tj / connect-redis

Redis session store for Connect

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Massive sessions in 6.1.2

craigjbass opened this issue · comments

We're seeing an issue in production where sessions are huge - to the point where we see connect-redis.js:64 fails to JSON.stringify because it's greater than the max string size for a 64 bit machine in v8 is 512MB. nodejs/node#35973 (comment)

Also manually reading out some sessions with redis-cli results in a 117s wait for the object

Confirmed present in 6.1.2 and not present in 6.0.0 in our environment. Downgrading uktrade/data-hub-frontend@626b021 worked for us, although some large sessions were still hanging around and required us to FLUSHDB

Thanks for reporting. This has been reverted in v6.1.3.

Super quick response @wavded. We'll get this rolled out and tested in production next week