tj / robo

Simple Go / YAML-based task runner for the team.

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How to nest variables

yujunz opened this issue · comments

Trying to nest variable in another variable but seems not working. How should I handle such case in robo?

  summary: deploy longhorn system
  exec: kapp deploy {{.kapp.flags}}

  summary: delete longhorn system
  exec: kapp delete {{.kapp.flags}}

  summary: port-forward service to localhost
  exec:	kubectl port-forward -n longhorn-system svc/longhorn-frontend 8080:80

    namespace: kapp
    app: longhorn-system
    flags: --namespace {{.kapp.namespace}} --app {{}} --diff-changes
❯ robo variables longhorn-system
    kapp.flags: --namespace {{.kapp.namespace}} --app {{}} --diff-changes
    kapp.namespace: kapp

That's not supported, before we go ahead and add that feature though, can you elaborate some more? what are you trying to do?

For example, why not change deploy and delete to accept the namespace and app name via regular args, like:

robo deploy kapp loghorn-system
robo delete kapp loghorn-system


I was trying to have some shortcuts for regular kapp actions with less typing and keep the code D.R.Y.

I end up with copy and paste of the flags.