tiangolo / uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi-docker

Docker image with Uvicorn managed by Gunicorn for high-performance FastAPI web applications in Python with performance auto-tuning.

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docker-compose and gunicorn_conf.py file preparation?

laxmimerit opened this issue · comments

I want to pass custom settings for Gunicorn and Uvicorn for workers settings. I have followed this file
So I have added gunicorn_conf.py file in my /app/ folder. Directory structure is as follows

          |- gunicorn_conf.py

The content of gunicorn_conf.py

import json
import multiprocessing
import os

workers_per_core_str = os.getenv("WORKERS_PER_CORE", "10")
max_workers_str = os.getenv("MAX_WORKERS")
use_max_workers = None
if max_workers_str:
    use_max_workers = int(max_workers_str)
web_concurrency_str = os.getenv("WEB_CONCURRENCY", None)

host = os.getenv("HOST", "")
port = os.getenv("PORT", "80")
bind_env = os.getenv("BIND", None)
use_loglevel = os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "info")
if bind_env:
    use_bind = bind_env
    use_bind = f"{host}:{port}"

cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
workers_per_core = float(workers_per_core_str)
default_web_concurrency = workers_per_core * cores
if web_concurrency_str:
    web_concurrency = int(web_concurrency_str)
    assert web_concurrency > 0
    web_concurrency = max(int(default_web_concurrency), 2)
    if use_max_workers:
        web_concurrency = min(web_concurrency, use_max_workers)
accesslog_var = os.getenv("ACCESS_LOG", "-")
use_accesslog = accesslog_var or None
errorlog_var = os.getenv("ERROR_LOG", "-")
use_errorlog = errorlog_var or None
graceful_timeout_str = os.getenv("GRACEFUL_TIMEOUT", "120")
timeout_str = os.getenv("TIMEOUT", "120")
keepalive_str = os.getenv("KEEP_ALIVE", "5")

# Gunicorn config variables
loglevel = use_loglevel
workers = web_concurrency
bind = use_bind
errorlog = use_errorlog
worker_tmp_dir = "/dev/shm"
accesslog = use_accesslog
graceful_timeout = int(graceful_timeout_str)
timeout = int(timeout_str)
keepalive = int(keepalive_str)

# For debugging and testing
log_data = {
    "loglevel": loglevel,
    "workers": workers,
    "bind": bind,
    "graceful_timeout": graceful_timeout,
    "timeout": timeout,
    "keepalive": keepalive,
    "errorlog": errorlog,
    "accesslog": accesslog,
    # Additional, non-gunicorn variables
    "workers_per_core": workers_per_core,
    "use_max_workers": use_max_workers,
    "host": host,
    "port": port,

And content of docker-compose.yml

version: '3'
      context: .
      - ./app:/app
      - "80:80"

    command: bash -c "uvicorn main:app --reload --host --port 80"
    # Infinite loop, to keep it alive, for debugging
    # command: bash -c "while true; do echo 'sleeping...' && sleep 10; done"

My server is not picking parameters of gunicorn_conf.py.

Am I missing something here?

Anyone here who can help me?

I have also tried to pass - GUNICORN_CONF='/app/gunicorn_conf.py' as environment variable. It is not getting picked. On concurrent request only 1 CPU is reaching 100% and others are around 5%. How can I make all CPU work at 100%.

I assume you solved it, thanks for closing the issue 👍