tiredofit / docker-traefik-cloudflare-companion

Automatically Create CNAME records for containers served by Traefik

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Container specific proxied status

indykoning opened this issue · comments

Description of the feature
It would be great to be able to override the default configuration per subdomain on the Docker container.
e.g. using labels

  traefik.enable: true
  traefik.network: public
  traefik.http.routers.appname.rule: Host(`appname.example.com`)
  traefik.http.routers.appname.cloudflare.proxied: false

Benftits of feature
This will make it possible/much easier to have different rules set for different applications.
As some (e.g. Nextcloud and Jellyfin) can not adhere to the TOS and are not eligible for proxying