timorunge / ansible-sssd

Custom SSSD installation and configuration including patch management for the SSSD source.

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Version compare error

sspreitzer opened this issue · comments

Hi Timo

We would like to use your SSSD module at the Paul Scherrer Institute. We are using AWX/Ansible Tower to invoke your module. However we run into a problem in your version compare.

update_cache: "{{ omit if ((ansible_pkg_mgr == 'dnf') and (ansible_version is version('2.7', '<'))) else 'yes' }}"

The error is;

TASK [timorunge.sssd : Install SSSD packages] **********************************
fatal: [rhel-8-client-2.psi.ch]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Version comparison: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'"}

Hope you can help.

Thank you

The Ansible version Ansible Tower/AWX uses is 2.9.5

@sspreitzer, which version of Python are you using? Even if 2.7 is EOL soon please give it a try.

Afaik latest awx uses Python3 in version 3.6