titu1994 / Keras-ResNeXt

Implementation of ResNeXt models from the paper Aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks in Keras 2.0+.

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IMAGENET_TF_WEIGHTS_PATH isn't defined in resnext.py

hiarindam opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to extract weights from ImageNet for ResNeXt architecture.

While executing resnext.py, I'm receiving below error.

raise ValueError("unknown url type: %r" % self.full_url)
ValueError: unknown url type: ''

After checking the code in detail I found that the variable IMAGENET_TF_WEIGHTS_PATH is not properly defined, it must contain a valid URL.

Can you please provide your suggestion to resolve this issue?


Do you download the weight?
and @titu1994 how to download the weight?

Sadly there are no weights for ResNeXt models. Grouped convoluted layers don't exist yet in Keras or Tensorflow.