tjqansthd / Sparse-to-Continuous

ICAR 2019 "Sparse-to-Continuous: Enhancing Monocular Depth Estimation using Occupancy Maps"

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sparse-to-Continuous (FCRN)

This is the reference Tensorflow implementation for training and testing depth estimation models using the method described in

ICAR 2019 "Sparse-to-Continuous: Enhancing Monocular Depth Estimation using Occupancy Maps"

NĂ­colas dos Santos Rosa, Vitor Guizilini, Valdir Grassi Jr


If you find our work useful in your research please consider citing our paper:

  title={Sparse-to-Continuous: Enhancing Monocular Depth Estimation using Occupancy Maps},
  author={Rosa, N{\'\i}colas and Guizilini, Vitor and Grassi Jr, Valdir},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.09061},


This repository was originally forked from iro-cp/FCRN-DepthPrediction. We developed all the code in Tersonflow for the training step, alongside several modifications for allowing the code to handle different datasets like ApolloScape, KITTI, NYUDepth, and another features which were not available on the original repository.

We used and preserved the network proposed by Laina et al. (2016) presented in the "Deeper Depth Prediction with Fully Convolutional Residual Networks (FCRN)" article. All rights reserved to them.

This code is for non-commercial use. For more information, please see the license clauses.

1 Densification Framework (Hilbert Maps)


  • Describe the commands to compile the CVPP Framework
  • Describe the commands to generate the continuous depth maps

2 Depth Estimation Framework (FCRN)

2.1 Youtube

2.1.1 Real-Time Depth Map Inference

Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation using ResNet (OpenCV)

2.1.2 Real-Time Pointcloud Interence

Point Cloud based on Monocular Depth Estimation Network Predictions

2.2 System Specifications

Library Version
Tensorflow 1.10.0 (Required)
CUDA 9.0
Python 3.6.8
Ubuntu 18.04
GPU Inference Time
NVIDIA GeForce 1050 TI (4Gb) 18 FPS
NVIDIA Geforce Titan X (12Gb) 40 FPS

2.3 Framework Description

--debug, enables the Debug Mode. Default= False

--machine, identifies the current machine: nicolas or olorin. Default= nicolas

-m , selects the running mode of the developed framework: train, test or pred. Default= train --model_name, selects the network topology. Default= fcrn

--gpu, specifies the GPU id to run the code. Default= 0

2.3.1 Training

Arguments and flags descriptions:

--retrain, enables the Retrain Mode. Default= False

-s/--dataset, argument selects the desired dataset for training: apolloscape, kitti_depth, kitti_discrete, kitti_continuous, nyudepth, or lrmjose.

--px, argument selects which pixels to optimize: all or valid. Default= valid

--loss, argument selects the desired loss function: mse, berhu, eigen, eigen_grads, etc. Default= berhu

--batch_size, argument specifies the training batch size. Default= 4

--max_steps, argument specifies the max number of training steps. Default= 300000

-l/--learning_rate, defines the initial value of the learning rate. Default= 1e-4

-d/--dropout, enables dropout in the model during training. Default= 0.5 --ldecay, enables learning decay. Default= False -n/--l2norm', enables L2 Normalization. Default= False --data_aug, enables Data Augmentation. Default= True

--remove_sky, removes sky for KITTI Datasets. Default= False

--full_summary, If set, it will keep more data for each summary. Warning: the file can become very large.

--log_directory, sets the directory to save checkpoints and summaries. Default= log_tb/

-t/--show_train_progress, shows the training images progress. Default= False

-v/--show_valid_progress, shows the validation images progress. Default= False

Command line:

python3 --machine nicolas -m train --gpu 0 -s kitti_continuous --px valid --loss berhu --max_steps 300000 -l 1e-4 -d 0.5 --ldecay --l2norm --data_aug --remove_sky -t -v


$ cd tensorflow
$ tensorboard --logdir=tensorflow/output/fcrn/

2.3.2 Testing/Evaluation

Arguments and flags descriptions:

--eval_tool, selects the evaluation tool for computing metrics: monodepth or kitti_depth. Default= ''

--test_split, selects the desired test split for evaluation: kitti_stereo, eigen, or eigen_kitti_depth. Default= ''

The --test_split flag allows you to choose which dataset you want to test on.

  • kitti_stereo corresponds to the 200 official training set pairs from KITTI stereo 2015.
  • eigen corresponds to the 697 test images used by Eigen NIPS14 and uses the raw LIDAR points.
  • eigen_kitti_depth corresponds to the 652 test images used by Aleotti arXiv 2018 and uses ground truth semi-dense annotated depth images.

--test_file_path, evaluates the model for the speficied images from a test_file--debug', action='store_true', help="Enables the Debug Mode", default=False) .txt file. Default=''

--min_depth, specifies the minimum depth for evaluation. Default= 1e-3 --max_depth, specifies the maximum depth for evaluation'. Default= 80 --eigen_crop, If set, crops according to Eigen NIPS14. --garg_crop, If set, crops according to Garg ECCV16. Warning: The results on the Eigen split are usually cropped, which you can do by passing the --garg_crop flag.

-o/--output_directory, sets the output directory for test disparities, if empty outputs to checkpoint folder. Default= ''

-u/--show_test_results, shows the network predictions for the specified test split images. Default= False

Command line, when selecting a desired trained model:

python3 --machine nicolas -m test --gpu 0 -s kitti_continuous -r output/fcrn/2018-02-26_17-08-45/restore/model.fcrn --eval_tool monodepth --test_split eigen_kitti_depth -u

Using official evaluation tool from KITTI Depth Prediction Dataset:

python3 -m test --gpu 0 -s kitti_continuous --eval_tool kitti_depth --test_split eigen_kitti_depth -u

Using Monodepth's evaluation code:

python3 -m test --gpu 0 -s kitti_continuous --eval_tool monodepth --test_split eigen_kitti_depth -u

2.3.3 Predict (Single Image Prediction)

Arguments and flags descriptions:

-r/ --model_path, sets the path to a specific model to be restored. Default= '' -i, --image_path, sets the path to the image to be predicted. Default=''

Command line:

python3 -m pred --gpu 0 -r <path to model/model.ckpt> -i ../misc/nyu_example.png 

2.3.4 Real-Time Prediction using OpenCV:

Run a specific model:

python3 -r ../models/NYU_FCRN-checkpoint/NYU_FCRN.ckpt -i ../misc/drone_indoor.mp4
python3 -r output/fcrn/kitti_continuous/all_px/berhu/2018-06-29_17-59-58/restore/model.fcrn ../misc/outdoor_dubai_city.mp4

Detects and lists the available models:

python3 -i ../misc/indoor_drone.mp4 --gpu 0
python3 -i ../misc/outdoor_dubai_city.mp4 --gpu 0

Encode Video:

ffmpeg -r 30 -f image2 -s 304x288 -i frame%06d.png -i pred%06d.png -vcodec libx264 -crf 25  -pix_fmt yuv420p ../test.mp4


1.1) Gstreamer:

sudo apt-get install libgstreamer1.0-0 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-doc gstreamer1.0-tools

1.2) ffmpeg:

sudo apt install ffmpeg

1.3) Grant access to user for using video devices:

grep video /etc/group
sudo usermod -a -G video olorin
sudo chmod 777 /dev/video0

3 Third-Party Evaluation Code

3.1 KITTI Depth Prediction Dataset's Evaluation tool


sudo apt-get install libpng++-dev


cd /media/nicolas/nicolas_seagate/datasets/kitti/depth/depth_prediction/depth_devkit/devkit/cpp


./evaluation/kitti_depth_prediction_devkit/cpp/evaluate_depth output/tmp/gt/ output/tmp/pred/


  1. Ubuntu 17.04 cannot open shared object file #95
wget -q -O /tmp/libpng12.deb   && sudo dpkg -i /tmp/libpng12.deb   && rm /tmp/libpng12.deb

3.2 Monodepth's Evaluation Code

Monodepth Evaluation Code:

To evaluate run:

python utils/ --split kitti --predicted_disp_path ~/tmp/my_model/disparities.npy \
--gt_path ~/data/KITTI/


  • Upload code
  • Add Youtube Videos
  • Write with framework descriptions
  • Change arXiv link to official link
  • Change bibtex for the official citation


ICAR 2019 "Sparse-to-Continuous: Enhancing Monocular Depth Estimation using Occupancy Maps"

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License