • MS-Cubic: A Modularized Manufacturing System with Scalability, Portability and Parallelism
  • A Low-Cost Reconfigurable Industrial Robot Design Utilising Additively Manufactured Components
  • Electro-Hydraulic Rolling Soft Wheel: Design, Hybrid Dynamic Modeling, and Model Predictive Control (I)
  • Analysis of User Behavior and Workload During Simultaneous Tele-Operation of Multiple Mobile Manipulators
  • Additive Manufacturing for Tissue Engineering Applications in a Temperature-Controlled Environment
  • A Methodology for Designing a Lightweight and Energy-Efficient Kinematically Redundant Actuator

Software Tools for Benchmarking and Reproducibility

Total of 8 papers

  • Robowflex: Robot Motion Planning with MoveIt Made Easy
  • SEAN 2.0: Formalizing and Generating Social Situations for Robot Navigation
  • UWRange: An Open ROS Framework for Simulating Acoustic Ranging and Localization for Underwater Robots under Realistic Conditions
  • Arena-Bench: A Benchmarking Suite for Obstacle Avoidance Approaches in Highly Dynamic Environments
  • SOCIALGYM: A Framework for Benchmarking Social Robot Navigation
  • A RoboStack Tutorial: Using the Robot Operating System Alongside the Conda and Jupyter Data Science Ecosystems (I)
  • Safe-Control-Gym: A Unified Benchmark Suite for Safe Learning-Based Control and Reinforcement Learning in Robotics
  • Toolbox Release: A WiFi-Based Relative Bearing Framework for Robotics

Software-Hardware Integration for Robot Systems

Total of 8 papers

  • UAV-miniUGV Hybrid System for Hidden Area Exploration and Manipulation
  • Planar Magnetic Actuation for Soft and Rigid Robots Using a Scalable Electromagnet Array
  • Real-Time Intraoperative Surgical Guidance System in the Da Vinci Surgical Robot Based on Transrectal Ultrasound/photoacoustic Imaging with Photoacoustic Markers: An Ex Vivo Demonstration
  • A Composable Framework for Policy Design, Learning, and Transfer Toward Safe and Efficient Industrial Insertion
  • A High-Fidelity Simulation Platform for Industrial Manufacturing by Incorporating Robotic Dynamics into an Industrial Simulation Tool
  • An Integrated Actuation-Perception Framework for Robotic Leaf Retrieval: Detection, Localization, and Cutting
  • Algorithm Design and Integration for a Robotic Apple Harvesting System
  • Real-Time Visual Inertial Odometry with a Resource-Efficient Harris Corner Detection Accelerator on FPGA Platform

Automation at Micro-Nano Scales

Total of 7 papers

  • Hierarchical Learning and Control for In-Hand Micromanipulation Using Multiple Laser-Driven Micro-Tools
  • A Micro-Robotic Approach for the Correction of Angular Deviations in AFM Samples from Generic Topographic Data
  • Modeling and Characterization of Artificial Bacteria Flagella with Micro-Structured Soft-Magnetic Teeth
  • Real-Time Acoustic Holography with Physics-Based Deep Learning for Acoustic Robotic Manipulation
  • On-Chip Automatic Trapping and Rotating for Zebrafish Embryo Injection
  • Torque-Actuated Multimodal Locomotion of Ferrofluid Robot with Environment and Task Adaptability
  • Gathering Physical Particles with a Global Magnetic Field Using Reinforcement Learning

Continual Learning

Total of 7 papers

  • RECALL: Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning for Object Classification
  • Class-Incremental Gesture Recognition Learning with Out-Of-Distribution Detection
  • Robot Learning to Paint from Demonstrations
  • HRI Framework for Continual Learning in Face Recognition
  • InCloud: Incremental Learning for Point Cloud Place Recognition
  • Robot Task Learning with Motor Babbling Using Pseudo Rehearsal
  • Continual Learning in Real-Life Applications

Hardware-Software Integration in Robotics

Total of 7 papers

  • UAV-miniUGV Hybrid System for Hidden Area Exploration and Manipulation
  • Core Processes in Intelligent Robotic Lab Assistants: Flexible Liquid Handling
  • Real-Time Digital Double Framework to Predict Collapsible Terrains for Legged Robots
  • Mayoral-Vilches, Victor
  • Towards Specialized Hardware for Learning-Based Visual Odometry on the Edge
  • Accurate Vision-Based Flight with Fixed-Wing Drones
  • Toolbox Release: A WiFi-Based Relative Bearing Framework for Robotics

Human-Robot Teaming

Total of 7 papers

  • "I'm Confident This Will End Poorly": Robot Proficiency Self-Assessment in Human-Robot Teaming
  • A Novel High-Level Human-Machine Collaboration Method for Autonomous Vehicles Using Spatial Projection of Hand Gestures
  • Robot Vitals and Robot Health: Towards Systematically Quantifying Runtime Performance Degradation in Robots under Adverse Conditions
  • Coordination with Humans Via Strategy Matching
  • A Framework for Robot Self-Assessment of Expected Task Performance
  • Bounded Rational Game-Theoretical Modeling of Human Joint Actions with Incomplete Information
  • Clustering Trust Dynamics in a Human-Robot Sequential Decision-Making Task

Learning Categories and Concepts

Total of 7 papers

  • Learning Causal Relationships of Object Properties and Affordances through Human Demonstrations and Self-Supervised Intervention for Purposeful Action in Transfer Environments
  • What Matters in Language Conditioned Robotic Imitation Learning Over Unstructured Data
  • Learning Category-Level Generalizable Object Manipulation Policy Via Generative Adversarial Self-Imitation Learning from Demonstrations
  • Leveraging Publicly Available Textual Object Descriptions for Anthropomorphic Robotic Grasp Predictions
  • Learning Perceptual Concepts by Bootstrapping from Human Queries
  • Behavior-Tree Embeddings for Robot Task-Level Knowledge
  • Autonomous Cycle Time Reduction of Robotic Tasks Using Iterative Learning Control

Nonholonomic Motion Planning

Total of 7 papers

  • A Solution to Slosh-Free Robot Trajectory Optimization
  • Terrain-Aware Learned Controllers for Sampling-Based Kinodynamic Planning Over Physically Simulated Terrains
  • Improved A-Search Guided Tree for Autonomous Trailer Planning
  • Generating Safe Corridors Roadmap for Urban Air Mobility
  • The Geometry of Optimal Gaits for Inertia-Dominated Kinematic Systems (I)
  • NFOMP: Neural Field for Optimal Motion Planner of Differential Drive Robots with Nonholonomic Constraints
  • Db-A*: Discontinuity-Bounded Search for Kinodynamic Mobile Robot Motion Planning

Omnidirectional Vision

Total of 7 papers

  • 360ST-Mapping: An Online Semantics-Guided Topological Mapping Module for Omnidirectional Visual SLAM
  • Depth360: Self-Supervised Learning for Monocular Depth Estimation Using Learnable Camera Distortion Model
  • 3D Human Pose Estimation in Weightless Environments Using a Fisheye Camera
  • Monocular Depth Estimation for Equirectangular Videos
  • Ultra-Wide-Angle Stereo Vision System for Snake Robot: Sidewinder for Forward and Panoramic Vision Tasks
  • SynWoodScape: Synthetic Surround-View Fisheye Camera Dataset for Autonomous Driving
  • Towards Robust Visual-Inertial Odometry with Multiple Non-Overlapped Monocular Cameras

Robot Audition

Total of 7 papers

  • Design of a Low-Cost Passive Acoustic Monitoring System for Animal Localisation from Calls
  • Spotforming by NMF Using Multiple Microphone Arrays
  • Noisy Agents: Self-Supervised Exploration by Predicting Auditory Events
  • Direction-Aware Adaptive Online Neural Speech Enhancement with an Augmented Reality Headset in Real Noisy Conversational Environments
  • Object Surface Recognition Using Microphone Array by Acoustic Standing Wave
  • Recognizing Object Surface Material from Impact Sounds for Robot Manipulation
  • Blind As a Bat: Audible Echolocation on Small Robots

Software Architecture for Robotic and Automation

Total of 7 papers

  • Geometric Savitzky-Golay Filtering of Noisy Rotations on SO(3) with Simultaneous Angular Velocity and Acceleration Estimation
  • Robot Companion, an Intelligent Interactive Robot Coworker for the Industry 5.0
  • CNS Flight Stack for Reproducible, Customizable, and Fully Autonomous Applications
  • Transactional Transform Library for ROS
  • Mayoral-Vilches, Victor
  • A RoboStack Tutorial: Using the Robot Operating System Alongside the Conda and Jupyter Data Science Ecosystems (I)
  • OpenDR: An Open Toolkit for Enabling High Performance, Low Footprint Deep Learning for Robotics

Emotional Robotics

Total of 6 papers

  • Affective Behavior Learning for Social Robot Haru with Implicit Evaluative Feedback
  • Hey Haru, Let’s Be Friends! Using the Tiers of Friendship to Build Rapport through Small Talk with the Tabletop Robot Haru
  • A Personable Robot: A Meta-Analysis of Robot Personality and Human Acceptance
  • A Novel Wire-Driven 3D Eyebrow Design for Communication with Humanoid Robot ICub
  • Controlling the Impression of Robots Via GAN-Based Gesture Generation
  • Teaching Robots to Span the Space of Functional Expressive Motion

Energy and Environment-Aware Automation

Total of 6 papers

  • Energy-Aware Planning-Scheduling for Autonomous Aerial Robots
  • AR Training App for Energy Optimal Programming of Cobots
  • Energy-Based Legged Robots Terrain Traversability Modeling Via Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • Passivity-Based Skill Motion Learning in Stiffness-Adaptive Unified Force-Impedance Control
  • Path Planning and Energy Management of Hybrid Air Vehicles for Urban Air-Mobility
  • Battle the Wind: Improving Flight Stability of a Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle under Wind Disturbance with Onboard Thermistor-Based Airflow Sensing

Integrated Planning and Control

Total of 6 papers

  • Combining Navigation and Manipulation Costs for Time-Efficient Robot Placement in Mobile Manipulation Tasks
  • Safety-Critical Manipulation for Collision-Free Food Preparation
  • DiMOpt: A Distributed Multi-Robot Trajectory Optimization Algorithm
  • A Self-Tuning Impedance-Based Interaction Planner for Robotic Haptic Exploration
  • From Low to High Order Motion Planners: Safe Robot Navigation Using Motion Prediction and Reference Governor
  • Time-Optimal Online Replanning for Agile Quadrotor Flight

Intelligent and Flexible Manufacturing

Total of 6 papers

  • Heuristic-Free Optimization of Force-Controlled Robot Search Strategies in Stochastic Environments
  • A Composable Framework for Policy Design, Learning, and Transfer Toward Safe and Efficient Industrial Insertion
  • Robot Companion, an Intelligent Interactive Robot Coworker for the Industry 5.0
  • Metal Wire Manipulation Planning for 3D Curving a Low Payload Robot That Uses a Bending Machine to Bend High-Stiffness Wire
  • SurfMan: Generating Smooth Robotic Surface Manipulation Trajectories for Human-Demonstrated Pattern Sequence
  • A Skill Programming Environment for Industrial Robots

Natural Dialog for HRI

Total of 6 papers

  • Conveying Intentions for Attentive Listening by Facial Motions Using an Android
  • Dynamic Network Model for Multi-Domain End-To-End Task-Oriented Dialogue System
  • Givenness Hierarchy Informed Optimal Document Planning for Situated Human-Robot Interaction
  • DoRO: Disambiguation of Referred Object for Embodied Agents
  • Following Natural Language Instructions for Household Tasks with Landmark Guided Search and Reinforced Pose Adjustment
  • An Autonomous Mobile Robot Generating Context-Aware Description Using Its Observation and Memory

Robotics and Automation in Life Sciences

Total of 6 papers

  • On-Chip Automatic Trapping and Rotating for Zebrafish Embryo Injection
  • Robotic Powder Grinding with a Soft Jig for Laboratory Automation in Material Science
  • Prediction of Whole-Body Velocity and Direction from Local Leg Joint Movements in Insect Walking Via LSTM Neural Networks
  • Core Processes in Intelligent Robotic Lab Assistants: Flexible Liquid Handling
  • How to Increase Safety and Performance of Emergency Departments with AI-Guided Robots and IoT? Lessons Provided to European Hospitals by Polish Pilot of Flagship Horizon 2020 ODIN Project
  • Adaptive Online Sampling of Periodic Processes with Application to Coral Reef Acoustic Abundance Monitoring

Constrained Motion Planning

Total of 5 papers

  • Reshaping Local Path Planner
  • Cooperative Towing by Multi-Robot System That Maintains Welding Cable in Optimized Shape
  • A Saturation-Aware Trajectory-Based Explicit Reference Governor for a Robotic Arm
  • Trajectory Planning for UAVs Based on Interfered Fluid Dynamical System and BĂ©zier Curves
  • Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning with Interaction with the Environment

Incremental Learning

Total of 5 papers

  • RECALL: Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning for Object Classification
  • Fast Hierarchical Learning for Few-Shot Object Detection
  • Hierarchical Primitive Composition: Simultaneous Activation of Skills with Inconsistent Action Dimensions in Multiple Hierarchies
  • Contrastive Learning for Cross-Domain Open World Recognition
  • Analysis of Randomization Effects on Sim2Real Transfer in Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Manipulation Tasks


Total of 5 papers

  • Prediction of Whole-Body Velocity and Direction from Local Leg Joint Movements in Insect Walking Via LSTM Neural Networks
  • Hand Gesture Recognition Via Transient sEMG Using Transfer Learning of Dilated Efficient CapsNet: Towards Generalization for Neurorobotics
  • Deep Augmentation for Electrode Shift Compensation in Transient High-Density sEMG: Towards Application in Neurorobotics
  • Deep Active Visual Attention for Real-Time Robot Motion Generation: Emergence of Tool-Body Assimilation and Adaptive Tool-Use
  • A Biologically-Inspired Simultaneous Localization and Mapping System Based on LiDAR Sensor

Robot Companions

Total of 5 papers

  • RCareWorld: A Human-Centric Simulation World for Caregiving Robots
  • You Are in My Way: Non-Verbal Social Cues for Legible Robot Navigation Behaviors
  • Hey Haru, Let’s Be Friends! Using the Tiers of Friendship to Build Rapport through Small Talk with the Tabletop Robot Haru
  • SanitizerBot: How Human-In-The-Loop Social Robots Can Playfully Support Humans
  • Development of a Research Testbed for Cooperative Driving in Mixed Traffic of Human-Driven and Autonomous Vehicles

Sensor Networks

Total of 5 papers

  • Online Target Localization Using Adaptive Belief Propagation in the HMM Framework
  • Cooperative Localization Using Learning-Based Constrained Optimization
  • On Coverage Control for Limited Range Multi-Robot Systems
  • Combined Dual-Prediction Based Data Fusion and Enhanced Leak Detection and Isolation Method for WSN Pipeline Monitoring System (I)
  • Toward Global Sensing Quality Maximization: A Configuration Optimization Scheme for Camera Networks

Automation Technologies for Smart Cities

Total of 4 papers

  • Frequency-Based Wind Gust Estimation for Quadrotors Using a Nonlinear Disturbance Observer
  • Unified Automatic Control of Vehicular Systems with Reinforcement Learning (I)
  • InterFusion: Interaction-Based 4D Radar and Lidar Fusion for 3D Object Detection
  • An Online Interactive Approach for Crowd Navigation of Quadrupedal Robots

Education Robotics

Total of 4 papers

  • Modulo Cellulo: Modular Versatile Tangible Educational Robots
  • Learning with Yourself: A Tangible Twin Robot System to Promote STEM Education
  • DeltaZ: An Accessible Compliant Delta Robot Manipulator for Research and Education
  • CreativeBot: A Creative Storyteller Agent Developed by Leveraging Pre-Trained Language Models

Embedded Systems for Robotic and Automation

Total of 4 papers

  • LaneSNNs: Spiking Neural Networks for Lane Detection on the Loihi Neuromorphic Processor
  • Acoustic Balance: Weighing in Ultrasonic Non-Contact Manipulators
  • ACEFusion - Accelerated and Energy-Efficient Semantic 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes
  • From Timing Variations to Performance Degradation: Understanding and Mitigating the Impact of Software Execution Timing in SLAM

Evolutionary Robotics

Total of 4 papers

  • Multi-Modal Legged Locomotion Framework with Automated Residual Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning to Climb: Constrained Contextual Bayesian Optimisation on a Multi-Modal Legged Robot
  • Particle Swarm Optimizer-Based Attack Strategy with Swarm Robots
  • SafeAPT: Safe Simulation-To-Real Robot Learning Using Diverse Policies Learned in Simulation

Factory Automation

Total of 4 papers

  • Micro-Scale Defect Detection with Deep Learning on Embedded Visual Inspection Systems
  • Horizontal Insertion of a Ring Onto a Shaft Using a Gantry Crane with Minimal Sensors
  • Online 3D Bin Packing Reinforcement Learning Solution with Buffer
  • Development and Control of Robot Hand with Finger Camera for Garment Handling Tasks


Total of 4 papers

  • Learning Suction Cup Dynamics from Motion Capture: Accurate Prediction of an Object's Vertical Motion During Release
  • Systematic Evaluation and Analysis on Hybrid Strategies of Automatic Agent Last Mile Delivery
  • Multi-Object Grasping -- Efficient Robotic Picking and Transferring Policy for Batch Picking
  •  Swarms for People

Passive Walking

Total of 4 papers

  • Influence of Variable Leg Elasticity on the Stability of Quadrupedal Gaits
  • Improved Biped Walking Performance Around the Kinematic Singularities of Biomimetic Four-Bar Knees
  • Generating Families of Optimally Actuated Gaits from a Legged System’s Energetically Conservative Dynamics
  • Modeling, Analysis and Activation of Planar Viscoelastically-Combined Rimless Wheels

Sensorimotor Learning

Total of 4 papers

  • DIDO: Deep Inertial Quadrotor Dynamical Odometry
  • Learning Perceptual Locomotion on Uneven Terrains Using Sparse Visual Observations
  • Real-Time Digital Double Framework to Predict Collapsible Terrains for Legged Robots
  • Towards Learning to Play Piano with Dexterous Hands and Touch

Surveillance Robotic Systems

Total of 4 papers

  • An Underwater Target Perception Framework for Underwater Operation Scene
  • Dual-Camera High Magnification Surveillance System with Non-Delay Gaze Control and Always-In-Focus Function in Indoor Scenes
  • Min-Max Vertex Cycle Covers with Connectivity Constraints for Multi-Robot Patrolling
  • Sequential Thermal Image-Based Adult and Baby Detection Robust to Thermal Residual Heat Marks

Biological Cell Manipulation

Total of 3 papers

  • A PZT-Driven 6-DOF High-Speed Micromanipulator for Circular Vibration Simulation and Whirling Flow Generation
  • On-Chip Automatic Trapping and Rotating for Zebrafish Embryo Injection
  • Simultaneous Depth Estimation and Localization for Cell Manipulation Based on Deep Learning

Brain-Machine Interfaces

Total of 3 papers

  • Lightmyography Based Decoding of Human Intention Using Temporal Multi-Channel Transformers
  • Hand Gesture Recognition Via Transient sEMG Using Transfer Learning of Dilated Efficient CapsNet: Towards Generalization for Neurorobotics
  • Deep Augmentation for Electrode Shift Compensation in Transient High-Density sEMG: Towards Application in Neurorobotics

Cognitive Modeling

Total of 3 papers

  • Learning Causal Relationships of Object Properties and Affordances through Human Demonstrations and Self-Supervised Intervention for Purposeful Action in Transfer Environments
  • An Underwater Target Perception Framework for Underwater Operation Scene
  • BIMRL: Brain Inspired Meta Reinforcement Learning

Compliant Assembly

Total of 3 papers

  • Flexible and Precision Snap-Fit Peg-In-Hole Assembly Based on Multiple Sensations and Damping Identification
  • A General Method for Autonomous Assembly of Arbitrary Parts in the Presence of Uncertainty
  • Feel the Tension: Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects in Environments with Fixtures Using Force Information

Domestic Robotics

Total of 3 papers

  • An Autonomous Descending-Stair Cleaning Robot with RGB-D Based Detection, Approaching, and Area Coverage Process
  • Switching Funnel UNITER: Multimodal Instruction Comprehension for Object Manipulation Tasks
  • Collision Prediction and Visual Explanation Generation Using Structural Knowledge in Object Placement Tasks

Embodied Cognitive Science

Total of 3 papers

  • Social Attitude towards a Robot Is Promoted by Motor-Induced Embodiment Independently of Spatial Perspective
  • Learning Bidirectional Translation between Descriptions and Actions with Small Paired Data
  • Use of Action Label in Deep Predictive Learning for Robot Manipulation

Hybrid Logical/Dynamical Planning and Verification

Total of 3 papers

  • Event-Based Signal Temporal Logic Tasks: Execution and Feedback in Complex Environments
  • Fair Planning for Mobility-On-Demand with Temporal Logic Requests
  • Discover Life Skills for Planning As Bandits Via Observing and Learning How the World Works

Mining Robotics

Total of 3 papers

  • Map-Free Lidar Odometry (MFLO) Using a Range Flow Constraint and Point Patch Covariances
  • Model Learning and Predictive Control for Autonomous Obstacle Reduction Via Bulldozing
  • TAPE: Tether-Aware Path Planning for Autonomous Exploration of Unknown 3D Cavities Using a Tangle-Compatible Tethered Aerial Robot

Nonholonomic Mechanisms and Systems

Total of 3 papers

  • The Wheelbot: A Jumping Reaction Wheel Unicycle
  • Toward FBG-Sensorized Needle Shape Prediction in Tissue Insertions
  • Smooth Spline-Based Trajectory Planning for Semi-Rigid Multi-Robot Formations

Audio-Visual SLAM

Total of 2 papers

  • Audio-Visual Depth and Material Estimation for Robot Navigation
  • DeepMLE: A Robust Deep Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Two-View Structure from Motion

Big Data in Robotics and Automation

Total of 2 papers

  • RoSA: A Mechatronically Synthesized Dataset for Rotodynamic System Anomaly Detection
  • Towards Defensive Autonomous Driving: Collecting and Probing Driving Demonstrations of Mixed Qualities

Building Automation

Total of 2 papers

  • EPAR: An Efficient and Privacy-Aware Augmented Reality Framework for Indoor Location-Based Services
  • Hybrid Discrete-Continuous Path Planning for Lattice Traversal

Computer Architecture for Robotic and Automation

Total of 2 papers

  • Mayoral-Vilches, Victor
  • Towards Specialized Hardware for Learning-Based Visual Odometry on the Edge

Datasets for Human Motion

Total of 2 papers

  • Deep Gesture Generation for Social Robots Using Type-Specific Libraries
  • Optimization of Forcemyography Sensor Placement for Arm Movement Recognition

Long term Interaction

Total of 2 papers

  • GA-STT: Human Trajectory Prediction with Group Aware Spatial-Temporal Transformer
  • An Autonomous Mobile Robot Generating Context-Aware Description Using Its Observation and Memory

Natural Machine Motion

Total of 2 papers

  • Influence of Variable Leg Elasticity on the Stability of Quadrupedal Gaits
  • A Robotic Aerial Platform with Functionally Anthropomorphic Arms Designed for Physical Interaction

Sustainable Production and Service Automation

Total of 2 papers

  • RoSA: A Mechatronically Synthesized Dataset for Rotodynamic System Anomaly Detection
  • Artificial Learning for Part Identification in Robotic Disassembly through Automatic Rule Generation in an Ontology (I)

Touch in HRI

Total of 2 papers

  • Deep Learning Classification of Touch Gestures Using Distributed Normal and Shear Force
  • Detecting Touch and Grasp Gestures Using a Wrist-Worn Optical and Inertial Sensing Network

View Planning for SLAM

Total of 2 papers

  • Confidence-Rich Localization and Mapping Based on Particle Filter for Robotic Exploration
  • Active Mapping Via Gradient Ascent Optimization of Shannon Mutual Information Over Continuous SE(3) Trajectories


Total of 1 papers

  • Artificial Learning for Part Identification in Robotic Disassembly through Automatic Rule Generation in an Ontology (I)

Discrete Event Dynamic Automation Systems

Total of 1 papers

  • Modeling and Control of Multi-UAV System for Tributary Mapping Based on Hybrid Automata

Ethics and Philosophy

Total of 1 papers

  • Image & Video Anonymization Framework for Ethical Autonomous Trains


Total of 1 papers

  • Modeling and Characterization of Artificial Bacteria Flagella with Micro-Structured Soft-Magnetic Teeth

Neural and Fuzzy Control

Total of 1 papers

  • Resolved Motion Control for 3D Underactuated Bipedal Walking Using Linear Inverted Pendulum Dynamics and Neural Adaptation

Petri Nets for Automation Control

Total of 1 papers

  • Automatic Generation of Optimization Model Using Process Mining and Petri Nets for Optimal Motion Planning of 6-DOF Manipulators


IROS2022 PaperList by Categories