tjgurwara99 / hatnote-websocket

A simple use case for web sockets

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A simple HatNote websocket analysis

The task is to analyse the data stream and produce a report.

Before we can start the jupyter script, we need to install the dependencies for this project.

If you have poetry installed, then all you need to do is run:

poetry install

in the root directory of this project.

If you do not have poetry installed, then you can install it with:

curl -sSL | python -

For reference, you can find more information here

Once poetry install has completed, we can run the jupyter script.

Since I wanted to write a report, I decided to use the slides feature of Jupyter notebook to write the report. The slide could be found here.

To run the notebook, use the following command:

jupyter-notebook hatnote_websocket/Presentation.ipynb


A simple use case for web sockets


Language:HTML 90.8%Language:Jupyter Notebook 8.6%Language:Python 0.5%