TimRoussilhe / smooth

[Beta] Smooth Scrolling for the win.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


enter image description here

What's Smooth?

Custom library to handle scroll.

There is 3 main things that Smooth can take care of for you :

  • Wrapping a container ( usually the page ) and adding a smooth scroll ( with some lerping/momemtum to it )
    • This can be some by keeping the real scroll and scrollbar for a more native experience
    • Or this can be done using virtual-scroll for a more smooth experience
  • Handling Parallax
    • Smooth will act as a controller to handle parallax
  • Scroll Trigger, to reveal element when they reach a certain

The library works on mobile but I recommend to keep the real scroll on mobile.



<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
    <main id="content">
      <section class="page-wrapper">...</section>


Create a smooth instance

import Smooth from '@timroussilhe/smooth';

this.smooth = new Smooth({
  scrollElement: document.querySelector('.scroll-wrapper'),
  scrollOptions: {
    useVirtualScroll: false,
    smoothContainer: true,
    easing: 0.12,
    friction: null,


Add Scroll Elements

const elementParallax = {
  el: document.querySelector('.scroll-wrapper'),

  parallax: [
      start: 0,
      end: 500,
      properties: [['translateY', 0, 250]],
      easing: 'easeInOutCubic',
      viewFactorStart: 0,
      viewFactorEnd: 0,

const $footer = document.querySelector('footer');

const elementTrigger = {
  el: $footer,

  trigger: {
    start: 'in-viewport',
    end: 'out-viewport',
    viewFactorStart: 0,
    viewFactorEnd: 0,
    callback: (before) => {
      if (before === 0) {
      } else if (before === -1) {
this.smooth.addElements([elementParallax, elementTrigger]);




Smooth Properties/Options

property type default description
scrollElement DOM element null required DOM element for the Scroll wrapper
scrollbarElement DOM element null optional DOM element for the Scrollbar container
scrollOptions Object {} required Option for the Scroll
scrollbarOptions Object {} optional Option for the Scroll

Scroll Properties/Options

property type default description
easing number 0.5 easing value for the scroll
friction number 0.2 friction value for the scroll
wheelDeltaMultiplier number 0.45 Multiplier to add to the wheel delta
maxWheel number 400 Max value that the wheel event delta can get to
autoUpdate boolean true Let Scroll update its own requestanimationframe loop
useVirtualScroll boolean true Use virtual-scroll or the native scroll
direction string vertical Direction of the scroll, vertical or horizontal
infinite boolean false Infinite scroll will not stop the Scroll when reaching the limit of the scroll Wrapper.

Scrollbar Properties/Options

property type default description
orientation string vertical Orientation and placement of the scrollbar
minSize number 50 Smallest size that the Scrollbar thumb can reach
fade boolean true If the Scrollbar thumb need to fade or not
fadeTime number 1200 Fade Timer duration
className string scrollbar-thumb className of the generated Scrollbar
updateScrollTarget function null Function to called when the Scrollbar get updated

Smooth Element Option

property type description
el DOM Element Target element
trigger Object Trigger Item values
parallax Array Array of Parallax Item values

Smooth Element Paralaxe

property type description
start string | number start value for the scroll element. This can be a number or use 'in-viewport' 'out-viewport'
end string | number end value for the scroll element. This can be a number or use 'in-viewport' 'out-viewport'
properties array Properties to animate, each property should be an array following this structure [property,valueStart,ValueEnd] ex: ['translateY', 0, 200]
viewFactorStart string | number factor to add to the start value, this can be a number that will be used as a factor of the element height or a fixed pixel value. Ex: 200px
viewFactorEnd string | number factor to add to the end value, this can be a number that will be used as a factor of the element height or a fixed pixel value. Ex: 200px

Smooth Element Trigger

property type description
start string | number start value for the scroll element. This can be a number or use 'in-viewport' 'out-viewport'
end string | number end value for the scroll element. This can be a number or use 'in-viewport' 'out-viewport'
viewFactorStart string | number factor to add to the start value, this can be a number that will be used as a factor of the element height or a fixed pixel value. Ex: 200px
viewFactorEnd string | number factor to add to the end value, this can be a number that will be used as a factor of the element height or a fixed pixel value. Ex: 200px
callback function (scrollPosition) => {} callback function to be called when the trigger start or end scroll values are reached. scrollPosition is -1 for before, 0 for in, 1 for after.
repeat boolean Repeat the callback function after the first trigger in.

Smooth Method

Method Description
start Start Smooth
addElements(elements) Add Scroll Elements. Arguments: elements
reset(elements) Reset Scroll Elements. Usually used on resize
disable Disable Smooth
enable Enable Smooth
scrollTo(target,direct) Set Scroll Position. Arguments: target: scroll position. direct scroll to the target with no animation
resize(target) Resize Smooth. Arguments: target: you can provide a fixed height but this is not necessary
destroy() Destroy Smooth instance and clear events.

Live Examples


[Beta] Smooth Scrolling for the win.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%