tj / connect-redis

Redis session store for Connect

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unhandled rejection error when frontend client connects to server, on connect-redis + passportjs

etapic opened this issue · comments

Hello, I don't know where is problem, I am getting unhandled rejection error once frontend client connects to api server.
I tried to implement redis sessions storage on express-sessions, basically copy-pasted everything from documentation, redis client works fine, redis server is running, api server works fine If I remove "store: new redisStore({ client: redisClient })," from express-session config. I am using passportjs, maybe this is issue?

@etapic, I just updated the documentation. Redis v4 (which now installs by default) does not work at this time with this library. You should install redis@v3 or use another client like ioredis at this time.

ok, thank you