titipakorn / multi_camera_multi_person_tracking

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multi Camera Multi Person Python* Demo

This demo demonstrates how to run Multi Camera Multi Person demo using OpenVINOTM.

How It Works

The demo expects the next models in the Intermediate Representation (IR) format:

  • Person detection model
  • Person re-identification model

It can be your own models or pre-trained model from OpenVINO Open Model Zoo. In the models.lst are the list of appropriate models for this demo that can be obtained via Model downloader. Please see more information about Model downloader here.

As input, the demo application takes:

  • paths to several video files specified with a command line argument --videos
  • indexes of web cameras specified with a command line argument --cam_ids

The demo workflow is the following:

  1. The demo application reads tuples of frames from web cameras/videos one by one. For each frame in tuple it runs person detector and then for each detected object it extracts embeddings using re-identification model.
  2. All embeddings are passed to tracker which assigns an ID to each object.
  3. The demo visualizes the resulting bounding boxes and unique object IDs assigned during tracking.


Installation of dependencies

To install required dependencies run

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Command line arguments

Run the application with the -h option to see the following usage message:

usage: multi_camera_multi_person_tracking.py [-h] -i I [I ...] -m M_DETECTOR
                                             [--t_detector T_DETECTOR]
                                             --m_reid M_REID
                                             [--output_video OUTPUT_VIDEO]
                                             [--config CONFIG]
                                             [--history_file HISTORY_FILE]
                                             [-d DEVICE] [-l CPU_EXTENSION]

Multi camera multi person tracking live demo script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i I [I ...]          Input sources (indexes of cameras or paths to video
  -m M_DETECTOR, --m_detector M_DETECTOR
                        Path to the person detection model
  --t_detector T_DETECTOR
                        Threshold for the person detection model
  --m_reid M_REID       Path to the person reidentification model
  --output_video OUTPUT_VIDEO
  --config CONFIG
  --history_file HISTORY_FILE
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
  -l CPU_EXTENSION, --cpu_extension CPU_EXTENSION
                        MKLDNN (CPU)-targeted custom layers.Absolute path to a
                        shared library with the kernels impl.
  --no_show             Optional. Don't show output

Minimum command examples to run the demo:

# videos
python multi_camera_multi_person_tracking.py \
    -i path/to/video_1.avi path/to/video_2.avi \
    -d path/to/person-detection-retail-0013.xml \
    -r path/to/person-reidentification-retail-0076.xml \
    --config config.py

# web-cameras
python multi_camera_multi_person_tracking.py \
    -i 0 1 \
    -d path/to/person-detection-retail-0013.xml \
    -r path/to/person-reidentification-retail-0076.xml \
    --config config.py

Demo Output

The demo displays bounding boxes of tracked objects and unique IDs of those objects. To save output video with the result please use the option --output_video, to change configuration parameters please open the config.py file and edit it.

Also demo can dump resulting tracks to a json file. To specify the file use the --history_file argument.



Language:Python 100.0%