tintoy / ps-reptile

A MAML-format help generator for binary PowerShell modules.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Expected a closing quote in PSReptile.Build.targets(10,9)

nlowe opened this issue · comments

After adding a reference to PSReptile.Build I get the following error when building my project:

C:\Users\nlowe\.nuget\packages\psreptile.build\0.0.2-alpha1\build\PSReptile.Build.targets(10,9): error MSB4101: Expected a closing quote after position 29 in condition " '$(BuildPSHelp)' == 'true' '". [C:\Users\nlowe\Projects\Harbor.PowerShell\src\Harbor.PowerShell\Harbor.PowerShell.csproj]


Looks like you have an extra quote:

Condition=" '$(BuildPSHelp)' == 'true' '"

I believe it should be:

Condition=" '$(BuildPSHelp)' == 'true' "

Thanks, good catch! I'll fix that up shortly :)

I'll publish a new build shortly.

New build will also target PowerShell Core v6.0.0-rc.2 (which means it has to target netcoreapp2.0 instead of netstandard1.6).