tlienart / FranklinParser.jl

Franklin's Markdown processor

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TextBlock and inner_tokens

tlienart opened this issue · comments

currently removed this path, before what we were doing is:

  • For a text span, determine which tokens are in that span
  • Bundle in a TextBlock with inner tokens a view of the tokens in the relevant range.

See here in partition:

isempty(blocks) && return [TextBlock(s, tokens)]
# disable additional blocks if desired
isempty(disable) || filter!(t -> disable, blocks)
# Form a full partition with text blocks and blocks.
parent = parent_string(s)
first_block = blocks[1]
last_block = blocks[end]
# add Text at beginning if first block is not there
if from(s) < from(first_block)
inter = subs(parent, from(s), prev_index(first_block))
tb = TextBlock(inter, tokens)
push!(parts, tb)
# Go through blocks and add text with what's between them
for i in 1:length(blocks)-1
bi = blocks[i]
bip1 = blocks[i+1]
push!(parts, blocks[i])
inter = subs(parent, next_index(bi), prev_index(bip1))
isempty(inter) || push!(parts, TextBlock(inter, tokens))
push!(parts, last_block)
# add Text at the end if last block is not there
if to(s) > to(last_block)
inter = subs(parent, next_index(last_block), to(s))
push!(parts, TextBlock(inter, tokens))

The relevant function was using findfirst/findlast and it ended up being accumulating a lot

function TextBlock(ss::SS, it=EMPTY_TOKEN_SVEC)::Block
isempty(it) && return Block(:TEXT, ss)
fss = from(ss)
tss = to(ss)
i = findfirst(t -> fss <= from(t), it)
j = findlast(t -> to(t) <= tss && !is_eos(t), it)
any(isnothing, (i, j)) && return Block(:TEXT, ss)
inner_tokens = @view it[i:j]
return Block(:TEXT, ss, inner_tokens)

However there's no magic, if we have to retokenize every text block on the Franklin side, it does take some time; so ideally we'd do this in a performant way at TextBlock that does not use this findfirst/findlast stuff.

once this is done; need to make Xranklin use it properly; e.g. processing env stuff needs to use the inner tokens instead of just repartitioning.

also potentially item candidates, rows, links, ...

for link stuff, need to review whether the stuff done in Xranklin is not over the top; seems like there's link-type detection again from this should not be required.