timctho / convolutional-pose-machines-tensorflow

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Fasten in cpu

Zumbalamambo opened this issue · comments

It is laggy in cpu. how can I optimize it?

You might need a Nvidia GPU that supports CUDA to run in realtime. For CPU, check if Tensorflow provides any optimization for it. And of course you can reduce the input image size or train a smaller model by yourself to get a speedup.

Also in the code, find the line "sess.run([model.stage_heatmap[5]]...", you can adjust the number from 0 to 5 which means how many stages are used. This is a trade-off between speed and accuracy.

Can you please tell me how I can train my own model?

hi !

thanks for your work!

can you tell me what kind of data you used for training?

You need to feed placeholder with "input image", "center map", "joint heat map", please read the paper for more detail. I will release my training script after some refactors.

I manually labeled thousands of images with 2D joint locations, and generate some 3D model images from LibHand. If you find publicly available dataset please let me know too.

do you mean you generate the hand images with LibHand and label the joints positions on the generated images by yourself?

LibHand can not only generate images but also with joints labels, by projecting 3D model joints onto 2D image spaces.

@timctho Hi timctho, thanking for you sharing of your project. I am doing my training with it. However I have some confusion about it, could you please do me a favor?

  1. Need I feed background channel? cause I noticed that shihenw uses 4th channel which represents the background, and its values are all 0. actually I don't know why need to do this. While in your project, the input image still have 3 channels, right? and I just need to generate background heatmap, then the total number of groundtruth heatmap is (nun_of_joints + 1), am i right?
  2. The center of center_map is the center of torsobox, right? but what is the sigma of it , how can I determine it?

Thank you very much!