tjanczuk / w3

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Posting messages

To post new messages to the system, use this endpoint:

POST /api/v1/messages?apiKey={apiKey}

The endpoint requires authentication and authorization in one of two forms:

  • the browser user had been authenticated using one of the authentication methods (e.g. Twitter) and the cookie based session attests that. In addition, currently the system enforces that the authenticated user is in the whitelist specified as a comma separated list of screen names in the W3_BETA_USERS environment variable.
  • the call explicitly specifies the apiKey query parameter. Currently the system allows for a single apiKey to specified as W3_API_KEY environment variable.

Request body

The content type of the HTTP request must contain the message to be posted as text/plain content type. The maximum length of the request is 140 bytes. The reqeust:

  • must specify at least one location using the $(long,lat[:| <description>]) notation
  • must specify at least one moment in time using the ^(<ISO time>) notation
  • may specify any number of tags using the #<tagName> notation
  • may specify any number of people references using the @<person> notation

For example, this is a valid request body:

Test message $(24,-120: My favorite fishing spot) $(21,20: My second best) ^(2013-06-19) ^(2013-06-20) 
#fishing /cc @theworld @tjanczuk

Request processing

The service validates and normalizes the request by generating a a the cross-product of all locations and times specified in the message. Each entry in that cross-product is specific to a single location and single moment in time. The resulting array of entries is inserted into the Mongo databse. In case of the sample request above, four entries would be generated.


The endpoint returns HTTP 400 status code when the submitted data is invalid. The body of the response contains details of the error.

The endpoint returns HTTP 500 status code when inserting to the database fails. The body of the response contains details of the error.

The endpoint returns HTTP 201 status code when the message was successfuly persisted in the database. The body of the HTTP response contains application/json representation of the normalized array of entries inserted into the database. For example, given the following request:

Test message $(24,-120: My favorite fishing spot) ^(2013-06-19) ^(2013-06-20) 
#fishing /cc @theworld @tjanczuk

the response should look as follows:

    "created": 1371701758573,
    "text": "Test message $(-120,24: My favorite fishing spot) ^(2013-06-19) ^(2013-06-20) #fishing /cc @theworld @tjanczuk",
    "tags": [
    "people": [
    "location": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "location_name": "My favorite fishing spot",
    "time": {
      "type": "Moment",
      "time": [
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "id": "51c28200e345dc7f22000012"
    "created": 1371701758573,
    "text": "Test message $(-120,24: My favorite fishing spot) ^(2013-06-19) ^(2013-06-20) #fishing /cc @theworld @tjanczuk",
    "tags": [
    "people": [
    "location": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "location_name": "My favorite fishing spot",
    "time": {
      "type": "Moment",
      "time": [
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "id": "51c28200e345dc7f22000013"

Querying messages

To query messages, use this endpoint:

POST /api/v1/query?apiKey={apiKey}

Currently the endpoint requires authentication using the same mechanism as the POST /api/v1/message endpoint. Long term the endpoint will be unauthenticated.

Request body

Request body must be application\json and specify the query in the following format:

    geometry: {
        type: 'Polygon',
        coordinates: [[[-122,49], [-120,49], [-120,47], [-122,47], [-122,49]]]
    time: {
        type: 'Period',
        time: [ 1371611873300, 1371611900000 ]

The geometry property must be a geoJSON object of type Polygon. The coordinates must be closed, i.e. the last point must be the same as the first.

The time property is a JSON object with two properties: type and time. The type at present must be equal to Period. This is to allow future extensibility of specifying time using other concepts (e.g. recurrence). The time property must currently be an array of two integers: time from and time to, specified as number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 UTC (i.e. in JavaScript). The second integer may be Infinite to indicate unbounded upper limit.


The service will match all messages which location falls within the defined polygon and time range.


The endpoint returns HTTP 400 status code when the submitted query is invalid. The body of the response contains details of the error. This includes a case when the number of matching messages exceeds the limit set on the server using the W3_MAX_QUERY_LIMIT environment variable (set based on WAWS app settings), or 200 by default. In the case of exceeded limit the response body will be Number of query results exceeded the limit..

The endpoint returns HTTP 500 status code when querying the database fails. The body of the response contains details of the error.

The endpoint returns HTTP 200 status code when the query was successful. The body of the HTTP response in that case contains application/json representation of the array representing query results. For example, given the following request:

    "geometry": {
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [[[-122,49], [-118,49], [-118,51], [-122,51], [-122,49]]]
    "time": {
        "type": "Period",
        "time": [ 1371500000000, 1403222500000 ]

The result (depending on the content of the databse) may look like this:

    "created": 1371702899272,
    "text": "Test message $(-120,50: My favorite fishing spot) $(20,20: My second best) ^(2013-06-19) ^(2014-06-20) #fishing /cc @theworld @tjanczuk",
    "tags": [
    "people": [
    "location": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "location_name": "My favorite fishing spot",
    "time": {
      "type": "Moment",
      "time": [
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "id": "51c28674de8c929441000003"
    "created": 1371702899272,
    "text": "Test message $(-120,50: My favorite fishing spot) $(20,20: My second best) ^(2013-06-19) ^(2014-06-20) #fishing /cc @theworld @tjanczuk",
    "tags": [
    "people": [
    "location": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "location_name": "My favorite fishing spot",
    "time": {
      "type": "Moment",
      "time": [
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "id": "51c28674de8c929441000004"

Tips and tricks

Run the server at localhost:3000 during development (MacOS):

sudo W3_MONGO_URL=mongodb:// ./rundev

Connect to the Mongo DB from command line (requires MongoDB client):

mongo -u w3 -p cdd66d02385c4ed19177d1d4247735b8

Post a message from the message1.txt file to the system listening on http://localhost:3000 from command line:

curl http://localhost:3000/api/v1/messages?apiKey=gow3go --data-binary @message1.txt

The same to the production system:

curl --data-binary @message1.txt

To issue a query in query1.json file to the system listening on http://localhost:3000 from command line:

curl http://localhost:3000/api/v1/query?apiKey=gow3go --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @query1.json

The same query issued to production system:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @query1.json

To execute the database setup script which sets up appropriate indexes (from root of project):

mongo -u w3 -p cdd66d02385c4ed19177d1d4247735b8 ./tools/setup_db.js 



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