tjcelaya / game-of-life

explore q though Conway's Game of Life

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


q life.q -p 5000


You can tweak the rendering speed by changing \t and the size by changing the values passed to R when initializing board.

Compare life with these alternate implementations found at Game of Life in (one line of) q

life:{any(1b;x)&'3 4=\:sum sum f(f:rotate'\:[1 0 -1])x} / by Aaron Davies
life:{any(1;x)&3 4=\:2 sum/2(1 0 -1 rotate'\:)/x}       / by Attila Vrabecz
life:{(3=a)|x&4=a:2 sum/2 rotate'\:[1 0 -1]/x}          / by Attila Vrabecz
life:{3=a-x*4=a:2 sum/2(1 0 -1 rotate'\:)/x}            / by Attila Vrabecz
life:{0<x+0 1@4-2 sum/2(1 0 -1 rotate'\:)/x}            / by Swee Heng


explore q though Conway's Game of Life


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