tighten / easy-embeddable-polls


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easy-embeddable-polls provides you with Vue components for easily embedding polls into your website. Two components are offered out of the box:

  • A basic Poll configurable by use of props. Outputs simple markup with semantic class names.
  • A RenderlessPoll which follows the renderless component pattern. This option gives you complete control over the markup of the poll while still allowing easy-embeddable-polls to handle the business logic for you.


Quick and Easy (ideal for Wordpress/Drupal/etc sites where you need a working poll ASAP)

Add this code to your <head> tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/easy-embeddable-polls@latest/dist/easyEmbeddablePolls.css">

Then add this code right before your </body> tag:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@latest"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/easy-embeddable-polls@latest"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  Vue.component('poll', easyEmbeddablePolls.Poll);
  Vue.component('renderless-poll', easyEmbeddablePolls.RenderlessPoll);
  new Vue({
    el: '#poll',

Now place the following markup where you want the poll to appear:

<div id="poll">
  <poll :choices="['Skittles', 'Starburst', 'Nerds']" endpoint="https://example.com"></poll>

Just replace the choices values with your actual choices and the endpoint with your URL.


First, install easy-embeddable-polls via your preferred package manager:

$ npm install easy-embeddable-polls --save

Then register any relevant components in your JavaScript:

import Vue from 'vue';
import { Poll, RenderlessPoll } from 'easy-embeddable-polls';

Vue.component('poll', Poll);
Vue.component('renderless-poll', RenderlessPoll);

Now you can use the components in your markup:

<poll :choices="['Skittles', 'Starburst', 'Nerds']"></poll>


Simply include vue & easy-embeddable-polls - we recommend using unpkg.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@latest"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/easy-embeddable-polls@latest"></script>

Note: You can point to a specific version of either package by replacing @latest with a specific version number, e.g. easy-embeddable-polls@0.2.10.

You can optionally include our default css file, which includes basic styling for the poll:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/easy-embeddable-polls@latest/dist/easyEmbeddablePolls.css">

Then register any relevant components in your JavaScript:

Vue.component('poll', easyEmbeddablePolls.Poll);
Vue.component('renderless-poll', easyEmbeddablePolls.RenderlessPoll);

Now you can use the components inside your Vue app:

<poll :choices="['Skittles', 'Starburst', 'Nerds']"></poll>

See a full example on our demo.


Poll Component

The basic Poll component offers a handful of props that allow you to customize your poll. These props are outlined below:


Name Type Default value Description
allowCustomAnswer Boolean false Gives users the option to enter a custom answer via a text field.
buttonText String "Submit Answer" Text that will appear in the submit button.
choices Array [] An array of answers users can choose in your poll.
customAnswerLabel String "Other" The label that will appear for the custom answer option.
endpoint String undefined A URL where your poll answers will be submitted to. Alternatively, if your form is submitting to a FieldGoal form, the fieldGoalFormKey prop can be used.
errorMessage String "There was an error submitting your answer." A message that will be displayed if there is an error submitting your poll. Supports HTML.
fieldGoalFormKey String undefined Form key for a FieldGoal form. If used, the endpoint prop will be overwritten with a FieldGoal URL.
multipleChoice Boolean false Determines whether or not a user can choose choose multiple answers.
requestConfig Object {} An axios configuration object that will be used on your poll submission request.
submitErrorHook Function Empty function A callback that is run when an error is encountered after a poll is submitted. Receives an error object as a parameter.
submitSuccessHook Function Empty function A callback that is run after your poll has been successfully submitted. Receives a response object as a parameter.
thankYouMessage String "Your answer has been submitted." A message that will be displayed after a user submits your poll. Supports HTML.
title String undefined A title that will appear at the top of your poll.


The Poll component uses semantic CSS class names to give you control over the look and feel of your poll. You can see each class and how they are used in our demo.

Alternatively, you can include our default CSS file which adds some basic styling to the poll:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/easy-embeddable-polls@latest/dist/easyEmbeddablePolls.css">

RenderlessPoll Component

A RenderlessPoll component is offered in addition to the Poll component for situations where you need to heavily customize the outputted markup of the poll. The RenderlessPoll component follows the renderless component pattern. We will not dive into the concept of renderless components in this documentation, instead recommending you read the previously linked article to familiarize yourself.

Below is an example of an implementation of the RenderlessPoll component, including all slot props. It should be noted as well that the Poll component itself is an implementation of the RenderlessPoll component.

<renderless-poll endpoint="http://www.example.com" :choices="['Skittles', 'Starburst', 'Nerds']">
  <div slot-scope="{ allowCustomAnswer, buttonAttrs, buttonEvents, buttonText, choices, choiceAttrs, choiceEvents, customAnswerChoiceAttrs, customAnswerChoiceEvents, customAnswerChoiceSelected, customAnswerInputAttrs, customAnswerInputEvents, customAnswerLabel, error, errorMessage, inputType, submitted, thankYouMessage, title }">
    <div v-if="error" v-html="errorMessage"></div>
    <div v-else-if="submitted" v-html="thankYouMessage"></div>
    <div v-else>
      <span v-if="title">
        {{ title }}
        v-for="choice in choices"
        <label :for="choice">{{ choice }}</label>
      <div v-if="allowCustomAnswer">
        <label for="custom_answer_choice">{{ customAnswerLabel }}</label>
        {{ buttonText }}

Request Payload

Both components work by sending a payload with a single answer key to your specified endpoint. The value is either a string (for single answer polls) or an array (for polls that allow multiple choice). Below are some examples:

  answer: 'Starburst'
  answer: [





License:MIT License


Language:Vue 57.1%Language:JavaScript 28.9%Language:CSS 9.9%Language:HTML 4.1%