tj / commander.js

node.js command-line interfaces made easy

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Requiring via `<` does not work.

JonasDoe opened this issue · comments

Taking your example,

const program=new Command('test-required').option('-p, --pizza-type <TYPE>', 'type of pizza')

won't throw an Error. I've checked, this.required = flags.includes('<') in the Option constructor is set to true, but it seems this value isn't evaluated anywhere (I just set breakpoints at all reading accesses, and none of them was triggered).
Command#requiredOption is working though.

-p, --pizza-type <TYPE> means if the option is used, an option value is required.

% node index.js 
% node index.js --pizza-type
error: option '-p, --pizza-type <TYPE>' argument missing

-p, --pizza-type <TYPE> means if the option is used, an option value is required.

% node index.js 
% node index.js --pizza-type
error: option '-p, --pizza-type <TYPE>' argument missing

Ooooh, I see - thanks for the clarification!
Sorry for the derailment, but how can I render a new Option as mandatory then? I can't use requiredOption() b/c I want to set an env alternative to it (i.e. .addOption(new Option(...).env(...)), but I don't see a way make this object mandatory, - if <TYPE> isn't meant for that.

See Option.makeOptionMandatory().

Specify a required (mandatory) option using the Option method .makeOptionMandatory(). This matches the Command method .requiredOption().

I see! Thank you for your time!