timonweb / django-bulma

Bulma theme for Django

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Possible conflict with AllAuth?

hugoelliott opened this issue · comments

I'm setting up a Django project using AllAuth for user authentication, and django-bulma to provide styling on forms.

The Signup and Login pages work well, however, when I include "{{form**|bulma**}}" in the Logout form, an error message is generated (pls see attached).

If I remove the "|bulma" the Logout page functions

The code on my form is

{% extends '_base.html' %}
{% load bulma_tags %}
{% block content %}

Log Out

Are you sure you want to Log Out?

{% csrf_token %} {{form|bulma}}

Log Out

{% endblock content %}


How do you use AllAuth, can you give me an example?, is the only thing I need.

The allauth support has been dropped. It's up to a developer to integrate it with bulma now.