titinko / utsu

Vocal synthesis frontend

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Notes Don't Match Grids

hilmiyafia opened this issue · comments

Hello, I think the notes are smaller than the grids. It match perfectly at the top, but as it goes down, it doesn't move as much as the grid does.


Which version and operating system are you seeing this bug for?

@titinko I run this Utsu from the source I downloaded yesterday. I'm using Windows 10 version 20H2. It seems that the scale is correct when the verticalScale is 1.0 in the DiscreteScaler. Could it be that there's a round-off error somewhere?

Thanks for the extra details! Can you give the exact steps to reproduce? Is the scaling broken from the moment you open UTSU on Windows and add some notes, or did you change the zoom or some other setting first?

@titinko You're welcome! It is broken the moment I open UTSU and add some notes. You know you can only zoom in 4 times , right? I tried looking at the code at found this line:

public static final ImmutableList<Double> VERTICAL_SCALES = ImmutableList.of(0.85, 1.0, 1.15, 1.3, 1.75);

According to that line, the default scale would be 0.85. Zoom in once, you go to 1.0, zoom in again you go to 1.15, and so on. The problem appears immediately after I open UTSU, but if I zoom in once, the problem is fixed. But if I zoom in again, the problem reappears. So that means, the scaling is off when the vertical scale is not at 1.0. Zooming in and out a few times give consistent results.

I'm having a similar problem with the current version 4.5, but I use Linux.

Which Linux distribution are you using? I'm not seeing this issue on my Ubuntu 18.04. Scrolled to the bottom and the notes are still in alignment:

Screen Shot 2021-10-26 at 5 55 44 PM

Which Linux distribution are you using? I'm not seeing this issue on my Ubuntu 18.04. Scrolled to the bottom and the notes are still in alignment:

Screen Shot 2021-10-26 at 5 55 44 PM

Hey, the problem has fixed in the latest version! 😁 Thank you @titinko

Qual distribuição Linux você está usando? Não estou vendo esse problema no meu Ubuntu 18.04. Rolado para baixo e as notas ainda estão alinhadas:

Captura de tela 2021-10-26 às 5 55 44 PM

Hi! I use a flavor of Ubuntu, which is Ubuntu Studio with KDE Plasma interface, it's in edition 21.04 according to the System information. I rechecked the top problem and realized I was wrong, it's more of a UX problem. I couldn't adapt to the way the piano and the note-taking area were arranged.

Looking closely, the notes do seem to be a few pixels down and to the right from what they should be. Not a serious issue since it's only a few pixels, but I can try to move them back in the next release.