titzer / virgil

A fast and lightweight native programming language

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Editors and IDEs support?

1e9t8m29 opened this issue · comments

It seems there is none at the moment. I suggest adding at least syntax highlighting to CudaText: https://github.com/Alexey-T/CudaText

CudaText is inspired by SublimeText but is more lightweight and available for more platforms.


There are modes for both emacs and vim. It would be great to have syntax highlighting support for more editors like Sublime and VSCode. (I had explored Sublime but my experiment has long since bit-rotted).

There are modes for both emacs and vim.

Where are they? I didn't find them on this repo.

It would be great to have syntax highlighting support for more editors like Sublime and VSCode. (I had explored Sublime but my experiment has long since bit-rotted).

The CudaText developer is very friendly. You could go here: https://github.com/Alexey-T/CudaText/issues and create a ticket asking him to support Virgil.

CudaText lexer exists already in addons-manager.

The emacs mode is in bin/virgil-mode.el and the vim mode is in bin/dev/virgil-vim.