tj / n

Node version management

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Fresh install of n can't be used

Lovasz-Akos opened this issue · comments

Bug Report


Just installed n with npm install -g n and using n latest breaks

Steps to Reproduce

npm install -g n
n latest

Expected Behaviour

Installs latest nodejs

Actual Behaviour

$ n latest
/bin/n: line 108: syntax error: unexpected "("

Configuration Details

$ n --version
also returns 
/bin/n: line 108: syntax error: unexpected "("

$ command -v node

$ node -p process.platform

fixed by using the POSIX compliant version on the POSIX branch

What version of Bash are you using in the failing environment?

There is some interesting syntax on that line, so maybe a really old or really new version of Bash is complaining:


Line 108 in 02a8fe0

CURL_OPTIONS=( "--location" "--fail" "--show-error" )

I'm using sh, not bash, that might be the issue here

The n script starts with a shebang interpreter directive to use bash:


Line 1 in 02a8fe0

#!/usr/bin/env bash

So in theory you can use sh (or zsh et al) as your shell, but the n script is interpreted using bash.

What version of Bash are you using in the failing environment?

Assuming you have a bash available, what I meant was what version is it? For example, I see:

% bash --version 
GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin21)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Sadly no bash, it's a super barebones buildroot system i'm testing, I don't even have apt or curl which makes changing node versions...difficult. n comes to save the day, since I do have npm, but that syntax breaks on sh. #751 's changes fix this so I'm looking forward to it's merge or completion :)

Thanks for the info. A vote for the posix compatible version. :-)

(although it acted a little strange on my try, n's tui only saw the version it installed and not the one already present on the system, and it couldn't switch my active install)

and it couldn't switch my active install

That sounds like an issue with node installed twice, likely once into /usr/bin (by some other process) and into /usr/local/bin by n. The version which is found depends on the order of directories in the PATH environment variable.

If you run n doctor it will check for this situation.