tjdevries / express_line.nvim

WIP: Statusline written in pure lua. Supports co-routines, functions and jobs.

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Switching from lightline -> express_line

smolck opened this issue · comments

Here's my current lightline configuration:



The main thing to notice here is that I have all open buffers listed. I use buffers instead of tabs, so this is pretty essential to my current workflow (I navigate between them using <leader>bn for the next buffer and <leader>bp for the previous one).



Configuration (Lua)

    vim.g.lightline = {
        colorscheme = 'gruvbox_material';
        tabline = {
          left = { { 'bufferinfo' },
                    { 'separator' },
                    { 'bufferbefore', 'buffercurrent', 'bufferafter' }, },
          right = { { 'tabs', 'close' }, },
        active = {
            left = { { 'mode', 'paste' },
                    { 'fugitive', 'readonly', 'filename', 'modified' }
        component_expand = {
          buffercurrent = 'lightline#buffer#buffercurrent',
          bufferbefore = 'lightline#buffer#bufferbefore',
          bufferafter = 'lightline#buffer#bufferafter',
        component_type = {
          buffercurrent = 'tabsel',
          bufferbefore = 'raw',
          bufferafter = 'raw',
        component_function = {
          bufferinfo = 'lightline#buffer#bufferinfo',
          readonly = 'LightlineReadonly',
          fugitive = 'LightlineFugitive'
        -- separator = { left = '', right = '' };
        -- subseparator = { left = '', right = '' };
    -- Lightline-buffer UI settings
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_logo                     = ''
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_readonly_icon            = ''
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_modified_icon            = ''
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_git_icon                 = ''
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_ellipsis_icon            = '..'
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_expand_left_icon         = ''
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_expand_right_icon        = ''
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_active_buffer_left_icon  = ''
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_active_buffer_right_icon = ''
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_separator_icon           = '  '

    -- Requires <>
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_enable_devicons          = 1

    vim.g.lightline_buffer_show_bfnr                = 1

    -- See `:help filename-modifiers`
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_fname_mod                = ':t'

    -- Hide buffer list
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_excludes                 = { 'vimfiler' }

    vim.g.lightline_buffer_maxflen                  = 30 -- Max file name length
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_minflen                  = 16 -- Min file name length

    vim.g.lightline_buffer_maxfextlen               = 30 -- Max file extension length
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_minfextlen               = 3  -- Min file extension length

    -- Reserve length for other componenet (e.g. info, close)
    vim.g.lightline_buffer_reservelen               = 20

If I uncomment the separator and subseparator lines, I get almost the same thing, just with the arrows so it looks like this:

Tabline (arrow-separated)


Statusline (arrow-separated)


How much of that is currently possible with expressline? Some of the configuration I probably don't care much about if it isn't possible, but having the buffers in the tabline and maybe some other small things are necessary for my current workflow.

The one I care most was not mentioned: colorscheme configuration.

Lightline supports a custom dictionary structure for coloring each individual component based on its position. Generally, they are divided between left, middle, and right.

I infer this would be possible to do ad-hoc by tweaking the output of each function with the low-level 'statusline' syntax, but it should be abstracted away by this plugin through a similar configuration scheme. If this is already possible somehow, I wasn't able to tell from skimming the code or from the README.