tjdevries / express_line.nvim

WIP: Statusline written in pure lua. Supports co-routines, functions and jobs.

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Hide statusline in some buffer types

kkharji opened this issue · comments

Hey, I want to hide statusline in some buffer types like minimap.

w.create_augroup('ui_minimap', {'Filetype', 'minimap', [[setlocal statusline=\ ]]})

The above works, but as soon I switch to the buffer, express_line takes over and show the statusline.



The fzf.vim plugin suggests the follow setting to auto hide status line for fzf buffers:

autocmd! FileType fzf set laststatus=0 noshowmode noruler
  \| autocmd BufLeave <buffer> set laststatus=2 showmode ruler

set laststatus=0 when you want to hide the status line, set it to 2 when you want to show the status line.
Some plugins might automatically set laststatus=2. So if you're using such a plugin, try to disable this behavior in its settings

Thanks a lot @smartding that solves it.