tj / n

Node version management

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LTS downloading stable instead of LTS

necipallef opened this issue · comments

Bug Report

LTS downloading stable instead of LTS


Running n lts downloads node version 20.x.y, it should instead download 18.x.y

Steps to Reproduce

Run n lts

Expected Behaviour

Node 18 is installed, as it is the LTS version.

Actual Behaviour

Node 20 is installed. Node 20 is the stable version.

Other Information

It seems like the option LTS is treated the same as stable, but they should not be the same.

never mind, it turns out that LTS is actually Node20. I misread the articles in Node website.

Long ago Node.js used stable to describe a stable version which at the time was an even numbered release.

The modern terminology is LTS and current. Often there are two LTS versions, one in active development and one in maintenance. See and

Were you expecting stable to mean the LTS version that is in maintenance mode? Did you see that usage somewhere? I have not seen that usage defined and n does not support a target label for that.

(I commented before seeing you has closed issue. Some bonus background anyway!)