tiangolo / poetry-version-plugin

Poetry plugin for dynamically extracting the package version from a __version__ variable or a Git tag.

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Poetry complains about no git tag during export or lock

sl304227-nh opened this issue · comments

Would it be possible to bypass this git tag check except and only during a build? We only need it during a build right.

During Dockerfile builds or any other shell commands, it complains about not having a tag for basic poetry commands. It should only complain during a poetry build.

  poetry-version-plugin: No Git tag found, not extracting dynamic version

  at /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/poetry_version_plugin/plugin.py:106 in activate
      102│                     "poetry-version-plugin: No Git tag found, not "
      103│                     "extracting dynamic version"
      104│                 )
      105│                 io.write_error_line(message)
    → 106│                 raise RuntimeError(message)

It appears we could make a boolean in the pyproject.toml file that could help us:

source = "git-tag"
git-tag-check = false

Then in the plugin.py, after checking for exit code, if we get a non-zero, we could simply warning.warn() the message, rather than raise an exception. We could raise the exception if git-tag-check = true of course.

What do you think?

I think the most elegant is definitely to only check on poetry build commands, and not on any other command.

I've just discovered this package (which is awesome on the surface) but this issue is proving a dealbreaker for me


  • macOS 14.2.1
  • Python 3.10.13
  • Poetry 1.7.1

Has anybody found a decent workaround, or should I try another package, like https://pypi.org/project/poetry-dynamic-versioning/?