titoBouzout / WordCount

Real-time Word, Char, Line and Page counter, in the status-bar for the document, line or selection. Sublime Text

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Count number of characters of current line

opened this issue · comments

Hi Tito!

Optionally displaying the number of characters of the current line would be very useful when writing text for Twitter and for other limited-length text areas (such as many in web forms).

What do you think? Would you consider implementing this feature?

Be well,


Hi Andre!

Yeah, why not, let me check..


Done by 3cb9548
Thank you


oh sorry I missread your petition, this count words not characters.


Now done by 580dc12

Thank you, Tito! :) The only problem is that now my status bar is a bit crowded... -- Is there a way for me to hide (disable) the Line # and Column # info?

...Or maybe shorten the text: Line: line_num, Column: col_num to: line_num:col_num -- This would make everything easier to read and smaller...

...Also, consider having line_num:col_num at the beginning of the status bar text, rather than at the end (or middle).