tj / commander.js

node.js command-line interfaces made easy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Missing `this` type for `action`

matthyk opened this issue · comments


Lines 511 to 527 in 83c3f4e

action(fn) {
const listener = (args) => {
// The .action callback takes an extra parameter which is the command or options.
const expectedArgsCount = this.registeredArguments.length;
const actionArgs = args.slice(0, expectedArgsCount);
if (this._storeOptionsAsProperties) {
actionArgs[expectedArgsCount] = this; // backwards compatible "options"
} else {
actionArgs[expectedArgsCount] = this.opts();
return fn.apply(this, actionArgs);
this._actionHandler = listener;
return this;

The passed action function fn receives the current command as this context in line 523. However, this context is missing in the current typings.
action(fn: (...args: any[]) => void | Promise<void>): this;

Happy to provide a PR for this!

I had seen this recommended in the Effective TypeScript book, but not acted on it as I was not familiar with the pattern (Item 49: Provide a Type for this in Callbacks).

We have more advanced typings and try out some typing improvements in:

If you open a PR there, we can make it available there first before bringing it back to Commander.

The change has been out for a couple of months in without causing reported issues.

Would you still like to make a PR here @matthyk ?
