timwah / pokeslack

Get Slack messages posted to a #pokealert channel about rare Pokemon close to you

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[Suggestion] Configure Slack range in terms of distance, rather than steps

ryanball opened this issue · comments

This is similar to what is on the roadmap, but feel that a value like this would greatly help people who want to make a slack notification for their office!

Do you mean the NUM_STEPS variable defined in terms of distance? It's a little tricky to change because the implementation is mostly from the PokemonGo-Map project, but is doable if we dissect the code more.

So my understanding is NUM_STEPS determines search distance. Say num steps==5, but I only want to be notified if something is within .25 miles of my location. Yes the search has some waste in it now, but steps aren't very granular

I see, yeah that's a good point. Lots of wasted time searching space that you're not even interested. The notification can be a lot more instantaneous if we just searched explicitly. I can add to the roadmap, great suggestion.

is there any rough estimate as to what the step and step size means? ie what kind of radius from the point selected the values would be?

I thought every step is 100m. So 300m is 3 steps, 250m is 3 steps, 200m is 2 steps etc. Its the go API. To implement a meters setting a simple convertion and rounding function has to be done, but this would also require checking A: wether steps or units and B: if units, is it in meters of miles