timcharper / homebridge-vivint

Integrates Vivint security system with Apple Home

Repository from Github https://github.comtimcharper/homebridge-vivintRepository from Github https://github.comtimcharper/homebridge-vivint

Camera streams not able to add

jeffmcnabb opened this issue · comments

Did Camera streams end up getting removed? I have not been able to get any of mine to stream video; they only show up as PIV Motion. Is there some type of extra config needed? Or is it something can I can add through FFMPEG plugin?

I was thinking the same thing, I did not see my cameras come up either. @daymondm posted in #20 that you can add your cameras separately using the ffmpeg-homebridge plugin, see #1

Check out my fork , in version 0.0.10 I added a config parameter to simplify adding cameras to the ffmpeg plugin. All you'll need to do is run the plugin with a showCameraConfig flag enabled in config - valid config file for each camera will be displayed in the log.