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Puppet Unsolvable in 1 Transaction

BlueAlder opened this issue · comments

I am updating all my solutions to the new v3 implementation (nice job by the way!). I am making my way through and am stuck on the new requirement of the puppet problem. Specifically the requirement for the entire solution to be solved in 1 transaction.

expect(await ethers.provider.getTransactionCount(player.address)).to.eq(1);

I think this was introduced due to this PR.

I am not sure if I am just dumb and can't work it out but as far as I can tell, at least 2 transactions are required and if you use a contract to do this all for you then you will need to transfer tokens to the contract as well as create the contract.

Lol i'm just dumb never mind

How did you solve it in 1 tx?
I solved it like this:

it('Execution', async function () {

    [,,this.player2] = await ethers.getSigners();

    const AttackerContractFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory('AttackPuppet', this.player2);
    this.attackerContract = await AttackerContractFactory.deploy(
        token.address, uniswapExchange.address, lendingPool.address

    token.connect(player).transfer(this.attackerContract.address, PLAYER_INITIAL_TOKEN_BALANCE);
    await this.attackerContract.attack({value: 11n * 10n ** 18n});
    await token.connect(this.player2).transfer(player.address, await token.balanceOf(this.player2.address));


Yeah it's possible to solve in 1 transaction. You can handle all the logic required (including the transfers) in the deployment of the contract and that is the single transaction.

Spoiler warning If you just want to see the answer you can see my solution here. It uses `signERC2612Permit()` to allow the contract to transfer the tokens from the player contract


Didn't think about that! Cool! :)