tiagojferreira / ActiveDirectory

Active Directory Object Model Lib

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About 7 years history - start from 2010 (https://landpyactivedirectory.codeplex.com/), which will help you to manage Active Directory easily! This library has been used in Lenovo, Tempursealy, Sony, BoostSolutions and other corporations. Enjoy it! I have started my biz! https://fewbox.com

Get From Nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Landpy.ActiveDirectory/

.Net Core Version

E.G: Update a user AD object.

using (var userObject = UserObject.FindOneByCN(this.ADOperator, “pangxiaoliang”))``
     if(userObject.Email == "example@landpy.com")``
          userObject.Email = "marketing@fewbox.com";``

E.G: Query user AD objects.

// 1. CN end with "liu", Mail conatains "live" (Eg: marketing@fewbox.com),
// job title is "Dev" and AD object type is user.
// 2. CN start with "pang", Mail conatains "live" (Eg: marketing@fewbox.com),
// job title is "Dev" and AD object type is user.
            IFilter filter =
                new And(
                    new IsUser(),
                    new Contains(PersonAttributeNames.Mail, "live"),
                    new Is(PersonAttributeNames.Title, "Dev"),
                    new Or(
                            new StartWith(AttributeNames.CN, "pang"),
                            new EndWith(AttributeNames.CN, "liu")
// Output the user object display name.
foreach (var userObject in UserObject.FindAll(this.ADOperator, filter))
    using (userObject)

E.G: Custom query.

IFilter filter =
    new And(
        new IsUser(),
        new Custom("(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)")
// Output the user object display name.
foreach (var userObject in UserObject.FindAll(this.ADOperator, filter))
    using (userObject)


Active Directory Object Model Lib


Language:C# 94.0%Language:GAP 6.0%