tillkahlbrock / vim-sheet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vim Sheet


  • h: left
  • j: down
  • k: up
  • l: right
  • w: jump to the next word
  • e: jump to the end of the current word
  • b: jump to the last word
  • H: jump to the top of the document
  • L: Goto the last line
  • 3G: Goto the third line starting from the top of the document
  • L: Goto the last line
  • 3L: Goto the third line starting from the end of the document
  • J: join the current line and the next line
  • 3J: join the current line and the next two lines


  • :sp : open in new horizontal window
  • :vs : open in new vertical window
  • ctrl-w j: focus the next window
  • ctrl-w k: focus the previous window
  • ctrl-w ctrl-w: cycle through all windows
  • :qa: close all windows at once

Spell Checking

  • :local spell [spelllang=en_us]: enables spell checking for the optional language
  • zg: add the word under the cursor to the dictionary
  • :Gstatus: git status
  • :Gwrite: git add %
  • :Gremove: git rm %
  • :Gread: git checkout %
  • :Gcommit
