tj / connect-redis

Redis session store for Connect

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Question: support for node-redis version 4

xavizus opened this issue · comments

Is there any plans to add support for node-redis version 4?
There are some breaking changes when it comes to Typescript.

Yes. It appears we can run this in legacyMode to maintain support without changing our implementation.

Yes, that's correct. Though, with Typescript there are some more changes.
Instead of being the type RedisClient, you get RedisClientType<RedisModules, RedisLuaScripts>, while expected type is redis.RedisClient | ioRedis.Redis | ioRedis.Cluster;
It can be temporary solved, by adding <any> before the redisclient when you create the redis store.
For example
new redisStore( { client: <any>redisClient, ttl: 8 * 60 * 60 } ),

I'm unsure how those Typescript changes affect this project as it doesn't use Typescript. Is this a matter of updating the @types/connect-redis to support? If so, a PR would need to be created to support the change over there:

I just tried the following:

Seems like it does not work with the new redis version anyways.

import express, { Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express";
import connectRedis from "connect-redis";
import session from "express-session";
import * as redis from "redis";

( async() =>
   const app = express();
   const redisStore = connectRedis( session );
   const redisClient = redis.createClient( { legacyMode: true } );
   await redisClient.connect();
   app.use( session( {
      store: new redisStore( { client: <any>redisClient, ttl: 8 * 60 * 60 } ),
      secret: "mySecretPassword",
      saveUninitialized: false,
      resave: false,
      cookie: {
         sameSite: "strict",
         secure: false,
         httpOnly: true,
   } ) );

   app.get( "/", ( request: Request, response: Response, _: NextFunction ) =>
      request.session.views = 1;
      console.log( request.session );
   } );

   app.listen( 3000, async() =>
      console.log( `${} is now listening!` );
   } );
} )();

And I get the following error when doing response.end()

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "string" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer or ArrayBuffer. Received an instance of Array
    at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:371:5)
    at Function.byteLength (node:buffer:734:11)
    at encodeCommand (/home/stephan/Documents/DEV/backend/node_modules/redis/dist/lib/commander.js:78:33)
    at RedisClient._RedisClient_sendCommand (/home/stephan/Documents/DEV/backend/node_modules/redis/dist/lib/client.js:360:66)
    at RedisClient.commandsExecutor (/home/stephan/Documents/DEV/backend/node_modules/redis/dist/lib/client.js:111:136)
    at RedisClient.BaseClass.<computed> [as set] (/home/stephan/Documents/DEV/backend/node_modules/redis/dist/lib/commander.js:12:29)
    at RedisStore.set (/home/stephan/Documents/DEV/backend/node_modules/connect-redis/lib/connect-redis.js:65:21)
    at (/home/stephan/Documents/DEV/backend/node_modules/express-session/session/session.js:72:25)
    at (/home/stephan/Documents/DEV/backend/node_modules/express-session/index.js:406:15)
    at ServerResponse.end (/home/stephan/Documents/DEV/backend/node_modules/express-session/index.js:335:21) {

It works without any problems if I don't set any value to the session. (as fast as I remove the comment for request.session.views = 1;, I get the above error at response.end().

Workaround for the type issue is adding .toString() to ttl and _getTTL(sess) in following places, as legacy redis currently does not expect number in the command arguments:

args.push('EX', ttl)

this.client.expire(key, this._getTTL(sess), (err, ret) => {

But it seems that issue with numeric arguments should be fixed in node-redis anyway.

Hi all,

any workaround for this?


This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days.

This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 5 days with no activity.

Work for this has begun -> #337

I am removing the legacyMode requirement in the next major version of this package. If you want to try it you can npm install connect-redis@next in your projects:

Migration guide in this PR: #377

This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 5 days with no activity.