tiangolo / full-stack-fastapi-template

Full stack, modern web application template. Using FastAPI, React, SQLModel, PostgreSQL, Docker, GitHub Actions, automatic HTTPS and more.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Alternative template project during reconstruction

bereydev opened this issue · comments

Hey devs!

While using this repo since 2019 in my team we continuously kept improving it. We eventually came up with a more compact version oriented for BE development (not full-stack) of this repo with all the libraries up to date to the latest version and includes a bunch of other features like "Facebook", "Google" and "Github" auth out of the box and file management.

The repo is open-source to thank for all the years FastAPI and this repo were my go to for personal and commercial projects.
Feel free to contribute and publish some issues/PR as me and my team at Bereyziat Development are maintaining this actively!

CleanShot 2024-01-28 at 19 13 59@2x

Hope it will help you get started with your project and reach the one who are impatiently waiting for the (re)constructed version of the full-stack-fastapi-postgresql repo to be published!

Have a nice day! 😁