tibold / svg-explorer-extension

Extension module for Windows Explorer to render SVG thumbnails, so that you can have an overview of your SVG files

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RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3

kelderek opened this issue · comments

When I try to install on a fresh Windows 10 Pro install, the install fails with the following message:

C:\Program Files\SVG Explorer\Extension\SVGThumbnailExtension.dll

Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3.

I have narrowed it down to there being no VC runtime installed on the computer. The installer tries to register the DLL before installing the VC runtimes. If I manually install the one packaged with the installer and rerun the install, it works fine. I have also tried with the 2015 VC runtime and it works (and then installs the 2017 VC runtime).

The installer needs to run the VC install before attempting to register the DLL.

I have tried with 1.0.0 and the current dev build. I think you could use the PrepareToInstall function of Innosetup to install it before copying the rest of the files:

I just created a pull request for you that resolves this issue. I have tested it on my fresh computer and it works perfectly. I ended up just using the existing CurStepChanged call you are using to accomplish it instead of adding a call to PrepareToInstall - they both accomplish the same goal and this keeps it simpler. It could probably use some error checking like aborting the install if the VC runtime fails, though.

Thanks for your help!
Just posted a release containing your changes.