timschneeb / awesome-shizuku

Curated list of awesome Android apps making use of Shizuku

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Efreak opened this issue · comments


Termux and other terminal apps can make use of shizuku via the included rish script (shizuku will provide it to you). This is extremely useful; as a (rather extreme) example, you can uninstall all Tachiyomi extensions with rish /system/bin/pm list packages|grep eu.kanade.tachiyomi.extension|sed -E s/'^package\:(.+)$/echo uninstalling \1;pm uninstall \1/g|(sleep 2s;rish)

All(?) of the Tachiyomi forks can make use of shizuku, not just aniyomi. This includes J2K, AZ, SY, Animiru, and Takoyomi.


NoPopping by rikka, developer of shizuku

Inure app manager

Swift backup

Tasker can be configured to send adb commands via rish, since it can run shell scripts/commands. Rish might need to be inlined into the shell command.

Swift backup, Inure app manager, NoPopping

Added, thanks!

Termux and other terminal apps can make use of shizuku via the included rish script

I added some info about rish and the possibility of connecting it with other apps that don't support Shizuku directly in a separate category.

All(?) of the Tachiyomi forks can make use of shizuku, not just aniyomi. This includes J2K, AZ, SY, Animiru, and Takoyomi.

I initially didn't add any more Tachiyomi forks because there are too many, and most are too similar. But now I have included a link to a list of forks.


This one doesn't seem to support Shizuku, it hasn't been updated since 2019.


This one doesn't seem to support Shizuku, it hasn't been updated since 2019.

Huh. Thanks for letting me know. I actually haven't been using it for several years, I just know that it shows up inside shizuku itself. Now that I'm thinking about it, I suppose I should actually be uninstalling this. I have a bad habit of leaving every app I've ever used installed forever...


Also, as shown in my script above, rish captures stdin, so input can be piped into it. The sleep statement is there because you cannot run it twice simultaneously; it gives it enough time to end the current session before running the next command. I've never used it with -c so I'm unsure if it sets the path properly when you do so, but my scripts without it do need the full path of the binary being launched.

I just know that it shows up inside shizuku itself

That's interesting. I just decompiled the Greenify APK (since it's not open-source), and it does support a really old version of the Shizuku API (it uses v3, the current one is v13.1.1).
I couldn't get it to work, and there are no UI hints about Shizuku too. Either it isn't compatible with modern versions of Shizuku, or that feature was not fully implemented before the dev abandoned the project.

Also, as shown in my script above, rish captures stdin so that input can be piped into it.

I added another section with several ways to launch rish with a bunch of simplified examples. As far as I can see, both -c and using stdin don't require full paths.