tihom / mango

Parallel Hyperparameter Optimization in Python

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Mango: A parallel black-box optimization library

Mango is a python library for parallel optimization over complex search spaces. Currently, Mango is intended to find the optimal hyperparameters for machine learning algorithms. Mango internally uses parallel implementation of a multi-armed bandit bayesian optimizer based on the gaussian process. Some of the salient features of Mango are:

  • Ability to easily define complex search spaces that are compatible with the scikit-learn random search and gridsearch functions.
  • Internally uses state of the art optimizer which allows sampling a batch of values in parallel for evaluation.
  • The objective function can be arbitrarily complex, which can be scheduled on local, cluster, or cloud infrastructure.
  • The ease of usage was kept in mind with the ability to plugin new distributions for search space and new optimizer algorithms.


  1. Mango Setup
  2. Simple Example
  3. Tune Hyperparameters of KNeighborsClassifier
  4. Domain Space of Variables
  5. More on Objective Function
  6. Controlling Mango Configurations
  7. Schedule Objective Function on Celery
  8. Parallel Algorithms
  9. Tune Hyperparameters of Facebook Prophet
  10. Tune Hyperparameters of xgboost XGBRegressor
  11. Tune Hyperparameters of xgboost XGBClassifier
  12. Tune Hyperparameters of SVM
  13. More Examples
  14. Contact & Questions

1. Mango Setup

Clone the Mango repository, and from the Mango directory.
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 setup.py install

Testing the installation.

$ cd PATH/mango/mango/test
$ pytest

2. Simple Example

Mango is straightforward to use. The current example finds an optimal value of the identity function whose input is a single variable between 1 and 1000. More examples are available in the directory mango/examples.

from mango.tuner import Tuner

param_dict = {"a": range(1,1000)} # Search space of variables
def objectiveFunction(args_list): # Identity Objective Function
    a = args_list[0]['a']
    return [a]

tuner_identity = Tuner(param_dict, objectiveFunction) # Initialize Tuner

results = tuner_identity.maximize() # Run Tuner
print('Optimal value of a:',results['best_params'],' and objective:',results['best_objective'])

Sample output of above example.

Optimal value of a: {'a': 999}  and objective: 999

More details about this simple example are available here.

3. Mango Example to Tune Hyperparameters of KNeighborsClassifier

from mango.tuner import Tuner

from scipy.stats import uniform

# n_neighbors can vary between 1 and 50, with different choices of algorithm
param_dict = {"n_neighbors": range(1, 50),
              'algorithm' : ['auto', 'ball_tree', 'kd_tree', 'brute']

# Objective function for KNN
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

X, Y = datasets.load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True)

def objectiveKNN(args_list): # arg_list is list of hyperpar values
    global X,Y # Data is loaded only once
    evaluations = []
    for hyper_par in args_list:
        clf = KNeighborsClassifier(**hyper_par)
        accuracy  = cross_val_score(clf, X, Y, scoring='accuracy').mean()
    return evaluations

tuner_knn = Tuner(param_dict, objectiveKNN)
results = tuner_knn.maximize()

print('best parameters:',results['best_params'])
print('best accuracy:',results['best_objective'])

Sample output of the above example. Note output may be different for machine.

best parameters: {'algorithm': 'auto', 'n_neighbors': 11}
best accuracy: 0.931486122714193

4. Domain Space of Variables

The domain space defines the search space of variables from which optimal values are chosen. Mango allows definitions of domain space to define complex search spaces. Domain space definitions are compatible with the RandomizedSearchCV of the scikit-learn. The parameter dictionary concept of scikit-learn is used. Dictionary with parameter names (string) as keys and distributions or lists of parameters to try. Distributions must provide a rvs method for sampling (such as those from scipy.stats.distributions). If a list is given, it is sampled uniformly. We have defined a new loguniform distribution by extending the scipy.stats.distributions constructs.

loguniform can be used in SVM classifiers where C parameter can have search space defined using loguniform distribution. In these definitions, categorical/discrete variables are defined using list of strings. A list of ints is considered as the variable having interger values. Some of the sample domain space definitions are shown.

from scipy.stats import uniform
param_dict = {"a": uniform(0, 1), # uniform distribution
              "b": range(1,5), # Integer variable
              "c":[1,2,3], # Integer variable
              "d":["-1","1"] # Categorical variable
from scipy.stats import uniform
param_dict = {"learning_rate": uniform(0.01, 0.5),
              "gamma": uniform(0.5, 0.5),
              "max_depth": range(1,14),
              "n_estimators": range(500,2000),
              "subsample": uniform(0.7, 0.3),
              "colsample_bytree":uniform(0.3, 0.7),
              "colsample_bylevel":uniform(0.3, 0.7),
              "min_child_weight": range(1,10)}
from mango.domain.distribution import loguniform
param_dict = {"changepoint_prior_scale": loguniform(-3, 1),
              'seasonality_prior_scale' : loguniform(1, 2)
from scipy.stats import uniform
from distribution import loguniform
param_dict = {"kernel": ['rbf'],
              "gamma": uniform(0.1, 4),
              "C": loguniform(-7, 8)}

5. More on Objective Function

The serial objective function has the following structure.

def objective_function(params_list):
    evaluations = []
    for hyper_par in params_list:
        result =  evaluate_function_on_hyper_par
    return evaluations

The objective function is called with the input list of hyper parameters. Each element of the list is the dictionary which is a sample drawn from the domain space of variables. Mango expects the objective function to return the list of evaluations which has the same size as the args_list. Each value of the evaluations list is the function evaluated at hyperparameters of params_list in the same order. A rich set of objective functions are shown in the examples. The size of the params_list is controlled by the batch_size configuration parameter of Mango. By default, batch_size is 1. The configuration parameters of Mango are explained in the Mango Configurations section.

The sample skeleton of the Celery based parallel objective function in Mango is as following.

def objective_celery(params_list):
    process_queue = []
    for par in params_list:
        process = train_clf.delay(par)
        process_queue.append((process, par))
    evals = []
    params = []
    for process, par in process_queue:
        result = process.get()
    return evals, params

6. Controlling Mango Configurations

The default configuration parameters used by the Mango as below:

{'param_dict': ...,
 'userObjective': ...,
 'domain_size': 5000,
 'initial_random': 1,
 'num_iteration': 20,
 'objective': 'maximize',
 'batch_size': 1}

The configuration parameters are explained:

  • domain_size: The size which is explored in each iteration by the gaussian process. Generally, a larger size is prefered if higher dimensional functions are optimized. More on this will be added with details about the internals of bayesian optimization.
  • initial_random: The number of random samples tried.
  • num_iteration: The total number of iterations used by Mango to find the optimal value.
  • objective: Default objective of maximizing is used. Minimize objective is not supported yet. Minimize objective can be achieved by evaluating the negative of the function.
  • batch_size: The size of args_list passed to the objective function for parallel evaluation. For larger batch sizes, Mango internally uses intelligent sampling to decide the optimal samples to evaluate.

The default configuration parameters can be modified, as shown below. Only the parameters whose values need to adjusted can be passed as the dictionary.

conf_dict = dict()
conf_dict['batch_size'] = 5
conf_dict['num_iteration'] = 40
conf_dict['domain_size'] = 10000
conf_dict['initial_random'] = 3

tuner_user = Tuner(param_dict, objective_Xgboost,conf_dict) 

# Now tuner_user can be used as shown in other examples.

7. Schedule Objective Function on Celery

User-defined objective function can be scheduled on local, cluster or cloud infrastructure. The objective function scheduler is entirely independent of the Mango. This design was chosen to enable the scheduling of varied resource objective function according to developer needs. We have included examples using Celery. In the sample examples, celery workers are used to evaluate the objective function in parallel. These examples assume celery is installed, and workers are running. Default celery configurations can be modified in the file.

More examples will be included to show the scheduling of objective function using local threads/processes. By default examples schedule the objective function on the local machine itself.

8. Mango Algorithms

The optimization algorithms in Mango are based on widely used Bayesian optimization techniques, extended to sample a batch of configurations in parallel. Currently, Mango provides two parallel optimization algorithms that use the upper confidence bound as the acquisition function. The first algorithm uses hallucination combined with exponential rescaling of the surrogate function to select a batch. In the second algorithm, we create clusters of acquisition function in spatially distinct search spaces, and select the maximum value within each cluster to create the batch.

More Details

Details about specifying parameter/variable domain space, user objective function, and internals of Mango will be added. Please stay tuned. For any questions feel free to reach out to Sandeep Singh Sandha (iotresearch@arm.com)


Parallel Hyperparameter Optimization in Python

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.4%Language:Python 0.6%