tlsfuzzer / tlsfuzzer

SSL and TLS protocol test suite and fuzzer

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test-bleichenbacher-timing-marvin: ServerHello: unexpected extension server_name when using DNS-based hostname

jayaddison opened this issue · comments

Bug Report

System Information

Type Version/Name
Operating System Name Ubuntu Linux
Operating System Version 23.10
Python version Python 3.11.6
tlslite-ng version 0.8.0-beta1
tlsfuzzer revision f876258

Problem description

During a run of scripts/ with a DNS-based hostname, server certificate, and server certificate private key specified as arguments, running against a server that supports SNI, an expectation error occurs reporting that the server_name extension is unexpected.

Describe how to reproduce the problem

$ PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ -h --srv-key ${SRV_KEY} --srv-cert ${SRV_CERT}

Expected behaviour

The script appears designed to handle both servers that support SNI and those that do not, so the server_name extension should be acceptable when contacting a named server.

Include errors or backtraces

sanity ...
Error encountered while processing node ExpectServerHello() (child: <tlsfuzzer.expect.ExpectCertificate object at 0x............>) with last message being: <tlslite.messages.Message object at 0x............>
Error while processing
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".../scripts/", line 365, in main
  File ".../tlsfuzzer/", line 242, in run
    node.process(self.state, msg)
  File ".../tlsfuzzer/", line 801, in process
  File ".../tlsfuzzer/", line 558, in _compare_extensions
    raise AssertionError("Server sent unexpected extension(s):"
AssertionError: Server sent unexpected extension(s): server_name

Additional context

As a temporary local workaround, adding a srv_extensions[ExtensionType.server_name] expectation to complement the client expectations within this conditional block allowed the test script to continue.

if is_valid_hostname(host) and not no_sni:
cln_extensions[ExtensionType.server_name] = \
SNIExtension().create(bytearray(host, 'ascii'))

Right, because the test case is strict with the expected extensions, it fails when the server echoes back the server_name extension. Actually, better workaround is to use the --no-safe-renego option, as that will enable the automatic processing of extensions in ServerHello.

That being said, why you're running script? As it's documented, it's valid only for testing TLS servers that use Marvin workaround internally:

This test script checks if the server implements the Marvin workaround
correctly. That is, it expects that it leaks both the length of the encrypted
pre-master secret and the encrypted TLS version in it, but that PMS does not
depend on correctness of PKCS#1 padding.

AFAIK, at this time, it's just Mozilla NSS that does that. All the other servers should be tested with

should be fixed with #896

Thanks @tomato42.

Related to this:

That being said, why you're running script? As it's documented, it's valid only for testing TLS servers that use Marvin workaround internally:

Yep, this was operator error on my behalf; I hadn't double-checked the filename of the script to run, and incorrectly chose the one that had marvin in the name.

ah, ok. Well, I fixed it in both scripts, so feel free to use the that will handle server_name correctly :)

Thank you :) Yep, the pregenerate script works as expected!