tlinehan / Server-Testing

Adding Unit and Integration Tests to an Express API Using Jest and supertest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • unit testing.
  • integration testing.
  • TDD/BDD.
  • jest testing framework.
  • supertest module.


For this project you will use Test Driven Development to create a RESTful API using Node.js and Express that publishes a set of endpoints to manage a resource of our choosing. Data can be store in memory.

Download Project and Install Dependencies

  1. fork and clone this repository.
  2. CD into the folder where you downloaded the repository.
  3. run yarn or npm i to download all dependencies.
  4. type yarn test or npm test to run the tests. The test script is already configured.


  1. use jest and supertest to write the tests.
  2. Your API must be able to create and delete a resource of your choosing.
  3. Write a minimum of two tests per route handler.
  4. Add logic on the route handlers to validate request data and return the correct HTTP status code.
  5. Add tests to verify that the endpoints return the correct HTTP status codes.
  6. Write the tests BEFORE writing the route handlers.


Adding Unit and Integration Tests to an Express API Using Jest and supertest